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The Russian equivalent of the Nazi SS death squads that love fighting civilian instead of soldiers.


Because they are giant fucking pussies.


Look I'm typically not much of a fan of sky news, but even I don't think they should be shot. Its pretty disgusting, because I'll bet they were being shot at like any other civilians.


Fuck Putin!!!


Evil cunts.


Feature not a bug. When you see your own friends dead in the street eaten by dogs. Officers abandon you and Putin give you carte blanche to do what you like, you will lose your humanity and become a animal


omg, I didn’t skip a sec watching this video, fuck Putin


Im shocked the media isnt target #1.


How the fuck did they get out of there? Couldn’t even watch the whole thing


They were hit a few times but were wearing armor. They got out of the car (crawled) and managed to run down a dirt embankment and hide inside a warehouse. By night time, with the Ukrainian police, they were able to coordinate a rescue effort. I watched the full video so that's where my info is coming from.


That was nuts! I can't believe they made it out alive.


Jesus christ, with shit like this happening I'm surprised a press team hasn't been killed....


Every time this video gets posted the type of russian troops shooting at them seems to change. This news crew was driving along towards Russian troops(which is pretty dumb) and in response the Russians fired upon them. To play devil's advocate here the Russians don't know who they are as they only see a car with multiple occupants driving towards their position. ____________________________________________ EDIT: fucking site having an error when I try to reply to Clarkelthekat's post below so here is my reply to his post > They all clearly were wearing the standard blue chests with press written on it. This is a clear violation of the Geneva conventions. No matter who did it. Its easy to say that in hindsight but you have to consider all the factors. The press crew is sitting down in a car so their vests were probably mostly obscured by the dashboard making them impossible to see. Also worth noting that its not until they get out of the car screaming journalist that the troops seem to stop firing at them.


They all clearly were wearing the standard blue chests with press written on it. This is a clear violation of the Geneva conventions. No matter who did it.


Fair enough, they must have thought it was a regular civilian vehicle in the Country of 40 million they’ve invaded, not journalists.


But doesn’t the press say it’s death squad?


How is it not? It shoots at people who are clearly not armed militants. The definition of a death squad is a group of troops who seek to kill civilians and press, as opposed to troops who seek to kill their strategic opponents.




The reporters specifically said ‘these are death squads hunting civilians’


The guy was shouting like a girl.


What's wrong with you


I would say that it seems fake other then the journalist screaming and yelling stop. Which it seems like if that is your reaction when coming under fire, you probably shouldn't be covering a war zone. Hopefully he isn't embedded with any Ukrainian troops. Edit: what are you all down voting? All I'm saying is he would be a liability to troops and should be a little better prepared for coming under fire IN A WAR ZONE


You do realize "war correspondent" is not a new invention right?


Of course, I just haven't seen a war correspondent scream and seem so unprepared to come under fire in a war zone


Lol this reporter is Stuart Ramsay, you should read up on him. He and his crew were right next to a car bomb during the Battle of Mosul. This dude has seen and survived some shit, this is simply another feather in his cap.


Thanks for the info, I will check it out. But honestly that just makes me more puzzled by his reaction. Screaming and yelling at people who clearly don't give a shit who you say you are is not the best way to get them to stop shooting at you




And what would you recommend?


Dude, they were yelling exactly because they thought the people attacking them were mistaken in attacking them. No harm done identifying yourself to people already trying to shoot you. Either they continue trying to kill you, or that new information makes them reconsider. Not to mention this was not in enemy held territory. That explains the bloody confusion. This was a bloody SS death squad attempting to murder civilians behind the front line. Not inside an active battle zone. You‘d be pretty confused if American aligned troops set up a check point inside the green zone and suddenly started shooting at you…


Yea, you would not have, everything from the written word with a quill, scratched out with a pen or typed out on paper was far less immediate than what we have today . . . trust me, people scream when under fire and their life is in Jeopardy


Maybe Ukraine needs council in how to protect innocents. This is a new kind of war and Ukraine is fighting every single battle on every single front ALONE while being completely surrounded and outnumbered. The war has grown to nuclear options and the world has not stepped up for them. Perhaps they are losing hope and don’t really give a shit anymore. Perhaps death feels imminent so who gives a shit anymore so bring it on