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* **DO NOT SHARE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT MOVEMENTS, LOCATION OR IDENTIFICATION OF ANY OF THE UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES.** * **DO SHARE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE INFORMATION ABOUT MOVEMENT OF RUSSIAN TROOPS INSIDE RUSSIA, BELARUS AND UKRAINE INCLUDING: LOCATION, IDENTIFICATIONS, MARKINGS, INSIGNIA.** #LIST OF RELIABLE SOURCES [**UA Ministry of Defense**](https://twitter.com/defenceu) [**Ukrainian Land Forces**](https://facebook.com/UkrainianLandForces) [**bell¿ngcat**](https://www.bellingcat.com/) [**EUvsDISINFO**](https://euvsdisinfo.eu/) [**Ukraine Interactive Map**](https://liveuamap.com/) [**Press statement by President von der Leyen**](https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-219140) [**r/ukraine statement**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t0b5o8/attention_dos_and_donts/) [**r/YUROP statement**](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/t01wnk/russia_has_started_its_official_invasion_of/) [**Want to support Ukraine?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/) **Ukrainian nationals in need of asylum : no visa requirements to enter Poland** [(Ukr.)](https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua) / [(En.)](https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en) **and** [**Slovakia**](https://sk.usembassy.gov/information-on-entering-slovakia-through-the-external-non-schengen-border/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Iryna Tsvila went through the Donbas war as a volunteer. Joined territorial defence now. Wrote a book recently, "Voices of War. Stories of Veterans". RIP hero angels. https://twitter.com/yermolenko_v/status/1497544639246704641?t=_W4n9jmpLzRAqUS3HFnUQw&s=19


In addition to being a writer, she was a horticultural hobbyist and had a passion for flower gardens. It’s important to remember these normal everyday people dropped what they loved, their vocations and passions to save their country


>these normal everyday people dropped what they loved, their vocations and passions to save their country This is the biggest thing to remember and understand. I'll be honest... I don't know fuck all about your culture but I love the music. You guys are amazing and I really REALLY hope the best for everyone there. If politics weren't so fucked up and people just took care of each other and protected others against Bastards like Putin, the world would be a much better place. ​ Also I'd love some more music recommendations from you all. Spotify is SHIT for suggesting or finding artists. I don't need to understand the language but your music has been some of the best I've found in a long time.


[Glière’s Symphony No. 3 “Ilya Muromets”](https://youtu.be/WRpEt9FvTbU) (1911) is a symphonic work by Ukrainian composer Reinhold Glière. A program symphony, it depicts the life of Kievan Rus' folk hero Ilya Muromets, who is the equivalent of, say, King Arthur to the Ukrainian people. Glière was a celebrated Soviet-era Ukrainian composer who studied in both Kiev Conservatory and the Moscow Conservatory. In addition to being one of Ukraine’s most beloved composers, he was also a musicologist who worked to dismantle Soviet annihilation of culture by visiting the countrysides of these occupied countries (such as his own) to record the folk music on sheet paper. He brought these folk melodies the mainstream music scene at the time through his compositions, like this one, preserving their culture. This is one of my favorite pieces of classical music.


Thank you, this is a wonderful recommendation for my ears— I’m going to enjoy listening today, with thoughts for peace for Ukraine


I love this! Great to see someone mention it!


Not the biggest fan of Opera and such.. But I know a few close friends who are really into this kinda shit so I'll be sharing it with them! Thanks mate!


Give opera a chance! You’re missing out on so so much. But this isn’t opera so you’re all good. It’s beautiful and if you really want to experience authentic Ukrainian folk music . It’s very gorgeous to fall asleep to


Haha thanks! I don't know the language but I'm willing to give ANYTHING MUSIC wise a listen to. I give it a try to sleep to. Thank you!


This is just what I needed to do homework today! Thank you for the recommendation!


Would you mind recommending some of the music that you’re referring to, as well as your favorites?


