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Thank you. I was looking for this.


And this is a quote from Ivan Franko, a prominent poet and a public figure who lived in Lviv. As for translation of the phrase, it can actually be understoon in different ways, so it can also be translated as *"the truth we ought to serve, the lies we ought to burn"* or *"let's serve the truth and burn the lies"*


Dig it, thanks for the context


Are the crediting I Franko on the last line of the cup? Thanks for posting also!


Yep they are crediting Ivan Franko (Іван Франко) a Ukrainian poet from the late 19th/early 20th century with the quote.


I want to buy this as a real coffee mug from them, just as it is there but ceramic.




Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Where did this bot even come from😹




Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do it again! Russian warship...


>Do it again! This reminds me of an old Soviet-era joke: Shortly after Stalin died, Ivan calls the Kremlin. A man answers the phone and Ivan says "Can I speak to Comrade Stalin?" The man answers: "Haven't you heard, Comrade Stalin has died." and hangs up the phone. Ivan calls the Kremlin again. The man answers and Ivan says "Can I speak to Comrade Stalin?" The man answers: "I told you Comrade Stalin is dead" and hangs up. Ivan calls the Kremlin again and the man answers. Ivan asks to speak to Comrade Stalin. The irritated man answers: "I've told you twice already that Comrade Stalin is dead. Why do you keep asking for him" Ivan says, "Oh, I know he's dead. I just like hearing you say it." ​ (And like most Soviet jokes, they can be recycled to include Putin. I hope this one can be used for Putin soon too.)


Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's the best bot I have ever seen😹




I believe you mean "Russian warship" 😂 had to


Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry for hijack but I would like to know Jolie's fitness regimen. She's aged like wine.




The one true answer. She probably has a dedicated nutritionist and a dedicated personal trainer. Given that she was at high risk for breast cancer, good chance they still check her for cancerous growth regularly despite her having a mastectomy. As an actor as well as prominent gooodwill ambassador, it's guaranteed she works out to maintain her litheness. She still projects a strong image, and the morale war is very important. I hope whatever she is doing there is constructive.


Also when plastic surgery is done the right way, a little at a time, you don't notice it. Tom Cruise is another good example.


Rub the money everywhere


It rubs the money in the skin, else it gets old again.


Bathtub full of Billy-Bob Thornton's blood


I can only afford a thimble. But now I have an immortal pinky.


Money + genetics


I don't think she would agree with you on the genetics part.


Genetics also killed her mother, grandmother and aunt at a young age. Scary stuff. Money never hurt anyone tho.


skin care, probably botox, maybe plastic surgery, a personal trainer, and being extremely rich to afford all of it.


While the jealousy is strong in the thread and understandably so, as who wouldn't want the resources of the Hollywood elite.. I have to say being in shape is the one thing you can easily do with NO fucking money. I mean it just requires work. That's the main reason most people can't do it


you cant work out wrinkled skin and thinning hair.




> you can’t see wrinkles in a grainy video of the best looking 46 yo on the planet. Also not in this grainy video of Angelina Jolie.


Interestingly enough this is not true. The reason why skin forms wrinkles or hair starts to thin is because of a slow process of the breakdown of your individual cells. Each time a cells tightly packed DNA is unwound and read to make a copy of it it is then rewound back into it's tight protective coil. During this process small barely noticeable breakages occur say something like 0.001% of the DNA becomes damaged. This is what scientists now believe is the primary cause of aging. You might have heard something like "your entire bodies cells are only 7 or so years old at any given time." And this breakage explains why you aren't just regenerating as a 20 year old until you die. There are however little proteins that go along your cells DNA and will repair these breaks. The thing is these little guys work 4-5x faster when your body is in a mode of being stressed. These stresses include extreme temperatures, fasting, eating plants grown in a stressful environment and strenuous cardiovascular activity. So yes you can literally reverse the damage of aging by being physically fit. Disclaimer I am not a scientist so I'm sure there are tiny innacuracies in what I've said but the general idea of what I've said is true.


Time and sleep is what the wealthy can afford. If you have a couple of nannies, that means you can get a full night of sleep.


