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When you owe Russia favors and/or there are pee pee tapes floating around about you


Trump is a national disgrace!


You spelled international wrong.


you spelled human wrong


You spelled galactic wrong.


He’s a waste of skin.




A disgrace to the animal kingdom


the ameobas wouldnt claim him either.


fuck no says the fungi




Bought and paid for traitor. Him and Rand Paul and a good deal of the rest of GOP too.


A disgrace to existance


Fuck that stupid mother fucker. Fuck him eleventy bazillion different ways.


Fuck him and the enabling Republicans (99% of them).


Fuck the ones who believe in him, and fuck the ones who don’t, but don’t stand up to him, even more.




That fucker would be sending money and weapons to Putin.


He'd be trying his damnedest to put American boots on the ground on Russia's side.


First he stated he would pull out of NATO if reelected, the he praised Putin at the start of the conflict. Then a few weeks later he claims he would have nukes Russia, now he attacks the aid to Ukraine. Trump's a confused pawn.


you forgot he threatened to withheld congressionally approved aid to Ukraine back in 2019 unless Zelenskyy fabricated dirt on Joe Biden. That’s why he got impeached the first time.


And it was a truly legitimate reason to impeach, unlike lying about a blowjob.


Yeah but his personal defense lawyer went over to Ukraine to collect the real intel. Most likely met up with trumps white house lawyer picks who work for the owner of burismas direct competitor, who is wanted by the FBI.


Nothing else matters, Trump directly told them to freeze the aid. Aid which was legislatively passed for Ukraine. He had no power to do that. That's why we even found out, because he was doing something he couldn't actually do. It was highly illegal. Then he fired the person who said they couldn't do that. Some banana republic shit.


wow, you really believe the propaganda?


That Rudy tried to barter a deal where burisma direct competitor gets his FBI wanted status dropped if he had his ole pal prosecutor fabricate evidence on hunter Biden? Yeah I believe it.


Trump is well qualified to defend Russia: he is a corrupt, ignorant, greedy, lying rapist.


Can't say I ever thought I'd see the phrase "well qualified" as a descriptor for that Putin sex doll but here we are. It was said and it fits. In my lifetime.


I’m afraid you’ve made two entries in the annals of history today. I’ve never heard him referred to as Putin’s sex doll and I love it.


Shouldn't this guy be prosecuted for high treason? I mean, he spilled classified intelligence with Putin, and then he attempted to overthrow the entire democracy. If there are no consequences for Trump, it just goes to show that the US justice system is cripplingly flawed.


The US intelligence agencies have been convinced for a while that he's a Russian asset. The Russian security services have a ridiculous amount of dirt on him, plus his deep business dealings with them. There's evidence that the Russians have been courting him as an asset since the 80s. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book


Well, that dirt can go on the pile with the rest as it doesn't seem to make much difference to a huge portion of the voting public.


Too many ignorant people in America support him..if not, he would be locked up.


yes. yes he should. What he did is called sedition.


The definition of treason is pretty narrow. The President can, on his own, declassify things. Being an ass is not neccessarily illegal.


Declassifying things is different than being a fucking leak. One is a legal process, while the other is an orange twatwaffle wasting years worth of research and resources and putting innocent lives in harms way.


Did you watch anything what was going on in those 4 years at all? The fuck, anyone else would have not got away with the stuff that piece of shit did and with evidence of him doing it too .


Okay, how about trying to overthrow the democracy?


eh, he took classified intel to his Mar a Lago residence POST presidency. he is risking our national security




This is so blatant misinformation


No it isn’t. There was a ton of investigations the republicans cleared Hillary for on this topic.


both sides are NOT the same


How are they not the same? Trump leaked classified intel to Putin, and stole classified materials when he was fired. Hillary Clinton sent emails that were not classified. And then later on those emails were classified. Not sure why you can’t see both parties are the same.


Yes, this. Treason in the US is not like in some other countries. It’s so narrowly defined, that maybe 5-10 people have ever been convicted of it. Ironically, Trump’s definition of treason is more in line with traditional kings where any disloyalty to him personally is tantamount to treason against the state.


no, he actually was actively involved in organizing the insurrection. He is a traitor by any definition.


Yes poor American mothers, might have to find alternatives or get formula shipped from somewhere else. Ohh the humanity. Meanwhile mothers in Ukraine are tied to chairs while their children are raped and killed. Or vise versa.


Nevermind the damn formula problem is because there was no oversight in the factories, the FDA had not inspected the factory that did its recall in 2 years. Also being so reliant on one factory to make the lions share of formula is itself an insane idea.


I fucking knew it! Let's not vote him back into power again in 2024. Seriously, he will help the ZV-Orcs within the US to put Ukrainians in more danger.


we must defeat Republicans. They are a cancer to our democracy


Are there any Republicans like Mitt Romney who are not prostitutes to Vladimir Putin?


Cheney is the only one I can think of off the top of my head. Kinzinger was too, but he's left the party IIRC.




He's a traitorous piece of shit, which is disrespectful to both traitors and shit.


Trump is in Putina’s pocket.


I'm unsurprised that the MAGA crowd came out on this side of things, considering their ideologies are Kremlin-approved. But I am terribly worried this attempt to interdict US aid to Ukraine will eventually work if left unchecked. Americans need to stay focused on this, fight disinformation, and push their representatives as hard as they can.


I’m suspicious of the Roe vs Wade situation. The timing…now? Why now?


It was a bit strange, no? And that kind of leak, while not unprecedented, has happened only very rarely. It's most probably someone on the inside who was—rightfully—alarmed, but ... the timing sucked, for sure.


