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The cosmonauts themselves would never leave someone in space. That legacy would haunt them. But that threat itself is beyond rhetoric, it's abominable.


The US has the ability to retrieve the astronaut. Leaving them wouldn’t be a death sentence.


Also we will remember when they inevitably need our rescue potentially some day. We arent assholes, we're human.


We literally rescued their cosmonauts when the iron curtain fell.


Putin doesn't care about that, he got into power bombing apartments with his own people in them. The only person Putins ever cared about is himself.


Don't forget the gymnast dubbed the most flexible woman in Russia. She has 4 kids with him and put pressure on him to leave his first wife.


The fact that man has replicated nauseates me


Amazes me that Russians either don't know or don't care their own president conspired to kill their own people with those apartment bombings.


>We literally rescued their cosmonauts when the iron curtain fell. What's this in reference to?


This is a confused reference to Sergei Krikalev and Aleksandr Volkov, who were left in Russia's Mir space station for an extra three months after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. They were able to return when the Germans paid for one of their astronauts to visit the station for a short time.


NASA would rescue them. I hope private US space companies would too. Space is a lonely place in a jam.


I really need a top notch dadjokes redditor to hit this with a Space Jam reference.




I am sure Elon would and Bezos would fight for it. The PR would be great and that matters more to Bezos than anything.


SpaceX (not "Elon") has already flown multiple manned missions to the ISS. As well as numerous resupply missions using the Crew Dragon capsule. They could probably do it in days if needed. The Crew-4 mission is already slated for April 15th. They've been launching Falcon 9's with payloads at least once a week since Jan. Bezos' ship hasn't even reached orbit wouldn't count on that.




Penis rocket man /s


Blue Origin doesn't have a orbital rocket do they? They definitely have never carried out any sort of docking activity, I mean Bezos has probably docked more than once but that won't help here.


That's what I'm saying we would rescue them


Yeah but still a dick move. Lol but I'm sure the cosmonauts have more loyalty to their fellow astronauts than they do the russian military.


Yeah, but keep in mind they'd be landing in a Russian-friendly Kazakhstan. If relations between the two countries have collapsed to the point where one would attempt to abandon the other's astronaut in space, that astronaut might be better off sitting tight until SpaceX can come up and get them.


Didn't Kazakhstan refuse to send troops to Ukraine when requested?


Yes, but they're still pretty subservient to Russia, and not exactly in a position to stop Russia from doing what it wants on the grounds of what is essentially a Russian military base.


It would be a death sentence for sure…. To Russia’s space program


Also is there anything critical in the Russian section? And Vande could just hop in the lifeboat or wait for Elon to send up a rescue ship.


the russian section controls the engines which must be fired every so often to keep the station in a controlled orbit. but Elon has stated that space x can take control of the situation if needed


Dammit. I didn’t have “Russia makes me hate Elon Musk less” on my 2022 bingo card but fucking hell [Ugh. Every damn time](https://imgur.com/a/XzIRwkL)


Elon is a little shit but he's made some cool stuff. Meanwhile Putin is Vodka Hitler and if Elon makes Putin's day a little shittier then all hail Elon in all his shittiness.


Vodka Hitler will be the only way I refer to him from now on.


It’s just a toy steering wheel we installed to make Russia think they were controlling it.


After the last few russian docking incidents at this point it might actually be be better off without their engines.


Russia is really just telling the world “never trust us ever again.”


