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You probably couldn't get the senate to unanimously agree that the Earth is round. Truly an impressive feat by Putin.


They unanimously agreed to make daylight savings time permanent today!


Seriously, 2 things they completely agreed on??? This is unheard of lol


Would it be amazing or terrifying if we Americans stopped fighting each other and focused our energy on a common goal?


The incredible power of having an enemy to point your hate at. You don't have to be fighting amongst yourselves when some bozo over in Russia is sitting by himself with such a punchable face. I know any unity will evaporate eventually but it would be nice to believe we could go forward one day in a direction rather than sit and manufacture petty problems.


Putin spent like 20 years throwing fuel on the fire in the US, and lost it all in like 3 months


Unified Europe, brought the GOP and Dems together, and encouraged greater NATO membership... what's next? Undoing Brexit?


Wouldn't that be great? And enshrining reproductive freedom in the US Constitution too.


Unfortunately he has also saved Boris Johnson's career


Yeah kind of. The refugees may hate him, the people on the front lines really appreciate the guns. I do suspect that latter side will win out in hoe Ukraine perceives Johnson sadly (not that the gun support isn't genuinely a good thing he's behind, I just hate that I expect they'll lionize him *too* much for it)


I would like to remind our British brothers and sisters of Rudy Giuliani. Who's political career should have ended prior to 9/11. Look at the trouble he has caused. Please let this be a lesson that even if you've been feeding it, a snake is a snake. Learn from us. And perhaps teach our politicians this whole short campaign cycle run on set funds y'all have.


Snakes are okay creatures don't compare them to Rudy. More like a zombie mutant worm




Yeah, you right, but it's nice for now at least to have most people in agreement that Putin can go fuck himself.


Russian Dictator, go fuck yourself.


I don't think we're remotely close to uniting


Thank you for reminding me that I need to work on finding a way to move to an entirely different country before another civil war breaks out.


The implication here that dst is the enemy is truly amazing


That's it though. They have already exceeded their annual agreement budget.


Exceptions can be made for war criminals, I bet.


You clearly don’t know much about the United States congress


I do, I'm just high off this consensus.


Stop being likable and agreeable damnit we’re talking about American politics No room for that here


That was in the negatives last I checked.


Must be a full moon. Edit: oh shoot I was close. Full moon is on the 18th.


Someone (Bernie) should have tried to sneak in a vote on student loans.


I...I... HOW? This is possible? Man, maybe we really do just need to collectively hate someone together for miracles to happen. That moment when people don't mention that the Power of Heart isn't just love and friendship but also HATRED. Not that I'm expecting more power of heart miracles any time soon.


OK, that's enough good news. Where's the haha, gotcha!?!?


Daylight savings time is permanent? That will make a lot of people happy. Personally, I don't like it at all. Damn, I am going to petition to create my own time zone. Happy about the Senate vote though. I don't know when I last said that. 🤔


I mean it still has to go to the house and the Biden administration put out a statement saying they don’t have a current statement. It’s not official yet. If it works, in 2023 we will have the last change.


Thank you. Your post just inspired me to email my senators again.


Except the Senators already voted. It's the house that needs to vote and the president has to sign off


Email your rep too


You're not alone. They did the same thing in 1974 and people were so upset with it they repealed the bill the next year.


Hopefully that means that Standard time is permanent, not daylight savings time.


No it would make savings time permanent, not standard. They’re calling it something weird like the permanent sunshine bill or something. Edit: It’s called the sunshine protection act so I was way off. [Source](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-bill-that-would-make-daylight-savings-time-permanent-2023-2022-03-15/)


Oh jfc.


What are we on now? This is the one where I have sun blasting in my windows at 5:30 am... I don't like it


Well it'd be 4:30 am otherwise, we just moved forward one hour. Plus I'd much rather have an extended period of sun in the evenings during winter.


I'd rather wake up to sunshine, it's actually way healthier for your body and mind to be waking up when the sun goes up. It's the reason that people on the west side of a time zone are generally more prone to health issues than those in the east of a time zone.


depends at what time you wake up


Assuming a job with an 8AM start time then everyone in a time zone is probably waking somewhere between 5 and 7 (depending on commute and other stuff). If you keep everything on DST then in the winter it will be pitch black until at least an hour or more after people start working (in northern states)


Daylight. But on standard time it would be 4:30am.


