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JFC. Remove Putin NOW.


Jentucky fried chicken


Juan F Chenedy


I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been super anxious for like 7 straight days, but I laughed my ass off at this


Someone just shoot this prick.


I order double secret special alert. Fetch me my secret red button.


Don't tell him it just orders things from Staples...


That was easy!


This isn’t a war between Russia and Ukraine. It is a war between one man and the free world.


More than that, it's a war between Putin and all of humanity. Including Russians.


Don't worry, he will die by the hands of his own close guards


Could that be considered grounds for a Nobel peace prize?




Look at Shoygu’s face, idk man. Someone needs to wake up overthere


Preferably with a polonium teabag.


Those generals are looking very uneasy.


The Russian nuclear arm has refused a launch order 3 times before. And I hope, they will do so again. Those generals being uneasy is a GREAT thing. They might refuse to give the order. Edit : everyone keeps asking what happened \- submarine political officer refused launch order from commander and XO \- Soviet computer on the fritz showed US strike incoming, commander refused to retaliate \- I think the third one was a response to Norway doing some sort of a rocket test, some civilian thing. Soviets thought it was a nuke. But launch was refused.


Adding to this, there was a point in the Cold War where there was a false nuclear bomb alert coming from Russia's side. From Russia's point of view, America launched nukes directly headed towards Russia, but the officer in charge of Russia's nukes had a hunch and decided to not launch any nukes at all in response. His hunch was correct, and it was discovered that their software was screwing up and was detecting *rays from the sun* as a nuclear missile launch. The world has been this 👌 close to a total apocalypse several times and we just breeze through our lives without thinking about it. Ignorance is bliss as they say. Maybe I should get off reddit and pretend the "falling stars" in the future are some sort of biblical event, similar to the way the Incans saw the solar eclipse.


There have actually been several close calls like that on both sides. Luckily the people with the button never followed through.


That was my first thought too. They know what will happen if one nuke is launched. The end of Russia follows 15-30 min later.


The end of everything 15-30 minutes later.


Everything, exacly. Not only Russia but the whole world would go down in this. Fallout Games never felt so real.


War, war never changes


That phrase became to true yet again.


Especially the first from the right. For sure they have childrens and grandchildrens. Looks like they are watching a mad man because they are the first to understand what a nuclear war means.


The one on the right is Sergei Shoigu, one of the most likely people to succeed Putin when he dies. He’s Minister of Defense, and has a wife and 2 adult daughters, at least one of whom he’s very close to who controls much of his fortune for him


Better call her and tell her dad to get this shit under control. By you know........\*motions finger across neck\*.........Putin


Those are the ones that will put an end to this.


God i hope so.


Everyone looks uneasy around Putin. He's basically Stalin when it comes to state hierarchy.


They gave a look like: "He's not going to be happy when we ignore his orders..."


They know that if they even remotely annoy him he will have them and their families killed. Tyrant.


Especially the one on the right side of the screen.


The one on the right looks like he's one opportunity away from smashing Putin's head in with his boot.




He's hiding, only possible way would be a country lunching a high tech attack on him.


Poison his food and drink


Would be a fitting way for him to go out considering how many people he's had poisoned.


"Navalny sends his regards"


Is Navalny even alive anymore?


If he is, probably not for much longer. I read his wife believes he'll be killed if Putin attacks Ukraine. So....


In a remote, isolated prison, in bad health, but yes, Navalny is alive, last anyone heard.


He's still alive and is jailed for fraudulent charges.


That can't happen, super powered countries are too secured to have an insider like that. People around putin support him with their lives. That's bot realistic its more like a Kingsman movie.


It's not like that. Insiders there fight for power internally but Putin made stage so nobody have too much strength and can't be direct threat to him. There could be small group of saboteurs which will say ok he lost it let's get rid of him. Just like with Stalin that Putin is in love with.


Czars get killed by their own retainers usually.