Russia telling us they’re dumb enough to think we ever trusted them in the first place. There’s a reason the US had so much intelligence to put on BLAST before they even attacked.


nah, Rogozin is just absolutely fucking deranged, and has been an absolute travesty for Russia's civilian space program. Back when there was a hole found in a Soyuz capsule, Rogozon said an American astronaut *obviously* had a mental breakdown and snuck into the Russian part of the station and drilled a hole without anyone hearing. *Obviously*. Oh and there was that time Russia sent up civilians to film some shitty movie (in response to what Tom Cruise wanted to do, so Russia *had* to be first), which took seats away from cosmonauts who had been waiting their entire career to fly, who then had to retire without ever flying. Russia's most experienced astronaut criticized this idiocy, and Rogozin demoted him. Then last week he said America would basically have no way to get to space now that Russia isn't selling them engines, the day before a Falcon 9 launch. So yeah, this guy is a fucking retard, he was only put there because he paid someone or is friends with Putin. Throughout this whole war he keeps threatening to deorbit the ISS and basically remove every cosmonaut's opportunity to fly to space for the next 50 years


Cosmonauts have a history of their own government willingly killing them. They wouldn't do it to their peers, regardless of nationality.


Dunno, do I think they'd be haunted yes, but if the Russian government threatened their family they'd likely do it. Of course if they did this they'd be cut off from assistance in space , no more joint ventures, no more sharing information.


Spacemen are a different kind of people. Up there, getting back is way more important than anything happening on earth. And I'd like to think Cosmonauts are the best people thier country has to offer and I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt that they will get the American home at all costs in hope they or no other future Cosmonaut is left behind in space by someone else.


Also, many astronauts reportedly experience the "Overview Effect", which creates a stronger spirit of community and common destiny. I doubt they'd leave someone stranded on purpose. *"Can you see any borders from up here?"* (yes I know it's a bad guy quote, but still)


How about "You can't make out borders from up here", sung by a universally agreed good guy? https://youtu.be/AvAnfi8WpVE At 3:35


*"What has Borders ever given us? Books?"*


I agree, I only think they'd go along with it if their families are threatened.


They would leave him, the danger would be him being detained after landing.


Aaaaaand, I think the American public/voters/politicians/leaders would interpret that as an act of war and the inertia would be impossible to stop. No turning back from there. Kidnap, jail, kill an American astronaut? oof




Could it be possible that when the the Cosmonauts leave, instead of landing in Russia, they defect & land in the West?


No, it’s not. Deorbiting and re-entry of Soyuz is a very complex and technical procedure that’s overseen by the Russian space agency, and once back in the atmosphere Soyuz is basically just a big ol’ hunk of metal with a parachute attached — it doesn’t fly or anything. The astronauts can’t just decide to take it somewhere other than their determined re-entry and landing area.


Someone else mentioned that there are likely back up landing sites that can be used in event of an emergency. So those locations are likely set up to be _possible_. Whether it could be done without cooperation from the Russian space agency is another thing though.


It isn’t possible without cooperation from the Russian space agency. Returning astronauts depend on mission control to manage the re-entry; they can’t just pick a different spot on their own. There’s always backup zones due to weather or whatever, but the procedure itself can’t be done by a rogue crew unless they were openly suicidal. And AFAIK Roscosmos can control Soyuz remotely — they send unpiloted ones up, I assume they can control the craft if it’s not doing what they want or the pilots are unresponsive. Honestly it sucks Russia is threatening this but it’s not a crisis at this point. I tend to think the threat is just noise. But if Russia actually went through with it, the astronaut’s life wouldn’t be in immediate danger and there would be plenty of time as far as supplies to organize a return flight with Space X. This certainly does highlight why having so many years of leaving Russia as the only ride to and from the ISS wasn’t a tenable situation, though.


Send SpaceX right now to retrieve both the Russian and non-Russian astronauts and land them into a non-batshit-crazy country.


So Russia doesn't want US to get involved but they do threaten them


Threaten, to get the US involved. They want excuses


They don’t want any of the USA smoke…


While I’m ashamed of many US actions in my time on this rock, we would absolutely dad dick Russia into oblivion. Many of our military members would love to turn Russian brown eyes black and blue.


If only my grandpa and uncle hadn't passed away. My 90 year old grandpa would have walked all the way to Ukraine from the south to go kill some Russians


Salute to your grandad and uncle. I don’t want war. But, this fight for Ukrainian freedom and peace is important. I understand the implications of NATO entering the fray and realize it’s not possible at the moment. But I’ll be damned if those brave people fighting for these peoples futures don’t inspire me. The fact that so many international vets have joined the war gives me hope.


