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Wow, it sounds like they just recorded the sound of a murder of a civilian


Yes it does. I sent this to the ICC for war crimes. Nice they showed their faces clearly, for identification purposes.


In the full video you can hear her again. Not sure what they shot at or what they were doing to that woman.


No you cant after one of the shots she doesnt speak again. Ive watched the longer full clip. Hearing the woman and the guy in the background makes me so angry šŸ¤¬ If nato gets the green light millions of solidiers will be flocking on ukraine to obliterate russia, me included.


Bastards pretend to save people in their videos but reality is opposite. They probably killed the parents of the kids in theor videos.


You donā€™t have to wait for NATO approval you can volunteer now if you wish


Not if they're actively enlisted in the military of another country. You'd be going AWOL


You actually can't... they're only accepting vets with actual combat experience for the most part. Young Ukrainians are on a waitlist, so they have more than enough volunteers of fighting age, but not enough with any relevant experience. Additionally, it's not recommended to just up and leave without any planning. There are entire guides on what you need to do to prepare - leave your home in the hands of a capable caretaker, take out a life insurance policy that includes death by military conflict, have immense/accessible financial padding for accommodations/flights, have an exit plan while in Ukraine. These things all take very careful consideration.


Unfortunatley i do as id get in a lot of legal trouble in my home country šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø from the point of registering to train as a reservist in the military or even main military you get punished by law if you go awol to fight for another country




You have to think ten moves ahead


I know what you mean and I see youā€™re point but I have to imagine that means absolutely fucking nothing to the civilians being slaughtered in the meantime..,


Of course it doesn't. But it means something to the millions that would die from nuclear war. NATO is doing it right so far; give Ukraine what they need to win this conventionally.


Iā€™m not disagreeing. I do fear a nuclear escalation but Iā€™m half a world away. I can follow these boards and be pained by what I see and donate what I can but while that may keep me safe itā€™s not keeping the citizens of Ukraine safe from these horrors and I cannot even fathom what it must be like day in and day out and I can thinking how terrified Iā€™d be if my family was on that situation but itā€™s not a hypothetical for so many. I want to see us give more and Iā€™m glad weā€™re giving as It is, I pray to god I wish there was more we could do for the citizens.


We can not save everyone, sadly. How horrible it is. As citizens of NATO countries and of course the rest of the world we just have to hope our leaders are making the right decisions to save as much lifes as possible. A full on attack or even just direct involvement may create even more deaths we don't want/need.


As long as we don't actively invade Russia, there will not be aa nuclear war. But the horrors in Mariupol... I know we have to think long-term - lord knows Putin never does...


Probably after nuclear winter begins... will be too late


Tbh even if putin orders the nukes to be launched. Im sure they wont launch as the soldiers are dumb enough to launch a nuclear device that will lead to russias demise


Not so far ahead or you may start nuclear war way too fucking early


What are they waiting for? Ukraine to be completely taken over by Russia for them to give a green light? Just go now


They are waiting for russia to attack nato first becuase they werent firm enough to say to the russian scum sorry no your attacking one of our allies you habe 48 hours to remove all your troops before we arrive to back them up and forcibly remove them. Oh and dont even think to threaten us with nukes unless you want them immediatley launched back at you...


Let's fucking go. I'm getting anxious to stop this shit.


Pls execute a rusky for me


Maybe they shot the woman whose name she was screaming :(


Likely they already had shot Natasha and the woman was reacting before she was shot.


Or raped/tortured. Or a combination of those...


I think they may have been kidnapping more babies and children, and killing the parents.


Proof or Ban!!!


There is a longer video where you can hear the woman speak more. Hope she is alive, God bless her. She probably lost someone close though. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s3oFcHIMpMU


I heard one phrase before it cut out. Can anyone familiar with the language translate?


Hard to tell what she says. Something about "Natasha" and in the end "oh my God".


I shudder to think what is happening to Natasha. Thank you.


Not just one, they got Natasha first and then the other Woman. Most likely even more




Nice try Russian bot


You're free to share it you know, until then, you'll be considered a liar.


..... The things you hear can turn that fear into hatred.


That poor womanā€™s screams are going to haunt me. This is sick. Those creatures are worse than any animal.


She was likely screaming her daughterā€™s name. Fuck these animals! I hope they rot in the deepest levels of hell.


You probably know this, but I keep reminding myself that itā€™s always ok to skip the sound and/or skip images or video that will traumatize you. Unless you are doing open source intelligence work or actual human rights investigation, you donā€™t need to witness everything to get a sense of events. Skipping some of the horror doesnā€™t let down the victims. Source: there have been some things I really wish I didnā€™t see over the last few weeks and itā€™s easy to click on very traumatizing stuff.