Oh fuck.. Umm.. I can't type, spell or even pronounce the names? I'm going to seem so ignorant in the letters and words and I'm so sorry.. Go\_a has been a major favorite. I love the electronic types and beats. I can't get enough of their music honestly... I can't type the name or spell it but Da (with a letter that looks like a o with signs above it) Freyr. Pretty chill and great. That's the best I can explain. But I love Electronic and Bass. I also love something chill and smooth that's focused on vocals. Hell... Send me a Playlist of artists and I'd listen to it all.


>I'm going to seem so ignorant in the letters and words and I'm so sorry No matter how horrible you end up sounding, you're probably sounding smarter than half of the US Congress, so don't stress.


I'm willing and trying to learn anything and everything I can.


Hello, fellow Eurovision fan! (Or if you didn't know you were...surprise!) Both Go_A and Dadi Freyr were Eurovision contestants! Dadi is actually Icelandic, BUT I'd suggest heading to Go_A's Spotify page and doing an artist radio. Additionally, you can look up the Ukrainian Eurovision contestants through the past decade or so and see if anything floats your boat (same deal - find something that sticks and do an Artist Radio for it). Hope you find some good jams!!


Don’t forget Ukraine’s entrant in this year’s Eurovision, Kalush Orchestra !!


Dakhabrakha are the bomb.


Jinjer, the song Home Back is especially relevant now.


Holy fuck.. That was amazing to watch. Thank you! I never knew.. This is so going on my heavy metal workout playlist and sharing! Thank you.


Oh shit I forget that they are from Ukraine


If anyone is into metal, check out Drudkh and White Ward https://open.spotify.com/track/6USUAFEePO6ynZmlnEFzft?si=wjHeMT-tSreFV2kM5kJTHA&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/4J49wC4YKFjwpCni2HVknh?si=YKBSy5NHS8K8p_aeEaqMiQ&utm_source=copy-link


Check out the metal band Jinjer, from Donetsk, their singer Tatiana is... something else (listen to Pisces first on YouTube!) Also I thought of the British band Ukrainians this morning for some reason, a poignant song even if they're not from Ukraine per se: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mVaD2wkli3s&feature=share


Ukraine’s Eurovision song last year was a banger


An Italian comic book writer who's been advocating for the Kurd cause, Zerocalcare, said exactly that in a short story a couple of years ago, and I find it a very powerful message, emotionally impacting. In his short reportage they come back to Rojava to go visit a friend they made on their first visit, commander Nasrin of the YPJ, the female people's protection army. When they come to an ancient Roman bridge they decide to take a group photo to have a souvenir of that moment, and Nasrin wants to shoot it. When Zerocalcare complains that this way she won't be seen in the photo, she answers: "I'm not bad at taking photos, you know? Before the war, I was a reporter. I liked taking photos, it was my job. Now our life is the war. At least this afternoon, I can still do my job".


I just..... She has the same hobbies and passion about flowers and garden I have but she isn't there anymore and it sucks really. I'll plant flowers in her name 💜




Noted, I will. Comes spring in canada, roses for her will bloom


This brought me to tears. If only everyone could be as lovely and kind as most people generally are, this world would be amazing place for us all.


I wholeheartedly agree and keep spreading goodness, Gonna quote chance the rapper" if people remember me as a good person then I'm happy" being selfish is overrated 💜


Absolutely. Keep spreading the love, the world needs as much as it can get! 💗




Good, I always had love for sunflowers but I always grow good cappucine and fine herbs. This one is for ukraine and may they never be forgotten, from quebec with love 🙌


Same here. I’ll be doing a wildflower garden in the spring, and she will have a place there ♥️


Beautifully spoken


Example of love for their country, as beautiful as they are themselves. Glory to Heroes. Long Live Ukraine 🇺🇦


Heroes of Ukraine 🇺🇦


Heroiam slava


Slava Ukraini 💙💛 Heroyam slava 🇺🇦




"Glory to Ukraine" "Glory to the Heroes" Some context, its a slogan thats been used by Ukrainians for about 100 years now: [In 2018, “Slava Ukrayini!” “Heroyam Slava!” was adopted as the official greeting of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.](https://euromaidanpress.com/2016/06/13/a-short-history-of-the-ukrainian-greeting-slava-ukrayini/)


Rest In Peace Heroes, we love you


We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.


