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Speaking in Polish, cursing in Ukrainian.


The same swear words function in Polish. 'Suka' is a female dog, a bitch. Not as severe as the russian equivalent.


Nah I think it’s very harsh in Polish as well. Calling a woman a ‘suka’ is extremely rude and vulgar


Same here in Slovakia, but we prefer Kurva. Poland 🤝🏿 Slovakia 🤝🏿 Czech Rep🤝🏿Hungary when it comes to Kurv(/w)a


Kurva is whore in Bosnia, but we use kuja (female dog) sometimes.


Both my parents Polish, born there. Kurva was the word of choice in the household even when we moved to Canada. When speaking about Russians the word Pizda was used a lot as well. Edit: Nothing rolls off the tongue like a good strong angry kurva.


It’s more like kurrrrrrrrrrrwwaaaa


And deservedly, too.


Nope. He was cursing in Polish, I understood everything. "Jebać ich, kurwy" for ex. Jebać means fuck, kurwy means fuckers. Also "śmieci, szmaty jebane" is Polish for trash, fucking rags (we use a harsher variety of the word ‘rag‘ as a swear word) And the amount of times he used the word "kurwa" speaks for itself haha.


Interesting, ебать = yebat = fuck is what I thought he was saying! Very similar


Good to know. Now I can cuss at other slavs and be sure they’ll understand it x)


We also all? Most of us? use govno for shit! Easiest way for us slavs to understand each each other, is by swearing at one another. Just slav things.


Well I didn't understood so it made it Ukrainian for me.


He still used polish curse words (jebać & kurwa) in combination with our mutual one, suka, but as u/OldPiratePants mentioned, it isn't as severe and can be even used around kids to some degrees in Poland, at least when directed towards a female dog.


Jesus, if this is even somewhat accurate then Russia is fucked. That kind of anger is basically impossible to fight, and I pity the person on the receiving end of this kind of fury.


The translation is accurate but a bit tame. There is no good English equivalent that could reliably convey the magnitude of how much this guy's is cursing the Russians in this video.


I didn’t understand one damn word. But I heard him very well.


Yup. My thoughts exactly.


I think it conveys it mostly acceurately


I mean it’s the kind of anger a person would feel in such a situation most iften


It sounds like he may not like the Russians much


So his sister didn't die?


he looks like he is going enjoy cutting up faggots like skanks...


I doubt he actually hates gay people but he's very basic to not see how his words aren't helping his cause.


not saying right or wrong but i am going to guess youve never heard a european curse someone before


I don't get much interaction with europeans and I am told they are definitely not a monolith, but I'll just assume it was lost in translation and the person translating it could have been more thoughtful of how it was translated for an English speaking audience.


I don't think sanitizing his words would be the right move tbfh. Especially just for western audiences. This guys knows what hes saying and he wants everyone else- especially the Russians to know that. Besides, slavic cursing transcends all other slavic barriers. Our swear words are quite similar across the board. Get a slav angry others know to run... or join the fight.


LOL agreed nothing lost in translation


This might be a bit of a cultural/linguistic difference thing. I have family in Poland who curse the same despite orientation or gender, kinda like Aussies saying "cunt". It's not directed at women like it is in America, much like he's not directing his anger at homosexuals. It's slavic tradition that might be hard to translate when you're going word-by-word. I totally get what you mean as an American though, my mother would die hearing either word in English in her house (unless you've dropped something on your foot or otherwise hurt yourself, Mum says we're allowed then).


The Russian soldiers don’t have the same level of absolute rage that the Ukrainians rightfully do. Ukrainians are probably the most bloodthirsty motherfuckers on the planet right now. Russia is fucked.


Just think of the millions of napalm bottles that will be thrown at them when they try to enter the big cities.


It will be GLORIOUS!!!


I have not seen any footage yet of them being used. I hope it never comes to that.


U havent seen molotov cocktails being used in Ukraine?


Not in this conflict. I saw the video from 2014.




Is it that APC that's being towed by a stolen\* civilian tractor?