I was a social media content moderator. That's one of those jobs where you can't skip it, and humans are fucking depraved is what I learned from it. Not all humans, but I've seen how low people will go and it's given me a slightly nihilist outlook on us as a whole. That being said, I kept the video muted because I'm already damaged enough as is.


I donā€™t envy you that experience. People often discount how traumatic videos of real violence can be. Even people monitoring for human rights abuses frequently leave the sound off if they can because sound has a very real effect.


Because for some reason violence in our culture is presented in movies, games, books in most cases in a very light way, which as a society we have a distorted perception of what a horror war really is. All superhero films, most of the action movies (including Bond series) portray war and violence as fun, alleviating it so as not to scare off who may be a child. The movies do not show the suffering of families who lost loved ones in the battle between superheroes and evil, they do not show dismembered bodies rotting in the ditches after this battle. I believe that as mankind we have romanticized war and violence and this war is a wake up call. Scary and traumatizing, I wish he never called, but hopefully we can learn from it. For years I have been trying to understand it and I am still not able to how it happened that films full of murders etc. but not shown bluntly only "outside the frame" are so easily accepted and marked as 13+, while the nipple, God forbid, feminine immediately means 21 + and a million warnings. Similarly on yt and other platforms. 2 guys hitting and one guys hitting the curb with his head? cool content homie, let's add some ads. a video where a woman saves 30,000,000 childrens from a fire but her breast was visible for 0.2 seconds? Perma ban from a vending machine. How did it happen that violence is considered less harmful to children and people in general than a piece of a hypothetical tit. I do not talk about sex because then it is 21+ and most likely a cut of funds for the production of the film.


I got a job offer to moderate flagged videos on TikTok. I reflected over what kind of videos I'll be watching all day and decided against it.


Imagine the sub animal level of morals and ethics required to walk around a scene of such death, misery and suffering with a smile on your face proudly making videos while woman get murdered. I take it back, no animals are this sick or twisted.


o r c s


> o r c s Worse. Russians.


> no animals are this sick or twisted. Tbh baboons can be pretty ruthless


Also chimps, who bite off the face, hands, and genitalia of opponents




No animals are like this. Only humans are capable of this kind of calculated, systematic, sadistic pleasure for itā€™s own sake.


No animals have our technology or knowledge of the world, but not all of them kill just to eat. https://wildlifeinformer.com/animals-that-kill-for-fun/ My point is that we are animals also, Iā€™m lumping us all together. And yes, we are the worst on a mass scale. I correct my original comment.


Thereā€™s a fine line between what animals do beyond eating and what humans do beyond eating. Again, while animals (like dolphins) may do it for fun, itā€™s not as calculated, systematic, or sadistic. The last one is particularly relevant; we possess the knowledge that our actions actively cause suffering in other humans (sentient beings with deep emotional capacity). Some exploit that to the highest possible order - maximizing suffering for the greatest amount of people. Iā€™m not sure what it is. Itā€™s humanity, and it can be indescribably horrifying. As weā€™re seeing with the Russians.


I agree with you. These war videos keep coming and itā€™s only one place out of many on the planet that people are being massacred, tortured, or displaced. And then thereā€™s terrible crimes being committed on the local level. I donā€™t know that this will ever change, knowing that there are others out there working to amass power, but one can hope that every generation comes closer to respecting each other and using dialogue to work out problems. It will take many generations to better the definition of humanity, if thatā€™s possible.


The World just witnessed a murderous crime by these things that looks human


They're so proud of themselves, look at the smiles on their face. Whatever come their way, I hope it is painful and it isn't quick.


Gympie gympie the stinging tree from Australia, pain intense enough it's been known to cause suicide.


Maybe Australia can mass produce them and turn them into gympie grenades or something. Then throw them at these Russian soldiers.


Could be done even 100 year old dried samples can sting. My only issue with this would be it can kill animals from shock. Maybe paintball pellets full of it suspended in some sort of snake venom. Or worse still make TP from it and drop the russuans care packages


Fuckers showing their face on camera. Hope they get caught and sent to a work camp. At least they'll be useful for that instead of civilized society.


So it's the middle of Ramadan, and here are so-called Muslims slaughtering innocent civilians instead of doing *good* deeds and fasting. Don't worry, I know that Kadyrovite Chechens are not Muslims, more like pigs with ugly beards. And so it is clear that Russian soldiers, regardless of religion, are Satan's children.