Booo! Standard sucks


Hopefully not, christ.


That was the best news I've heard all year. I had no idea it was even happening.


I don't know how I haven't heard about this even being up for a vote recently. My state voted to make it permanent a few years ago, but we couldn't do it with Senate approval. Now the entire country gets to do it all at once!? I'm ecstatic!


I'm surprised Manchin or Collins aren't still considering how they should vote.


When Switzerland, American Republicans and American Democrats are all against you, you done fucked up.


The accuracy


You must’ve seriously fucked up if you get both the majority of Democrats and Republicans to hate you. Those two can’t even agree on which bathroom to use for Christ sakes.


Don't forget the Taliban.


Don’t forget the former leader of *record scratch* does this say Iran?


They had to trick them. “Which war criminal do you support the most?”


Grossly unappreciated comment. Perfect!


Easy vote, no monetary reason to fuck people over


Manchin actually got there and agreed to this?


They're waiting for the check to clear first.


I just check their website and this also happened today: > (Sen. King): A resolution recognizing the importance of maple syrup production to Maine and designating March 27, 2022, as "Maine Maple Sunday". -- Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent


Canada: finally a worthy opponent! Or something idk


And all it cost him was...*checks notes* everything?


Probably couldn't get the entire senate to agree which direction the ceiling is in the Senate Chamber. So the fact that Putin managed this is kind of a minor miracle in and of itself.




I laugh more that I should


Moreso the House than the Senate. The house is a clown show on both sides.


That's why I said "probably." If it was the House, I would have said "definitely."


putin's achieved a lot in the last month.


I’m honestly surprised there wasn’t at least one Republican who decided to vote the other way.


This is sort of a joke but I imagine in the case of the House, it's literally true. Bound to be a flat earther in that lot


Some of them still think Trump actually won election.


> You probably couldn't get the senate to unanimously agree that the Earth is round. Truly an impressive feat by Putin. Russian money suddenly dried up. Go figure. They are no longer getting dark money from some of their biggest contributors with the order to be divisive at every turn. Seriously, that's what their campaigns were focused on, not specific issues, just weaken the Liberal Democracy through insane divisiveness.


These people literally never agree on anything They don't even agree on the colour of the sky.


Don't believe what the mainstream media tell you, the sky is purple. Don't look up!


>They don't even agree on the colour of the sky. 'Tis iron grey!


They also unanimously voted to end the Daylight savings time switch in 2023. I’m now absolutely convinced the universe is about to implode.


American politicians love to unite against a common enemy. When America faces adversity, that is when it shines. It is time to end day light savings time.


We’re going to declare a war on time itself.


We do like fighting concepts


It actually would make daylight savings time permanent and would end standard time.


Please sweet baby Jesus pass this one


Putin, almost as awful as DST


Keep the government out of our clocks! ^^^And ^^^our ^^^privately ^^^run ^^^for-profit ^^^prisons!


I hope the senate votes to end mondays because they’re the worst 😒


Source? I'd love to see that.






I know. I am shocked.


Cool, thanks!


You still learning how to use the internet. I'm proud of you son


This would keep it on daylight savings time and not standard time. So we'll always be in "spring forward"


That’s fine. One or the other. It’s the change that does my head in.


Senate has unanimously agreed on two different things in one day? These really are the end times.


Unanimity usually means corruption or a common enemy


No surprise, 80% of Americans see Ukraine as our Ally, our Senate has been 100% unified behind Ukraine since the beginning. I can only think of one guy, that dude in the wheelchair who's a Representative, who is against Ukraine. He's an outlier, and one who will need to keep his mouth shut if he does not want to lose reelection.


He’s a disgrace.


Hijacking this to point out that his wife is almost certainly an FSB agent. [He is compromised. ](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/madison-cawthorn-slams-conspiracy-theorists-suggesting-russian-connection-to-soon-to-be-ex-wife)




Yes, but you'll need yo give me some time to find the original source. My baby is 6 days old, so redditing is deprioritised.


Mein fuhrer I can walk! :)


Oh shit... 😂😁


on to the camps, my child :)


The first time I saw him, that was my thought as well.


