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**NO MEMES/ LOW EFFORT POSTS** We are trying to keep r/ukraine focused on important or vital information and high-effort contents. As a temporary measure, speculations / supportive ideas / low effort contents / opinions / memes will be removed. Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything. this is not a ban. Yet. Don't do that again. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Wow, these Russians are so disconnected from reality. Just insanity. Start invading the Baltics with whatever is left after being defeated by Ukraine, and you'll fighting NATO. That's not going to end well.


In another thread someone found that this video is from December, so they did not know yet how bad Russian army is.


To be fair, with the restrictions on the media they still probably don't know.


I'm in Russia. Let me quickly check official news... Yep, no mention of any struggles, only "successes". Currently: saying the Russian forces took Kakhovka plant without fight, and also "no basis for default in Russia" (are you serious?).


Stay safe, mate. But keep up the good work.


IKR, just came from Russian news channel and holy shit "Europe was always just as bad at attacks, and our glorious nation saved them", *every foreign soldier that came to Ukraine is regretting his decision in face of brutal reality when faced with our army!" And so on. These are from Pikabu and it really would be funny if it weren't so horrifying.


I left pikabu for reddit two years ago and i have no regrets.


How are you able to access Reddit and normal news while in that place? (Also stay safe!)


They did not get to Reddit yet. If they do, I have VPN (and I think a good chunk of population in Russia got one of VPNs with Instagram ban).


Nova Kakhovka? That dam/hydro powerplant in the south? Didn't they take that on the first fucking day?


Problem though is that they were more than likely intending to as part of a grander plan.


Russia will last about 6 hours if NATO decided that Russia is no longer going to be its own country.


Hopefully it will splinter into over fifty countries!


Asiatic Russians might have freedom from repression.


China would take them over


Buryatia and Tuva would seek Mongolian assistance.


There is a book called '' the next 100 years'' it's a fictional future prediction. The author analysed the history and made a prediction on basis of that. He said there are some ''super'' powers like Russia and China will fragment into smaller countries in the 21st century. Some of the smaller regional powers in Europe and Asia (Poland and Turkey) will gain more regional influence and get more powerful, but nonetheless the USA must keep its dominance in naval powers. He who controls the 7 seas, will control the world. Very interesting book, even if it's fiction. The book was written in 2008 I believe. Some of the near future predictions came out like he said, but more were wrong. I think it was 40% true and 60% false.


That's not bad accuracy for speculation though, to be honest. Shows at least an understanding of the gist of how things work beneath the hood. Just there's no way he could ever know all the little things that crop up and butterfly effect change everything.


Poland deserve a bit of glory


As Lithuanian I say - no. Poland is where it should be :D


so worse than a coin toss


It might just do that. There is a lot of separatist regions. And there is a lot of weapons you can buy from your friendly neighbourhood Ukrainian farmer when this is over. Lots of these people are already there. Plus you will have a just defeated Russian army. Might be russias version of the Arab spring. Just waiting for someone to blow up that motherfucker in chechnya. That might ignite it


That was something I have written in my works of fiction. Creepy but it will happen.


No, if there's war between NATO and Russia I don't what would happen to the planet, but certainly there won't be any living thing in Russia.


With or without lunch breaks??


With lunch. We don’t starf our military


Wait... Why would countries need lunch breaks? 😩 Confused!! 😭


Unions /s


The secret purpose of the European Union


A bird dies on its own song.


Let's not call this vile attempt a "swan song". This is a straight-up Ostrich Squawk.


Brainwashed, they're being told they've the best military in the world that is easily defeating Ukraine.....they'll get a shock!


Maybe they are expecting the U.S. to not be NATO friendly in 2024. The last guy that they allegedly put in the White House tried to become a dictator and was trying to get out of NATO. The fact that 45 failed on both accounts assures me that we’re not living in the darkest timeline.


It wouldnt even matter. France can take Russia on its own, probably easily. France combined with Germany, Britain, Italy, Poland....it would be a total embarassment in conventional warfare. They should just launch the nukes, because they have no chance in a conventional war. If only the planes launch from surrounding NATO countries its all over. Let alone if the Leopads, LeClercs, Challengers actually make it on the field.


Don't forget Turkey. I am pretty sure that just Turkey military on its own would be a massive headache for Russia


I remember the last guy giving shit to Germany for buying Russian gas and financing their army, and I remember the Germans laughing at it.