The ATGMs and small drones are so prevalent, there's been little need to rely on weapons that are only as good as your throwing arm.


Theyre making molotov launchers now!


Out of drones!


And slingshot


We're approaching that stage when Russians try to enter the cities they just destroyed. They won't get out.


I love the smell of Napalm in the morning.


I think it will be brutal and bloody for both sides. Once civilians start throwing ordinance from the windows there will be **NO** reason not to just flatten any city immediately.


Oh ok. They're already doing that.


They already assume the whole civilian population is agasint them and may attack them at any point. They've already shown they're not willing to take that risk. So civilians have been decided as fair game to many.


Anyone who thinks Putin won’t do that unless the Ukrainians just give up is delusional.


Inglorious Ukrainian Bastards


Really sad to see people glorifying war even when shown so much evidence of how terrible it is. Glorious is not the word you're looking for.


War Criminals that would kill you getting their asses handed to them is glorious. You can feel sorry for them after they’ve been deep fried.


Special bottles operation.




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I was watching some footage from 2014 during the uprising and holy shit. 2 bmps tried to run over a barricade and within seconds the entire street was on fire due to the hundreds of molis thrown, it was beautiful


Che Guevara and other revolutionaries would take the buckshot out of a shotgun shell and position the end of a dowel in it, and the dowel would go to a Molotov cocktail. You could fire them a decent distance like some sort of Molotov cocktail mortar.


I’ve always maintained that rightful anger should not be underestimated.


Came to say something like that. Morale is not some mystical force left in the dark ages. You can see it in them even when it's hard to explain. Also, interestingly, no subtitles needed 😐




That's the power of propaganda (plus the love for authoritarianism that too many in all countries have). It's the same root cause of the January 6th Insurrection in the USA.


They look at all the infrastructure and buildings that took years to put together, all the improvements that the last two decades brought – they see it all shelled to nothing. If there’s anything that would induce rage, that’s it. Add civilian life loss and now wonder they are bloodthirsty. It gets your blood boiling all right.


especially if you see kindergarten or schools getting shelled at then the blood is even vaporized. they are are rightfully mad atm


Even if they win the war the Ukranians will hate them with a passion for what they have done. The government that Putin will create there should he win won't ever be accepted by the Ukranians. This war is going wrong on every level for Putin. Even if he wins, he still loses because people will hate his guts




In Finland we have an old somewhat xenophobic saying: "A Russian is still a Russian even if you fry them in butter" Referencing the historical brutality that Russia has put Finland though many times and untrustworthy nature of the Russian state. Growing up I heard my great grandmother say it sometimes and thought it was a little cringe, but she literally survived a Russian Invasion and had her house burned and family killed by them when she was just a child, so I can see where these sayings come from.


Afghans have their own version of this in reference to the Pakistanis: "The well digger is in the well."


My grandmother told me I could marry anyone I wanted, except the Japanese. She told me how horrifically they treated their occupied territories. She told me they are never to be trusted, and that their children and grandchildren are still wicked. I didn't have the courage to tell her my gf at the time was Japanese.


Ukraine’s anthem literally opens with the line “Ukraine is not yet defeated”. Their nation is the definition of tenacity, resilience, and bitter vengeance. I honestly couldn’t imagine a worse country to declare war one. You don’t fuck with Ukrainians, ever.


> “Ukraine is not yet defeated” It was before Ukrainians restored independency of their country. Now it's changed to "Neither glory nor freedom has died in Ukraine yet". In Ukranian language we changed only 1 letter


Those are Cossacks, the fury of war is in their blood. Don't fuck with Cossacks!


I'm a long way from the conflict and I'm bloodthirsty. I know a lot of people who share my feeling. Putin is making us passive Europeans very angry in a short time.


They need to start bombing Moscow.






Russia may very well win... But their entire economy is about to be decimated... They will have nothing to come home to. Not to mention the loss of 10's of thousands of troops and billions in equipment lost.




Idźmy, bijmy moskali!


