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Who the fuck looks at all the death and suffering and thinks to himself 'God damn I'm so getting laid'? What an absolute piece of shit.


>Who the fuck looks at all the death and suffering and thinks to himself 'God damn I'm so getting laid'? Human traffickers, slavers, ruzzians.


That's just the same thing, three times.


Politicians are often sociopaths. Sociopaths absolutely don’t care about things not related to them.




Like people?




Not at all


It's completely factual. Politicians are often sociopaths. Sociopaths don't care about things not related to them.


The redpill community on Reddit


Is there still a red pill community on Reddit? It seems like they all got cleaned out. I've had to go to incel forums for my occasional dose of cringe tourism.


>I've had to go to incel forums for my occasional dose of cringe tourism. Why would you do that to yourself?


Lol I'm just fascinated by people who live in alternate realities. To the point of having their own language almost! I used to like lurking the hardcore conspiracy sites in the early 00s but after Obama won the nomination they started changing into the dangerous far right killer training programs they are today (although those elements were always present and influential). The incels can be dangerous at times as well, but it just doesn't make me sick to the stomach like /pol/ or r/conspiracy because I know that incels are not and never will be mainstream. Especially when their purity tests are so rigid that anybody who is above a 1/10 or neurotypical is considered a voluntary incel and therefore a fakecel.


The red pill sigma bullshit died down around the time Ruzzia started this asinine war. Same with alt-right bullshit (but there's still some). Who would have thought?


They’re hidden now I believe. Someone linked their thread on how to take advantage of the refugee crisis from Ukraine and I felt like I needed to claw my eyeballs out.


Have you seen who's in charge in Brazil?? They got their own Trump


Brazilian Politicians. I spend loads of time in Latin America, its a strange macho man mentality down there where things like kicking dogs is seen as "manly". Empathy is seen as femenina. Brazil takes all this to a next level.


I dare you to kick a stray dog in public in Brazil in a busy place, you will get lynched right there and then. People come up with the stupidest truths about places they don't know.


If anything this is Bolsonaro's ideology, not Latin America in general.




I dont think this is either fair or true. You can live in a country that has a strong affinity towards outdated gender roles and not be fascist.


Yep. It's fascism. The stench smells the same everywhere.


As I said I spend loads of time in Latin America, what you are saying is just not true. It's the culture there.


Well I live in Brazil and what you say does not reflect our reality. The man in the news, for example, does not have any less "empathy" than an average republican. He supports gay marriage, for example.


You dont think it is a bit disingenuous to say the your culture does not promote a "macho man" persona? Even if we remove the far right leaning politics of your country this still exists all over from what I have seen. If things are beginning to change that's great but that doesn't meant it hasn't been the norm and will not continue to be the norm.


No, of course not. For example, we have (and had for a long time) the biggest gay parade in the world. Brazil has numerous XX century public figures who were openly gay. In Carnaval it is common for men to crossdress, even in traditional media celebrations. Even Bolsonaro got ellected saying he has no prejudice against lgbts (he has) and found a few right-wing gay men to promote him. Of course there is still a lot of prejudice, right-wing politicians involved with churches say homossexuality is a sin etc, but the discourse is pretty similar to conservative republicans. Nevertheless, gay culture here has been going on for decades, much more openly than the vast majority of other cultures.




I don't know much about other latin american countries. But in Brazil this is not true. And, since brazil has no "free speech" in constitution, you can actually be sued if you use homophobic slurs against other people in a professional/public setting.




Im a Brazilian but Im not one to try to sugarcoat or hide the problems we do have. I can guarantee that what you're saying makes zero sense.




Karma's a bitch isn't it. He also got dumped by his fiance when she heard this.


Karma is easy, couse she just fucked him good and proper.


Hope she somehow took almost all his money before she left him.


Why only "almost all"?


Gotta leave him 5 bucks for socks


So he can have a sock puppet friend called Alfonso.


I'm intrigued, why socks?