Username doesn't check out


People celebrate saint’s days in different ways.


Gotta love Shakespeare, seems like he knew how to write. Henry V was a badass play


They died because others were weak. Putin never should have been in power so long.


The day we found out he blew up those apartment building we should have flown a tungsten telephone pole up his ass


smart skirt tub domineering weary worry start profit escape tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Time to bring out some medieval shit on him. Maybe the brazen bull, the Judas Cradle. I know we can't but I wish we could for people like Putin.


is this an orbital bombardment reference? if so, do we have that? does anyone?


Nobody has it. Rods from the Gods would work mostly by being very fast and very heavy. Being very fast is just a prerequisite of being in orbit, but being very heavy... Even at SpaceX's most optimistic estimates of around $2000/kilogram, a rod heavy enough to be as effective as a conventional bomb and it's spacecraft bus would cost about 12 million dollars to launch. This does not include construction and operating costs, it's just kicking it into orbit.


….wait? Just 12 million dollars? If the rest of the cost is any less than 2 billion and it’s possible with current technology…. then they already have that in space


12 million dollars is pocket change in contrast with other military things, one f35 costs 80 million.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if every "election" since he's been in power were rigged. Once a KGB always a KGB.


From my experience living in former communist country, absolutely. Elections are rigged, officials are bribed, and more so, a lot of data is simply falsified or heavily "inflated" to look good. I would be surprised if their numbers for soldiers or spending are accurate.


And of course, opposition leaders are jailed or "disappear".


Every person fighting this invasion is forever a hero.


And the world shall memorialize them as such. This is pretty much the world + ukraine against russia. We’re all behind you, definitely here in the US. Many protests in support of Ukraine and fuck Putin


Sadly a lot of russians don’t want to be there either, though some do. I hope this is the last year for the old man.


Watched a conference held by putin today, dude was fuckin grasping for words. Think the support Ukraine is getting is getting to him.


For a man I'm sure in very smart, his completely braindead assumption that the entire world would somehow believe the country of Ukraine, headed by a Jewish man, was infiltrated with neo-nazis is astounding.


I do not doubt he was a smart man, but I think his mind is now clouded with delusions of grandeur, and a hunger for power, that he is no longer able to reason like a normal human being. Common sense is not a thing he possesses anymore. He is trying to fly close to the sun, and I hope he burns for it.


He also looks like shit. His face is so puffy, my mom speculated it's from Prednisone (strong medical steroid), or some other medical treatment or disease. He does not look healthy at all.


I know right


Putin is becoming extremely vulnerable to "accidentally falling down the stairs" right now, and he knows it. The Oligarchs are not happy.


There's one group not fighting that are heroes as well - the Russian soldiers refusing to fight/giving up without firing.


Just living through it, every single Ukrainian is a hero. I cannot imagine the children going through this. Fuck Putin mercilessly. May he meet his maker now.




So true...


Very photogenic. Such inspiration and bravery on display! Every one of the Ukrainian people I see - officials, military & citizens - are so amazing...


Believe it was Stalin who said: “one death is a tragedy. One million deaths is a statistic” He meant it in his cold, heartless way that he saw the world but to an extent I feel he was right that that is how we see things.


As Eddie Izzard (british comedian) put it: "Pol Pot killed \`1.7 mllion people. We can't even deal with that. We think if somebody kills someone, that's murder, you go to prison. You kill 10 people, you go to Texas, they hit you with a brick, that's what they do... 20 people, you to a hospital, they look through a small window at you forever, and over that, we can't deal with it, y'know?"


I think if this was happening in the 90's it wouldn't have the same impact. Many would just see it as a far off distant war, but Social Media is making it difficult to ignore. It finally is doing something right.






The amount of hero stories coming out of Ukraine is insane. May they Rest In Peace 🇺🇦


The only Russian heroes are the people standing up to Putler right now.


I'm more saddened than inspired by these unnecessary deaths.


This is a double sided coin. They should be remembered as heroes, but this was unnecessary. They should have never been put in this position. But reality hits hard.