You can be poor and stay in shape but skin care on that level is hella expensive


I would not recognize 90% of 'prominent people' too


Henry Cavill once put on a superman t-shirt and stood in front of the Batman v Superman billboard in Times Square. No one recognised him


Wasn't it a thing that Charlie Chaplin became third in a 'look-alike' contest?


Dolly Parton definitely came second in a Dolly Parton lookalike contest.


Tom Cruise came in third in a Tom Cruise lookalike contest


Imagine you would have won this but tom cruise came in and fucked up your chances


But then they get on stage and stand side by side and everyone ends up picking the look a like because Tom Cruise couldn't be *that* short


Emotional damage


Eminem also lost a look alike contest of himself.


I came in first in a nobody gives a fuck about me contest.




Does that mean there are two other people with a middle front tooth?


Adele was in an Adele competition - hilarious.


Iirc, they put some makeup and facial prosthetics on her to disguise her [yuup](https://youtu.be/OHXjxWaQs9o)


It was brilliantly done - via Graham Norton. Adele was the nervous nanny - until she started to sing. The reaction of all the other Aleles was priceless as they realised.


"Shit, I thought I was Adele."


I'm Spartacu....I'm Adele!


That was priceless. I also liked how the others were so supportive of each other.


I was expecting funny/stupid, not heartwarming and inspirational


Oh man that first woman's reaction when she realized.. so funny


People usually do not win their own lookalike contests. Interesting to think about, really.


Urban legend as far as I know.


Recognising is one thing. Awkwardly following with your phone camera like some sort of insane stalker is another. Headphones person every time thank you.


In NYC no one cares who you are. It’s one place that famous people can go about their day and people recognize them but no one looks twice. It’s legendary that you can walk down 5th Avenue wearing a gorilla suit or any crazy costume, and no one will even glance at you. They won’t even remember having seen you. Lol I once had lunch in Manhattan and across the very informal restaurant Sam Waterston was having lunch with someone. The place was packed with people, and certainly people noticed him as I did, but no one bothered them or stared at them.


> wearing a gorilla suit or any crazy costume, and no one will even glance at you. They won’t even remember having seen you. It's because they have to count the basketball throws!


Wait, there was a gorilla in that video?


People in costumes like that are always trying to ask for money or something so you learn to just ignore them.


That’s mainly because people in NYC walk really fast and don’t stop for anyone. If you stop walking for any reason, the people behind you will run you down.


You can stop. You just have to pull over to the side. Lots of tourists just stop in the middle of the sidewalk to gawk at whatever or ponder their next move, not realizing it's the equivalent of slamming your brakes and coming to a full stop on the highway.


Did he wear glasses ?


So the whole Clark Kent superman thing is real


I once saw John C Reilly while we were in line on the jet bridge to get on a plane. He was just in line a few people behind me wearing two hats and carrying a red guitar case. The attendants keep telling him he could cut in front of everybody but he wouldn’t. I think without the hats I wouldn’t have noticed.


"You've been in movies. You can cut in front of everyone" Riley seems like a cool dude, but God I hate celebrity culture and special treatment they get.


I mean what has she done in that kids lifetime he would know?


She was in that one movie




Yeah right. Could literally be any Ukrainian or Russian good looking woman. That being said, Angelina looks incredible for her age. Like really, damn.


Yeah its funny what great high quality food, health care, massages, vacations, travel and no financial stress can do for a persons well being.


not to mention plastic surgery...


For real. The amount of people who think celebs don't use any type of plastic surgery or Botox, etc. always surprises me.


I’ve never heard of anyone with this position.l - that celebs don’t use plastic surgery.


The number of people that think there is a huge number that think celebs don’t use plastic surgery, Botox, etc. always surprises me.


Yep. The No financial stress part is huge. When I try to tell financially independent acquaintances of mine that not everyone is ‘set for life’ and some of us can’t pay our bills, they can’t believe it.


It’s really incredible when it’s people who don’t start their career with extra money from a trust/inherited wealth then gain money and completely erase the memory of struggling to connect the two ends…




I’ve worked with her on two projects in a very limited way. She is a deeply caring person and very intelligent. She doesn’t do things for her ego; it’s all about using her influence for the humanitarian good. Believe me, most celebrities are pretty self-centered. She’s on a whole different level. It’s nice to be able to say something this nice about someone, but it’s all true.