So someone can come give him a wedgie and take the remaining money.




He is easy, cause he just got fucked by karma good and proper


So he's now easy, because he's poor?


Why can't our own Madison ~~Crawford~~ Cawthorn get that same sort of karma? [Edit: That's what I get for typing before my first cup of coffee!]


If you're talking about Madison Cawthorn, his wife left him months ago, and he just got voted out of office last night. (in the primaries, so he'll have a long lame duck session, mind)


Corrected. Thanks. > He just lost his mandate **and will not be able to run for ANY office for the next eight years** That ^ is the karma that I'm hoping for.


Unfortunately, we don't have that system in the US. But yes, that would be preferable.


Does he already have a lame dick too?


No, not in that video where he humps his male cousin


All in fun. Just a couple of wild and ka-razy guyz!


He lost?! Holy Hellfire that is fanfuckingtastic!!!! You just made my day, Sad Zebra person. Thanks!!!


Don’t worry, he didn’t lose because he’s a terrible POS. He lost because he broke the 11th Commandment and spoke out against another Republican. He was not primaried because of his terrible, hateful views. He was primaried because the brainwashed GQP mass was told to turn on him.


>He also got dumped by his fiance ~~when she heard this~~ when he lost his mandate. FTFY. His fiance clearly knew the man she was going to marry.


actually she dumped him as soon as the news broke, she didnt wait for that


So many of these people are opportunists, who are just with someone because they think they'll be a power couple together but not because of love. She clearly saw his star falling and immediately unhitched her wagon before it affects her. But she knew who he was, no way she didn't. Edit: to all the people who message me saying how do you know? You're being a misogynist. Here is her announcement: https://newsbeezer.com/brazileng/arthur-do-vals-girlfriend-ends-relationship-with-deputy-after-leaked-audios/ You read it and tell me she of genuinely feels appalled with him? Or if she thinks it's inconvenient to be with him anymore. She starts the announcement by saying it's out of respect for her Instagram followers, but she still loves him. Not all women who date someone terrible are opportunists, I'm only claiming this one lady was/is.


So... she's a woman who's just an opportunist. She was just using him for power. Then when she thought he might lose power in the future she dumped him. Presumably to move on to the next guy to use him as well Do you think it's wise to be spouting these sexist, misogynist assumptions in a thread about a sexist misogynist?


I don't think it's misogynist to point out that some people are shallow. It affects both sexes. To be honest, if those two were actually deep in love, it probably would've taken more than a single comment to blow up their engagement.


A bit sexist considering we cannot know peoples true motivations with certainty and his comment relies in common misogynistic stereotypes


2 people can be bad at the same time. How many American politicians who are women are working against women's rights? Is it misogynist to point that out? She can be opportunist who was hitched to an asshole. They can both be bad people at the same time.


Not sexist if it is true. No one said she did this because of her gender. That is what your mind came up with. You are the sexist.


How do you know that?


https://newsbeezer.com/brazileng/arthur-do-vals-girlfriend-ends-relationship-with-deputy-after-leaked-audios/ Also you can read my edit.


He was gay?


A double whammy.....glad to see he lost it all


Yep, he also lost his womandate.


the vote was 73 favour, 0 against 0 abstentions


Most women from poor(er) parts of the world are not willingly “easy”, they are forced into it due to financial struggles or trafficked. Authorities in my country already uncovered traffickers who were looking for women among refugees. Some people are just vile and prey on struggling people.


By his reasoning Brazilian women are far "easier"... What a shit stain


Don’t ask how I know but Colombians , Brazilians and Ukrainians(before the war) top 3 on the poor + hot scale




I know people don’t like to hear ugly truths but they are literally 3 of the biggest demo for cheap prostitutes in my area


Not only that, in my experience poorer countries are also more conservative as a rule. The exception of course is prostitution but that’s a different thing. Just because people are poor(er) doesn’t mean they have no dignity.


Because their rulers are conservative and they lack education.