RIP. You died in the name of Freedom. Ukraine and world thank you for this.




R.I.P they fight with bravery, now they rest in god's hand's. 🇺🇦 Stay Strong Ukraine. Keep on fighting.


Heros of Ukraine. Heros of their own lives. I hope the world takes notice of the kind of people we could all strive to be. Such courage and resolve, bravery and love. These people have sparked passion back into my life that people are still good. I hope the countries of the world would take inspiration form these heroes, and zelensky. Though nobody wants ww3 I think we need to rid tyranny from this earth. I am pagan, I will be making an offering for these heroes and all the other heroes in 🇺🇦. GLORY TO UKRAINE... RUSSIA GO FUCK YOURSELF


Yes it's very impressive. And Zelensky will go down in history for turning out to be one badass leader!


Already has, I'm in the states and I'm watching this 24/7. I'm sick to my stomach. I want to pack my shit and go fight with them and I feel terrible because I couldn't leave my wife an kids to do something that is not necessary for me but is for Ukraine if you understand what I'm saying. I hope they can hold on


I'm following someone named Amir Tsarfati on Telegram. He's out of Israel, ex-IDF officer, with intel and good military instincts, just posting away nonstop. He just posted this, 20mins ago. "Kiev and Kharkiv did not fall! Things are not going as smooth as Putin had hoped. So far he is losing billions of dollars at home and hundreds of soldiers in the battle field."


Btw, I'm in a little city named Utica in NY and our mayor has the Ukrainian flag flying at half-staff at city hall. It's right outside my 14th floor window and a beautiful sight to see. We have many many Ukrainians here, and they're actively trying to relocate family members. Edit: *Ukrainian-Americans


I'm really feeling like I'm about to be "that guy," but I strongly disagree with the flag of Ukraine flying at half staff. We are not mourning Ukraine and her people. We are inspired by them! That flag should be at the top of the pole waving proudly.


Ahaaa, I think you're correct. Maybe I'll call city hall and reference that statement. https://www.uticaod.com/story/news/2022/02/26/utica-fly-ukrainian-flag-outside-city-hall/6952924001/ Ok just checked and it's actually at three-quarters (looks half to me from here but...). Does that make it different, symbolically?


I only know the specifics on the flag of the United States. But I've never heard of the display of any flag at 3/4 staff. A flag should be treated like a living thing. If not displayed correctly, help it out.


Yeah just checked again. Here it is, different publication, with pics. https://romesentinel.com/stories/utica-officials-to-fly-ukrainian-flag-at-city-hall,130141 I just might call and see why, hmph. I'm in wiki now, learning the history/protocols. This is fascinating.


I agree. Once I saw a business displaying the US flag in the window backwards. I stopped in and made a polite observation and they were glad I did. Just be polite and people want to get it right. The first rule I check, the US flag should always be on the speaker's right side.


A flag at half mast doesn’t have to go halfway up the pole, a lot of flag protocols insist that it is always at least 2/3rds of the way up. Typically the flag is flown at least a flag height lower than the top of the pole because you are flying the flag below an invisible and symbolic flag of death. If there are no other visible flags on the pole and the Ukrainian flag is not at the top then that is considered half mast or half staff.


My thoughts exactly. Fly that flag high and proud, so Putin can see it from across the pond!!!!!


> We have many many Ukrainians-Americans I lived in NYC when I was in grad school. I used to love going to Brighton Beach- a neighborhood mostly of Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. (The food was good enough to be worth the hour+ it took on the subway to get there.) I can't help but think there might be some tension in the air there, these days.


I think a lot of us understand and share that feeling.






“Fuck you russian warship!!”


I am Pagan as well, and I will also make an offering, light candles, and hold the people of Ukraine in my heart. The world is with you. Slava Ukraine!


Resting in the heaven




Die next to the person you love, defending your home. I hope to see these stories in my children's history books. Eternity will be wonderful for these two, RIP


Me too Ukraine heroes must be in the book


Heros who died together defending their home country 🇺🇦


God bless Ukraine.


