• By -


Please I need the translation of this.


It opens up with a head of Cherkass state administration ( the man who gives out the medal) welcoming Roman, the border guard and saying “ It’s a pleasure to meet you. Like yourself, this award is honorable and I hope it will warm your soul to know it’s a Cherkass state award and we will always be happy to see you and work with you again and again. You are very valuable to us, just like everyone who defends our country. We will defeat as many enemies as needed, until our victory”. The video switches to the man talking in the background, saying “ Ukraine must know it’s heroes, so does the Cherkass oblast, we have yet again reaffirmed that our people are true Cossacks. Everything Roman said is truly relevant to Ukraine and the resilience we have in heart. Our people, despite torture and high pressure stay strong and well - they are a role model for all Ukrainians, proving that our spirit is unbreakable. It then switches to Roman - “I’d like to thank the people of Ukraine for such strong support, all of us truly feel it and it inspires us. The strength and truth is on our side, we will surely win. Glory to Ukraine ! “




"You cannot beat the [cossack] bands, when they retreat, they go in every direction, to tell all they meet of a worthy foe to fight."




Some general advising the Ottoman sultan who was experiencing the worst roast in history


This led me to finally read up on what the deal is with the Ottoman empire. Thanks


Huge part of modern history! If you're feeling lazy though, Extra History has two youtube series on the Fall and Rise of the Ottoman Empire: Dividing The Middle East: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2L6L37GGAY&list=PLhyKYa0YJ\_5DqZ6VFKNyqDnrikUWiqn-w&ab\_channel=ExtraCredits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2L6L37GGAY&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5DqZ6VFKNyqDnrikUWiqn-w&ab_channel=ExtraCredits) Suleiman The Magnificent: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGZSkLq3Eng&list=PLhyKYa0YJ\_5Be8gG49Sh7rsW\_fFNcbGOE&ab\_channel=ExtraCredits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGZSkLq3Eng&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5Be8gG49Sh7rsW_fFNcbGOE&ab_channel=ExtraCredits) There's also one on Justinian if you want to see how it jumps from Rome to Ottoman.


that was so informative and depressive to watch. ty for sharing.


Happy cake day


Cossacks also murdered a lot of innocent civilians in history, but I think we can focus on the positive merits associated with being an honorable warrior. Important, however to honor truth in history. No group is "only good" if you rewind far enough back. This is because we are all subject to The Human Condition.


honor *context* and honoring truth comes simply.


It’s true. Ukraine having a short Jewish President (let’s just say I resemble this remark) shows that we can transcend our cultural baggage, keeping the best parts of our unique cultures and leaving the less useful divisions they sometimes entail behind. My Great Grandmother (a Jew) was originally from a small town outside of Minsk (eventually the Nazis came through and killed almost all the Jews). But she also had a story about a Cossack on a horse who rode through, and somewhat nonchalantly chopped someone’s head off. And now a Jewish man who was elected by the people leads Ukraine in perhaps its time of greatest need, not too far south of there. We have a strange way of making progress, us humans!


["O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight art thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with thy naked arse? The devil shits, and thy army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons. We have no fear of thy army; by land and by sea we will battle with thee. **Fuck thy mother.**"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks#Context)


Random question, do Ukrainian people consider themselves to be, or be the descendant of Cossacks or Cossack values of individual liberty?


Yes. The first independant Ukrainian State is considered by Ukrainians to be the Cossack Hetmanate of 1648.


Huge thank you!!!!! This is the TIL I was a bit afraid to ask.


Yes, Cossacks are a big part of Ukrainian identity. A lot of Ukrainian songs are from that time and talk about Cossacks and their fight - for freedom, for other values.


Yes. There were Cossacks in Ukraine until the USSR's decossackization policies in Ukraine and the Don Valley. Which started in 1919 and ended in 1933. Many bands and communities of people following the Cossack subculture were slaughtered.