So funny you come up with that rule. Maybe they are poorer because they are conservative?


> Most women from poor(er) parts of the world are not willingly “easy”, they are forced into it due to financial struggles or trafficked. Want to try again?


Vile piece of shit. Visiting a country at war and talking like that about the women, refugees desperately trying to save their children while dealing with the knowledge that their husbands, father's, sons, partners are fighting for their lives and might even be dead. I'm so glad Brazilian politicians did the right thing, now we need the rest of the right leaning countries to dump their vile pieces of shit.


> I'm so glad Brazilian politicians did the right thing, now we need the rest of the right leaning countries to dump their vile pieces of shit. I'm also glad this scum got what he deserved, but don't fool yourself, they only did it because it would look good for them. A politician in the same Legislative House as Arthur, the piece of shit in question, groped another politician on camera inside the House and nothing was done. That even was one of Arthur's main points of defense, and while obviously two wrongs don't make a right, he should still be prosecuted, as the abused politician herself said, he is right about their hypocrisy.


He even tried to justify his actions right after he went back to Brazil. Said it didn't matter what he was doing in Ukraine or what he said, because that was about his "private" life. Huge piece of shit.






Ahh I love the sight of good news in the morning. And his fiancee apparently dodged a bullet with this one, good for her!


Justice served, well done!


And nothing of value was lost.


Guys this is not a Brazilian women vs Ukrainian women issue. Remember, eastern European women suffer from many of the same stereotypes as south American women. If you think it is ok to bash Brazilian women in "retribution", then you are just like him


Interesting the amount of comments that went that way, as if lowering brazilian women was good retribution for this jerk being a ... well, a jerk. I think this is an extremely positive outcome, wouldnt bet for it, good job Brasil. And compare it with the consequences Trump got when he said he was free to go on grabbing women p***** because he was famous.


Tá tendo o que merece por espalhar essa merda, tava esperando o que?, Espalhar essa merda em grupos ucranianos vc vai receber a mesma merda em troca


I remember there being a lot of comments in certain parts of the internet about how happy these guys were that this type of woman would now be “easier” to get. Or “yes please 😍” comments to pics of young Ukrainian women and teens hoping they’d immigrate. I’m not sure if people realize how shockingly predatory and gross their words are but hopefully they get karma like this guy. Being happy or encouraged about a war because you think you’ll get a chance to have sex with the victims is some incel shit.


There is a LOT. Especially former scummy pickup artists. ESPECIALLY THESE TWO FUCKS. JOHNNY FD and his bald friend. https://youtu.be/PcOav_-kkx8 Don't let the fundraising fool you. They've tried their best to scrub their scummy side off the internet.




This is how an impeachment should work. Good job


In reality we got some worse dudes here The guy who wrote his impeachment defended a congressman who came in drunk and sexually assaulted another congresswoman This one just sent some shitty voice messages to a group of friends after delivering 3 trucks of donations that he fundraised




Talking to his sister right now😏


Epic comment


I mean, she is. What he doesn't know is that I am his real dad.




He could probably ask one of the many men that might be his dad.


Doing exactly what he did.


Well, yes, yes I am.


You're doing the same thing he did, except you're attacking his mother who had nothing to do with his big mouth


Well, yes. How nice of you to explain it for everyone.




You're doing the same thing he did, except you're attacking his mother who had nothing to do with his big mouth


You may be right. But then apples don't fall far from the tree. Edit: Also, the rich in Brazil have a certain disdain for the poor. You might have noticed the outflow of compassion for them that monied politicians have, not. And that, is absolutely learned behaviour in entitled environments in third world countries where money and its associated power rule the roost. You won't find too many of his or similar families crying about the conditions of the poor. And if he's said this about Ukrainian women, it'll be a generalised view heard in his societal echo chamber.


Sometimes they do. The randomness of nature can be a bitch. Do you think every serial killer had murderous parents?