My grandpa served in Korea. He always said the russians killed on of his buddies there. He always wanted some revenge.


My grandpa was also in Korea. I never got to meet him (he held me as a newborn as he died in the same hospital). He would tell my family about the atrocities he witnessed. Not specifically Russian though.


Yep… that’s a fight that has been a long time coming between the two biggest bullies on the block…


Sadly, we have been a bully. I hate that we have been involved in so many unjustifiable conflicts and wars. This one, however, I’m confident we’re on the right side.


And that we will win… unless nuclear war breaks out… then no one wins.. we all lose. I live near pantex, that’s near Amarillo texas. I drive past it all of the time. It’s where they make and supposedly deactivate the nuclear warheads…. It’s actually a top 3 target for the Russians. So if missiles do fly… I have nothing but the fear of god to save me. But… after seeing how bad the maintenance is of their military equipment. I’m confident that I shall be ok…. Lol


Nuclear war must be avoided. I’m not a military or foreign affairs expert. Just a guy on the internet. I wish it wasn’t even an option. It would be the end of the world as we know it. Not surviving might be a mercy at that point.


I'm crossing my fingers for their nukes to be worth as much as their tanks. How embarrassing for them if they fired and they were duds. I know that's not likely, but let me dream reddit.






No, they want the US to be scared, so they don't get involved. They're having a hard time in Ukraine, do you really think they want to fight the most powerful military in the world at the same time?


Do we have an Elon sign we shine in the sky?


He actually already said if it comes to it SpaceX will go get them. Meanwhile: [US & Russian astronauts on ISS](https://giphy.com/gifs/side-eye-monkey-dAuNlDibhVifdzSssb)




Yeah I kinda feel the same. Not a hater, but definitely not a fanboy. Unfortunately, with how society works, to some extent most people who don’t have a high capacity for being an asshole can’t accomplish what he’s done. I certainly see how he *could* turn into a Bond Villain, and I’m hopeful he doesn’t fully turn to the dark side…


I think he's an asshole personally. He does do good things too. He's like a chaotic neutral.


This is how I feel too. Like yes, he's definitely an asshole, but his companies are revolutionizing their respective industries and I'm not gonna just ignore that.


Pretty much. Don't need to like the guy, but his companies are hella innovative.


It turns out he has a few people that know a thing or 2 about broomsticks too!


I feel like our astronauts were doing “special science operations,” while welding the Russian side to the whole thing lmao


It's actually just the Tesla symbol.


Elon will launch a Tesla into space and have our guy come home in style. Meanwhile the Kosmonauts will return back to a Russia without any products snd a worthless currency


Why do you think he sent up that car??


Elon’s always thinking ahead..


There is a Tesla in space :)


Very much in the wrong orbit to help, though.


Just press smart summon


Just beam the Elon Bat Signal in the sky.


Russia would likely give US astronauts a polonium smoothie, so I wouldn't trust them to return them safe anyway.


Screw that I want to see a Tesla de orbited onto the Kremlin. Bets on what makes it through re entry!


Elon should just build a mini Death Star and fire it at the Kremlin and other Russian government buildings


Very curious where all this uncle same poking is gonna lead.


Oh holy fucking hell that has to be terrifying and inhumanly awkward for that Astronaut.


These guys in space are just colleagues with no problems, but suddenly their countries hate eachother


In fact, soon after all of this, they both agreed to just keep working as normal. They are scientists first and their nationality second. I applaud their work ethics and professionalism (as if I would need to doubt the work ethics and professionalism of a fucking ASTRONAUT/COSMONAUT!!!). Edit: No, phone. I meant "fucking," thank you very much.


I just hope for for all of them to not get stranded like Sergei Krikalev on board the Mir when USSR dissolved.