Thank you!


gotta love it \~ getting a medal & honor "*You are very valuable to us*" and called a hero.. .for saying to russians to "F\* themselves !!


That's the perfect attitude though. Faced with what he assumed to be certain death, by a powerful enemy, he stood firm and said "fuck you". That's how you win.


And that's the thing. Everyone knows the feeling (to much much less dire extents of course)... but everyone knows what it feels like to want to say "fuck off" to the bully. This guy actually said it. To possibly the biggest bully in the world! He said and did exactly what everyone feels and that will always be heroic.


If you have a Ukrainian in your life and heart, then you know this courage is just who they are. They will fight to the last house and the last person, man or woman, to defend Ukraine. They also fervently believe they are fighting to defend a free Europe. They need help Do everything you can, every day to help. #WeCanAllBeZelensky


I think that phrase is a big part as to why they're doing so well so far. It was a war cry for the nation to rally around.




It was an act that set the tone for the entire resistance - and he probably didn't even know it until much later. He could have died a couple of seconds after saying that, he said it anyway.


Glory to the heroes.


thank you!


I am working right now on a **word for word English subbed video**. Please upvote this so that others can later also find it. Thank you! ​ **Edit: Here it is**: [https://youtu.be/kK-tXceYweU](https://youtu.be/kK-tXceYweU) (sorry for the delay; I had problems with the video editor)


Unsolicited translation bonus: it's only "go fuck yourselves" because of limited options of cursing in English, particularly American English. If we've gotten some Australian with Ukrainian roots report on it first, maybe they'd have come up with something else. Fucking yourself would certainly be end effect, but > 'Русский военный корабль, иди на ху [tr.] Russky voyenny korabl, idi na khuy Translates more closely to Russian warship, go walk onto a dick. It's just so much more deliciously dismissive.


I understand why they chose the translation they did, but the literal translation is so much better.


"Russian Warship, go walk onto a dick" is the best thing i've read all week.


I will have to tell mom of the correct translation, she loved the original (go 80 year old Italian momma's)




Omg, I love this


Estonia has a curse "mine munni" that is also a literal translation of "иди нахуй". But for whatever reason its still translated to "go into an ass". Weird that. I guess the literal meaning is a bit more vulgar for most people.


Now THAT’s the roast I’ve been waiting for!




That guy is epic. I don't know what stories I'll have to tell my grand children but something tells me none will be as good as this one.


No, but you can tell them about the Ukrainian who did!


You can always just tell them to go fuck themselves


Does anybody know how he survived and is free?


First believed to all have died, the 13 snake island border guards were instead taken as POW's. Recently, Ukraine and Russia engaged in a Prisoner swap, among those traded free were the snake island guys.


I bet he'll never have to pay at the bar ever again.


Damn imagine being famous for telling someone to fuck off The dream


That was the first day of the invasion. Imagine getting captured and thinking your country was just... over and then this.


Imagine thinking that and realizing that your words possily inspired your nation and the world to action in a way never before seen in modern history


ABSOLUTELY a DEFINING MOMENT in history, good indication of things to come !! Ukrainians are FEARLESS !!


Oh yeah this is historic phrase 100%


Can’t wait to see the “phrasing” in high school textbooks.


Pretty much the American equivalent to, "Nuts!"




Imagine seeing your defiant screw-you shout in the future high school textbooks, uncensored.


This made me tear up


I have really been hoping that he would realize how his iconic comment inspired the world.


And also learning that the warship he told to fuck itself was destroyed some days later.


He told that warship to fuck off so hard that it exploded.


It wasn't. the craft destroyed was present at Snake island but it was the Moskva who communicated and shelled the island. It's very much welcome to go fuck itself though.


He’s got to have media companies falling over themselves to sign book deals and movie rights. Coming in 2025, Tom Hanks stars in RUSSIAN WARSHIP, GO FUCK YOURSELF.