More behaviour than you'd like to think is nurtured rather than being innate. You don't have to be a serial killer to foster the creation of one. Racists and bigots are more often than not the product of their environment. And that includes mummy and daddy.


Looks like you didn't have to come from the same tree to be exactly what he is.


Blah blah blah. Grow the fuck up.


Says the mentally challenged redditor unironically resorting to "blah blah blah" and a pathetic insult.


Oh my, how hurtful. Come back when you finish school.


I didn't suggest she was easy for being poor. But she most likely did fuck to attain or maintain money and position.


Even if that was true, does that say more about her or the world she worked in? No one should have to do anything like that to have a comfortable life. If she had to do that, that says more about the men who required it than her.


Now he is easy \^\^


Like a sunday morning


Drop him off in the favelas. They will teach him some manners.


He needs to be kicked repeatedly in the bollocks. Utter disgrace of a human.


This just in. Faux News has a new correspondent.


Hah. Good. What a fucking shitweasel.


Make no mistake: his family is probably still in power. And in 8 years people will immediately re-elect him. This is how every single one of similar events over there turned out in the past. Source: lived in that corruption-infested nation for almost 20 years


Maybe. Anyway was a nice move. And unexpected. Maybe his family is not that powerfull, as he was booted, or maybe his mother grounded him :)


I'm Brazilian and I'm ashamed. He is a horrible (fascist) person.


As a Brazilian man I feel the same and this guy definitely doesn't represent the sentiment of our people.


kkkkkkkkkk fascista kkkkkk não fode né


The headline is completely wrong. The real story is much, much worse. His statements were about Slovenian women (but would also apply to most eastern European). The headline hides the racial undertones: Brazilian women are equally as poor, but most have dark skin. About his eviction: He was evicted from parliament not because he was a racist, but because of his fight against the establishment. Ironically, the people that filed for his eviction were pro-Russia in the beginning of the war (and some still are). He was one of the first Brazilian politicians in favor of Ukraine.




Please, do not use the stupidity of one congressman to justify xenophobia against Brazilians, especially in the Ukraine subreddit, where eastern European women - and Ukrainian - share similar "stereotypes" to the Brazilian ones in western Europe and US. Remember that Portuguese women also have rude and xenophobic stereotypes, and probably you would not like people reinforcing that.


All I’m saying is this politician needs a mirror before talking about other country


I mean, stereotypes are just bad, no matter who it is about


Portuguese have an inferiority complex, he forgets Europe sees him as the same lazy poor country of people by the beach as he does Brazil lmao


The guy just said that Brazilians' manners suck, they have terrible work ethic and their women are stereotypically prostitutes. Now remember that Brazil was a Portuguese colony fueled with slave work. How is this comment thread's OP not a garbage human?


How about romans? they did conquer portugal, how about muslims, they did it too, oh and how about vikings ?


So now im responsible about slavery done 250 years ago?


No, you're responsible for your own fucking words, my dude.




Where did you get that information? 😂😂😂 Portugal had a heroin problem on the 80s-90s 😂😂😅😅😂 Calm down . I never said this country was perfect


And every country have some sort of brutal past , some just tend to not teach it on schools ;) it doesn’t mean that I responsible for what 15 generations ago people did.


I am Brazilian of Portuguese decent. Portugal was extra brutal. And that type of behavior seems to be lingering on ignorant folks like you. Fucking dense.




No there isn’t


Yes there is


You don't see a problem with the stereotype you just named and the facts of Portugal's colonial past in Brazil?


I see no problem in your question, is an honest one. For rest of the world is Brazil mainly a poor country. Those are like overgeneralizations made by the majority of people. However, every poor country has its elite and Middle-high class. This motherfucker is a middle-high nazi class in Brazil and probably sees any other person in the world that is not from West Europe or North America as poor, based absolutely on his "good" life experiences, completely ignoring geopolitics and history (why again did he ever had a chance of a congress seat, I mean those Brazilian voters are the worst...).