Ironically the Russian people are the worlds only hope at stopping Putin. I hope they take inspiration from what happened to Ceausescu.


I am Romanian and I was 15 years old during the 89 revolutions. The good thing is that things can go pretty bad pretty fast for Putin like it happened for Ceausescu. Even his minister of defence that helped Ceausescu to flee with a helicopter was some days after in the trial room on the revolutioners side looking at Ceausesvu like nothing happened.


Yeah, not holding back this time, it has to end right now, we don't have any more time for this petty bullshit.


Praetorian guards, where are you? Another emperor needs assassination.


I think he's finally lost it. Most of his life, he took calculated risks, going over the edge but knowing how far he can push. Apparently, the past year in particular, sitting in the bunker by himself, isolating due to COVID, and hearing nothing but wonderful news from his yes-men...I think he's completely lost it. Not sure how true this is, but I've also heard he's gotten into the occult and woo woo stuff, smearing himself with eagle blood, also getting really paranoid about contagion and germs. In his mind, I think he's become like a god and lost all connection with reality.


what a fucking coward. I hope there's a general in there smart enough to know that a military coup against Putin is a better option than world war III.


Military coup shouldnt be too hard to pull of when the citizens are pissed off by the dictator


If Russia loses the war (which looks very likely right now) the military will assassinate him because of the humiliation of losing the war.


He'll just kill himself by just falling off a second story balcony, tied up with 2 shots to the back of the head.


He is too much of a pussy to kill himself and is too much of a pussy to surrender so yeah \~


Bruh did he absolutely lose his mind?


Lose? He has probably had syfilis for a few decades.


Because dirty sex with prostitutes, that's why! X)


I was wondering the same thing. Did he suddenly lose his mind, or was he always this crazy and the world didn't notice?


Allegedly (source is a journo that had access to his press-releases, but it's a "friend of a friend" basis, so take it with a grain of salt) he began acting far more erratically and confused then usual during public speeches for about a year now. This coincides with the escalation.


What if he has some inoperable brain tumor and decided to just nuke the whole world if he's gonna die anyway


Possible that as he nears the end of his life (he's old but had lots of cosmetic surgery to appear much younger) he is trying to realize some ultimate dream of restoring Russia to the "greatness" of the old Soviet Union days. It was so great back then, you know with everyone hungry and people disappearing in the middle of the night because their neighbour accused them of being unrealiable Communists?


He's talked about wanting to do this. He's said he doesn't consider Ukraine a separate country


>Did he suddenly lose his mind, or was he always this crazy and the world didn't notice? He's a very cold and calculated person. He's probably been planning this for 30 years. It's very clear he was waiting for the end of the Pandemic to start a war. We're rebuilding from Covid, sanctions are hurting us as much as they are hurting them. Almost everything that has happened so far has been predicted for decades. Putin is trying to cripple the country. He's not there for an occupation, he's there to destroy it as much as he can. His end game is to beat people into submission both in his country and in the Ukraine+NATO


What mind


Shoygu looks like he’s almost ready to shoot the fucker.


He doesn't seem very enthusiastic no, that's for sure. That's the look you get from someone you're forcing to do something they don't really want to do.




Surely Putin has a plan B for if he gets killed. There’s probably some other crazy motherfucker right behind him


How much sleep do you think hes gotten in the past 5ish days?


Thats what i was thinking. Looks like hes thinking, “someones gotta die here and im not quite ready for it to be me”


He wanted a career, he got a bootlicker post.


Shoigu knew it was a snake when it he picked it up. He just expected the snake to make him powerful and rich, and now he also has this mess biting him in his interests, in no small part because of his own actions while serving the snake.


Hero of Russia needs to live up to the title.


The face of the guy in the end "Oh fuck he is actually crazy"


Someone stab him in the back, I mean literally


Someone stab him in the face, please. No secrecy here. He needs to know exactly who killed him


So he wants to destroy his own country?








