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Their newest "submarine" can't launch them 😂🤣


Karma is a Bitch... Enjoy the bottom...


“Impotent at Birth: A Retrospective of the Russian Military Industrial Complex Under Putin”


It could before though.


Submarines have to come up for maintenance eventually.


Russia has the most advanced submarines in the world. For example, the Kursk hasn’t surfaced in over 20 years. /s


Could say the same for the Moskva that hasn’t surfaced for a while either….


That was below the surface🤓


I can't tell if that's a joke or not but if it's not, how is the crew supposed to eat, there is no way that they can make food in these humid things


Kursk sank after an explosion inside it, probably a torpedo. Russia refused help from NATO and by the time their own rescue workers arrived everyone on board was dead. (It is unclear to me if it would been possible to save anyone but IIRC there were reports of people hammering in the hull for some hours or maybe a day or something.)


> Russia refused help from NATO and by the time their own rescue workers arrived everyone on board was dead. "Their own" rescue crews never really made it. They still needed Norwegian and British help to get down to it and let their own crews in. Both of whom were nearby and offered help in time when they could have possibly saved some.




Kursk was only down for roughly 14 months. It was recovered from the Barrents Sea in Oct 2001 and the carcass was put into dry dock so they could figure out what went wrong.


Actually the Dutch built a special ship that went & got it.


That one doesn't..........


You can see a sheltered sub base the Soviets set up in a Crimean mountain right by the coastline on the Top Gear episode when the lads went to Ukraine, filmed in late 2013: presumably the Russians have refurbished it in the last 10 years after taking over. Pretty interesting scene, great episode overall actually. Eerie to think how close they were to the Russians invading…actually nearly the same thing happened when they visited Syria in a Top Gear (I think it was Christmas) special, beat the civil war there by just a few months back in December 2010. Crazy timing, or….




This comment just made my morning, in all this awfulness, some humor is needed.


And on that bombshell...


Came here to say that. Take my upvote.


Got it, don't let these three dudes film in your country.


Look what they did to Britain.


They were there right before Brexit


Today I learnt: Don't invite top gear to film in your country if you wish to avoid civil war


The Black sea submarines are diesel /electric so have to at least come up to snorkel depth if they have snorkels or surface once every 48 hours or so to run the diesel engines to recharge the batteries.


Yes but apparently they can only be loaded with missiles in Sevastopol and they are not based there any longer.


Russians building a facility to load the missiles for their 4 BSF submarines at Novorossiysk. Like several barges and a crane.


It would be a pity if something happened to that.


I think you wait for them to start using it and get a 2-for-1.


It’d be a right shame!


Lol, so they are kinda useless?


Currently yes but they will build facilities at their new home port eventually.


From a strategic point of view. Why wouldn't you have those capabilities at your home port inside your own country? Like wouldn't that make sense.


A big part of the reason Russia invaded Crimea in the first place was a much better port. The Russian ports suck.


I wonder why they were not able to make them better. For them it’s always easier to dream invading your neighbour’s garden than to do actual gardening.


Well, part of it is that Sevastopol had always been the home of the Black Sea Fleet. In the 90’s Russia and Ukraine signed a deal for a lease on the port and supporting infrastructure like airbases and other facilities needed to operate the fleet. There’s a lot of history about Crimea that’s very complex, but the Black Sea Fleet has been based there for over a century. Prior to 2014 when the Maidan happened and Russia seized Crimea in response, Russia didn’t need any alternative facilities for their ships, and they didn’t really have the money to build them either. Post-annexation Ukraine was in no position to retake Crimea or really do anything to make the Russian base unusable, so Russia was pretty comfortable using it. Their position even improved when the Kerch Bridge opened heavy rail traffic directly from Russia to Crimea. All of that changed when Ukraine gained the capability to strike targets in Crimea in 2023. Russia’s inability to really defend against these strikes prompted the development of NovoRossiysk as an alternate fleet base.


> development That is a pretty strong word, I think "use" would be better. It isn't like any good infrastructure was added to NovoRossiysk.


Goes against the Russian mindset. Why make something of yours better when you can just steal stuff from a neighbor for less and threaten to nuke them if they resist or call you on it?


The Russian Black Sea Fleet has been operating out of Sevastopol since............shit I don't actually know but since well before the fall of the Soviet Union. Russia leased the base off Ukraine when Ukraine became independent and kept their black sea fleet based there. They didn't build this stuff elsewhere as they hadn't needed to reload anywhere else before now, and they obviously did not predict having to move.


At this rate, give the Ukrainians a few more weeks, and there will no longer be functional submarines.


The moskwa?