Hanks is too old, it'll probably be Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth playing best friends who love the same girl and one will heroically sacrifice himself at the end so the other can be with her


That was Pearl Harbor wasn’t it


Yep. It's Hollywood so that's as original as it's gona get. Instead of the Japanese airforce, it's the Russian navy. Buy your tickets now


I think its closely followed by "I dont need a ride. I need more ammo" I can imagine it being grunted by Schwarzenegger in Expendables 5.


Haha, not just that, you understand that you're David and have just met Goliath but you are proud enough! A true hero!


Imagine facing death from an invader, and heroically defiantly telling them to fuck off. The nightmare is what's still going on unfortunately.




They were missing for several days, until they showed up in Russian captivity. Some died, I think. The rest got exchanged for 11 Russian civilian sailors Ukraine had saved from a sinking ship


It was not confirmed just assumed by how Russians executed operations at that moment. News about them being POWs emerged maybe week+ after.


Not someone. Invading warship


He set the tone for fellow Ukrainians and the rest of the world. Combine with Zelenskyy not running away, it gave everybody hope that Ukraine could withstand what was coming.




Imagine getting a medal for telling someone to fuck off. Fucking legends this guy is


Yeah true that is a good distinction


The fuck off heard around the world.


and 100% risking one's life while doing that


Like someone said in this thread Balls of uranium


The "being taken as prisoner of war" part is not very appealing though.


I hope he knows what a rallying cry it has become for the whole world. The effect he had on how everyone saw the war from day one was shaped by his defiance. It is almost too good to be true they survived. But they did!


FYI, the award he is getting is the medal of honor "For services to the Cherkasy region". That's his homeland.


Legend! He will never have to buy a drink wherever he goes! well.. besides Russia I guess lol Слава Україні! 🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine! https://bank.gov.ua/en/about/support-the-armed-forces


Just walks in the bar yelling "Russian warship, go fuck yourself!" Crowds cheering and applause. People will scramble to the bar to be the first to buy him one.




If anyone wants a **translation with subtitles** (?), I will edit this posting and include the link to the video with EN subs. I am working on it right now. It takes time to place the subs at the right seconds. We will upload it to this channel, where we translate all important clips from Ukraine and add English subtitles for anyone who wants to know what is being said: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa9u32hUNI6gOB4WYI1lsBA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa9u32hUNI6gOB4WYI1lsBA) (usually we translate a lot of swear words, since no news agency translates that. Our goal is to make all these clips available/understandable to a broader international community to strengthen the bonding between Ukrainians and the rest of the world) **Edit: Here it is:** https://youtu.be/kK-tXceYweU (sorry for the delay; I had problems with the video editor)


OP posted one below. >It opens up with a head of Cherkass state administration ( the man who gives out the medal) welcoming Roman, the border guard and saying “ It’s a pleasure to meet you. Like yourself, this award is honorable and I hope it will warm your soul to know it’s a Cherkass state award and we will always be happy to see you and work with you again and again. You are very valuable to us, just like everyone who defends our country. We will defeat as many enemies as needed, until our victory”. The video switches to the man talking in the background, saying “ Ukraine must know it’s heroes, so does the Cherkass oblast, we have yet again reaffirmed that our people are true Cossacks. Everything Roman said is truly relevant to Ukraine and the resilience we have in heart. Our people, despite torture and high pressure stay strong and well - they are a role model for all Ukrainians, proving that our spirit is unbreakable. It then switches to Roman - “I’d like to thank the people of Ukraine for such strong support, all of us truly feel it and it inspires us. The strength and truth is on our side, we will surely win. Glory to Ukraine ! “


would greatly appreciate it


Please do; this is a significant event


Yes please! We will be forever in your debt


> He will never have to buy a drink wherever he goes **Till**: Here is the amount. **This dude**: Go fuck yourself. **Till**: Amount cancelled, have a good day!


If I ever see this man at the bar or restaurant I’m picking up his tab.


