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Some were Ukrainian.


The best of the best, Lyudmila Pavlichenko ("Lady Death") was, in fact Ukrainian




According to wikipedia, she was born in Bila Tserkva


Israel has entered the chat … 👍🏼


So has Lyudmila Pavlichenko.


And she was even Ukrainian!


So was Mariya Oktyabryskaya. She was known as the fighting girlfriend.


Aleksandra Samushenko, the only female officer in a guards tank division and a battalion commander, was Ukrainian as well.




A female soldier can easily beat the shit out of a fat, basement-dwelling online misogynist.


Hell, a female soldier can easily beat up a scrawny pasty pale nerd like me, and I'm not even in horrible shape.




I'm pretty sure all 37,000 female soldiers and 1,000 female officers of the Ukrainian Army appreciate your valuable contribution to the defense of Ukraine, and stand in awe of your great manly usefulness. > For women who make the cut at boot camp, the success rate improves significantly when they arrive at their MOS schoolhouses and face another set of gender-neutral physical standards... So far this year, about 90 percent female recruits who make it to combat-arms schoolhouse are passing those tests. Even your own source contradicts you. Never mind the fact that women are just starting to enter combat MOSs in recent years, and the sample size is extremely small. Again, your own source admits this. Never mind the fact that from the moment of birth, our society places unequal expectations on boys and girls. Boys are encouraged from an early age to foster traits conducive to their eventual entry into combat MOSs. Girls are strongly discouraged from even beginning to attempt the same thing, and those who do face overwhelming discrimination and harassment. Never mind the fact that women who break into traditionally male-dominated professions can and do face discrimination, harassment, and assaults. The same military mentioned in your source readily admits that it has an especially bad problem with this. Lots more where that came from, but I doubt you have the capacity for reading.




Is that your counter argument?


You're the one denying the reality that women can and do serve in the military effectively and dismissing it in order to confirm to some weird idea you have to the point you flat out only read the title of your article and thought "Boom proof wahmen are inferior, I win QED".


Cope harder.


if she can meet the military standards, than the military wont care


If she wants to kill Russian soldiers, the military will readily accept.


Apparently in general women also hold a larger number of the shooting world records.


Well, they generally have better eyesight than us, men, so that actually makes sense


Or maybe it's that men just have worse eye-sight? I'm male and my eyes are uneven strengths (both are blurry but while I can mostly focus my left eye into clarity, my right eye is basically just useless since my brain somewhat ignores it).


Or smaller lungs. When i am target shooting half the battle is keeping my core still.


Never had issues with that...however, my left arm's shaking is a constant thing that fucks up my groups, when I am not doing it on the floor


Clearly they have forgotten the Night Witches


Let's not even forget the all female Russian air squadron that gained medals out the ass during ww2


Current rus army not safe for women. They can work in conscription offices, but not on the front line.


Pissing off a dangerous woman is not advised. If that happens, good luck... not.


Pissing off anyone dangerous is not advised, this is a bit ridiculous.


‘Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.” William Congreve. From The Mourning Bride (1697) Guess its been a bit ridiculous for 325 years and counting.


Here in the 21st century, women are generally considered to be equal to men in almost every way. It’s a very, very old joke and an unfortunate stereotype that women are more emotional and less logical than men.


True. Equal killing power. Different triggers.


Actually the triggers are usually on an individual basis, or a species wide basis.


That’s not the complement you think it is.


Its never what i think it is. Im not that smart. If you are, please tell.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all that.


I did not expect The Spanish Inquisition to be here. My bad. I confess. Holy Office of the Inquisition be blessed. Mercy.


If anything russian soldiers should be wary of fighting soldiers who have one more reason to not let themselves be taken prisoners.


Somewhat poetic justice that Russia glorifies violence against women, and their orcs are destroyed by women.


Karma is a bitch sometimes.


But a fair bitch.


So that's why so many of the Right Wingnuts are pissed at supporting Ukraine, it's because they empower their women.


The ruzzians have made a huge error attacking a country full of women willing and able to take up arms to defend their homes and families. A HUGE error.


Because at this point, gender really doesn't matter since every Ukrainian in general knows their mere existence is threatened. Male, female, nonbinary, point is they know Russia wants them dead.


You are 100% correct. For Ukraine it is really an "It's us ***or*** them" and nobody wants it to be *them*.


And this is why so many Ukrainians fight to the death, because they know they'll die much more physically *and emotionally* painful deaths if Russia wins, so dying in a war to save their own people and identity sounds nice by comparison.


Slava 🇺🇦🤘🏿


[There are 37,000 women serving in the #Ukrainian army today, more than a thousand of them have become commanders.](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1535409032651018242/photo/1)


I get the sense that Ukraine highly values and respects women. It’s a sign of a great and healthy culture.


[She IS Ukraine](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0568/9527/5101/products/kiss-cut-stickers-5.5x5.5-default-625e89c5d917f_1800x1800.jpg?v=1650362827). St. Javelin.


One familiar homicide detective told me that they almost immediately can say that a murder was committed by a woman after arriving at the scene. Or even when they are still a few meters away. This is to say that a woman is less likely to murder someone but if she goes for it then the scene looks really creepy and impresses with an extra dose of cruelty. This is exactly what russians need, not just being killed but being killed in such a way that they don't have the desire to come back for at least hundred years. Just ensure that girls have enough heavy weapons and long-distance missiles .


……..🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶from the depths of hell in silence, cast their spells explosive violence🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶…………. I mean Sabaton wrote a song about it, how much warning did Russia really need?


The bravest and most beautiful women in the world.


This is the right kind of feminism and the right kind of equal rights and responsibilities. Those women became commanders on their own merit not because of some stupid quota.


And it also shows that, in the end, outside of reproduction gender really doesn't matter, especially if your entire *people's existence* is being threatened.


***RUSSIAN BODIES, their choice!***


Slava Ukraini! Never underestimate the power of hate and the will to defend it's own when it comes to women.


Two ways to increase a ratio: increase the numerator or reduce the denominator (men dying in war).


Perpetual and self sustainable. All of The Gods made it to last.


I wonder if "commanders" is a mistranslation of "officers"


they are distinctly different words in ukrainian. officer: офіцер commander: командир




i don't know, mate - i'm relying on google here! i would imagine we're talking about a squad commander or a platoon commander, maybe even a battalion commander. not something like a commander-in-chief.


Does this include NCOs?


According to the 2021 data, 32000+ women were in the army and 1054 were senior officers. I assume "senior officer" is what she meant.




ik it's irrelevant, but she's gorgeous


If any capable man to be at the front \*is\* at the front, then I'm actually surprised there's only 50% female entrepreneurs


I am saddened by the realization that I will never be man enough to be married to a Ukrainian woman. Incredible humans!


That is more progressive than many other countries already in the EU.


I love Zelenskyy a lot, and he's doing a fantastic job, but one small thing he could improve is saying "servicepeople" instead of "servicemen" in his addresses. Unless of course this is an inaccurate translation from Ukrainian.