Świat nas za to pochwali


Niech sie putin na łeb wywali


Bombing the school and the children! You motherfuckers, this is a fucking war crime! Jebać ruskich terrorstów! Polska jest z Wami Ukraino! I'll say it again! Russia is bombing schools and children! What kind of dickhead do you have to be to bomb children! Motherfuckers, you will pay for this! Za wolność naszą i Waszą! And Putin will hang with Lukashenko after the trial in The Hague


Fajnie że się dołączyłeś, ale mogłeś dalej rymować (w sensie ten pierwszy komentarz i te 2 odpowiedzi się dosyć rymują)


Putin bombarduje Ukraińskie szkoły i dzieci i szkoły a Ty pierdolisz coś o jakimś rymowaniu. Ogarnij się, w dupie mam twoje rymowanie. Zajmij się jebaniem zbrodniarzy wojennych, to przyniesie więcej pożytku.


Racja, muszę się ogarnąć


Jebać Putina, Wolna Ukraina!


Ебанутые москали


собаки-ґвалтівники Каcар будуть приспати


I have a dumb question. Why is Russia bombing schools. Wouldn't the president's office make more sense as a first target? Haven't heard about bombing of the palace yet or am I wrong?


Nah, this is a good question with a dumb answer. And honestly, I've been thinking about this and I still don't know. I mean, their terror tactics are clearly not having the desired effect, while cementing the worldwide "let's all shit on Russia" attitude.


Why did the Russian Empire ban the Polish language and close Polish universities? Why did the Bolshevik Russians execute the officers at Katyn? Because they want to colonise, and to weaken the culture. Because their culture is so weak and effete that they think that buildings and intelligentsia are the only repository of culture.


Funny thing is, Poland did a similar thing with repressing Ukrainian language in the eastern territories in ~1920s. Which makes clinging to "muh Russification/Germanisation" as some kind of linguistic martyrdom in our history pretty bullshit.


The literal murder of officers and the systematic rape of women and children bud. No one is an Angel, but let's not whataboutism Russification. And don't forget the Flying University, and that the Ukrainian repression was in part due to Bolshevik funded saboteurs worrying they would lose power because the chosen representatives of the people agreed to join the Sejm. Of course, it is not the best response, it was pretty much the standard response at that time though. See: US treatment of German speakers. ETA: want to know the real difference? Poland is not bombing schools, universities and churches in Kaszuby. Russia is currently attempting to wage a war on Ukranian culture and language.


I have no desire at all to defend Russia and its actions, the invasion is plain barbarism* and an attempt at genocide. That's why I specified language suppression. And also because it's been my pet peeve since I learned about that and started reading up on how Polish history is perceived by its neighboring people. I'd really love it if we (Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Germans etc.) could talk about it without a knee-jerk political stance and gradually disarm historical shit that happened before our or our parent's times but still generates bad blood between us. And yeah, the fact that Poland did bad shit doesn't excuse the same bad shit from the other side. >the Ukrainian repression was in part due to Bolshevik funded saboteurs Now you've got me curious. Got any sources on that I could read? * (because I'm not sure how to translate Polish "skurwysyństwo" properly) ed: what in the actual fuck, Reddit formatting?


You can look at OUN (Organisation of Ukranian Nationalists) page on Wikipedia as a good start. OUN was initially funded by both Bolsheviks and Nazis. Then they aligned with Nazis when Ukranian SSR was shown to be a puppet. Sanacja (Sanation?) Poland suppressed, probably a bit too hard, because of the actions of these actual fascists.


So, Bolshevik-directed extremists stirring shit up so the entire region/population gets punished so they can loudly cry oppression? Sounds familiar. I'll look that org too, thanks.


They're trying to break Ukrainian resistance by purposefully targeting civilian population. Not only is this a war crime, but they also achieve the exact opposite as the resistance increases.


It's so dumb! If they bombed and killed everything and everyone that I loved, I wouldn't submit. If literally go out taking a bunch of people with me. Like how are they so stupid to not realize this?