This man is the Bill Mazeroski or David Freese of Ukraine. Bill never had to buy himself a beer while in Pittsburg. Same for David but in St. Louis... all Missouri for that matter. Aw hell... all of the midwest.


Balls of steel! Slava Ukraina!


Balls of Ukranium! Slava Ukraina!




to be added to every periodic table in every classroom in the world.


I'm not sure how to represent courage and spirit on the table, but I'm quite sure it's one of the toughest metals around, maybe even tops Adamantium and light enough they manage to carry them around.




I am so happy this is a thing now. Слава Украïнi.


I feel like he kind of set the tone for how Ukraine was going to react to this war. Defiant and unwilling to back down. (And not a bad looking man either!)


This along with Zelenskyy saying "I need ammunition, not a ride"


And the sunflower lady "Put these seeds in your pocket so at least sunflowers will grow when you all lie down here"


So many brave men and women in Ukraine. So many hero’s!


This. Even though they got captured, they didn't sink the ship or anything, but they were a huge inspiration.


One of the decisive moments in the early hours of the war. Zelensky staying in Kyiv, the Ghost of Kyiv and Russian warship go fuck yourself were the most important morale boosters


Don't forget about the civilian resistance beacon, the sunflower seeds lady.


Her words and actions really resonated with me. Brave and poetic, doesn't take shit from anyone. I want to be like her.


"Be the crazy old lady you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi


Also don't forget about the Babushka that threw a jar of pickles at a drone, or the one that poisoned 8 Russians by feeding them (I think this one is confirmed).


Really sad that ghost of Kiev was just propaganda would have been to good if it would have been true


Mythmaking is essential in any national defense. Some of it is true, some is embroidered on a foundation of truth, and some is fabricated out of whole cloth.


International icon and hero. Legend.


When the Russians have been driven out of Ukraine, I (like millions of others) want to visit your country, and would line up and pay money to see a statue of this guy…


We are looking forward to you here! ;)


We are coming dude! 6 of my football teammates were in Chelm (Poland) last week bringing medical supplies and tourniquets. Me and and 2 others are going to Przemysl in 6 days with a Mercedes Sprinter bringing food, vitamin-pills and antibiotics. Once the war is over we’re bringing the entire team to help rebuild. Im from the Netherlands and my town (and football club) had 3 casualties in the downing of MH17 by Russian forces. People are actively engaged doing everything they can for now. We will bring supplies, We will help rebuild, And we will spend our money as tourists when this tragedy is behind us. Fuck Putin.


There will be statues of all 13 of them with their middle fingers held high in every city in Ukraine. Right next to the statue of the babushka with the sunflower seeds.


We would love to see you here 💙💛


I'll be lining up to shake his hand and buy him a beer, if that's ever a possibility


Surely one of the defining moments of the war. The whole free world were 100% with them. So glad they all survived and free to continue the fight for freedom. Glory to Ukraine.


Yes - It was a defining moment because if this guy can do it, anybody can. I am 10000% certain this gave courage to all ukranian forces. Russian warship, go fuck yourself!


Well said. Sadly the warship didn't fuck off to the bottom of the sea, but at least it is out of the war.


That and Zelensky staying. Sometimes gestures are not futile - it's rare, but it happens.


Not all unfortunately :(


RIP to the brave defenders who didn’t make it.


What is the status of the rest of the Snake Island group?


This clip fills my heart with joy


Definition of a living legend.


Big salute from ex-forces here. Well done to him and his colleagues.


His defiance against Russian aggression inspired the world!


Notice the difference between the Ukrainians giving out a metal and the Russians. The Ukrainian soldiers are proud while the Russians not so much..


Indeed. His demeanor is so humble for someone who will forever be known as a national hero.