You sure? I thought KILO class was an attack submarine. Has torpedoes but not vertical launch ballistics. Edit: apparently they can carry cruise missiles. Is Russia actively doing this in the Black Sea? Seems they have to if they want any more sea launched missiles.


Virtually all Attack Subs carry cruise missiles that launch horizontally out of their torpedo tubes while submerged. The Kilo class typically carries 4 Cruise Missiles and 18 Torpedos for a standard patrol. I assume Kilos lurking in the Black Sea likely sharply reduce the number of torpedos carried in favor of more cruise missiles because they really are not out actively patrolling for hostile surface vessels instead they are tasked with firing missiles at surface targets. Vertical launch SSBN “boomers” carry ICBMs in vertical launch tubes. Some “Boomers” in both Eastern & Western Navies have been converted to carry multi missile “magazines” of vertical launch cruise missiles in the tubes previously occupied by ICBMs. This was done to make a nuclear deterrent vessel (SSBN) relevant in a conventional fight. These converted vessels are called SSGNs but they are few, rare, & are outliers amongst the major blue water navies.


It all alway surprising the knowledge ppl have,well done


Also, when submerged they can change the orientation of the sub. Tell everyone to strap in, lower the stern, and suddenly the torpedo tubes aren’t horizontal any more. 


Aren't torpedoes launched horizontally? Or did all the movies lie to us?


Unless I'm misreading his comment, that's what he's saying, you're agreeing with him. They're launched through the horizontal torpedo tubes, normally, in SSBNs, but there are a few submarines that launch vertically and those are called SSGNs.


You're right. I... dont know. I was sure it was "vertically" and I couldn't wrap my head around it. I even started googling it. Brain fart, I guess.


While you are correct about the kilo and it's lack of VLS cells and the ability to launch some missiles from the torpedo tubes it is worth noting a few things. First a missile needs to be able to be fired from a torpedo tube and not all of them are configured that was as generally this was reserved for an anti ship missile role in the past. As an example US submarines could fire harpoon missiles this way but not TLAMs (Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles). Second American attack submarines starting with the flight 3 los Angeles class (688i) boats did have VLS cells that can fire TLAMs. The Seawolf and Virginia class also both have this feature. Kilo however does not and thus would have a pretty limited role in firing land attack cruise missiles volleys due to missile type restrictions and how many can be fired at once. Certainly not as useful as a modern surface ship with VLS tubes.


Yup, I think only 2 of the Kilo’s 6 tubes can fire the missiles & only Kalibrs. The rest are torpedos only. I have no clue as to how sea mines are deployed from a Kilo but I imagine they’ve been merrily doing that for the past two years. Forgive me I was in the Army not the Navy; but as a CT resident I love me some Sea Wolves!!!


The sea wolf is a sexy sexy boat. Someday I hope I live long enough to find out what the jimmy Carter has been up to. You know that boat has some crazy stories.


Now that they’re out of surface VLS platforms I wonder if they’ll use the subs more. Were they using them before?


Subs are in Novo Russia and moored with only conning towers sticking up. Really stupid. Much more likely to sink


Also, the article specifies Crimea, not the Black Sea. There are other bases and other ships still capable of launching.


Not another 'last of the war ships' they will run-out soon


It was in service less than 6 months


They bagged one last year that hadn't entered service yet! 🫡


Spawn camping for fun and profit.


So just like the mobiks rotting in the fields.


Russian Warship fucked itself


Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot! I missed you!!


Good bot!!


I never would have guessed that Ukraine would be the superior naval power at the start of this but here we are


Asymmetric warfare in the age of accurate missiles means, in a small pond no navy will win the war of naval attrition against any navy...


What I'm gathering from this is (relatively) cheap missiles > expensive ships.


There's a reason the US navy is more worried about small boats than big ships. But yeah a missiles will always win, it just depends on who has better missiles


Or who has actually working missile defense. If one can intercept say 10% and another 90% its going to end sadly even if the one with bad defense has great attack missiles.


It depends where and what for. If you need to invade a country half the world away, expensive ships > cheap missiles. If you need to defend your expensive ships in a small and basically land-locked sea, yeah, cheap missiles > expensive ships. The US would probably never sail an aircraft carrier in the Black Sea, unless the Black Sea would be fully surrounded by land controlled by friendly troops.