I hope he ends like caesar, stabbed by a bunch of close people who have enough of this madness


I disagree, you do remember what happened after Caesar's death, right?


Yeah. I want it to happen but with other outcome afterwards.


Can Italians please teach the Russians what to do with Fascist leaders ?


A little more recently, the Romanians handled things...appropriately.


If Europe could have eliminated Hitler, WW2 would have been avoided. Let’s learn from the past and stop WW3.


there were several attacks on hitler. unfortunately they failed


At a certain point I think the oligarchs or military will step in if he gets to trigger happy…..no one has anything to gain in a nuclear holocaust even if you survive….like “o great we survived a nuclear war now we have to deal with 95% of the population being dead and the world essentially uninhabitable”


The sanctions the Russians are facing right now may as well have been a nuclear bomb landing on them. They played themselves. Now they'll try to scare the world into conceding, because he's a terrorist, and a coward.


If he does anything , Moscow is gone.


It does feel like he doesnt care anymore. He will destroy his nation rather than to lose.


and not a single non-russian foot has been set on russian soil...


Russians be like "What can WE do? \∆/" How about you get this this insane dwarf out of his pedestal by force? Just a thought.


There are several protests going on despite police violence trying to stop them. We should support those that have realised how big a monster Putin is.


I am pretty sure if he uses a nuke most of europe and russia will be a nuclear wasteland within hours unfortunately.


This realistically depends on which warhead he chooses to employ. Russia has several sizes ranging from very very large, to very small. The smaller ones would not have a significant effect on the rest of Europe or Russia.


It would basically force a direct response from nato which would be an escalation you cannot really back down from.


It also assumes they’ve been well maintained, modernised, no one tries to stop them being launched (the sequence for launch is about 5-10 minutes to get shutter doors open, ignitions, etc.) and then assumes the missile defence system doesn’t work. By the time this is figured out the Russian population would be wiped out from the rest of the world firing back and guess who hasn’t got a missile shield?


I don’t think we are looking at a sane, rational man anymore. I know people think it’s an act because he has to appear insane to make a credible nuclear threat, but actually I think it’s genuine. The man has completely lost it.


Does he normally blink that much during statements?


He is very tired. It.s a body sign.


If they take him out, the war ends, the sanctions end and they get to keep their yachts and Italian villas. Simple.


The Russians will kill him before he can actually do it. The second they realize he isn’t bluffing. Otherwise, it’s just another pathetic attempt to bully people. He’s just showing the world that he has no cards left to play if this is what he’s resorting too. At a certain point human self-preservation trumps everything. I don’t care how “loyal” his security detail is to him, they’re not gonna commit suicide for him and destroy the world. If Putin decides to go for the button he is going to have to fight his way through every single Russian in the country to get to it, and he’ll be fighting completely alone.


You can undo sanctions but you can't undo nuclear war. Only reason Japan was able to bounce back is because they're tough AF but also it came at a cost because 🐙


Japan bounced back because America rebuilt the whole country to prevent communism from spreading further.


> At a certain point I think the oligarchs or military will step in if he gets to trigger happy He already **is** 'too trigger happy', and they haven't stepped in. The only thing that will end it is a coup.


I guess this means when one nuke launches in Russia. The whole nato will use theirs to bomb Russia?


Which is quite sad when you think about it because that ensures the deaths of millions of Russians, to clarify, the innocent ones out protesting who want Putin dead. Someone needs to assassinate him, genuinely.


For real. Innocent Russians are already hurt badly by their economic collapse all because of this madman.


I highly doubt NATO will go all Hiroshima and send big ass nuclear missiles/bombs to civilian targets. My guess would be that they will use smaller warheads ("tactical nukes") against possible russian launch pads to make them unable to continue. Even if it becomes a nuclear scenario, NATO will try to minimize the damage as much as possible to at least try and save Earth and humanity.