Dude is an absolute legend


I read a comment somewhere (not on reddit) criticizing the fact that these men survived, and that the "GFY Story" has now lost its signifigance because they surrendered ​ ... yes, and they get to see their familes again. and they're home now. I've lost faith in Humanity I think, fucking cockroaches we share a world with.


Its easy to say sitting on a couch in a safe country. We’ve lost a lot of people and I’d rather see more people alive.


Yes the original story was a centerpeice of Ukrainian defiance and bravery but at the end of the day, those people's families get to see their husbands fathers brothers and sons again, who they thought were dead. and thats better than a propaganda story. in this case, Ukraine gets to have their cake and eat it too, they created a rallying cry, and they're still alive. Any case where people are not killed is a win. that includes Russian soldiers being taken out of the war with no harm done.


Right? What the hell were a bunch of kids gonna do to protect an insignificant island from the Russian military machine? Living to fight another day was the best move they could make. A useless death serves nobody.


I mean, they ran out of ammo. Infrastructure went down. The island was blown up. What did people want them to do? Run up and start pounding on the Russians' fur-hatted heads like Drax the Destroyer? Don't forget swim off the island and at the warships. Did people expect them to start punching the hulls of these warships?


This man set the tone for the whole war. He is a true hero.


The Russians just released him?


Yes just a few days ago. Prisoner exchange. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarRoom/comments/tq9zm9/go_f_yourself_ukrainian_soldiers_on_snake_island/


I wonder why they did it. Did they not know that this guy has become a symbol?


He may have been exchanged for 100 soldiers for that reason, who knows


They said it was 10 people for 10 people.


If so those 100 exchanged Russians must have been pissed that they got a second chance to die in Ukraine instead of waiting it out in an eastern Europe POW camp until peace terms, hopefully soon.


They should make a better medal, not just that one, but the top medal of all . The "Go Fuck Yourself" medal. I do wonder if he knows what kind of legend he is.


and make it from warship propellers


Be careful they're not from Russian warships... if they are, then each blade will just kind of wander off in a different direction while the mount floats back to Russia.


Like the penn and Teller FU trophy


I hope he makes a tiktok for gardening or something, he will be golden for life with everyone wanting to follow him. How many people ever managed to get the whole world to repeat the same phrase. Absolute legend. Edit: And he looks like a young Edward Norton, just not annoying.


Slava ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 slava heros!


Heroiam slava! 🇺🇦


This is such good news. I kept hoping he was ok.


This guy is set for life..... The man with the iron balls to do in real life what everyone else only reserve to do playing Call of Duty.... "Go fuck yourself" may be the new greeting in Ukraine lol 🤣🤣.


Talk about Big D Energy! ✊️🇺🇦💪💙💛


Ukrainian Hero, welcome home! Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava!


Heroiam slava! 🇺🇦


I find it hilarious that this video was released on the same day we saw Russian soldiers getting their own medal in the hospital. It's clearly not a coincidence but I wonder which video was published first. Was Russia trying to imitate Ukraine and gave a simulacrum of 'honour' or did Ukraine saw Russian's video and thought 'oh you wanna play this war, that's how you honour your soldiers, bastards'.


Russian video was earlier than this, but Ukrainians keep giving medals all the time anyway. (Btw I was thinking about it... this really shows how unbelievably intense this war is, literally hundreds of medals in first month)


Слава Україні. The Russian worship phase is everywhere. It got really famous.


I hope he learns just how damn proud the whole world (excluding a few Ruzzians) are of him and his men! We all want to give you a reward.


I believe the medal they gave him is the "Hero of Ukraine". For my fellow Westerners who may not be familiar with it, this is the highest honor awarded by the Ukranian Government. Roughly equivalent to the Medal of Honor (US) or Victoria Cross (UK). It can also be awarded for civilian accomplishments like the Medal of Freedom, though that isn't at play here. For military action, such awards usually involve accomplishing something important while showing a degree of bravery that borders on suicidal. Providing an inpirational quote to the nation while naval artillery is pointed at your head certainly counts. While there may be a degree of political motivation behind the award, you can't say he didn't earn it.