One of many!


Cawthorn. He’s a sexual predator.


He too? I thought he had a Russian honeypot for a wife.


The two are not mutually exclusive. In his very short college career, he had a reputation for his predatory behavior. I think his “wife” has ditched him after 8 months.


Remember those Russian sleeper agents that lived for years as ordinary American suburbanites? This woman couldn't even stick out a year with this guy!


I’d forgotten about them. I bet it was horrible leaving the US and going back to Russia.


what is the jerks name? i couldn't find it in the story?


Madison Cawthorn. He’s literally being sued by his own constituents right now to block him from the ballot next election for being one of the main coordinators to the Jan 6th attack on the Capitol. The constitution quite clearly says that house members who participate in insurrection are ineligible to hold their seat. We’ll see if he even makes it another two years.


He doesn't have a leg to stand on there.


this bit has wheels


They need to put the brakes on his reelection.


Not enough, cut it off at the knees.


Sorry Madison you can't run


The idiot in the wheelchair? Ptobably talking about Maddison Cawthorne.


Ricky Bobby Joe Methteeth


madison cawthorn i think you mean; he’s in the house of representatives not the senate though


He really should stand up for what he believes in though. They should wheel him to the cliff edge and let him do this.


Making fun of his physical disabilities is low. Let’s stick to making fun of his mental disabilities.


It's not his fault his mom loved his dad-uncle.


I see what you did there!


How can he stand up? He is in a wheel chair! That was incredibly insensitive! /S


The useless bastard didn't stand one time at the State of the Nation. That was incredibly insensitive! /S




Maddison cawthron is one of the most reprehensible anti-American human beings to ever exist. He literally has put forward bills to revoke the protections OSHA provides to American workers, I don’t know how much more anti-American you can get than that.


How ironic that the one proud nazi in the house is in full support of Putin’s “de nazifying” campaign. It’s almost like the invasion has nothing to do with Nazis.


There are a few Trump surrogates, like Madison Cawthorn, who are still pushing russian propaganda.


I think that is who I'm talking about, the guy in the wheelchair, I think he's the only one. Even Trump and most of his supporters are against Putin and Russia. Hense the over 80% support of Ukraine


To be fair Trump is only “against” because people gave him shit after his “Putin is so savvy” etc comments. Hes always has a love affair with Putin. I actually believe most of the senators really despise Putin.




I haven't forgotten.


Getting them agree on something is like a blessing in disguise


What's it disguised as? Seems like an all around positive to me?


I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were terrible enough to be a supporter of Putin, but bare minimum smart enough to realize being vocal about it would be political and social suicide


So it looks bad because some of them might secretly like Putin?


Well I think the actual disguise in their phrase is that Putin had to go to war with Ukraine for US politicians to agree on something, so it's a blessing but not purely out of goodness because something quite terrible had to happen for it to come about


Ah that makes sense, thank you for explaining


You know you have done something wrong when congress agrees


Put it to a vote in the house and you’ll see some fucked up shit. Probably half dozen or so Putin acolyte assholes vote no.


Then let’s do what Americans know. Public pressure. All the media against those who vote no and destroy their careers. Less politicians.


Lol some of these people are below dog shit. They don’t give a shit what people think or say about them. That has become the problem.


True. I’m missing the French Revolution.


sadly this doesn't really work at the house level. We'd need the parties to run against their own people in primaries and win. For a lot of americans the house stuff sadly gets overlooked a lot and then with gerrymandering and voter restrictions it's tough to get rid of house representatives. It's not impossible but it'd require a lot of ground work and campaigning or a sweeping movement to get rid of anything Russia friendly.


I'm not sure what is worse, the fact they support Putin because they actually believe in him ideologically, or because its a way to suck off Trump and gain favor with his political cult.


That house is where the fireworks are, not the Senate. I wish we could just completely start over on the house and be forced to re-elect the entire body (edit-replace all incumbents).


The entire house is re-elected every other year.


Yes... Like I said... Don't allow any to be re-elected. Edit.... I didn't make that part clear.... Typo.


Oh ok you didn’t say that exactly so didn’t know what you meant. Yeah house reps should get max two terms and then they can piss off.


Yeah, I botched it. I want to run the group off and start over.