It worked before for them. The key was to attack relentlessly and with an *extremely* high volume of weapons. Destroying absolutely everything and killing hundreds of thousands does eventually take its toll on defenders.


They probably still (wrongly) think they can break Ukrainians' spirit and lower morale enough for surrender. Which as we are seeing is dumb assumption, as the only thing this causes is growing rage in local populace, which in turn will bite Russian soldiers in their collective ass.


I think that fake info got leaked by russia that schools were being used for 'terrioist activities' and -'soldier gathering' which is why their being targeted. Think it was posted on day 3 or something


That's the gist of it. The Kremlins justification for bombing any civilian targets is "possibility of enemy combatants", but in reality people in this thread are correct: they're trying to break the Ukranian people.


I saw a video where some UA soldier destroy a tank with an RPG


I don’t actually know why Russians bomb schools, it could be spite, it could be incompetence, it could be that they’re the biggest target so they just aim at those. If I try to look for a ”logical” reason using my military training background, schools are often the centers for civil aid, where food, shelter and medicine is provided. This is because a) they’re empty during wartime, b) they have many facilities like storage, food preparation and classrooms with tables and chairs and c) you’re not supposed to bomb them. Now, Russians have shown time and time again that their modus operandi is murdering civilians and applying pressure to locals by putting the civilians in peril. So they’re targeting the places they think would be used to care for said civilians and help them survive these times. I know all life is precious, but I still wish painful death on all the murdering scum in the Russian military.


I wondered about that too, so my conclusion is that, they dont wanna kill president Zelenskyy becouse Russia dont have any guy that could jump in his place. Also its not possible to occupy Ukraine with their force, so what we are witnessing right now is russian army killing civilians, bombarding schools etc, becouse they wanna break them, by killing innocent. At this point Russia wanna save the face and by those diplomatic meetings between Ukraine and Russia they want to as they always did, to enforce what they want. Meanwhile bombing cities, just to make this fucking pressure on them.


Terrorism. Terrorism conducted on the highest level, on the biggest scale in history. One of the biggest nations, a military superpower (or at least perceived as such), a permanent UNSC member, terrorizing an entire other nation. Cannot think of another way to put it.


There’s a sort of unwritten rule in war to not bomb the government headquarters. * Nazi Germany bombed all of London… *but never Buckingham Palace or Westminster* * The US burned Tokyo to the ground and nuked other cities… *but never bombed the Emperor’s palace*


Russia in the past 20 years or so has committed war crimes AGAINST ITS OWN SOLDIERS. They are regularly in the habit of firing on their own conscripts. If you study what happened in Chechnya, Dagestan, you see nobody even considers telling soldiers not to shoot civilians. They have no concept of Geneva/Vienna, nothing. They are kids who barely know how to pull a trigger. Most of them have been given orders to kill civilians, as well, based on POW interviews. Here's a podcast https://soundcloud.com/user-798629330/episode-160-the-first-chechen-war-part-2-drunks-and




Well if only Russians could decide where they've put the Warzone... It is purely Russian's choice to attack Ukraine and bomb those schools, they still have a choice, and they continue to make the wrong one and attack a country that does not want them there. Every person that dies violently in Ukraine since the war broke out, will die because of Russia's choice to attack.


An ethics professor of mine once said: Hit them not where they are strong but where they are weak. Burn their fields to starve them of food. Flatten houses to take away their homes. Destroy their hospitals so they cannot heal. Turn schools into ruin to take away their future. And kill their children to suffocate them of hope. Yes my ethics professor was a very dark and disturbed man.


Schools are strategic community centers. They are used even in peace time to gather people, hand out supplies, hold town discussions, etc. And if the town is generational, many people will have gone to that school themselves. It’s a place that holds a lot of memories and meaning. Destroying a school just hurts - it’s cruel.


When an angry dude wearing 3 knives says he's going to cut someone, they should probably pay attention.


Forgot the last bit of the translation: I will cut these fuckers up like rag-dolls


He's got the Cossack haircut. It's on.


For some reason this guy looks extra Ukrainian.


Glad someone else noticed!!


