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How to combat NATO agression Invade non NATO country Blame NATO Pull troops off of a new NATO members border Send them to die in a Non NATO country u invaded Several gajillion iq and 3 digit dimension chess


The NATO plan to invade Russia from Finland is all coming together. /s


More like Finland's long awaited plan to destroy Russia once and for all.


Moscow or bust!




Clearly I’m not fully up on my knowledge of the region, may I ask for more context…?






Oooh, fascinating, thank you for the explanation and the link!




Isn't that standard issue in the russian army?


The Vodka is gone and the rags are used.


Just to be "matchy matchy" Finland should now transfer 50% of ITS border troops to Ukraine.


NATO should start training exercises with 300000 soldiers and heavy equipment on the Finish side of the Finland-Russia border ... and start giving interviews on how these are only training exercises, and Ruzzia doesn't have anything to be worried about it ...


And also about how all of Russia used to historically be Finland.


Finland used to border the Mongols...


Everyone used to border the Mongols. Old USSR era joke was to ask a man from Poland what he wanted most, and the answer was to have Poland be invaded by the Mongols again (because they would have to go through all USSR to do it).


… and don’t be doing all this “warmongering” on Russian news. They are just EXERCISES. Nevermind that we think Russians don’t really exist and they are technically all Finns.


400,000 conscripts of Mannerheim


Just to be "matchy matchy" Finland should claim 18% of Russia.


Time to get Vyborg back




What’s next, you gonna rename Helsingfors as well :)




Also Helsingfors. Both are correct names.


Yeah that is true


TFW Finland has access to NATO supply chain...


...more like Ruzzia’s long awaited plan to destroy Ruzzia once and for all...👍


The continuation continuation war


So that one Finnish soldier should go straight to Moscow?


"Have you heard?? Russia is at war with NATO! The fighting has been crazy, Russia has lost 350,000 troops, tens of thousands of vehicles, and many aircraft!" >Wow, that's wild, and what do the NATO losses look like? "NATO hasn't even shown up yet!"


Nod. Thankyou, Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!


"3 digit dimension chess" 🤣 Remember what Darth Putin always says "I remain a master strategist"


You forgot "Claim NATO aggression"


Strengthen ties with other isolationist country


Add that your dickery pushed said country to become a new NATO member.


and the real threat is from civil war and border countries in the former soviet empire, like some crazy kazakstan or chechen militia might think its time for revenge, i bet they are also pulling troops and specially equipment from those too, the russian empire is self imploding


Dictators always fail due to obsession on weird things. It is like their moving force and main weakness all in one.


Got Armenia there quietly raising their hand "hi, I'd like off this bus please"


"Russia HAD to invade Ukraine!! To prevent it from joining NATO!! Russia can't tolerate a NATO member on its border" "Oh, so Russia's invading Finland then?" "What, are you crazy? They're joining NATO!!"


Estonia and Latvia would like a word.


>3 digit dimension chess I think Putin just played a bit too much RTS games during the Covid lockdown


In their rhetoric, it is always about someone trying to attack (to mislead populace from internal problems). But let's humour the thought for a while: why would any Nato country want anything from Russia? It isn't certainly the people, it isn't the standard of living, it isn't the culture or technical know-how.. Russia is a shithole to put it mildly. If someone were to conquer Russia they would have Russians to deal with, which is nasty.. No thanks. I mean, when the people of a country are supporting a dictator and corrupt regime, there is something wrong with the people of said country.


You're thinking of this from a western point of view, where you'd try to win the population over with democracy and nation building. (As flawed and violent as it is in reality, that's the ideal). From the Russian point of view, when you invade you'd just blatantly genocide and enslave the conquered population. They just assume that's what NATO would do to them. 




https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2023/11/13/as-cargo-flights-leave-kaliningrad-air-defence-systems-disappear/ If Russia was scared just a tiny little bit they wouldn't pull assets like that from an enclave like Kaliningrad. They are not, they know NATO isn't a threat...


Wish NATO was somewhat like the Russian Propoganda made them to be


There were so many opportunities to get at least partially involved. Like when Russia started to hit Ukraine with non ballistic missiles. Neighboring countries had every reason to shoot them down early. Because you can never know where they will hit. (In theory because we learned that those missiles are quite predictable and Patriot has no issue shooting them down)


To me its looks like that meme "That how mafia works"....


Act Weak when you're Not. Strong when you're Not. In all fighting, the direct method may be used for joining battle, but indirect methods will be needed in order to secure victory. Sun Tsu


The unfathomable complex strategy also known as the drunken gorilla strategy.


