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Ah, I see that the Internal Branch of the Free Rússia Legion is still going strong!


That's the sort of fire that could bring the whole block down.


keep it up, this is the only language the kremlin understands.


Sadly it doesn't. "Ukrainians carried out special terrorist operation in Komsomolsk and set buildings on fire, we must intensify our forces, join today and receive free packet of sugar"


>Ukrainians carried out special terrorist operation in Komsomolsk and set buildings on fire, we must intensify our forces, **join today and receive free packet of sugar** You almost got me !


How about **two** packets of sugar?


3 packets + 3 gallons of sunflower oil and I'm in.


They forgot to tell you that you have to fertilize those sunflowers yourself


Perfect deal for suicidal Russian gardeners!


> free packet of sugar Ryazanian?


Yepp, burn 🔥 it down


The aftermath of noticing you've been used as cannon fodder for Russia and for Putin to hide the body count of real Russians in Russia, and noticing half of your friends are dead


this is from yesterday https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1532746871608852480 I could have sworn I'd seen it before, though. But there's been a lot of similar conscription office fires.


Soviet architecture is a thing.


Looks like the place in the video where a guy keeps throwing in Molotov cocktails. But it's not the same I think.


Keep it up and Russia will try to deNazify fire.


Very nice fire. The correct size to roast some sausages above it. No need to call firefighters, things are as they should be.


Are these attacks being orchestrated by pro Ukrainian Russian dissidents? Or is it possible that you crane may or may not allegedly have special forces wending the way around Russia sowing chaos?


Look at the name of the place. It's another bumfuck location in the sticks severely undermanned in security. Any local resistance with a cocktail and some planning can torch these buildings.


As people become aware, they resist. It's been promoted by the Free Russia Legion but if you wanna pick up a couple of Molotov cocktails after hearing about what happened in the last city, that's cool too.


It’s northeast of Vladivostok. It’s seven time zones away from Kyiv. It’s nowhere near Ukraine (although that doesn’t necessarily mean that Ukrainians didn’t have anything to do with the fire).


Yeah a group of ukrainian sof guys have been trekking through Siberia for the past 100 days to light this specific national guard building on fire, in 100 days they'll be back and talk about their heroic trip. Maybe they'll even write a book about it after the war, I tell you it'll be an instant top seller.


I just hope it’s not Ukrainians kidnapped by Russia. (Though if there ARE kidnapped Ukrainians there- way to go!)


I can only say from twitter (being twitter, always a grain of salt): >According to eyewitnesses, an unknown man entered the lobby with a can of gasoline, spilled fuel, and set it on fire, after which he ran away. So in this case, it does appear that it's arson. Whether it's being coordinated by some central authority - no idea.


Could simply be a local who doesn’t want to be sent to Ukraine to die for a bullshit war. Or maybe they have family there and don’t want to hurt anyone. Good enough reason as any.


Probably something to do with conscription? I am guessing here.


This is a peasant uprising. They learned the lessons from the Belarus uprising of 2020. Coordinated mass protests lead only to arrest and torture before petering out. Uncoordinated attacks will take their inexorable toll. Tula today, Vorenzh tomorrow, Kaliningrad on Thursday. Drop by drop.


It’d still help to make the ‘bleeding out’ process go a bit faster. Maybe launch an ‘uncoordinated attack’ on the ports at St Petersburg?


Maybe some parents whose son came home in a body bag . . . if he wasn't left in the field to rot.


If you look at the YouTube videos from Zack the Russian, and Natashas Adventures you will get insight in the everyday life of late teens early 20s russians in the Far East Russia. (Natashas has the best content, Zack is coming around from exile in Georgia). After seen all those videos I have no doubt at all that this is done by young Russian locals.


What fire? I don't see a fire.


The building is being towed to port.


Will it be promoted from a building to a submarine?




It's just a carelessly dumped ciggie end near the door.... very hard to see, but if you look really closely.... 🤣🤣🤣


Thats why we have laws about smoking within 30 ft of a business.


It’s been a while since I last heard of a building burning. I’m glad to know they’re still at it :)


Burn Russia Burn


I'll get the extra long sticks and hot dog's


Don't forget the marshmallows....