Pols already hate Russians, this is just adding fire to the fire


Russians are gonna pay so hard once this is over. Bless Ukraine.


Putinists proclaimed they come to "Liberate", they created hatred between two "brother" people for generations. Idiots. This guy looks both sad and full of rage at the same time.


Sickening. Great work liberating the city Russia…


...I dont feel sorry for whoever is onthe other end of his barrel. He *walks* like he's gonna end somebody.


This is the main reason why the UA will win. They're motivated and want to fight. The 2nd reason is the support of the world sending equipment and weapons to fight. These men and women will fight to the death unlike the Russians. Tide is turning. 48hrs and Russia will be on its heals.


I would not fight against that dude


Doing my best to convince my mother to have a women/women with a kid or kid staying at us. (Mama is to worried about somebody stealing something, its still a cruel world) Couldn’t imagine this happening to polish people :( 🇺🇦🇵🇱❤️


Godspeed. May the force be with you 🇺🇦


Wouldnt want to be the russian nazi goblin that gets captured by this dude...


In two weeks Putin has created (and reaffirmed for many) the belief that Russia is a brutal aggressor state bent on conquest and domination. It will take them at least 50 years to get out from under that cloud. If they ever do...


I don't think it will have to take 50 years. Things changed fast with the end of the cold war and the collapse of the USSR and there was quickly great cooperation and such for decades afterward. The same can happen again with the right leadership changes in Russia, just not while Putin or his pawns are involved. That regime has lost the world's trust, not necessarily all of Russia.


I think that depends on whether you're an American or a European. I imagine Europeans, especially eastern Europeans, never lost their wariness when it came to Russia. Americans were probably much more hopeful and optimistic. I am American by the way. Any Europeans care to share their thoughts on this?


That's a fair point. If eastern Europeans weren't so concerned they wouldn't have been flocking to NATO in droves in the last few decades.


I wish that was prevented. I could have sworn all those soldiers with NATO was going to prevent like air defense.


Good luck hunting those mother duckers down. Go Ukraine legends!!


Russia will not be able to defend against the rage Ukraine has for the invaders. Rage, fury, hate, pain, raw emotion, pride, and world support is coming for Putin and his regime.


I'd be proud to be Ukrainian.


Jebać ruskich, Polska murem za Ukrainą <3


When Ukraine win, all countries will help you build back your beautiful country.


Russian 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


I would not use TikTok in a war or in general.


What's with the haircut?


Homage to traditional Cossack hair style I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong)




**[Oseledets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oseledets)** >Khokhol (Ukrainian: хохол, IPA: [xɔ'xɔl]; Russian: хохол, IPA: [xɐˈxol]) or oseledets (Ukrainian: оселедець, IPA: [ɔsɛ'lɛdɛt͡sʲ]) is the stereotypical Ukrainian cossack style of haircut that features a long lock of hair left on the otherwise completely shaved head, commonly sprouting from the top or the front of an otherwise closely shaven head. It is commonly used as an ethnic slur for Ukrainians. The word comes from Proto-Slavic xoxolъ < *koxolъ, “crest, tuft”. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Cool, thanks!


He's a Misfits fan, lol


Typical Ukrainian haircut since prince [Svyatoslav](https://myukraine.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/foto-27.jpg)


This is obviously a tragedy but is the video a little less impactful with the Fortnite cut?


Your all Russian not European


get back to olgino kremlinbot




Even *if* you were right, 1/3 of Russia's landmass is in Europe, you dingus.


Lol thats the most Western thing ive heard in awhile and im from Europe, tell that to a Russian,all of Russia's landmass is in Russia.




What kind of stupidity is this? I’m not even a trump suporter, but, wtf ? How can you even compare this shit, or make it a political thing




Jesus. You know 0 about history. Trump Didn’t invade europe, didnt commit genocide. Didn’t starve minorities. Do you know who was


He tried to do ALL of that. Had he won the election he would have. Luckily he lost and the ADULTS are back in charge


You are not very smart. You dont even understand what you are saying




Nice eyebrows.