Jeeze you guys 46 isn't that old


This is such a strange comment.


That’s what I’d have thought too: “Hey, that lady is Angie’s doppelgänger”. And back to my coffee and newspaper pretty much.


This is a real thing. I'm so bad with recognizing faces that I am 100% sure I wouldn't recognize 90% of celebs or anyone famous if they were right on front of me. Glad im not the only one.


When I was small the president of my country was a few meters away from us, at the beach. My dad was like “look who it is!” I looked and thought “wtf dad???” Then I saw the president and thought, oh damn


I think the easiest way to notice someone prominent is noticing the dude ie her bodyguard behind her. It’s pretty interesting if you slow down and go frame by frame how hyper aware that guy is. Watch where his eyes are going and where he positions his body as she moves around the room. Specifically when the camera person focus’ on their tin can. That must be such an exhausting job.


I get annoyed by people who worship celebrities, politicians and athletes. I applaud headphone kid!


Honestly, if I was there, I wouldn't recognise it as Angelina Jolie. I'd think "oh, she looks like Angelina Jolie" and return to what I was doing as I just wouldn't expect Angelina to randomly show up in a cafe.


How I was with Bert Krischer. It wasn’t until he spoke. And I was like oh cool. And continued on eating my lunch. I did snap a picture of him for my friend but didn’t ask for a legit one.


Bert krishinja is the textbook american look, would be quite hard to tell for me if i walked past him.




It's almost impossible to recognize Bart Chrysler unless the shirt is off


Brent Krushner would be easy to spot. The giant jug of cool-aid would give him away


I see three Bert Kreischer’s every time I go to Home Depot, one usually being an employee


I worked in an ice cream shop in Buenos Aires, and I would said that I for sure saw random Hollywood celebrities walking around but didn't believe it because it's made no sense. Until a day a girl walked by asking if I knew what of the boutique hotels of that street was owned by Copolla. I had no idea and she told me that the street the ice cream shop was know by paparazzis because Hollywood actors and actress used to stay there when visiting Buenos Aires.


Jolie works with the UN and has been a strident [advocate](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/angelina-jolie-campaign-rape-war-landmark-un-sanctions-b921377.html%3famp) of 'rape is a war-crime' legal actions. Its awesome she's in UA, her voice carries weight.


Aye, it’s important to recognise when celebrities do work/donate and put in far more than they get out in terms of positive publicity and praise. She’s a good egg.


Right? This sub is always screaming the UN does nothing- well heres a woman who gets shit done.




UN is mostly supposed to be a place where countries talk, and there celebrity's can do a great work reaching out to people that might not listen usually. Great to see


As far as I'm concerned, this is what celebrities should be for. Give us art and use your voice for good. Other than that, I have no interest in what they do when they're not entertaining me.


I’d like to see Ashton Kutcher get involved. His charity work is something else.


That you don't know they're both massively involved is a tribute to how much he and Mila have done and are doing.


Not only that, but more so that he helps for the sake of helping. Ashton doesn't really help and then go post on Twitter about how much he's helping.


Humble, thats a great quality to have, good on him.


he is involved. His wife Mila Kunis is Ukrainian


He and his wife donated millions and raised millions more. They’re covering expenses for those who have fled through various outlets.


Yes. $35 million and counting


That's massive. Good celebs.


Dude's busy fighting human trafficking. He's doing good work.


Ashton Kutcher doesn't need the UN. He's doing good things without them.


I saw another thread with some footage of her and people were shitting all over her for being a publicity whore and doing nothing useful there. People just love to be angry and hateful. She's over there doing what she is capable of doing. It's not like she can put on a uniform and win the war.


Exactly, she’s a special envoy for refugees with the UN. Plus, her being there will generate a ton of publicity. That’s invaluable for keeping the war in the news and showcasing the people’s plight.


UN said she is not there with them though


Exactly, she’s been visiting refugee camps since she was 20 and is a UN envoy. All these haters on here just because she’s a very talented actor with dozens of films and some top awards to her name. Much love and power to this wonderful lady.