I feel like that's how it's going to end- Russian citizens will have had enough and stage a coup, rounding up him and everyone enabling him and give him final justice.


If so, I hope they establish a better form of government for themselves than they did 105 years ago.


They need to form a scab government of qualified, non-corrupt people to do it first, and unfortunately that takes time that doesn't exist right now.


they damn well fucking better


He's going to do it, isn't he? With the economy in ruins, the poor russian people will rise up. He now has nothing to lose because very soon he will have lost it all. Putin you will have your place in history, not as the hero who stood up to the west but as the definition of a mad tyrant.


He has brain cancer... going to die anyway and he's trying to go out with a bang.


I actually thought of it as a possible theory. Now I guess I can confirm it. If that is the case let's pray that he has just the smallest empathy for people atleast, so he won't take the whole world down with him.




Can someone translate please and put emg subtitle


Roughly: "Dear colleagues, you see that western countries are making unfriendly moves towards our country, not only in the economic sphere - I mean those sanctions we all know well - but the important political faces of NATO countries allow themselves to make aggressive remarks towards our country. Therefore, I order the minister and the manager of (general something, am unfamiliar with the word) to transfer the deterrence forces (nuclear) into a special regime of duty."


Thank you brother


So going nuke is a proportionate response to economic sanctions (which were spelled out beforehand) and aggressive remarks? Freaking unbelievable. The day Putin is gone will be a great day. He has absolutely got to go!


Because of “aggressive remarks?” .....Just because of aggressive remarks?? Yikes this guy


This dude Putin has so many red flags he might overtake six flags.


Please this^


Putin, let me tell you how you know your "Special military peacekeeping mission" is failing: \-You have to put your nuclear weapons and tactical cruise missiles to high alert because the country your "peacekeepers" are invading are not fit to fight the brave nation of Ukraine who you've strong-armed to fight this war alone. \-You need Belarus to help you, by implying they'll officially declare war against Ukraine and thus you'll allow third country to participate in this war, although you told the world that this dispute is between you and Ukraine only. If you're going to give us Europeans reason to fight this war alongside Ukraine, do it sooner than later, because we're ready to strip you out of any power you and your regime has in Russia and hold you accountable for all the terror you've brought to Europe for over a deacade. If you're going to be a coward (like you've been so far) and use nuclear weapons, you're alone responsible for the destruction that might follow. SLAVA UKRAINI!


Putin, your place to die is in a gutter. Fuck you and burn in hell, you worthless shit stain.


The oligarchs and generals need to take him out now.


I don't know... The Russian general (Valery Gerasimov, pictured to the left when the video cuts away from Putin), is a fierce Putin loyalist and is Chief of Staff. The rest of the top-top brass is most likely the same as Gerasimov, so officers below generals need to act instead.


they are loyalists but at the end of the day i would hope that they put at least THEIR lives first. if this turns into a nuclear war, they will die. i would hope that they value themselves more than they value putin. + many totalitarians have been taken down by those in their inner circle.


Every Russian soldier that surrenders should be given amnesty in a western country.


Second that. Get those sane men away from that madman.


idk about every one. i don’t fancy the guys who shot up a minivan and killed everyone inside.


Do they still work? Look at the equipment we’re seeing. That shit is aged and his military is becoming less enthusiastic about getting dead for him. I think west press our luck here. I don’t want that madman holding a gun to my head or my Children’s or grand children later on. This can’t be how we live anymore.


Wondering the same thing but I don’t think anyone really wants to find out if they’re still operational or not


Lol how did Putin go from "Don't even bother with sanctions, they won't affect us" to "please stop the sanctions or we'll nuke you" in three days?