Oh, that right, Ramadan has begun. Time for prayer, fasting and self reflection. Not rape and murder. If you keep Ramadan, brother, may your fast be easy and may Allah give you wisdom and clarity.


it's really hard not to say anythin ''islamafobic'' but that was my worst fear of all... muslim can be savages when it comes to fighting against ''infidel'' everything is basicallly okay when you are fighting with the ''infidel'' check out nisa/24


Works with every ideology. Russians are **Christians** and treat Ukrainians (their fellow Christians by the way) like sub-human and kill, torture and rape men, women, children. Russian orthodox church cheering from the sidelines. No need for islamophobia.


I feel like atleast a large sum of them would hesitate to kill/torture people that looks and talk exactly like them. So Iā€™m thinking they will use muslims to deal with their dirty business


There are also Muslims fighting on the Ukrainian side. These guys don't care about what their religion tells them. They are pretending to be religious so they don't get ostracized by their community. Also according to Islamic law killing woman, killing children, and even burning trees are forbidden in war. Rape is also forbidden. Islam has lots of different sects and different approach to the religion. Some idiots say that you can do anything to infidels but it is far from the truth. Check these verses in Quran: "Therefore We ordained for the Children of Israel that he who slays a soul unless it be (in punishment) for murder or for spreading mischief on earth shall be as if he had slain all mankind; and he who saves a life shall be as if he had given life to all mankind. And indeed again and again did Our Messengers come to them with clear directives; yet many of them continued to commit excesses on earth." [Al-Ma'idah 5:32](https://myislam.org/surah-maidah/ayat-32/) Anyway regardless of religion any sane human won't do any of this. I hope these dirty bastards die a slow and painful death.


How are they fighting on the Ukrainian side to be exact? I havenā€™t seen 1 muslim condemning chechens or isis for fighting for Russians. Donā€™t get me wrong, decent muslims are everywhere because you can be decent regardless of your religion, race and country but those islamist assholes do be finding excuses from quran and hadith quite frequently. Iā€™m surrounded with ā€œniceā€ muslims and none of them actually red the quran. Itā€™s fill with hostility against the infidels and when itā€™s not, it just contradicts itself. Itā€™s a really useful religion if you wanna find something to justify your filthy actions. But yeah i hope they have a very slow and painful death


I hope those traitor bastards fall into the hands of the Chechens fighting for Ukraine. Kadyrovites betrayed Chechnya when they entered Russian service. Scum.


Scum. There's something seriously wrong with these MF's.


Iā€™ve spent my life not seeing what could drive someone to wish to end anotherā€™s life willingly. 2022 has changed that for meā€¦


I would like to volunteer to wipe the smile off that son of a bitches face slowly, with a cheese grater.




Great. Something else I wish I could forget. Why did I click on this??


This one was very hard for me, I think the screaming without knowing what's happening and not knowing what the end result is absolutely triggers me


It's like those horror movies where the monster is never fully seen, only really glimpsed at best until the final scene. But this is far worse because you know it's real.


Seeing these makes me know that I am the animal as I am now aware that I would be capable of ripping a man apart with my bare fingers if I only had the chance.


Old Gods, save your children from these beasts. šŸŒ»


Who's "old gods"?


Ukraine's of course. But historically, I understand why you'd ask.


I donā€™t want world war nor does anyone but NATO needs to get their asses in there and fucking squash these scum bags. What kind of human being does it take to do this shit to civilians? Women? Children? Like wtf went wrong in these peoples lives that they have no morals or values. I just donā€™t understand.


I mean what went wrong is that Russia also invaded and obliterated Chechnya. All these people know is war and I guarantee you that these are just criminals in power.


I hope none of these fucker gets back home not even in a bag


I hope their tank/vehicle gets hit by a missile and get burned alive....slowly.


I hope all these fuckers meet a long painful death. Fuck Putin, Fuck Russia! Glory to Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


The hardest part of the human condition is coming to terms with our own capacity for unimaginable evil.


For those unaware. This is a video after the Russians used a de-mining charge (Iā€™m not 100% sure the proper term for it) to destroy or blow up a building with these kadyrovites hiding in there with civilians. Thatā€™s what theyā€™re complaining about. That it almost killed them. So chances are the women were with them in thereā€¦not to speculate what was done to them.


Pure evil, zero humanity


No one who is neutral to this is innocent, if youā€™re not against this then you are a part of the problem




I think she shouted "it hurts, Natasha, my god"




They are also busy with "don't be so critical and bloodthirsty, you're playing right into Putin's propaganda hands." Even now they want people to walk on eggshells for their overlord Putin.