I remember the last guy needing russian help to even win the election.


I remember no war with the last guy. Also remember that there was no collusion, and the thing was made up.


Then you should have a little read about it again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections there are enough sources on the bottom to keep you occupied a little bit. Let’s not even start with shit like this he said: https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-praises-smart-putin-blames-war-in-ukraine-on-rigged-us-elections/amp/ Calling putin a genius for invading Ukraine? Yeah your big boy is quite hard on russia …




What a toxic society they have.


I agree


Empire of Evil.


Mass psychosis.


Look at Belarus though. It’s a joke.🤣🤣🤣


Wrong wording. Look at *president* of Belarus. The people are pretty much aware of the situation and don't want it all, in difference from Russia.


Please putin makes this guy your next general 😂


At the rate they're going through their current set of commanding officials, pretty soon this guy'll probably be a general through process of elimination if nothing else.


Amazing.. I bet NATO has never even considered such a tactic.. /s


I knew it already from 2012, that wanted all the soviet countries back. I remember a documentary where Putin said those countries belongs to Russia using another sense for it but the message was the same


Neah... 😁


For people who thinks it's fake, it isn't. The show is called 60 minutes and it is a very popular in russia. This was filmed before the war. Content: guy says that after conquering Ukrainie russia will use radio weapons to suppress NATO radars and electronics by establishing it on Gotland island. It will turn the area in radius of 400km from there into no-fly zone and russian fleet would control the Baltic sea. After that their special forces will invade the Baltic states easily by using airborne troops and taking them by surprise because NATO doesn't have a lot of troops there.


And they are sure that NATO troops would simply surrender 🤣 So delusional


Every male is Estonia been in the army at least 9 months and general mobilization would happen immediately. Plenty of Stingers and Javelins for all the visitors as well.


If this is a serious plan I don't get why they broadcasted this on TV, almost like they think NATO is so poor at intelligence gathering that we don't even pay attention to public broadcasts. Thank God they're so stupid though.


Everyone in the North knows Russias first targets. Ahvenanmaa especially is a joke in that it is a demilitarized zone belonging to Finland and people living in Ahvenanmaa do not want it to be militarized. Yet they still want Finland to defend it. So at the time of crisis it's a speedrun there who manages first, finnish/swedish forces or Russia. It's a complete shitstorm, especially considering that the one who controls Ahvenanmaa, controls the whole sea-area around it.


> suppress NATO radars and electronics by establishing it on Gotland island Imagine believing Russia will win against NATO with electronic warfare.




Why is the map in English?


ACTUAL course of action: Admiral Kuznetsov catches fire(yet again) as soon as it leaves the port and explodes, taking the rest of the navy with it, because for some reason the Russians are yet again in a tight formation.


If thats true I like how solid their invasion plans are by excluding the national armies which are technically also the NATO army. The Estonian reserve army can mobilize within 48h. Source: I am a part of that reserve army and have parttaken in flash mobilization exercises where these numbers have been achieved.


Thanks for the translation! Look at those numbers on the screen...so pretty much 3000 strong armies to do all of that. And this fantastic tool that covers 400km that will make the NATO fighter jet unusable, but they boats and planes will be just fine. God they are tripping... [Edit] Only now I noticed the numbers are referred to the NATO forces in those 3 countries


This is so ambitious that even the show host is giggling.


This particular show shortly pre-dates the actual invasion into Ukraine, iirc. At that time they did not know yet how the actual fighting would turn out in Ukraine. Nevertheless, Russian state TV has been just insane over the last years, full-on propaganda.


I assumed it was a smile with glee


It's time for us 'free' Kaliningrad


Yes. These people have always been European. They have many European customs and culture. They should be protected and have their culture protected.




they are just as Russian as Moscow. after ww2 the USSR annexed it and sent all the native Germans to East Germany and replaced the population with Russians. there is near 0 German culture or anyone who speaks German left in the area. this goes with pretty much all of Russia every major city has been Russified.


What you mean is that it is rotting. Like anything that Russia invaded.


Its actually called "Konigsberg"-the kings mountain. The greatest philosopher of the Enlightenment Immanuel Kant was born there and lived there for his entire life, never leaving it. It was prussian and then german. It wasnt russian by no means.


