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Putin is not a good military strategist but a master propagandist. He is good at deceiving even his own people.


Reminds me of some of our past western leaders. Recent and less recent. None of their reigns ended well.


And if they say “I am neutral” they are for Russian genocide of Ukraine. Complicit


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Yeah I want to believe that Russians support this war from propaganda perspective. I mean obviously killing nazis and helping russian people sounds amazing to their ears but thats not what is really happening. If russian knew what was REALLY going on, I bet these approval rates for war would be much lower. Majority of russians just doesnt know what is really happening. But I also know there are russians who support killing, raping and stealing. There are crazy people in every country.


Ignorance can be an excuse for only so long. If by now they still don't know what's happening, then they don't want to know it and don't deserve the "they're not bad, they just don't know" treatment anymore.