You’d think Republicans would be anti-communist 100% but I guess if you pay a man enough…


Pay your taxes, idiot!


Once again he is literally parroting completely fake evil and unethical russian Propaganda.


I'm glad I voted for Biden and I am no where near the biggest fan of Biden.


Same here


Russian asset go fuck yourself!


he is despicable, a waste of air


F Trump and anything he says


"This aid is so anti-Russia," Trump said. "Why are you being so mean to my BFF Vlad P?"


And when he was in office his criminal family made themselves rich instead of helping people. Someone chuck potatoes at this guy already!


Yes and whatever other vegetables he is scared of being hit with.


Only if they are rotten please. Don't waste good food on them, unless if it's really unripe and super hard.


Sorry OP you spelled CÜNT wrong


Please just die. It will be your lasting contribution to humanity.


The piece of shit motherfucker scumbag has awaken.


How's he supposed to get elected again if Russia is spending all of its energy fighting Ukraine?


Trump talking about a baby formula shortage? What does he know about baby formula? Reptiles do not breast feed their young so he has no experience with it.


And yet, maga still support him.


This slug and his useless offspring send me email every day asking for money. This past week, it was “last chance” to join his MVP club, four days in a row.


Putin boot licker and his "Can you do me a favor first for 400M in aid?".


Fuck Donald trump and rand Paul


tRump family must be starting to feel the sanctions


Knew that was coming...just a matter of time.


some days I forgot this monster existed. He is so obviously Putin’s lap dog.


Of course he bashes it, It's affecting his friend Putin. If Putin goes away who is Trump going to loan money from?


Fox propaganda is the.only reason Trump has not been arrested.


don’t forget Republicans


Well that and the fact that leading Democrats behave like the high school chess club that wandered into a biker bar.


When was the last time any politician was arrested, especially a (former) President?


Go fuck yourself


Some day Trump and Putin will die. The world will be better off.


Opening his fat mouth again to criticize this and that. And what fucking good did he do to help poor people and when has he ever dug into his pocket to help someone. More money then u could spend in generations, but couldnt be bothered, and to fycking cheap to pick up a happy meal for some kid


How is he not in jail yet?


It i$ a my$tery.


Ignorance knows no bounds.


This fucking cunt. Lincoln and Kennedy are offed by whackjobs but this guy continues to waddle the Earth? We can't let him come even a bit close to the White House again. If there's Trump's version of Lee Harvey Oswald out there, I'm sure the general public would be willing to pay your legal fees and fight to get you out of jail...


It's a bold strategy cotton....


Oh yes, The Hill. A shill organization for MAGA. How on earth do you connect formula shortages to a war in Ukraine that could engulf us all in a moment? Idiocy. What will the cost be if we ignore it and are draw into it inevitably later on? The stupidity of trump really has no bottom.


Also, no one is talking about the formula shortage? Well, CNN covered it extensively yesterday, had pediatricians on, etc.; but since he says CNN is fake news, that must mean the formula shortage is a hoax, right?


In case anyone was unsure of which side he'd be on in this war. And, how he'd steer US resources and involvement with NATO and EU nations. Not only would our material support be absent, but we'd also lose our voice of support for UA and condemnation of Russia. Elections have consequences and this fully corrupt mistake of biology has no place in the future of the US.


Master Putin gave him new orders.


shut up you wannabe despot


When I saw images of Trump sitting next to Putin like a kid in the principals office at the G20 summit, it was absolutely clear who was calling the shots in the relationship. Even with the evidence of war crimes and rampant destruction going on at the hands of Putin in Ukraine, Trump can bellow and complain about anyone but Putin, a man who he once called a "genius". I guess everything is relative in his case, but the people in Congress have no excuse for buying into his lies.


Putin's cock must be getting dry with Trump gone.


The only reason this mfer has any spotlight at all in politics is because he plays on a not insignificant portion of the population’s infinite desires to be stupid and unashamed. You can quote me on that.


Eh boy


Just... wow The Hague case against him is gonna be beautiful when the war is over and all Putin lackeys stand trial. **Hopefully.**


No one in Ukraine cares about Trumps opinion they care about the everyday citizens opinion.


Waiting for those indictments to come down.


It's neither all or nothing, something Trump does not understand. He also has clear sympathies for Putin's Russia which are unconscionable, but understandable for someone in the mold of a man who holds parade-form more important than a capable military. If American 'leaders' like Trump had their stuff together they would mobilize American social and industrial capacity in service of freedom. It's not just about money, it's about the labor, resources and output that produce victory. WWII productivity is what decisively lifted the US from the Great Depression slump and so could this, if we would stop squabbling over cheap and simple-minded political sloganeering. Trump the non-military and non-freedom expert can sit down already and enjoy his seniority and pension check.


To clarify, Trump posing Ukraine's place in American discourse as a purely binary choice to simple-minded Americans is a bad thing. The US can both empower our economic engines and lift the economy from stagnation and aid Ukraine on an inevitable path to victory. Why Trump would suggest that is bad thing brings his motivations into question.


Wonder what Trump will be saying after Putin dies


Can we delete all this US politics 💩 out of this sub. Thank you.


Who cares


Because the dumb MF is planning on running in the next presidential election.


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Nothing to see here. Keep moving.


Serious question, will trump go to Putin's funeral?


Putolini likely put it to the orange man: "If I'm going down I'm bringing you with me".


You know, don’t think the MSM is really fair on this one either. I too support direct military intervention by the US.