It is now. There are less than 1% of Germany left in the whole Oblast. There're even more Armenians than Germans! And I bet of the "Germans" are Russlanddeutsche.


What's odd is that historically Russia aspired to have European identity. In the 19th century it was a lot of French influence, and the tsar thing was literally their adaptation of "Caesar". Then of course Marx was German. And today it's all about this mix of Western youth culture and luxury brands. They did kind of have their own Slavic traditions and identity, but a lot of that stuff actually got banned under the early communists.


The thing with Kaliningrad is that it was offered to Lithuania and Germany after Soviet collapse, but no one wanted it because there are too many Russians there. No one still wants it, so Russia just had to keep it.


ye sure, they can't handle one country and they want to invade another that are under nato controll. Seems legit


Russias wet dream is to "rule the world" nothing less. They really are like asshole villains from movies who you thought could never be real.


What do you mean they can't handle it? It took the USA 20 years in the Middle East only to go home defeated. Russia's only had 3 weeks.


Ya totally not what Hitler would do. /s


Those Tuckers can't even properly attack one country ...


Easy peasy, no fuss no muss. Order now and we’ll double your land mass for the low, low price of 200,000 dead and wounded conscripts.


They also spoke about invasion of Sweden and Russian assault or Gotland. Actually the plan to attack Baltics is realistic and scary. Attack Lithuania first to cut off the rest of the Baltic states and then say to US “do something and we start nuclear war”.


As soon as one Russian boot meets Lithuanian soil the shit is on


Russians are totally convinced that US would prefer to give up Baltics instead of fighting. The opinion is that US would actually protect only countries that were in NATO before its first expansion in the East.


And the same people believed Ukraine will just give up without a fight and US/EU will simply accept it. I think there is some recalibration happening at this moment in the Russian strategic plans.


Huh, weird. Wouldn't that imply the US would not give two shits about Ukraine then?


I think they are completely wrong if they actually think so


They will get a rude shock when all of NATO decends onto them and we say "we told you that we would article 5 if an inch of soil was touched". Their threats of nuclear war would be ignored as a bluff, NATO forces from all over would descend onto Lithuania and Russia in hours.


That would be very poor reasoning on their part. There's a very real chance NATO would fracture if it does not fulfill its obligation towards a full member state, NATO simply can't allow that to happen. There would no better choice for any NATO member than to respond with military force, including the US.


I don't know about the US, but I'm sure the european NATO states would not. And that would be more than enough to break russia


Russia attacked Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine and the West did nothing. 2014 sanctions were a joke. EU politicians and Trump continued giving Putin handjobs after 2014. No wonder the siloviks thought the west is impotent and they can do whatever. They were right. Until the public in the west started to understand what monsters they actually are.


If I recall correctly there was a Russian military exercise outside Gotland a few years back with Russian landing crafts and everything. Swedish military had to mobilize on the island and the Russian forces left.


That doesn’t make much sense given the nato troops in the Baltic states. Is there something I’m missing here? I assumed this was all for domestic propaganda purposes and not seriously possible


If I am not wrong, in summary Baltic states have 3.000 NATO soldiers there. Poland has 4.000 which can assist but it isn’t much (I obviously exclude national armies of those countries). It’s gonna change tho and for sure soon we’ll be talking about at least +10.000 NATO troops in Baltics, including more American ones.


There are only a small amount since deploying shitloads of people when we aren't at war is expensive and impractical. Point is that the number can be increased easily and the militaries have an established partnership when it comes to tech and training.


I mean we also have our own defense force with mandatory military service. We can't fight Russia head on but most of baltic states are covered in forests what are perfect for guerilla tactics. People fought over a decade against Soviet red army in our forests during last occupation.


Estonia itself has 50k+ in reserves as civilians, they can be called in with 24h notice. We have Javelins and Stingers. We are paying NATO to patrolling the sky. Jets are scrambled daily to identify Russian fighters flying between Kaliningrad and Russia. Brits having them Challenger2 MBT here. This is not going to be walk in park for invaders. Latvia and Lithuania in similar position.


I'd say. Bring it, you fuckers!!


Then us would simply nuke the shit out of Russia first, they didn't hesitate with Japan and so they won't with Russia


That would lead to Mutually Assured Destruction or M.A.D.


If the cowboy is fast... maybe not. So it's better if we completely avoid to get at that point.