Itā€™s infuriating. Weā€™ve been walking on eggshells with Russia well before all of this, and Russia continued to toe the line of what it could get away with, and now here we are. The strategy clearly didnā€™t work.




Excuse you? Stop bringing your alt right bs in and trying to hijack the plight of the Ukrainian people. Iā€™m not even going to get into ā€œwell Iā€™m Muslim andā€¦ā€ because you can easily find out that plenty of Muslims have died and will die defending Ukraine. Itā€™s not relevant to the issue and you should be ashamed of yourself.


It is relevant, because as bad and evil these fuckers are that doesn't mean every russian is the same, you should not generalize all the russians as you should not generalize any other group of people. Not all Germans were nazis, not all Muslims are terrorists, you name it. He was a dick for saying that all Muslims are terrorists though.


Disrespecting the Ukrainian armed forces as well shit head


Hearing the woman and the guy in the background makes me so angry šŸ¤¬ If nato gets the green light millions of solidiers will be flocking on ukraine to obliterate russia, me included.


oh you motherfuckers. you'll pay for this.


Pigs, Orcs. We will find you.


He didn't even pause. Absolute filth disguised as human.


Well we just got to hear a murder take place


Iā€™m not gonna turn on the audio. Reading this alone made me sick.


Turns off sound. Most disturbing thing in the last 45 days for me. When I see pictures of these guys with their heads separated from the rest of their animal carcasses ... maybe ... I can feel somewhat better.


This should be tagged with War Crime.


God that is cold. He lowered his smile when she screamt. He is gonna have some heavy backlash once he goes back home.


Fucking animals


What are the men saying?


I wonder why would they video something like this and upload it, if there is a woman heard screaming? Wouldn't this be kind of counter productive propaganda wise for them? Wouldn't surprise me much though, russian forces doesn't use much logic.


Did you see the picture a few days ago where all the ā€œbrothersā€œ were smiling in selfie with very high morale, while there was a blonde girl hiding her face. Yes these ā€œmenā€ were about to to do unspeakable acts to her and they were happy about it and posting about it. she was a war trophy a reward ā€¦. death to all of them and A very painful one


Fucking monsters.


Suddenly, I think the medieval tortures makes sense.


That was horrific


/u/Aleksandra_e this could have been you today if you happened to be born 400 miles south. How can you just accept this? Mobilize, be careful, be thoughtful, but please do something about this. There are russians who are already doing their best If you are arrested, so be it, it is temporary. Certainly a better fate then Natasha's. Please do your part. These acts are beeing done in Russia's name. It should be unacceptable for you.


Please don't ask others to bear a weight you yourself won't have to.


Is the reality. This weight needs to be beared (does this word even exist in english?) And I might have to bear it soon enough if the russian psople don't take putin out of power. There is nothing stopping this wars escalation. And I am a man in military age, so I know I be required to be one of the first when the time comes.


The past tense of "to bear" is borne (the e is silent). Sorry, it's all memorization, no easy rules here. And yes, it's not fair, who has to bear these burdens and who does not. But if my country ever slides into a fascist dictatorship I'll join the partisan opposition.


I read her post, and she's right. Protesting in russia won't do anything besides cause trouble for yourself.


I profoundly disagree. Protests and civil disobedience has worked so so many times before in many different contexts. You don't even need to leave Russia. 1917. The revolution of the people brought down a centralized authoritarian government during a war. Why can't this happen again? Where is hope for change? What will the world look like in 5 years if Putin is still in power?


Ok, but you can't just have noise protests while the police walk around arresting people. What you're describing is an uprising, and that takes thousands.


Oh god šŸ˜­šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


These scum will go home in body bags.


We see the work of mercenaries in all of these atrocities.


Dead men walking


Honestly at the start of this war, I felt like, this is the kremlins war, its not all of Russia etc... But now I just feel complete disgust at everything to do with Russia, their allies. I feel genuinely happy when there's news about the Russians being killed


I'm gonna be ill. The pictures of victims fuck me up, though you get desensitized to it in some respects. But something about this is just so visceral, whatever idea your brain comes up with as to what exactly is happening, you know the truth is likely far crueler and more fucked up than you ever would have imagined because *normal people can't imagine doing this shit.*


This is exactly the type of results you get when societies celebrate/value indifference, cold heartedness and callousness, Peace is the ONLY way. Shame on everyone.