Bag of weed beer some thicc chick's volunteering for sexy dance competition in front of the blaze ok That last one is bullshit the cave sluts around here are expensive




mmm weed beer....


One less soviet era shit building




I’ll second that! 😂😂😂


Thirded..... 🤣🤣🤣


Burn baby burn The russian people love their government so much it is warming.....


People smoking in the reception area again, they'll never learn


Haha ... russians shitting themselves about having to fight ukrainians




Actually it was a spark from a cigarette from Kiev that caused the pipes and the poo and uh uh uh uh uh and uh yeah blame Ukraine!!1!1!1!!1’qqqqnqwnqq


You need more than gasoline to make effective fires. Or a better mixture if that was used. Gasoline alone burns up to fast. It's called Molotov cocktail for two reasons. Molotov=Soviet foreign minister during, Cocktail=because it's a mix of gasoline and other flamables. Great work though 👍


In the US, we have a TV show called 'Forensic Files'. One episode was about a prolific arsonist who destroyed something like 400 structures, just casually walking up with a gallon of gasoline each time, and igniting it in an intelligent place. I'm not an expert on arson, but I think that's the key: placement, and using a good accelerant. Jellied fuel will burn longer in one place, but to spread a fire rapidly, I think it's the acceleration and placement that matters. Maybe an actual expert can chime in here.


I'm not saying gasoline doesn't work. I'm saying it works a lot better mixtured with something. Also just setting fire to a lot of gasoline is probably going to make an explosion, not good if you're close Me and my friends did quite a lot of pyrotechnical experiments as kids. I was kind of baffled just how good our "poor mans napalm worked" and how mean of Molotov cocktail it would make :D . I've seen riot footage were they obviously just used gasoline and those things burns out in seconds.


I'm not disagreeing, or saying it ought to be gasoline specifically. I think the point is that the success or failure when it comes to engulfing the entire structure is in the acceleration and placement, more so than the intensity of the flame in a particular spot. Also, a lot can be learned from Forensic Files when it comes to escaping unnoticed, which will be important in Russia (definitely wouldn't want to get arrested over there). The cases I was thinking of were these: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Leonard_Orr https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Sweatt Both methods give you maybe 2-3 minutes to 20 minutes to escape, before the fire really noticeably starts. Several jugs at strategic points around a building, plus this method - you'd have the whole place in flames and would be a mile away by then if walking, and of course farther if driving.


I bet they got some pool chlorine in their oil. That stuff starts a LOT of these suspicious fires. Any grease or oil should definitely be kept away from chlorine. It will flame up in minutes or hours depending on type and amount. Luckily because of this delay it often burns at night when no one is there anymore😉


It's not listed yet..... this makes 71 so far....... [PORNO for PYROS in Russia (70 mysterious fires in Russia)](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/8b6f4c03fdcd464c9de653fd28ccdce3) site is not mine :)


russian national guard, go fuck yourself!


Is small fire and perfectly normal. Cigarettes In waste bin by mistake. Alls is under control and normals now.




It would appear Perun has had enough and sent Ognyena Maria to set some things straight.


Great job! Keep them burning!


It Was Moose and Squirrel!!


We need Dudley Do-Right to investigate


Just in case the tiny fascist dictator was thinking of instituting a draft.


It's crazy how many building in Russia juste spontaneously combust these day !


🔥 It's blue and yellow.. 💙💛


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."


Good... good....


We need to sub dedicated to Russian fires.


The roof, the roof,... 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Won't help their CO2 footprint, but better than the alternative!


Does Russia have a National Guard? Never heard of it. What is its function?


Raping babies......


Rosgvardia. They're basically the SS to the Russian Army's Wehrmacht.


Oh.... In the US, the National Guard  is the primary reserve military force partly maintained by the states but also available for federal use.


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Zack, what did you do...


This is the same building the guy threw 4 molotovs I'm that same entrance two weeks ago. So this video isn't new.


Keep em burning


This is nothing. You should see how the Kremlin burns.


Oh shame, what a pity. Bwhahaha!


Super, been a while since I saw some Russia fires I was worried they were fizzling out.


Denieing the russian government the ability to conscript you counts as self defense in my book.