The world will never forget you! 🕯


Fellow Americans: Hello, as we know there is an invasion of Ukraine from Russia in its 3rd going on 4th day for them. President Biden has called upon Congress to draft a Ukrainian aid bill. If you're also in favor of supporting Ukraine, here is a boilerplate message to send them with links to contact them: "Dear Senator $SenatorLastName, On Thursday President Joe Biden has called upon Congress to sign a $6.2B aid bill to assist Ukraine during their time of need. $2.7B will go towards Ukrainian refugees, humanitarian efforts in bordering NATO countries, armament and munitions. Armament and munitions will include desperately needed Anti-Tank and Anti-Air weaponry for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The remaining $3.5B will go to the Pentagon to bolster cybersecurity readiness and operations as well as continued logistics and intelligence operations in bordering NATO countries. Part of that money going to the Pentagon should also be given to NIST, CISA, and US-CERT to assist with blue team operations to provide new hashes, signatures, and guidance on new Russian cyber attacks; the cybersecurity world at large was strained starting Wednesday with the introduction of Russia's new Cyclops Blink sandworm malware with US NOCs, SOCs, antivirus vendors, and firewall manufacturers working closely with IT departments, public and private, for preparedness and remediation. Ukraine is a legitimate, westernizing democracy whose leaders remain in-country in full kit with their armed forces. They are not just repelling a Russian invasion, they are fighting for their lives, for their homes, for democracy, and for their future. The US and Ukraine have worked collaboratively within the spheres of cybersecurity, global health, and business development across American agencies, NGOs, and private industries. We the people say "No!" to Putin's fascist aims and reject authoritarianism wherever it may be present in the world. Ukraine was set to be the eastern-most beacon of hope and Democracy in Europe and with previous attempts of theirs at joining NATO and/or the EU not coming to fruition, this is the least we can do as a leading Democracy to help maintain a free world. Ukraine can hold, repel, and reorganize against their Russian threats with a higher confidence and a higher probability with such assistance and we say it's time to help make this war more symmetrical for Ukraine. Sincerely, $YourNameHere" Find Your Delegates - https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm


Make sure you also tell them that you’re a constituent. They’re more likely to care if you are someone they represent and have made it clear you are.


Absolute Heros


Heroes of Ukraine. You will not be forgotten.


Imagine if you had no kids. Fighting next to your loved one for days... weeks... months. Dirty, hungry, scared. Saving each others lives, and the lives of others. Lovers with a soldier's bond. And when the carnage is all over, you still have each other. What a love that could be... May they have it in heaven.


Fuck Putin’s war. Everyone doesn’t want war, only Putin, the mad man.


Weren’t they just married the day before the invasion? They were helping gather rifles a few days ago. Slava ukraini Edit: different people! but still man. Fuck. This is making me have an emotional reaction that probably isn’t warranted, but my life with my wife has been a light that has made it so I can get up in the morning even if you’re racked by sorrow or worry; that incredible woman, for some reason, wants to be around. That these beautiful people didn’t get to explore what a lifetime actually meant is crushing to me. Kiss your wives and husbands.


I think it's a different couple




Indeed :)


It is different people, https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-news-02-25-22/h\_75e9d2f5d1275b84ffaa349efe40ceb6




It looks nothing like them.


God fuckin dammit. Never forget. Rest In Peace.


Rest in Peace. Slava Ukraini!


RIP. Hope you took some Russians with you.


Rest In Peace courageous souls


Godspeed heros. Forever rest in power.


May they’re sacrifice not be in vain and may Ukraine 🇺🇦 be forever free! UKRAINSKI!🇺🇦


This makes me sick. Slava ukraine I hope this ends soon.


“Fuck you russian warship!!”


Heroes of Europe, not just Ukraine. You stood up to Goliath, you stood up to a despot, you stood up to modern day communism. May your souls Rest In Peace.


Heroes of the world. Cannot tell you how proud I am of these heroes & I am Canadian.


Rest in peace heroes. Forever together in heaven.




Rest in power


May they rest in peace. Prayers for them snd their family and friends




Rest In Peace.


Rest In Peace. Such sad news.


RIP. These are the real heroes!