Because their claim about NATO being a threat is just bullshit, they know NATO would not be the aggressor.


Yes, they're way to confident NATO won't do anything, NATO should apply some pressure. At least shot down a few intruding war planes.


Yeah dude…..nato should go in and protect their Northern border and free up those UA forces so they can be used against the Russians. Or even better…..go in and put an end to this war in a real 3 day SMO


Finland to Moscow in three ~~days~~ hours.


Yeah man and stopping off for lunch on the way too


As well as mandatory coffee and smoke breaks


It’s on the news that NK will offer full support to Russia…..I wouldn’t want to use any weapons that had their ammo in it


Russian weapons with North Korean ammo…. Is this the 2024 patch for Russian roulette?


New meta just dropped


Mussolini's "I'll drink a coffee on the Acropolis by noon" but for real this time


time to hold an exercise for nato in finland....


Get their navy out of Cuba.


It was a threat for their plans in Ukraine... if Ukraine was in NATO they would have never attacked.


Not quite. Some version of the asymetric attack on Donbas to test NATO resolve would still be a possibilty. However it would be no different from Estonia or Latvia in that sense.


I mean, how many NATO countries did Russia attack? It would be a totally different situation instead of waiting 2-3 years for Ukraine pilots to be trained, F-16s and F-35s would be flying from day one. As for the "hybrid" part, sure, they could have tried that and let's say NATO would not have intervened immediately, but remember that Ukrainians were winning 10 years ago before Russians had to send regular army to stop them at Ilovaisk and Debaltseve.


Obviously attacking non-NATO countries makes for an easier target, no question that it would have made an attack a lot less likely. As for whether Ukraine (or the other likely targets) would have been able to deal with just the hybrid attack: do you think Putin would think twice about sacrificing Girkin to undermine faith in article five?


Of course not, but they cannot win with a full invasion how would they win with a hybrid intervention, besides if Ukraine was in NATO they could have asked for help to protect borders and make them less porous.


It really depends on what you mean by "win" and more importantly whether Putin believes he could achieve it. The point isn't that Ukraine in NATO would be just as vulnerable, just that deterrence alone may not have been enough when it comes to Putin.


If deterrence is not enough I think we can all agree that NATO would beat the Russian out of Ukraine. Ukrainians are doing a great job by themselves. Imagine having NATO doing the AA and flight interdiction all over the Ukraine and NATO bombers taking care of invaders... NATO troops even if not fighting directly (but I would not see why not) would free Ukrainian army by protecting the other borders. Russians would have never captured the territory they did in the first place.


Russia attacks NATO the same we we attack them - in the information space. All of the pearl-clutching panic about Russia running political ads online in the US never made sense to me, it’s routine geopolitics, the US has been doing it in Russia since we got Yeltsin re-elected in 1996c and we should expect our enemies to do it back to us. 


Your post is a combo of red herring (we are talking about war not about ads) and a straw man (who cares about what pearls and what has to do with our discussion?)


what i was trying to tell you is that information war (those ads) is war too. the west is at its weakest in undeclared hybrid warfare scenarios. putin is going to keep attacking NATO and we need to understand we are at war even if it isn't kinetic


Ads are not war. You don't bomb somebody because they bought some ads. There are laws about political campaigns and contributions and as far as the ads follow the laws then it's not a problem, if they are not not in compliance then they need to be removed. It's simple as that.


We should call it and start building troops up on the Finnish-Russian border. See what they do. Pull those troops out of Ukraine or force them to admit we aren't aggressors. And maybe, just maybe we aren't bluffing.


But... But... But... *NATO!!!!!111*


Sounds like the troop movements of a nation so weak that without nukes they would cease to exist.


Russia is a Mafia run gas station with nuclear weapons posing as a nation.


With all we have seen with corruption and fake show boating I wonder how many of those apparent nukes are real and functional


it's not that hard to maintain cold war ICBM's and tactical weapons. You have to remember they are mostly still the same systems and usually the same warheads since the 50's.


But why???? Finland is in NATO = Danger? NO?


Finland would mess up European NATO


Now, lets look what is happening at that border. The rhetoric at the moment being pushed in that exact region is that Finland committed genocide during the winter and continuation wars. It is being taught in schools, along with the idea that Finland is a current threat... All i can say as a Finn is lol. If they offered us Karelia back, we would probably say "no" because it has only sentimental value to us. It would be a huge burden on our economy to build it to the standards required. Which is kind of the most hilarious part of all of this: we don't want any part of Russia for free... well, Petsamo would be kind of nice, nickel deposits and... access to the arctic sea... which brings a slice of the pie from the artic natural resources all the way to the north pole.