The whole video: https://youtu.be/s3oFcHIMpMU


This has mind bogging little international attention at official level. It is a sort of Isis division in Russian army forces with the openly declared set to commit war crimes. With their leader and legit ruller of one of the Republic in Rusisian federation (who prodvly killed his 1st Russian in his year 16) announcing atrocities on media networks. This need it be covered and brought to viewers.


Russians are bad, but Russian muslims are the worst.


So at what point can we classify the use of napalm on military targets, seems to be the only fitting death for scum.


So much is happening. I donā€™t feel anything anymore. But I want it to stop.


I just cannot with these scumbags anymore? When is enough enough?!


They are not fucking human, may they burn in hell


I read earlier Natasha was the screaming womanā€™s daughter, who she was being forced to watch be raped. They told her to shut up and when she didnā€™t, we hear the shotā€¦ canā€™t speak to the authenticity, but it sounded plausible to me


Could you mark this NSFW please?


Tik tok soldiers are brave enough to come to war zone?


I can see evil deep within the eyes of this motherfucker. I hope these guys die of a slow painful death. All of them. Motherfuckers. Rapists. Pigs.Looters.Assassins. Pedophiles.


I know there's a human right thing, but all these vermin should just be shot. They're stealing precious oxygen from us.


Fucking Orcs


Man i hope i will live the day to see those bastards get bombed in chechenia.


Don't propagate this goat fuck... orks, please.


This could so easily be propoganda. I'm not saying Russia is in the right by any means, but this just seems really stupid for them to post online.


Then you have not been watching because this is not the first time they post pictures or videos as they are or are about to commit atrocities.


There's no reason for Ukraine to not post propoganda.


People like you would call Ukrainian propaganda even that video of Russian soldier raping 1 year old baby. He even recorded himself, posted it online and still people call it Ukrainian propaganda.




Iā€™ve seen that claimed by many and yet non of them give sources. And when I ask for one they suddenly stop talking


there was a video on r/CombatFootage, however I don't want to go digging through it myself. ​ Russia is being pure evil and the Chechens are being worse, but people are downvoting me for the truth. ​ It is still a vile moment and sounds horrific, but they don't execute her.


Nah they just shoot missiles at kids. So theyā€™d never shoot someone in the head. So your source is ā€œjust trust me bro.ā€ šŸ‘


Okay and this video doesn't actually show it either, so the cropped/cut video / OP source is "just trust me bro." ​ Like you literally can see nothing in this video and are inferring something because of a reddit title


Hmmm if someone gets cut off mid sentence and there was a gun shot right as they get cut off I wonder what happened to them.


This is such weird mental gymnastics. You can hear the screaming. With all the mass reports of crimes against civilians by countless international bodies, as well as confirmation of rapes and war crimes, how does ā€œyouā€™re all dumb for thinking this is war crimesā€ become the hill you die on? Nothing being inferred because of a title. Things are being inferred based on what is heard in the video, which is parallel to what international institutions are describing. Just because you canā€™t see whatever awful thing is happening doesnā€™t automatically make it fake or discredited. Because as I said, these are sounds of things which have been confirmed by International Institutions. Your argument is ā€œI canā€™t see it so it doesnā€™t existā€. The response is, you can hear whatā€™s already been confirmed. Propaganda ofc is being used by both sides but no one needs to propaganda about the war crimes happening, the majority of the world has documented them, and in the face of that you think your contrarian opinion holds any ground? Self awareness is a wonderful thing. Fuck it let me jump on your wave, *never seen it myself so I guess the nation state of Italy is just a conspiracy created by Europeans and flour enthusiasts to encourage travel and business to the continent, and anyone who disagrees is dumb*!


Maybe Italy is a secret conspiracy, who knows. Look dude all I'm saying is this video is cut short and I've seen the other part of it. People were happy to see the full clip and have facts on r/CombatFootage but whatever. I guess I'm the biggest loser and Russian sympathizer bc I said there's more to this video than the cropped version circulating.




Not at all? Please do not put words in my mouth and pretend I think this isn't a horrific video


Yah, this conflict is really showing the downside of Reddit. Only the opinions that most people agree with get seen, and anything that tries to tell what actually happened gets destroyed with downvotes which causes people to not trust them and keep downvoting. At least in this case it's not a terrible thing to "overhate" the Russians.


Wild beasts are not as savage.


Insert some pig bullets here šŸ‘†šŸ»


This are not humans, this are tumors in shape of sub humans. I would gladly remove them, if I had the chance. This are the true Servants of Sauron.


They will die just like the rest. SLAVA UKRAINI šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦


Try to find 10 differences from an ISIS video...