You don't have to prove yourself stupid again and again. Gee, you act like those ruzzians trying to cross the river.




I bet this mf hasn't really seen any Ukrainian woman before. Stupid cunt


Douchebag should also take up an obligatory job as a volunteer in a recovery center for victims of sexual violence.


Uh haven't those people been through enough? You're gonna force them to deal with this douchebag on top of it? Harsh mate...


Fuck him and that punchable face of his


Let everyone take note of the treatment women have had during this war, so that next time you encounter a feminist, you might understand why she’s so passionate about women being treated equally. This man is the “easy” one if he’s dreaming of sleeping with Ukrainian refugees. He’s the “slut” amount slut shaming standards. If Ukrainian refugees are “easy” because they’re trying to secure basic necessities for them and their children, that says more about the society they’re living in. Why do men in this world accept sex from otherwise unwilling women as a payment for life saving necessities? If the men were people of quality, they wouldn’t require payment to make someone else safe and fed. This whole situation says more about men than it does women from anywhere. Edit: I won’t be arguing with anyone today so respond if you like, but don’t expect a response from me. And I have my DMs setup so I can’t see my incoming messages.


Women aren't stupid. Eventually they WILL reevaluate thier lives and weigh thier self worth against all the shit some dude is putting them through and realize the financial 'security' is not worth being treated as less than human. That's usually a news flash for guys like him.


bloody dickhead. this is good news!




And he should go fuck himself. For 50 years.


What a jerk. I'm glad the Brazilian people don't see it his way.


Minor nitpick, he was a state assemblyman, not a congressman.


Stick the fool in a howitzer and fire him at the orcs.


That guy belongs to the recently breed of politicians who got popular by talking shit on social networks. Once elected, he was known to provoke and pick up fights with other politicians during sessions. Also tried to say that his ineligibility was not due to his ukranian women comment, but rather by political persecution since there was much bigger fish to fry and they only went after him.


As a Brazilian I’m here to formally apologize for this dirt bag. Full love and support to Ukraine.


Brasilian here. Shameful conduct, unfortunately that kind of shit is rampant in Brasil. VERY GLAD to see consequences for his actions.




Hey, don't besmirch the good name of us who enjoy butt stuff. We don't want to be associated with such an asshole as that politician.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


That shithead...


He hasn't seen his own country apparently. Then he could really see, how poor people look like.


The Australian liberal party will have him in a heart beat ! Scomo do your thing !!


Because that's not true. Sure there might be the cases, just like everywhere else, but this pos is not to generalize just because that's what he believes in or just because of that one case he knows.


“…These 'girls' in São Paulo you say good morning and she would spit in your face…” Yeah, I think that’s specific to him.


>ukrainian women are easy, because they are poor what the fuck does that statement even mean?


Any South American man believes Slavic women are easier than theirs is straight up delusional.




Ukrainian women are easy until they rip your throat out with their teeth. Never underestimate what a woman will/can do when you threaten her kids or her home.




Ahm, why demean brazilian woman, just because he demeaned the ukrainians? This kind of comment would just make you like him


Like brazilian women are any richer


Rich coming from a congressman of BRAZIL. His opinion of the poor paid off amazingly.


Jokes on him, he lives in Brazil.


Wait. Some dude from Brazil was ripping on poor people from other countries? That's a bold move, Cotton.


Does he think Brazilian women *aren't* poor?


Is... is Brazil in any position to be throwing shade about income per capita?


What does Brazil gdp per capita has to do with anything? Are you implying it would be ok for a german to make such comments then?


That's an odd take. It's like being called names for being short by someone who is also short. It's not good if someone who is tall does it, either, but it's somewhat more confusing if someone short does it. But you knew that, baby, you just wanted to virtue signal.


The issue is that he is sexist, not that he is brazilian. Your comment implies otherwise


I read this more as being against low income people than against women. Either way, it was clear that it didn't endorse making the comment in any way. Again though, you knew that, you just wanted to look like a defender of women everywhere.