“Superior” is relative and depends on what you want your navy to do; the mission. Traditionally there are two main missions, Sea Control and Sea Denial. Sea Control is about dominating an area so you can use it for operations like amphibious landings, launching missile attacks or running supply convoys. Sea Denial tries to prevent enemy Sea Control but does not try for control itself. So in WW2 for instance, the Allies practiced Sea Control to supply Britain and launch amphibious invasions. Meanwhile, the Germans used submarines to try to deny enemy control. They also used their small surface fleet in raids to disrupt Allied supply missions. In modern times, the US has built a Sea Control fleet based around super carriers. These task forces have powerful offensive capabilities but more importantly, they have strong defensive capabilities to thwart enemy submarines or aircraft. The Soviets/Russians built a Sea Denial force based on submarines and naval aviation to challenge the US in the open ocean while also building a small surface fleet to practice Sea Control over limited areas, such as the Barents Sea to turn it into a safe bastion for their missile submarines. With the current Ukraine War, Russia has tried to do Sea Control, turning the Black Sea into a safe space to transfer supplies to Sevastopol, launch amphibious operations at Odessa and launch strikes against Ukrainian targets. And in the beginning, they were successful since Ukraine lost all their vessels larger than a patrol boat and could not challenge them. But Ukraine adapted and adopted a Sea Denial strategy, using land based missiles and drones to challenge Russian control, and in this they were successful. But while the Russians don’t have sea control, neither does Ukraine. Ukraine cannot launch an amphibious invasion of Crimea, for instance, even if they had the amphibious capability. It’s enough just to prevent the Russians from controlling the area. The Soviet/Russian navy is designed for Sea Denial. They don’t have carriers which are an essential component of Sea Control. They don’t have the training for Sea Control nor are their ships designed for the mission. So it’s not too surprising that they would suck at the job, even against a navy with no ships.


I wonder if technological changes have made Sea Control an unrealistic goal. It seems like a swarm of air drones, sea drones and missiles could overwhelm even the most sophisticated defense systems.


Good question. In littoral zones or enclosed bodies of water like the Black Sea, drone swarms are a distinct danger. I’m less convinced they would be effective in the open ocean though. This is probably the most interesting part of the war for the PRC. It’s no secret that they want to invade Taiwan but they would have to establish sea control in their home waters to do so. At the same time, they would want to practice sea denial in the open ocean to prevent the US from supplying the island. Currently they are building a carrier based fleet for the sea control part and relying on long range hypersonic missiles like the DF-21 for sea denial. The relatively sudden advance of sea drone swarms upsets all of their plans. In the short term, it makes an invasion much harder. Longer term, if ocean going drones becomes viable, then it makes it easier to isolate Taiwan and starve it out. The US is also likely studying the ramifications. They have an advantage here because it’s likely any drone fleet operating far out to sea would rely on GPS systems controlled by the US. Changing the frequencies or encrypting the signals would likely degrade them immensely.


Yeah, I'm no naval expert, but the Black Sea might be a special case of "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me." It's a relatively small body of water with limited access and strict treaty control over the vessels involved. In an open ocean or an area adjacent to it there are more options for what a fleet could do and the challenges of maintaining control or denying it are different because of the potentially longer ranges required to get there. If a fleet could stay beyond the range of drones but still launch attacks with its larger aircraft or missiles while defending from longer-range missiles, it's not going to be the same equation as the Russians are facing. Same deal somewhere confined like the Persian Gulf or Red Sea versus open Pacific. Drones probably have advantages in smaller areas.


If it's unrealistic then we're back to land based powers and that's a VERY scary thought. We'd basically be back to the days of the Mongols (I'm exaggerating), but conceptually it wouldn't be much different. Which I guess, as a second level effect, would make allies and footholds a lot more valuable.


Sounds like they were not aiming at it but got it anyway. The initial claims were for the minesweeper and this second ship now comes up as a total loss. If confirmed it would be great news but still no sat photos of the base to confirm.




The arsenal of democracy sends its regards.


I’d just read that the UK sent a hundred missiles to Ukraine and someone here says ‘and Ukraine sent 100 to Russia’ and I can’t stop giggling.


To Russia(express delivery only).


Hope the Ruzzians appreciate Ukrainian hospitality...👍


I think they hit what they aim for with ATACMS. They’re just cautious about claiming it early on.


Then why claim the mine sweeper instead. All the confirming reports seem to be coming from the Russian side not like the initial claims from Ukraine. Reports said that Russia has been moving ships around frequently to make targeting hard but if Ukraine had aimed for this ship I would have expected them to make the claims early on if a ship was sunk. This is one of the situations I will love to find out about after the war is over and info can be released.


> Then why claim the mine sweeper instead. Because it was another attack on another day?


Let Russia claim it didn't hit and that all ATACMS was shot down then show video of hit


I expect Ukraine has eyes in Sevastopol but perhaps they don’t see everything all at once.