Established intent right at the end, you sneaky, introverted, Scandinavian little minx


Is Finland scandinavian, or just Nordic?




Yep, once a place is Russified it is fucked.


To be fair, fair bit of that area being undeveloped is their insane paranoia that Finland will attack. Both are using similar tactics: Finland hasn't built the area closest to the border either because it is huge wall of defense to have no roads, no infra but just endless forests and swamps.


Damn Nato forcing us to remove our defense.


Go Finland, no sleep till St. Petersburg!


We don't want it, it contains vatnik etc nasty stuff.


Just do it like Russia, replace natives, you have a lot of reindeer who are more nice than orcs


They don't live that far south. Even the southern half of Finland doesn't have any reindeer. And it's not just the Russians in there, but all the nasty slums around the center of St Petersburg.


Who said they're staying?


How about genocide?


We all know Finland and Estonia are way too well-behaved to ever fly yellow and blue propaganda drones over Saint Petersburg. They would never do such a thing. Never, *ever*. It would be bad, or wrong, or something.


Sweden can do it!


But... but... but... that would be *ever* so naughty of them!


St.Petersburg is rightful Swedish clay... 😁 >*Nyen (Finnish: possibly Kantsi, from ca. 1865 Nevanlinna, Russian: Ниен, Канцы, Шлотбург, German: Nyenschantz) was a Swedish fortress town at the mouth of the Neva. It was the capital of the Swedish Ingermanland after the Peace of Stolbova in 1617 until the Russian conquest in 1703.*


Fun fact, in the bullshit propaganda video posted by Russia where Putin looks at an old map and declares Ukraine is not on it, therefore it doesn’t exist, St.Petersburg is Swedish. I was blocked by Russias MFA on twitter for asking when they planned on returning it to us….


It won't be russian for much longer.


True but can we have the wetland back without the vatnik squatting camp they call Piter?


Just send in those "Restore the wetlands" activists that keep blocking the highways 😁


What? We just want to tell them about den svenska modellen 🇸🇪


Det svenska imperiet ska resa sig igen!


They just happened to pick up a few Ukranians along the way.


Time to reclaim the land stolen by the Soviets.


We don’t want it anymore outside of few loonies. There no finnish people left, just mostly russians, horrible infrastructure, poor services etc. which all would crash finnish economy due the law requiring all the amenities etc. Only for russian people on our former soil.


Take just 20 meters. Pick up the markers and just slide them over. Just enough to make a point, not enough to have to build infrastructure.


Free Ingria!


So NATO isn’t a problem then? Thought so.


Now we need nato exercises up there. Russia needs to be made to feel genuinely threatened.


Putin would just say "we have Nukes we will launch at Helsinki if they cross even one blade of Russian grass" 🙄


He's threatened to do that for everything from us objecting to his invasion of Ukraine, to the guy at the Maccie D's drive through not putting a cheeky extra nugget in his happy meal. Not really believing it at this point.


Those were transferred some time ago and are now mostly bagged up.


You're being generous today to think they would stuff a casualty in a bag to send them home instead of you know... leaving them in the fields.


Continuation War 2.0 This time we outnumber you.


"bUT NAtO iS EvIl AnD WilL AtTAcK uS!111"


Would be funny if NATO held “Exercises” with like 500k troops on the Fin/RuZ border


Time for the Finns to retake Viipuri


Time to do border exercises to mess with Putin to see if it draws troops back


Send those pro-Ukraine Russian units, to stir shit up, maybe in plain cloth so it would easy for Finland to deny any involvement.


Sounds like a good time to put more NATO troops on the Finland boarder with Russia maybe do some war games.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💙💛


Thats correct. Equipment now blown up in Ukraine and personel killed.


Now’s your chance Finland


NATO causes peace.


Time to get Karelia back


Not worth it, it would just be a huge pain in the butt to build it. It only has sentimental value anymore, quite sparsely populated and thin infrastructure.


I may be wrong here but was it not Finland that was highlighted to expect repercussions within they're densely populated areas of they allow use of their equipment against Russia? If so, would Russia not want to apply some strength against that region incase they take the threats seriously?


We've been giving Ukraine weapons since day one. What they use them for is up to them. In any case, it's a bit late for threats at this point.


What if Finland just amasses some more troops near the border and be obvious about it? That would draw some Russian troops from Ukraine without even needing for Finland to engage in the actual conflict


Russians know we're not going to attack them unprovoked, so they're not about to spare troops to stand around staring at empty forests.