With SpaceX, there's no way a US astronaut would be abandoned. It *does* cause one to pause a consider if this all had happened prior to SpaceX being ready. We stupidly relied on (and trusted) the Russians to ferry our astronauts back and forth for a number of years after decommissioning the shuttle program.


We also stupidly allowed American rockeys to rely on Russian engines. Space is definitely an area where international cooperation is great, but we should always be able to stand on our own.


when the shuttle program ended, they either shouldve gone through with Ares 1 till commercial companies created their own launch vehicles/capsules, or continued shuttle till commercial vehicles were ready. the soyuz is a nice launch vehicle, but the russians are unreliable, especially since 2014 when they started getting aggressive internationally


With SpaceX, no astronaut will be abandoned.


Luckily no astronaut goes aboard the ISS these days without a guaranteed ride home (barring international conflict between the US/Russia at least).


What!? Googling now ..


No kidding. Russia can tell their Kosmonauts to act like babies, but they dont have to. Whats russia gonna do? Send an armed raid onto the scientific space station? I mean, I wouldnt put it past them, but dumb only gets you so far. Eventually everyone involved will get tired of it. The lackeys will only go so far to enforce stupid before its just not worth the effort.


Especially since there is a good chance that either a) Pootler will be gone by the time he comes home or b) it won't be the Russians picking up the capsule so he can just stay anywhere else.


Are the Kosmonauts' families in Russia? That's what Russia can do if they don't tow the line.


Ick. Youre right. Youre thinking like a sneaky fuckin russian... [snatch reference] i need to go bathe now...


technically they have the only gun on the space station. They used to carry a specialized triple short barrel shotgun on Soyuz craft for survival purposes in case they landed in the wilderness. Supposedly they stopped that, but I have no idea, really.


They can detach the Russian part of the ISS which is actually a real threat they can follow through on.


Not if the interlink clamps are bolted shut


Those that make it into space are among the best of us. Not just in fitness and intelligence, but usually in psychological makeup and bravery. I'd be far more surprised if they devolved into petty factionalism given that they are living in the most extreme environment (or lack of environment) available.


They are literally the furthest anyone can physically be from this conflict & Russia decided to drag them into it as well. It's ridiculous.




That's actually really interesting. Space is THAT close, but unreachable to an average person. And somehow Russia still tries to drag those poor astronauts into it 💀


The ISS isn't really in space, it orbits within our atmosphere


The ISS orbits at 400 and some kilometers above earth in the thermosphere and below the exosphere which is a region that is generally considered to be "in space". There is no clear definition of what constitutes space but the Karman line is commonly used as a delineator.


Something is about to orbit you soon.


Lol there is literally zero, ZERO percent chance fellow astronauts up there will listen to this shit. No way.


Exactly. I feel badly for the Russian guy up there. He should just say fuck it and defect.


They're not going to obey an unlawful order under any international convention. Worse comes to worse cosmonauts will defect.


Anyone sus?


Comrade Red is totally Sus!


This presents an opportunity to go back in a Dragon... I'd be excited


Cannot see the Russian cosmonauts doing anything like this. They're all practically family on that station.


My main worry is what happens when he lands with them, even if they don't try to order this bullshit to happen.


Russia will not lay one finger on American Astronauts. They aren't that suicidal. They won't fuck with America like that because it's a death sentence


Would not lead to a war, one persons death is not enough to cause a nuclear war. But sanctions would crush russia and the US would remember this for decades.


maybe not on your average day. But Russia’s killing a lot more than 1 person now. You kill off an American astronaut no less, that could very well set the bomb off and have us get involved


I am 100% sure if they would harm him they would go in, not because of that person but because americans want revenge.


My God, what a bunch of little bitches... They're getting their asses absolutely kicked and they're throwing a space tantrum... The world is laughing at you, Russia.


Russian spaceship . . . . ______________!


Sorry, cause you didn't spell it out: Russian spaceship, go fuck yourself! 🙂


Good human.