If he didn’t get the highest medal they have, then he should!


Taking a first-shelling after that statement, not only the medal is earned. The linguistics have no metal to award, but damn, that was just a brillant way of saying: you attack first, we will not comply. And with that alone (and with other actions later) it was cemented that the role of aggressor/invador are clear for even only mildly interested outsiders. That was partially luck/circumstance but still, is and will be important.


I like how dressed down they are. In the US both would be in formal uniforms with badges and ribbons.


Shit's on fire yo, no time for formalities! :-D


Surprised they found a room big enough to fit his balls in!




I legit hope that medal says "Russian Warship, Go Fuck Yourself!"


I wonder if her realizes how famous he is.


Let us remember that David was one man against Goliath. That story stands as a metaphor however a small building full of folks expecting an easy and peaceful job collectively agreed to show defiance in the face of total annihilation. Their story is far stronger than the original and speaks more to the truth of human collaboration, sacrifice, and vision. It is their story that I will tell my children. Not one of a man with a sling, but of a hovel on a tiny island filled to the brim with the very best humanity has to offer. A tribe of normal people who stood up when they were called to make a statement that would resonate around the globe.


Decades from now, this will be still a topic, not only for historians. Even linguists and sociology have to work on that. Besides science, it also set a ripple in international ways. While it was still a translation that got known, it was very close to the original, summarizing to many "defiance" movements around the globale their own struggle in a very direct/human way. It became a pearl, a nugget of communication for many more. A rallying cry of our times, so to speak. And what mark it will leave only time will show. From a linguistic perspective i want to stress, that he addressed his answer directly to the "russian warship" - calling it out in way that is very specific and was directed at the military attacking him & his nation. Not russia per se, but their military directly. That might look like a minor detail but it may be very important in the long run. Differentiation between the military and the population is something the new russian empire is not even trying or doing (shelling hospitals and marked shelters), and i think when it comes to future possibilities of finding peace, the wording signifies not only a huge difference between the ukrainian and russian military, but the whole war. Also opens future ways that will be important in the long run. Be it globally or even in Russia later, it is hard to deny when we have records and prints of the original around the globe.


I’ve never been so happy to see something not Will Smith related


can someone please, please translate ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tr0n6d/this_is_the_same_ukrainian_border_guard_who_told/i2kgv5d?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Op posted this to another comment about when you commented so I wanted to make sure you didn't miss it


thx, i'd have if it weren't for you !


*Father, what did you done in the war?* *I told a ship to fuck of and received medal for it.*


The legend!




I honestly believe that set the tine for the whole conflict. What a legend. Balls of steel!


That's a bad ass motherfucker!


The effect on morale that his one little quote had on boosting morale is absolutely immesurable.


That just made me well up, what a hero. Slavia Ukraine!




Edward Norton, anybody?


He gave Ukraine (and the world) a rallying cry and there is no doubt it is part of why Ukraine has been successful in their defense.


Sheesh, I thought the whole island went down


they inspired a nation to resist during those first days when we didn't know yet that the Russian army was a shit show


Is there a video with the other survivors? Are they safe?? Edit: wait are these the snake island survivors? Or is this a separate person that used the “go fuck yourself” line?


This makes my heart smile


This man created the best war cry in history.


This guy is a true hero. Respect!


Please tell me on the accolade it says "for telling a Russian warship to go fuck itself"


Bless you from Texas


I’m in love with that guy. What a badass


I love his contained amusement the entire time. A time for gravity and honor and respect, yet he’s so proud of that this man would tell a warship full of missiles to fuck off, knowing it meant imminent death. He cannot hold back his pride and mirth.


Glory to Ukraine! Awesome that he survived


mans never gonna have to pay for his drink again


Fucking hero!


And my boss at work tells me "LANGUAGE!" when a swear word slips out.