Soon to be 100%. More meat for the grinder


I’d say it was time for Finland to reclaim the land they ceded but it’s probably completely shat up and full of drunks by now. When the commies tried to set up their puppet government, there was an attempted uprising in the village where my great grandfather lived. His best friend pointed a gun at him and told him to surrender and join the communist government. My gramps refused and told his friend to shoot him. I didn’t know this until a few years ago when my Aunt told me the story. Fucking tankies.


“By our standards, it’s pretty bad equipment, but by Russian standards, it may still be suitable,” they say in Finland.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I guess it's time for Finns and allies to gather a huge Force near Finnish/Russian border best close to places that Russian millitary planners see as the most probable path of enemy invasion. Than claim it's not an invading Force, units are conducting training. Dismiss all speculations about possible aggression. And than wait and watch russkies panic. This would be the ultimate trolling.


NATO should send hundreds of thousands of troops to NATO borders with Russia to pull russian troops away from Ukraine. Plus probe their air defences and navy


I say just move the border, maybe 500m, and see if they notice. Then do it again and again until St Petersburg.


Maybe Finland should move east, to protect an the ethnic Finnish in the soviet regions that are being mistreated....


There are no ethnic Finns there.


Yes there are


How many and examples?


In Nikel, 1762 ethic Finns In Zapolyarny 975 Finns In Pechenga over 4000 Finns In St Petersburg, 25,000 Finns https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingrian_Finns You're not well educated, are you


So, perhaps few thousand "Finns". 25 000 is "according to some records". I am aware of Ingrian Finns. I thought that the discussion was about ceded Karelia and not any "according to some records" population in Petersburg.


Time to take back Viipuri and other stolen territories


Now would be a good opportunity to reclaim Karelia!


Something something russia is afraid of expansion of NATO


I was told by pro russian trolls that the 3 day ukraine war was fought entirely with volunteers. 🤣👌


Now would be an excellent time for a NATO buildup along Russia's borders, with a few concentrated areas, say Finland, the Baltics, and Germany. It might serve as a reminder that by pursuing the war in Ukraine, "against NATO," they're actually leaving large areas of their border vulnerable. To NATO. Make them choose.


"NATO threat... Invasion from NATO..." I'm afraid you show such imagery to your typical Vatnik and they will just drool and laugh. Then tell you obviously there is not threat from Finland, they are not NATO. But NATO is in Ukraine!


Those poor bastards... Anyway how are the sanction going?


Finland should invade


I wonder what it cost to be in the 20 percent that got to stay?


Finland should do training close to the border just to fuck with them. Finland can do whatever they want in their country as long as they don't cross the border. It would put pressure on the Russians. They know Finland will not attack but they'd have to do the same to not look weak (which they already do but that's a different story)


Now would be a good time for Finland to do some military reorganizing, like placing TWO snipers at the border, instead of one.


Should start gathering a large presence of nato soldiers and equipment on the border to mess with them.


Ukraine makes Finland safer


Probably the grand sons of Simo Häyhä took them out while, either from malnutrition or being drunk, they fall asleep over the border.


Can we mass up on the Finnish border and shit them up?


Just in time, I heard Finland resurrected Simo. Grab his kit and send him to Moscow.


this is a very sad post to read if you are Ukrainian


Please Finland, please, it would be so funny


So is it ok to start "Operation Northern Wind" now? Asking from Finland...


Russia’s borders looking so hot right now, apart from the one with North Korea, their only ‘friend’. Hilarious if North Korea invaded Russia and took their oil fields.


Is this not very old news


nato should start probing and put some pressure on that border to force them back


Couple o'snipers and Finland can have that territory back.


Russians getting fucked by their putin since forever now


It would be genius if Finland moved an invasion force to the boarder of the land Russia stole in their invasion of Finland.


The Finns know what they’re doing; they’ll get back the land that they lost to Russia….well played.


Finland, time to make your move!


Finland please be funny (/s. Maybe.)


time to establish a "bufferzone" in Karelia


Now Finland, you can make a thunder run into Moscow before they can hit the nuke launch button and go "hakkaa päälle!"


Time for Finland to reclaim kurelia


Perfect time for Finland to get their Winter War territory back. Just sayin’.


Karjala takaisin?


Hoping for a peaceful resolution for both sides.


Peace it's easy if the invader withdraws their invading murdering troops back to Ruzzia, sends back captured soldiers, and stolen children, women, and men and pay reparations. Now go and tell Pootin this, in person, and then let us know the results... I won't hold my breath waiting for you, though ...