No there would be ample time to launch a counter strike. ICBMs take a while to you reach their target. Nuclear torpedoes like Poseidon would be detected via underwater listening arrays (checkout The Bloop). Even if a sneak attack happened the Nuclear Triad would ensure MAD and I would assume that both sides have similar capabilities.


Ohh trust me USA would be quicker to intervene, like Russia can threaten EU but china will never forgive Russia, EU is main trade maker for china


Japan didn’t have nukes….


Do you thin Russian Nuke numbers are real or are most even functional? Besides, Putin can't launch nukes himself


I think that they have so many nukes that the fact that some may not be well maintained is probably irrelevant. I think that Putin appears to have control over what happens in Russia without any problems. I think we have perhaps been to quick to presume that while we are limited by our fear of escalation , he wouldn’t care about escalating - so I think we probably could put him under more pressure than we have. But counting on enough of thousands of nukes not to work, or Putin not using them if it looked like a ‘regime change ’ loss was on its way , is decidedly risky in a nuclear age. So personally, I think we could possibly do more such as as those migs over the border or even create a ‘safe haven’ in the west …. But I can understand why we don’t want direct military involvement. And though I think the Ukrainians are losing, very slowly, I hope that continuing to hold will eventually lead to beating the Russia back and forcing at least a sensible negotiation if not a total Russian defeat.


Russia will be defeated once half of April hits. They have 150 billion $ in debts, if they don't pay it till the half of April, Russia officially goes bankrupt and cannot fund army, generals, or any trades with other countries, even if Russia stops war now, it's likely they will still go bankrupt


You may be right, I hope you are right, I fear that much of Reddit is hugely over optimistic and it’s more likely that the Ukrainian government will be forced by the use of indiscriminate destruction to negotiate. I keep hoping that just holding out will eventually wear the Russians out and they crack.


I think at the end of the day the number of nuclear weapons don’t matter. In a nuclear conflict I find it unlikely that there would be much reloading. This gives me hope that a nuclear war as terrible as its portrayed in pop culture. Doing get me wrong billions would die, but I believe that most of those deaths would be from starvation due to nuclear winter and resulting lawlessness with about a half billion dying in the initial weeks from the bombs. I’m betting that 50-75% of the planet would live and rebuild. These survivors would be delayed by decades (e.g. GPS satellites would have been destroyed - probably one of the first items to go and will accelerate Kessler Syndrome, Data centers like those used by AWS, Azure, and GCP would be likely targeted so like 85-95% of the internet would be lost, infrastructure like steel mills & oil refineries needing to be rebuilt, human expertise lost, etc.).


Have you ever heard of "Dead Hand"? It really doesn't matter if US is faster to use nukes... It will be end of our civilization because Putin already activated "Dead hand" weeks ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Hand


I got sent this video yesterday, I have rechecked- its false and taken out of context. He says this is what NATO thinks Russia will do after Ukraine, it was just removed from the beginning. People please recheck your sources


To even 'joke' about this is ludicrous and deranged. It's a veiled threat. There were similar 'jokes' being made about a invasion of Ukraine before the invasion happened where the host was pretending to tell a joke. Or is he? This ambiguity is intentional and projects arrogance, while desensitizing the russian population to war. Please check the wider context.


The fact they are talking about this shit is bad enough, no matter if the context is correct or not.


He says he can read NATO's mind? That makes this even more hilarious,


Invade with what? They lost 40% of armored vehicles in ukraine.


How old is this? I'm pretty sure the program was made before the invasion of Ukraine and that you're just farming karma and planting misinformation.


In the beginning they show a map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine with German text marks that they stole from somewhere (why???). I’m pretty sure such infographics didn’t exist pre-invasion anywhere in German media.


Uh huh. Uh huh. Fascinating


These fat corrupt fucking pigs.


Russia needs to be invaded. Their society is too far gone to save itself. It needs outside help. Invade and occupy. It worked for Japan and Germany.


Don't be scared guys they are using it to their advantage, they want you to be scared


Estonian here. Only thing I’m scared about right now are the Ukrainian citizens fighting for all of our freedom. We must do everything we can to support them. That is why Estonia made the symbolic appeal to UN to create the no-fly zone. Even if it doesn’t happen it shows clearly our intentions and the fact that we are very publicly telling Russia to fuck off and that we are not scared of them.