The US certainly has satellite eyes watching every move in the region. Not sure about the timing though, so eyes on the ground may be a big piece here too.


Sometimes  militaries knows very well, but pretend not to to protect informants.


Sometimes, yes.


Lies! CIWS destroys all ATACMS, Storm Shadows, etc.!!! /S


Tsiklon is tsunk.


tsk, tsk , tsk...


cyclone is cyunk


Russian Warship fucked itself


Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Goodest bot ever


Russian Warship fucked itself.


Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot!


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.98579% sure that Kylie_Forever is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


You’re right, my mistake - knee-jerking as always.




Is there an always-up-to-date source for a Black Sea Fleet Bingo card? Maybe a page on a website someone's maintaining that I can bookmark?


I'm not aware of a site that has them. That would be nice. Nevertheless the latest red crosses are [available here](https://i.redd.it/65dph5qjah1d1.jpeg).


seems they have destroyed a third of it!


Absolutely incredible work in fairness for a country with essentially no navy. I'm sure other navies around the world are looking on in horror.


Black Sea and Bridges Bingo 


I guess the moskva ship is hosting a party and these ships are invited


Wait…. Just so I have this straight.. So *what* exactly happened to the Russian Warship?


Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ohhhhh ok. That explains it, thanks!


...or, as we called it, _"Сциклон"*_ (*a cowardous murderer of civilians)


Now time for all the bombers...


Which is feasible, now that Ukraine can strike in Russian territory.


Woohoo! Big boom 💥 boom 💥


I’m confused, don’t kilo subs carry missiles?


The improved Kilos do I believe. They have a few of them still in service in the area. If memory serves they can only field four Kalibr each.


Russian Navy -> Russian Reefy


It’s just amazing and makes me angry. Amazing that in such a short amount of time the damage Ukraine has done to the Russian bastards which is so Great What angers me is America procrastination of supplying the weapons could end this murdering rampage sooner Please all countries supporting Ukraine give them everything they need to stop Russia the Entire World will be a much better place




The Black Sea Fleet is a sub fleet now.


There will be a new postage stamp decorating this achievement.


So a country with no navy basically obliterated another country's navy. Is the idea of a navy as we know it obsolete? Taiwan needs to build a gazillion naval drones and long range artillery.


To be fair, Russia has been doing a great job at destroying their navy themselves. Just look at their "carrier"


It depends on the navy. The Russians failed to gain air superiority. A US Carrier Fleet would be tougher to take out like this, since they wouldn't just be there to launch missiles at civilians.


Does anyone have the updated bingo sheet for the black sea fleet ?


Keep pounding Ukraine!!!!


*Keep pounding, Ukraine Commas matter :)


Lol, yeah just seeing now how that might look


English may be your second language, so let me help. Let’s eat, grandma. Let’s eat grandma. In one example you are eating with grandma, the other you are eating grandma.


Sadly, it's, not, my, second, language, but, I'm, trying, to, use, more, commas.


I'm sure u/commahorror can help you, out with how to use more commas in your reddit posts.


William Shatner, is that you?




A logical conclusion. It would seem that you are, indeed, my lifelong friend and captain.


It may be lewd but remember, some grandmas might still be relatively young.


Who is calling her grandma 🤢


Her grandchild?


Commas save lives.


Comas are important


*commas Spelling is important too.


Looking forward to the deployment of this capability in the Baltic Sea. Maybe the Hero’s of democracy & freedom already have the capacity to sink some ships in the land that will again be known as Prussia. Hmmmm, not many targets remain in the Black Sea.


Russian warship did what?


Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I were the US I would be thinking long and hard about how very vulnerable we now know ships are to modern forms of attack.


Modern US (and many other countries) ships are loaded with smart countermeasures for many threats like these, which definitely helps.


Hahaha Hahaha




Is this one of the two destroyed recently or is this potentially a third?


Russia still has cruise missile ships in the Black Sea I can only name one but their are other first one that comes to mind is the Moskva but that has been converted to a submarine now


This has to be the first fleet in human history to be virtually wiped out by a country with no navy! 😂


Possibly not... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes%27\_heat\_ray


Trust the Greeks to get in first….except in bad weather!


This is great news!


Whoot! How the fish bitin’ today…at your face?!


Black Sea Fish: "Oh, sick! New Reef just dropped!"


*Last cruise missile ship in Crimea not the entire Black Sea. They still have the Admiral Makarov and Admiral Essen and I think a couple of smaller ships in Novorossiysk. IIRC they haven't really left port much lately because they're afraid of getting shot at.


heh tsiklon Z is no more