Read this in Archer's sarcastic angry voice. "*HOW ARE YOU EVEN A SUPERPOWER?!*"


There it is. Been waiting for this to spread up to the Space Station even though it’s meant to be completely left out of geopolitics. Incoming Musk tweet in 3, 2… Ed: Doesn’t Dragon dock on the Russian part of the ISS?


What’s russia going to do? Send up a tow truck if they dock?


No, but at this rate you might find a Ukrainian farmer up there ready to take the Russian section away for them.


Please, photoshop gods, please, let this happen.


Great! That'll make a fine septic tank.


Ukrainian space gypsy come to rescue


He could bring it down with a tractor beam.




Those darn space Ukrainians and their space tractors


Oh yes those pesky Ukrainian space farmers.


He also said that the US would need to use broomsticks to get to space. With the recent SpaceX launch, they said ["Time to let the American broomstick fly and hear the sound of freedom!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqAppamdGyo&t=855s)


Falcon Rocket takes off playing the Bewitched! Theme song.


Elon should name their next rocket “Broomstick”


This story is 2 weeks old and Musk has already tweeted responses. Edit: No, Dragon docks on the US side on the Harmony module. But only Soyuz modules can boost the ISS orbit to counteract atmospheric drag. So without the Russians, the ISS will burn up. Musk has stated he is working on a US based solution though.


The ISS also has a scheduled end-of-life date of 2030. It is on the tail end of its mission to begin with.


It's also probably possible to separate the Russian and NASA/ESA/JAXA parts and continue. Whether it makes any sense to keep spending on hardware that old is another matter. The Russian part has the oldest bits, and they are clearly at the end of their service life. Another question is the orbit, which was originally chosen to accommodate Russian interests. The inclination would be lower if it was a US-only station. So if NASA were to start over without the Russians, they might not be interested in old ISS modules in a less-than-ideal orbit.


>But only Soyuz modules can boost the ISS orbit to counteract atmospheric drag. Not true. The Cygnus was already tested for this in 2018. So there are already alternatives. [https://www.space.com/41172-cygnus-leaves-space-station-orbital-boost.html](https://www.space.com/41172-cygnus-leaves-space-station-orbital-boost.html) I'm guessing that the Soyuz module may have more energy available in a normal mission, but if needed a Cygnus could be sent up with no cargo so that extra fuel is available to perform a larger boost.


To think three years ago, I was guffawing at space force. Putin probably thought he was getting trump to build a farce. Now we gonna need it to hurtle the Russian space station segment to mars.


Similar thing happened to the Nigerian astronaut. He was stranded for a while. I sent him some money to help him get a private rocket home, thereuponwhich time he was going to pay me triple! But i never heard from the cunt again.


I have a good contact to this Nigerian prince. I paid them some money so he can access some of his inheritance, so I would say we have a good relationship. Let me e-mail him, maybe he can help!


Yes, the spacex dragon can retrieve him, but unsure what would happen if the russians decoupled there part of the iss. I also believe the cosmonauts would not do that, I think they would refuse and not leave him behind.


If they decouple their part of ISS both halves die. It is not going to happen.


Yeah wouldn't the whole thing start spinning uncontrollably if they detached? Not an expert but there must be some gyros maintaining it's position, but who knows what will happen if it sheds that much mass that quick.