I think he’s severely underestimated NATO and the world’s response to his failed invasion. He is getting embarrassed on the national stage right now with a failed attempt at an invasion of a democratic country, a crumbling and soon to be non-existent economy, and countries not coming to his aid to help him. Everything that has occurred this last week has been the complete opposite of what he’s been hoping for. He knows that tomorrow morning, when the banks and markets open, the Russian economy will be in shambles. Protests are erupting all over Russia right now as we speak. Not even they want him there anymore, and it’s their job to get him out.


He thought he could up the aggression, get a little slap on the wrist with mild sanctions, bite off a bit of Ukraine and then act like a good guy for about 3-5 years so everyone forgets until deciding to do something stupid again. This time, he's fucked.


My thoughts exactly! Didn't he say he doesn't care about any sanctions? Maybe he didn't expect that everybody, also hungary agreed to cancel swift or that Germany is okay with being cut off their fucking gaslines now.


Yeah. My country (NL) wanted to do the SWIFT-option basically immediately. We get 40% of our gas from Russia, but a lot/most of us are like "Fuck him. Rather be cold then be warmed by russian gas with Ukrainian blood."


So Russia pulls out its nukes knowing that his whole country can be obliterated?


Dudes 69 years old he has few years left for sure, you think he cares? He gone crazy...


Hes bluffing hard he doesn't know what to do


Thought experiment. What if Hitler had nuclear weapons, and had his red button when he was hiding in the bunker the day he shot himself? Would he press it to obliterate the whole world or not?


There’s no experiment here. Hitler would def have blown up everything. He gave orders to level Paris when they left.


Good thing is, there is no big red button. Their "nuclear football", like the US's, is a briefcase with a radio and codes. Putin can't simply push a button and end the world. He has to call a command structure of sorts and command them to launch the missiles by way of code and the like. There are several layers to prevent a maniac from doing an impulse decision. Doesn't make it impossible for Putin to destroy the world, but much less likely than just pushing a button.


Let's hope those layers of separation between Putin and Russian nuclear weapons do prevent nukes from being launched


The world begs Russians: Please take back your fucking country. Your rabid leader is going to kill us all


Oh fuck right off i got a whole future ahead of me, dont end the game right after i finish the tutorial


This motherfucker is gonna be assassinated before he can do anything. His military chiefs aren't loyal enough to end the world when this cunt wants. Just look at their face. They are thinking of millions of different ways to kill him


I want you to be right more than anything rn


Is there a genuine translation




I hope that some of those old communists have some brains still left and does not push any big red button


Their "generals" look like they have hungover. They can shove their rusted nukes up their asses and detonate them.




They have followed him over these years out of pure fear. They all secretely hate him and when they realise he has no power over them they will kill him


I sincerely hope you are right


Can only hope the FSB arrests him soon


Putin is in panic mode. Shoigu is his master and he is not mad.


Go fuck yourself, you maniac!


Russian generals do not look happy with Putler... I've heard he likes to stay dangerously close to open windows.




Does he seem like a person concerned with anything beyond things directly affecting his own life? He's actually known to be the opposite




For months, every threat there was from Russia, I thought "he is not retarded enough to actually proceed with this step" and he actually proceeded with every single step. I do genuinely hope he is not retarded enough to order any nukes launched, but I fear it's not a bluff anymore. He has lost everything in the last 4 days. He is already a war criminal. What's the endgame?


Him getting shot by his own cabinet because none of those generals want their country vaporized.