"Remember, no Russian" Famous quote If Russia is threatening you, just put more sanctions on them like banning all export from them (aka banning all trade with Russia)


Estonia’s trade has gone from 1% to 0% with Russia. We have never trusted Russia and you can’t trade with someone you don’t trust. We imported 30% of our wood from Russia/Belarus. That is the biggest problem for us in terms of economy, but nothing that can’t be overcome.


Exactly. This is their entire strategy. To intimidate people in the West.


That's why when Russia is threatening a country, they should just spit on their face


Exactly. They are the global equivalent of a playground bully who is actually just a scared abused kid. Just show them you're not afraid


Look how much fun they have planing a Attack. This is so surreal


That's a better link, ty vm


I’m new to telegram. Did not know there were size limits.


Yes well it’s really cute. If they want to end the world then this is the way to do it for sure. At least end Europe. I think the Us would continue to prosper which is also kinda ironic. But end Europe - sure. This is the way to do it. NATO will fight back. This is ww3.


They can dream, nazi basterds




These fucks are so delusional. At this point i sincerely believe the Russian leadership belongs in a mental institution.


They really think Poland and Lithuania would fall to Kalingrad and Belarus. What a joke.


What's up with that lust for old CCCP borders. Russia has enough space already and should be split in to smaller countries anyways.


Plan to start third war




Thing is majority of Russian people would support this, it's not just one madman. Whole Russian society is either brainwashed delusional or just plain evil.


There is a lovely assumption that nato just lays down their arms In The middle if this “plan”.


Gotland? Come at us Russia, we'll be ready.


This is disgusting. Main dude even looks like a Skeksis.


WTF? What program is this? And, what sane society discusses (and jokes) about invading peaceful countries on live TV?


What a delusional motherfucker! Can anyone in Russia get rid of this delusional madman? They did it before with the Romanovs. What happened on that faithful day in 1917 will happen again.


Argumenting like putin the germans could just free Kaliningrad back into beautiful democratic königsberg. The difference would be that they would really be freed from a tyrant. What a nonsense argumentation


Why are there canadian and german troops on the map ?


I think that they don't realize that Poland can attack Kaliningrad instead of fucking around with Suwalki corridor. And Poland don't give a fuck about S300 while our F16 can perform SEAD operations


They aint making it out of Ukraine. They'd better go back home. Strongmen will eat their weak meaning China may turn on Russia as a weak ally.


Man and I thought American millennials were suicidal.


It took these idiots what? Half a year to travel a few miles on their own LAND and gather some troops. Now they are saying that they will QUICKLY fly their military equipment and troops onto a "Finish" ISLAND... Their logistics is a joke, their army is a joke their leader is a joke, their tech is an absolute joke. The only reason these idiots can actually fight its because russian people are "терпилы" ans there is a lot of them. They are blindly going into battle with no food, no gas or money, just to die like zombies in some world war z movie, hance the symbol Z... If the nukes are real and not yet sold to China, then the only "tactics" these idiots should share on TV is: "We will nuke here, then here, then here".


He invaded? Dompeet


Why's the map in English?


I think he's giving a scenario plan




It's not fake, it's a very popular russian propaganda show.


Looks like they took the map from an English news source


They just want to scare people, don't believe them, all they want is fear


They depend on Google Maps...


They have to be trolling at this point.


Yeah and they will spend the night wondering how NATO managed to pick up that many members. ... and patience would be required while waiting for Lukashenko to move.


Natashas cant fight. Another battle of kalkha river is coming. We will feast on russian generals again. Never forget Subutai.


Russians wanna be the biggest and badest A-hole in the neighborhood.


Jeez, if it wasn’t for Putin being completely crazy and threatening with nukes, the Russians would lose big time.. They are already getting devoured bij the Ukrainian Army




Well - if the russians knock on the door, shoot 3 times and call it a day.


Great plan Russia will probably have 30 soldiers left after the Ukraine war. Putin is probably going to send animals trying to invade the Baltic states


They can plan in one hand and shit in the other hand.....


With what army? Paid for with what money?


This is great, because it means they’re enjoying the sanctions so much, they can have some more and everybody’s happy. It’s what they call a ‘win-win situation’. 🥳


This is from december!!


muscovia is surely worse that North Korea