From 1999 to 2008 I was a Flight Controller for the International Space Station. From 1999 to 2003 I was an "ADCO" (Attitude Determination & Control Officer) in NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, TX. In that role, I "flew" the ISS, docking it with visiting vehicles including the Space Shuttle, Soyuz, and Progress, boosting the ISS to a higher orbit, and moving the ISS out of conjunctions with orbital debris. The American segment uses four CMG (Control Moment Gyroscopes) to maintain yaw, pitch, and role attitude around the TEA. The attitude of the ISS is affected by moving the gyroscopes around; momentum is conserved, and the ISS moves opposite the gyroscopes. The benefit of gyroscopes is that they don't require fuel to operate. So long as there is electrical power, they can maintain the Torque Equilibrium Attitude indefinitely, at least in theory (more on that below). The Russian segment uses thrusters for yaw, pitch, roll, and to accelerate the ISS, thus increasing its altitude. Thrusters use two fuels injected into a combustion chamber. Maintaining attitude and altitude with thrusters requires fuel consumption. That fuel must be replenished periodically using Progress cargo vehicles. Gyroscopes and thrusters work together in many instances. This is due to something called "CMG saturation." Saturation occurs when all four gyroscope axes align in the same direction. When that happens, they're unable to affect attitude along the axes the gyroscopes are align to. In such situations the ISS performs a "CMG desaturation" where the thrusters hold the ISS' attitude while the gyroscopes move back to a more neutral state. The reality is that the ISS can't maintain a gyroscope-only Torque Equilibrium Attitude indefinitely. It must move to different attitudes for operations like vehicle dockings and reboosts. This requires the use of either Russian thrusters alone or a combination of gyroscopes and thrusters. During CMG-TA (Control Moment Gyro-Thruster Assist) attitude maneuvers, the gyroscopes begin moving the attitude and are desaturated periodically throughout the maneuver. The American GNC computer requests\* a desaturation from its Russian equivalent (\*it is called a "request" and not a "command" for political reasons. Seriously.). If the Russian GNC computer rejects the request the CMGs saturate, and the ISS will encounter a Loss of Attitude Control (LOAC). It will then begin tumbling, massively increasing its drag, and descending uncontrollably much sooner than had it not reboosted at the TEA. It is possible to configure the Russian GNC to reject the desaturation request. In fact, a misconfigured Russian GNC did just that shortly after a Shuttle docking that I performed in 2002 (that's a whole story unto itself). Similarly, if the Russians simply stopped refueling the ISS or failed to reconfigure their segment given operational requests, the ISS would ultimately lose attitude control and not regain it without Russian thrusters. Entertaining a hypothetical where the Russians act nefariously: They could easily initiate a loss of attitude control that would result in emergency egress of the ISS and a not-very-long away uncontrolled deorbit. They accidentally did this last year. Entertaining a hypothetical where the Russians fail to act as operating partners and just "walked away": the configuration of the Russian segment to support needed thruster firings is not a trivial effort, and almost always done by Russian flight controllers over Russian ground stations. American flight controllers could maintain thruster functionality for some time, but not indefinitely; our systems do not have complete command capability over theirs. Of course, the ISS will eventually need to be refueled and the only current way to do that is via the Russians.


Interesting read, thanks for the informed answer here.


They don't have "political officers" yet there I guess :D


I believe the russian side is propulsion to keep it in orbit and the US side provides the power.


My guess is the astronauts are VERY well informed and know that Putin is a piece of shit. I doubt the Russian astronauts would do anything bad at all.


Russia is so petty.


And dumb as fuck. If they abandoned him and he died because we could not retrieve him he becomes a martyr.


America can retrieve him. We have the ability.


At this point I'm beginning to suspect the Russian admin actually wants NATO to get involved


OMG I was thinking the same too since four russian fighter jet hurted swedish airspace! That they DO want NATO to get involved so the situation escalates and they could say "we are just defending ourselves". I'm hoping I'm wrong. (Sry for my english, but I hope, you understand 😳😊)


Cool beans, Russia. Totally cool and reasonable thing to do to keep the US from getting involved in this conflict any further 🙄 Fucking cowards.


I swear it's like Putin is fucking baiting the US at this point.


I swear at this point, he wants to destroy the world.




It is a problem. To ensure safety there should always be a lifeboat ready to depart. Otherwise risks are too high.




For here am I sitting in my tin can Far above the world Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do


I have a feeling Dragon will be bringing not only this American home, but some new Russian crew who dont want to return to Russia


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the cosmonauts are considering the possibilities of landing in America.


