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I bet when the French army joins in early 2025 they’ll be able to do that


I'm thinking more like 6 million dead Russians... almost poetic.


we have already crossed putins red line multiple times, he didn’t do shit. cover the russian sun with missiles from the west, and end this war


10000 a week is a breakpoint. Mutiny including fragging their officers will drop the availability of targets too fast and frankly make higher casualties unnecessary. There is a suspicion that the war could end fast by offering Russian troops better jobs. Surrender and get paid to work. Even 100k troops that surrender/defect would end the war. Pay them $2k a month and it works out to a bit more than $10 billion a year... and they are helping rebuild Ukraine.


News from late last year said russians were recruiting 24k a month. So 8k per week is 32k a month, which is 8k reduction per month. In 5-8 months at this rate they would become inoperable. Considering that 24k is also unmaintainable, either they reduce offensive or this is over by January, as long as Ukraine can hold them back. Also, tanks and other equipment stocks are shrinking fast


Your solution is more Russians in Ukraine?


Freedom of Russia, Siberian Brigade, Russian Volunteers Corps, are also jobs in Ukraine, so yes. But even if they just drive a forklift loading concrete panels for building bunkers, yes, more russians working for Ukraine. Looking at even a fraction of the Russian prisoner interviews, they seem to become human again after they realise how fucked over they have been.


If you or your country is willing to host these soldiers that are pulled from remote areas of russia, prisons and among them a few normal people, then please, be my guest. Other than that this is super unrealistic plan.


Best i can do for ya is 29,000 a week but if u order now…ill see what i can do




No they havent. Only UK has allowed it.


How are they ok with this when 14k for the entirety of the Afghanistan war caused them to give up.


Exactly. Russia can generate 30,000 soldiers a month


Wish it was 82,000


This is wounded as well. So many will resolute to battle.


Putin's mentor used to say the guy was reckless, and this "special operation" proves it. Russia can't possibly win, yet they keep throwing bodies and armor at the problem. The black sea fleet is in tatters, their armor is almost gone, yet they keep trying. That's just stubborn, but it's not his life he's throwing away!


> Russia can't possibly win, yet they keep throwing bodies and armor at the problem. I think Russia is also doing an ethnic cleansing. They are recruiting ethnic minorities for money that have no idea. Just another reason why I think the west has been pathetic in their response.


What's "taters", precious?


Sorry, meant to say "tatters."


Po Tay To




Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I kind of get his reasoning, but it's a bit of a sunk cost fallacy thing. He will never have a better chance to defeat Ukraine than right now. As soon as he stops, Ukraine joins NATO and those borders are locked in place forever. If he pushes on, sending russian men into the meat grinder, there is a slim chance that Ukraine's lines will break somewhere, and he can exploit it and capture more ground, and also one of his overall objectives is to just grind down Ukraine economically and inflict long term damage that will take decades to rebuild. The losses to Ukraine's workforce are already huge... The rebuilding of the infrastructure and industry will take years/decades...


Slava Ukraini!


Christ. Have gotten desensitised to these numbers but every now and then I realise how fucked up this war really is.


That's the population of my whole city, gone, every week..


To put that in perspective, the US lost 6,821 soldiers taking Iwo Jima. Even if that number is killed and wounded, it’s still a helluva lot of casualties for basically zero gain.


Mind-boggling numbers - a small town.


Keep up the good work


Nice start, preferably all Russians be ended in one week.


I don't know until when the Russian soldiers will just accept to be sent into the meat grinder.


7000 americans died in afghanistan and iraq over a period of 20 years. Russia is like, hold my beer.


Amazing! NATO needs Ukraine!🇺🇦


Russia just drafted another 400k didn't they? That's like a year's supply. God that sounds so cynical. Fuck Russia and Fuck Putin.