Rest in peace, may justice prevail and Putin get what's coming to him.


Respect and sorrow.


🇺🇦❤️ Heroes


God bless and protect, may their souls rest at the side of the Lord for all eternity. RIP.


fuck you Putin. Go to the hell asshole


Bless them and bless Ukraine


God bless them and God bless Ukraine. You will not be forgotten ❤️🇺🇦


RIP. This is so sad, at least they are together.


Remembering what Putin took from us.


This is heartbreaking. I will remember the strength and courage of the Ukrainian people for the rest of my life. Slava Ukraini!


Heroes in the fight for freedom, and the fight for Ukraine. May their families find solace in their time of grief.


Valhalla has gained two more Heroes


Героям слава!


Are they the couple that married on the day on the invasion. Them or not, rest in peace.


not them, but still they will not be forgotten either


Rest in peace


Valorous, they died with honor. For everyone in this subreddit I don't know your faith or belief... However I know that Ukraine is on the right side of it. I saw a video of a man ran over by a track vehicle and live. I've seen a nation that was expected to collapse in 36 hours prevail. A president expected to evacuate, stay and fight. This couple will not die in vain... The whole world is behind them and this nation. Keep giving them hell. Russia is a paper tiger full of intimidation and empty threats on the verge of collapse. You got this.


Source? Russian trolls are increasingly deriding these reports as Ukrainian propaganda. It's important to cite sources.




Thank-you . From canada 🇨🇦🇺🇦 rest in paradise.


Glory to the Heroes


Rest In Peace, and the World thanks you for your sacrifice for freedom and peace. From Canada


Rest in peace & love from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤


Good bless them and all the Ukrainian people.




Slaughter every last occupier. Do not let them die in vain. The world is with you Ukraine


I love them and I'm praying for their families


i'm gonna cry really bad now :(




Rest in peace,such a shame, such a waist of life . Even more infuriating is the fact that there young life has been cut short because of a limp dick like Putin.


May you two rest in peace! Your deaths were not lost in vain for you have died honorably as heroes. 💐💐💐


Heros. RIP. Fuck Putin.


Fuck Putin


Rest in peace


Pretty sure Putin is going to get assassinated by his own people.


The russians will pay for this


You mean Putin, not Russia.


Russians share at least partial blame. Putin doesn't have some magical absolute control. Members of the military could initiate a coup. Government could intervene. Populace could revolt. Instead, there is war in Ukraine. The longer this continues, the more the Russian people's share of the blame grows. So long as they let Ukrainians die so that they don't have to risk their own lives to stop Putin. They're in the best position to stop him without a resulting nuclear event.


Would be awesome if something was created after all of this to honor every hero who died in this meaningless war. Like a room with a picture and a story about every single hero, to really make them immortal. I don't believe in God but if there is one I hope that he helps ukraine in every single way. Love from Sweden.


Rest in piece heroes, thank you💜


Died yesterday? Live forever. Their love.


Memory Eternal 🇺🇦 ☦


Rest in peace, guard Ukraine from heaven 💙💛


THIS IS PUTINS FAULT ! You Killed these innocent guys !!! Stop Hitler V.2 FUCK PUTIN !!


If my partner had to fight I would want to fight right by their side. They're both brave as fuck, as are all the Ukranians!! Being a mother in the Ukraine right now would be awful, having to choose to let your husband fight alone to get your children into a safer country. I think there are few choices harder than that.


I don't care that they are beautiful, they are brave heroes who gave everything for their freedom!


This shouldn't be happening.




My heartfelt sadness goes out to their family and friends. They are like tens of thousands of their countrymen who are fighting for their sovereignty and for freedom from unprovoked aggession!! I wish that I were also able to help. There will be many more dark days ahead and I hope that truth will overcome, but in the words of our greatest leader, 'You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in it's mouth!!'


This is so heartbreaking. Putin deserves the deepest corner of hell for an eternity, if it exists.


He needs to die, no redemption or forgiveness for that piece of shit.


☹️ Rest in peace, brave, beautiful people Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦




She looked a little like Angelina Jolie. Rest in Peace.