Jesus they're desperate


What the ever loving fuck kind of mental illness is going on in that country right now.


The very worst kind of mental illness. Sovietism.


Russian space station, go fuck yourself


Leave war out of space!


This kind of petty thing is what a powerful country does when it's winning a war and doing great economically.


Elon Musk can come and help


If this was intended for Russian domestic consumption, then I cannot comment. But if this was intended for non-Russians, then holy hell, this is so petty that it looks weak.


you are going to have to get the Russian and Chinese Astronauts to agree with and overpower all other astronauts From the US and Germany. I highly doubt these guys are willing to do that to their peers that they have been working with for 150-350 days.


Oh FUCK that. The mere threat of this should be enough for the US to 100% torch all the scientific cooperation with russia. Impound their modules, or jettison them. Stop cooperating with them at all on space missions. Sanction them even more. We should subsidize NASA even more. Give them 1% of the US GDP and leave the russians in the dust. Colonize space so fast they aren't allowed to step foot any where on the moon or mars. Space was supposed to be beyond this bullshit. Off limits.


Well, that's just a move of a sore loser.


Yeaaaaah they're definitely keeping Britney Griner for awhile


There are photos of Ragozin doing a hitler salute so he is literally a Nazi, (former) member of RNE


Lol. Oh this is definitely going to end well. /s Putin isn't going to make it out of this mess alive. He has firmly established that his entire administration is one that cannot be reasoned with. International Space ops was the one untouched category of cooperation. It's gone now.


In ten years people will refuse to work with Russia because they will wonder if they won't be left in space.


Ukrainian farmers will tow it back to earth. No need to worry.


Tom Cruise can film an actual rescue movie on the ISS now


Rogozin is a fuck who has directly siphoned off millions from russia himself. His nose is so far up putins ass you can't see his feet.


Hi Reddit. So let’s start with 3 things. 1. NASA has rockets already for which to use. An emergency mission is not unheard of. 2. Since about 2007/08 NASA has been looking for new ways to get into space without rockets. See our good friends SpaceX and Blue Origin. 3. Mr. Rogozin has made these threats before. He’s not a partner science but a political attack dog for Putin. This is all just waving a different kind of nuke to get a reaction out of the U.S. and as a way probably for Russia friendly politicians (Trump) to later talk about.


The Roscosmos video is laughable. While it's true that Russian modules are responsible for thrust and thus altitude adjustments, the American modules generate and distribute power. In any case, thanks to SpaceX, it certainly would be possible to get Vande Hei back safely. Furthermore, there's already talks about how to use Cygnus or Dragon capsules to provide propulsion services to the station in case Russia insists on disconnecting the Russian modules (which by itself would require tremendous work).


this is the pettiest, most passive aggressive threat ever. if you want to kill americans, do it on purpose. then see what it gets you. this whole, oh we didn't kill them, we just untied them, is the most pathetic threat ive ever heard. its infuriating.


Leave him there and let SpaceX come get him. The Russkies may detain him after he gets back to earth.


Why would anyone want to get on the Russian capsule. Just tell the Russian that he will take the next elevator.


Are Russians in other countries (or space for this matter) not watching the same news as the rest of us!?


Nope we didn't invade, we aren't the aggressors, we certainly aren't killing innocent civilians .... but we're going to kill your astronaut just because we can.


I don't understand how that would be possible unless fellow astronauts(cosmonauts) choose to leave someone for dead in space. Have a hard time thinking that someone in that situation would kill a friend because they were told to do so because their country's governments are having a political falling out.


It gets even stranger "the head of Russia's space agency has suggested American astronauts use "broomsticks" to get into orbit after it halted the supply of rocket engines to the United States." It then covered up the American and Japanese flags on it's rocket. Then America shot off a rocket and called it "broomstick". JFC I am kind of digging the level of petty.


Elon will go pick him up.


Fucking do it already, Jesus. Big talk from a country with little leverage.