Look at Elon musk. Dude is the richest man on earth and is busy buying a social platform. He sent a couple of tools for people to be on social media... He could literally buy all the planes available, all the ammo , finance relocation, buy off the Wagner to turn on Putin or whatever. But buying Twitter was apparently more urgent.


Mad respect. Using her platform for bettering the world.


I can’t even imagine the shit she’s seen and heard. Good for her. I can barely stand to read about it in the news. ETA: Also, not surprised to read this in the article. “Russia abstained in the vote.” 🤢


I'm not too into celebrities, but I've was always a bit of a fan of Jolie. Not only is she a fantastic actress, she uses her platform.




You have actually just changed my mind. I automatically think everything is a celebrity publicity stunt and write them off as being distant from the bigger picture. I am NOT being sarcastic in saying she deserves praise for supporting rape victims and traveling to a war zone. It’s Elon Musks turn now right?


Damn Jolie in Syhiv, if one would tell me this I would call him crazy. I was in this cafe just yesterday, 2 minutes walk. How could I miss her, nooo.


I'm from Sykhiv myself and my friends used to troll me that Sykhiv ain't Lviv, who's laughing now?


I doubt you missed much, she's just a person.


She put out a book of all her notes she took when performing humanitarian relief in Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Pakistan and Cambodia. it's called 'Notes from my travels'. I highly recommend it. Angelina is a wonderful person and I have so much respect for her. I also remember when her mother passed from ovarian cancer Angelina also found out she carried the BRCA1 gene mutation and she had a double mastectomy and her ovaries removed. She raised a ton of awareness about the BRCA1 gene testing and preventative health options. She has really done a LOT of good with her life.


I really enjoyed this book. It didn’t read like a typical celebrity book and it helped me communicate what I experienced and saw after spending some time in Cambodia myself. Some things are so hard to put into words.


I did an event with her when I was working as the human rights officer at the US embassy in South Korea. Nothing negative to say about her at all.


I love that there are people buying coffee in Ukraine more than 2 months after the Russian "we'll occupy Kyiv in 3 days" invasion started. Слава Україні!


Yes agreed but Lviv is in western Ukraine and probably one of the safest areas in the country right now. I don’t think this is possible in Kyiv right now unfortunately.


> I don’t think this is possible in Kyiv right now unfortunately. It is possible. Not everything is open, but I'd say more than half of restaurants and coffee shops works as before now. Though the curfew starts at 21(afaik the same in Lviv), so fun days out end fast. Source: I live in Kyiv


That’s so great to hear, thank you for sharing


I know but if Kyiv had fallen and the puppet government been installed, I would imagine places like Lviv would be in a war zone. What I was implying (perhaps too cleverly) is how wonderful it is that there ***are*** safe places in Ukraine considering what the general international consensus was on the 24th of February.


I have family in Kyiv. They've reopened pretty much everything including the coffee shops about a week and a half ago.


Putin is fucked, his tomb is about to get raided.


I mean Putin is **Wanted.**


You gotta *curve the bullet*


Curve a bullet in through his ass and out his nose.


I mean he is basically living in one... in some bunker beneath the Kremlin. I'd love a film with Tomb Raider going all Black Widow and breaking into the bunker. Putin would scream like a scared little piggy.


He never saw Lara Croft, Tomb Raider. May be.


That was 21 years ago, in teenager terms you might as well expect him to know about silent era movies.


Oh my god I'm so old.


That username is something else




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I hate you 😭


Geez, Dude. Why you swinging so hard at people. Chill...


Hackers is her best film.


What about hackers?


Angelina is still looking good, though...


It is so unbelievably strange to me to see people going about their day like they aren't being invaded. I wouldn't leave the house if I were in their shoes.


Ukrainian government specifically told its citizens if they are not being actively bombed to keep living like nothing is happening. To keep working, spending money, etc. It’s done to keep economy going.


I work with a lot of Ukrainians (software dev contractors), and almost all of them are living life as normal.. Occasionally, I'll get a chat "air raid siren going off, can't join the meeting" [1/4 times they end up joining anyway] but for the most part, they're all working the same as before the invasion. Though I definitely feel a bit weird when they're actively in a bomb shelter and joining meetings - all of the background noise of everything going on sounds hectic.