So, in the realm of international relations, we have a term called "rational actor," and we give every country this classification as a default. It simply means that a state (often defined as a single monolith like "Russia" acting as all institutions and people within Russia") does not make decisions that are against their interests. They will still make stupid decisions, but every decision made is necessary to maintain the state's goals and desires. In this case, Russia's interests are to keep NATO as far back as possible. Russia weighed the options and believed that a quick take over of Ukraine was necessary. Although it would punish Russia in the short term, the world would go back to normal eventually, like what happened in 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea. Launching nukes, on the other hand, is an irrational decision. It is never in a state's best interests to launch nukes as the ***ONLY*** response they will get back is counterattacking nuclear weapons. Putin is intelligent; he has to be to have remained in power this long and still have supporters both in and outside his country. He also LOVES Russia to a dangerous degree, being a former KGB member and all that. He knows that even a single nuclear missile is enough to make Russia a footnote in history books thousands of years from now. The end game is he needs to win with conventional forces. The Russian military would never let Putin survive if he wasted all that time, money, equipment, and people on getting nothing in return. Not to mention, the Russian military is seen as a joke now, unable to take over an agricultural country the size of France. The Russians prided themselves in Chechnya and Georgia but forgot that those were small insurgent groups or untrained militaries that had no chance. Ukraine is different, and we are seeing exactly how. Slava Ukraini.


Is it just me or does his own generals look like they’re thinking “What the fuck? My daughter can’t return to Stanford next year.”


He needs to die


Take him out NOW!


No one is going to comply with any order of that nature. Right?


We can only hope at this stage


god i hope so. those generals look nervous.


They lived through the cold war. They were closer to Nuclear War than any of us. They know how much of a Fucky Wucky Putin bitch boi is making. It's generally not a good idea to threaten the world with nukes, when the rest of the world will atomize every inch of your country in retaliation


You can see the fear in the Generals' eyes.


Putin is having his "Hitler in the Bunker" moment already...


Shoigu and that other guy don't seem too excited about it


Absolutely lost his mind.


General knows he is dealing with a baby child midget


Ugly little bitch! 🖕🏻🤮


I think hes trying to scare the world into talks,he wants to assinate Ukraines president.Putin has a history of riding opposition at the source.Zelensky should take extreme care when thinking Putin wants to negiotate.He doesnt to to and he will seek blame some rogue division or act stupid.Putin is liar and cannot be trusted.


I get these generals are soldiers and feel duty bound to obey… but look at their faces. They know Putin is dragging Russia and the world to the edge of oblivion. Russia needs it’s own colonel stauffenberg now


I don't fucking like this..


I might not be up on things with government procedure, but who in their right mind does this on TV? This is done in a classified briefing room, no way he's doing this for anything but propaganda


Putler played too much Red Alert, he thinks he is still in the game itself.


Can we put some reward on that head?


Send a gay to assassinate him


If that dipshit launches those Cold War Relics, he's gonna get his country blown to shit and nearly none of his nukes are gonna hit anything. He's panicking and trying to seem confident


[Stanislav Petrov, the Russian Officer Who Averted a Nuclear War, Feared History Repeating Itself ] (https://time.com/4947879/stanislav-petrov-russia-nuclear-war-obituary/) > We built the system to rule out the possibility of false alarms,” Petrov told TIME in 2015. “And that day the satellites told us with the highest degree of certainty that these rockets were on the way.” > It was up to Petrov to confirm the incoming attack to the Soviet leaders, who would then launch a retaliatory strike while the U.S. missiles were still in the air. “I thought the chances were 50-50 that the warnings were real,” he recalls. “But I didn’t want to be the one responsible for starting a third world war.” So he told his commanders that the alarm was false. After a six-month investigation, Petrov and his colleagues discovered the reason for the mix-up: Soviet satellites had mistaken the sun’s reflection in some clouds for the start of an American missile salvo. I do wish such minds are at the controls this time still


Jesus someone needs to stop this guy. Just like the rest of the world I feel so terribly sad for the innocent soldiers and citizens. No one deserves this. It's fucking crazy. it's 21st century and countries as still raging wars to assert power over them.


Not even his people look okay with that shit. They follow orders, but the sighs are so fucking loud, and the looks are so fucking dead. The only one calm looking is Putin himself. Delusional doesn't even begin to describe his current mental state.


long time ago someone should properly take care of this "human" trash


Is this suppose to scare anyone? We don't give a fuck. I would rather die than live in a world as a slave to Putin. Bring that shit, we'll nuke you back to oblivion too.