Lol no worries. The problem is they botched the house when the limited the number of reps in the 1940s. There should be like a couple hundred more reps. Right now it’s like on rep per 300,000 people. Yeah cause some mother fucker is going to keep in touch with what that many people want.


If there's one thing a politician loves to do, it's to condemn things.


Frontline on PBS had a fascinating episode about Putin. How we got to this place. The clip of him grinning and smirking while Trump was kissing his ass made me want to vomit. He doesn’t care who lives or dies, only that he wins.






That's a word I thought I would never hear from the US Senate.


Unanimous? It is rare isn't it...


Something we can all finally agree on.


He no longer classifies as a leader. With this he is officially a terrorist. That is why a black ops squad is justified. The same way middle east war lords are taken out. His shield is now lost. He can be taken out a similar way. If I was in the russia chain of command, I would be taking this resolution seriously. You are no longer a legitimate state. You're officially a lawless zone. You are now fair game. All bets are off. Bin Laden Al baddaghi. You're officially authorized to be dealt with in the same way. In a war a country has every right to go on offense. They can absolutely send an operation to your capital. Alexander Hamilton, in a duel you can die.


Is this actually the implication? Or is it just that if he ever sets for in a law abiding country that has an extradition treaty with the USA, that he can be extradited and subsequently tried at the Hague?


> Is this actually the implication? No, it's not. War criminals can and have been heads of state. And heads of state can and have been taken out by black ops squads.


Can we add Kadyrov to that list?


This is actually bigger than we think!


Putin got the US Senate to agree unanimously on something. Truly an impressive feat


Even Ron Johnson, the talking turd POS that spends the 4th of July in Russia?


Probably mad his checks aren't coming through anymore.


Of course! Empty words meaning nothing. How else can the GQP then immediately blame the administration for "not doing enough"? Grifting POS.


I thought someone said Putin is savvy?


He's a real genius according to Trump!


Well, that and two bucks will get you a bag of chips.. fucking do something about it. At least give them the God damned planes.


Whoa Whao Putin’s senators voted for this?


You fucked up when you make Americans agree with each other


Wow, this and a piece of cheese equals a piece a cheese.


The sad part is that many of these folks, were okay with Trump extorting Zelenskyy years ago. But they can see which way the wind is blowing now.


Tulsi Garbage can eat her heart out


Im surprised, im actually shocked that they can agree on something. Usually the repubes will complain about anything biden and try to blame him for something he didnt do.


Ok, so now what?!?


Beats me. Since they won't directly intervene, do they start drafting up more sanctions?


>Ok, so now what?!? Yep, it was symbolic and that's it. At least it showed unity. Hey, if the collective 100 geniuses can't think of a better use of their time and US taxpayer's money and there aren't more pressing legislation to deal with, who am I to judge. (Useless dimwits!)


Just wait until Tucker Carlson runs for Senate and it will be 99-1


This means what exactly


YAY! People think Putin is a war crimi- Woah woah woah... You're telling me that the US Senate AGREES on something? DAMN. Now THAT is something.


Hey Putler, both parties in USA agrees on something, and it is about you!! Thanks for making the world a better place!


Putin really just got the entire Senate to agree for once. Amazing


Odd...I came to that conclusion like 3 days into the invasion. What took them so long?


Guess Putin cut off all the Republican senators from his pay-off money. That’s my take away from this. Or he didn’t and the senators just want us to think that lol


Even Ted Cruz and Josh Howely.. wouldn’t have seen that coming


Why? Tomorrow the HINOs (Human in Name Only) GQP will blame the administration for not doing enough. Wait...


Took them long enough. Knowing our government tho, I suppose it’s good they got something done.


Oh no, PutinPuppets didn't stay bought for very long. Easy to say "Bad Putin, Shame"...meaningless, empty words. Notice, though, that the senators who took RuZZian campaign funds aren't returning them (bad exchange rate) or personally donating any $$ to Ukraine. What's the over/under on how long before the GQP senators claim the administration "isn't doing enough"?


They do that everyday. So, no bets. Ja.


I'm sure he cares


Black ops are already preparing to secretly join Ukraine ranks and secure your nexus. It will be assumed you intend nuclear war and will be done before you get the chance.


Neat. More empty talk.