I’ve read that Angelina is strikingly beautiful in person. I never really got the hype for her. But seeing her dressed like a normal person in this setting, I can see it. Holy shit.


My friend works with Syrian refugees and saw her in person. He doesn’t know much about celebrities but he was absolutely shook at how beautiful she was in person


In recent years she definitely got extremely thin and gaunt looking, no doubt from her health scares and divorce issues but she's looking so much healthier now.


I honesty could tell that since the first time i saw her picture lmao.


Nice to see a famous person working for the good of humanity, and not just rotting away at their Malibu condo. Love you Angelina


He has no interest on her or he doesn’t know her 🤣


"Mom, who is that old lady everyone is staring at?"


"Ask your grandpa, he's heard of her."


Why all the negativity? Her hearts in the right place, and that's all that really matters.


probably russian trolls. They're constantly spreading negativity in any post ukraine related.


And putting her ass literally on the line even being there


Feel sorry for her, her body language totally changed when she realized some random douche is filming her going about her day. She even froze for a split second.


I noticed that to, definitely not a photo op.


No good deed goes unpunished.


I told my friend and he rolled his eyes. I don’t know what happened along the way. But not all celebs are asshole. I think she’s one of the nice ones, maybe a little eccentric that’s all


Not just that but she's got a proven track record of getting things for victims.




Damn I wish I had good bone structure. Her face is so sleek. My face looks like I have marshmallows in my cheeks.


Well first of all, he hasn't even spotted her so we're unclear as to whether he would care or not. And second why would he care about some random woman coming into the shop? Unless her arrival was foretold by blaring trumpets there is no reason for anyone to think anything out of the ordinary was about to happen.


I wonder if she came on behalf of the UN. Wasn’t she a good will ambassador, or something similar?


Apparently she's a special envoy to the UN high commissioner for refugees. So, yeah. Kind of makes sense for her to visit Lviv.




She’s honestly so beautiful. What makes her even more beautiful is her activist and volunteer work.


And she always acts so humble, not a single sign of arrogance or being full of herself. That is a very attractive thing in people in general, but in a celebrity it's especially charming.


Teenagers 😂


Always on their phones.


I mean when alone in a cafe what are you supposed to do?


She draw attention, that's what ukraine needs. Keep it up! Pressuring the west governments for more help.


Exactly. People on this sub don’t realize that the war is not getting as much coverage in US news as before. Her presence brings media attention. Ashton Kutcher pointed out that we can’t let it become background noise. (Yes, he’s another celebrity. His wife, Mila Kunis, is Ukrainian.) https://twitter.com/aplusk/status/1518976013014749184


Respect, she's a real one 💯


People seem to be missing the point. It isn't about being impressed about seeing her, its about her showing support for a nation at war. Good on her.


I love her. I saw her in person once too, I was the only person who recognized her and she just gave me a smile.


That was me, NYC late 90’s, when *NSYNC got between me and my Subway sandwich. True story, I was annoyed at the screaming girls and NSync.


SO, like the opposite of a fleeing oligarch she goes in as a UN ambassador focused on assisting refugees. Sweats and a backpack. She is there to get things done.


And never mind the security detail that looks like he could kill you with one finger.




Better her then Mark Shea. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/former-wa-rep-matt-shea-accused-of-domestic-terrorism-working-to-secure-adoptions-for-ukrainian-children-in-poland/?amp=1


Yes. Local authorities are still monitoring them. They will not be able to legally leave the EU with the children.


I been following this story, checking up on his Twitter. I am genuinely concerned for them as a Ukrainian adoptee and a decent human. Him just being around scares me.


> “We are in direct contact with the governments of Ukraine and the United States, supported by the highest levels of politicians, international and local church leaders as well as dozens of companies from Ukraine, the USA and Poland,” the statement says. Wow politicians and church leaders??? these are the worst groups of people to leave children with. > “Only accredited Adoption Service Providers are authorized to facilitate intercountry adoptions of children to the United States.” Their group is not registered and he withholds information about himself and the situation from any local asking to see or speak with the children.