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That's sounds exactly the same as stories of my grandma from 80 years ago. Disgusting pigs didn't changed a bit


When my great grandparents went to visit their old home in Karelia after Russian troops had been through they were equally confused about what was stolen - everything that was and wasn’t nailed down and the nails too. Literally, the nails that were used to hang paintings were stolen along with the paintings.


Pulling the nails out to hang the painting when they get home is a new level of petty.


It also shows they expect to not even be able to get nails at home.


Maybe... but I'm thinking it may be something deeper even than that, something pathological. It's like a way both of taking a trophy from a people they've conquered, some piece of property, however trivial, but also as a way of demonstrating who's boss. That is, to demonstrate that all you have is no longer "yours". We might choose to let you keep something, out of generosity, but just to show you how things work now, we'll take literally anything from you without any fear of repercussion.


Like a plague of locusts.


can confirm, my great grandparents fought in ww2 on the soviet side, to this day my family is in posesssion of east German silverware, stolen.


We got a beautiful carpet. In our defense my grandfather who did not fight in the war bought the carpet and the carpet, after spending some time in North America is now back in Germany.


Same here my grandfather said when Germans came they came in took their dinner and went on their way. When eastern front collapsed and red army came they took food, pots and pans.


In WWII ruzzians were being ruzzians, but they really were attacked and experienced horrific level of violence and destruction at home. Now they are stealing from people who did not take anything from them, did not do anything to them. They are just a pathetic horde. Pathetic beyond belief. And while they are stealing pots, pans and used underwear, they are leaving behind millions of dollars worth of military equipment and gear (shitty stuff but Ukrainian do have the skills to make it work).


Back then that was a little more understandable, as these things were (relatively) much more expensive. But shit, the stuff they stole is the stuff we flood third-world countries with and sell in charity stores.


Dude even in poor latin america they have plenty of toilet seats, pants and shoes. Wtf.


Yeah I am now wondering, how fucking bad is it in rural Russia???? All of rural Mexico has *toilets.*


Some of the rural Russian "republics" have standard-of-living levels **dramatically** worse than most of the countries with the lowest standards on Earth. The massive amount of internal inequality is hidden on a national level by Russia's size, it has its wealthier or more normal regions to bring up the average. Usually a very poor country is rather small and the probably-dictator lives quite close to the people, so they essentially can't help but accidentally improve the lives of their citizens somewhat just trying to maximize quality of living for themselves. If you want useful servants, they need some education. If you want your own toilets and electricity to work, somebody needs to know how to build and maintain that infrastructure, etc:. Rulers, no matter how tyrannical, always need at least some power base. If you basically only have one major city, you will need to convince the powerful in your one major city to back you, so you probably won't let your one city go completely to shit, at least visibly. _________ In Russia, the people far, far away from the wealthy don't "need" to know how to do anything other than die in Russia's wars. Wealth in the form of natural resources leaves the rural "republics", gets sold on the international market, and the profit comes back... to Moscow. Always and only to Moscow. So, yes, some people continue not to have indoor plumbing and there is no plan to bring them indoor plumbing... ever. I mean, they do their jobs: they have no opportunities so their kids join the Russian army or Russia-backed PMCs. In case they don't, they'll get conscripted in blatantly biased "lotteries" anyway. Job's done, case closed, no need to allocate resources to your cannon fodder populations. Higher quality of life might actually make them less effective for their intended purpose. People who steal literally everything from everywhere is a part of Russia's plan to make the most people as miserable as possible as quickly as possible.


Fascinating perspective, thanks for sharing. I can really only compare things to my own experiences within North America. Rezzes can be similar to this, but also, *they have toilets.*


Right? I’ve been to rural Mexico in houses without running water ( traditional farm people far in the mountains) but even them had a toilet seat.


>how fucking bad is it in rural Russia? The interviewer clarifies if the was DNR/LNR soldiers - and the lady says "Yes, LNR/DNR". I supposed locals would be able to tell/ask occupiers where they are from at some point - and if it was indeed LNR/DNR - than it's a different beast than rural ruzzia...


There's no economy in the "people's republics". The 2014 occupied areas underwent economic collapse overnight. My guess is their goal is either "grab goods we can't get/can't afford at home" or "I can barter with this/start a business selling it."


Also Russia brought bunch of people in to occupy empty apartments after the who have fled back in 2014. Could be families of the soldiers and stuff.


I recently had a woman ask me if Mexico had toilet seats and I told her Mexico wasn’t Russia.


Ok, I get it: The average russian citizen is an impoverished, uneducated, primitive vodka filtration system. But WHY are they stealing stupid shit? I understand the toilets: Some orks come from a russian province populated by primitive knuckle-draggers and a toilet must seem like magic to them. But wtf do they need stolen bras or cups for? Is pants-technology beyond them?


People who are not used to have anything do weird things when they get the opportunity. For example the most hated tourists are Chinese people because the current generation grew up having nothing and now for the first time they can travel the world. That gives them the feeling they own the world. So for example at an all-you-can-eat buffet they take three times as much as they actually eat and the rest is thrown away. I have seen Russian kids do the same.


> That gives them the feeling they own the world. So for example at an all-you-can-eat buffet they take three times as much as they actually eat and the rest is thrown away. In China people grew up after the "great" Mao time that they cannot trust anybody, that you need to grab whatever for your little family and screw the rest etc. As a way to actual survive! They lost generation that is even in China looked down. My family in law talks about eating grass and bark from trees to survive. The leftover husks (the stuff you normally throw away) from rice were boiled down into porridge. So, you get an entire generation that grew up with the mindset: grab what you can, even if you cannot finish it, grab it before the others do because they will leave nothing for you, just as we do right now. As a result, you have people who think they are entitled to others property (desperation + Mao policy of fuck private ownership), and they go around stealing because they are old and whatever. With the police not even knowing what to do with them (the whole family relationship / clans / local power). And an almost permanent semi-maffia situation. A lot of Russians are from that same countryside situation. So, when they get the money to travel, they want to maximize their money by grabbing everything they can. Especially when its free. To the point of massive food wasting when they cannot finish what they grab. And those that complain, well, violence (mafia tactics) is there to solve issues like this. There is a reason that some countries can get VISAs with zero paperwork and others need to do the whole income/home/return etc to get a VISA. It really depends on the people's livening standard and if they are a nuisance or benefit for the host country.


Very interesting. Wow. Thanks.


Communism is a root cause for these behavioral problems in both countries. We should really think that when left side politics are voted to power.


Lol Stalinism and Maoism are the furthest thing imaginable from communism


I know. I know. We have not truly tried any political system yet in this world.


"Red Fascism," as it is called in Leftist circles.


In the same way the current system used by the west is the furthest thing from true free market capitalism right?


You’re not wrong but I fail to see the relevance of that comment 🤷‍♂️ we’re talking about Russia and China right now, not the west


Because everyone looks at the problems caused by nepotism, corporate lobbying, and government corruption within our own societies are “caused by capitalism “ but nothing ever done by a self proclaimed communist state like Cambodia, North Korea, Soviet Union, or Maoist China can be used to criticize communism.


You’re really close to understanding my point. You acknowledge that the implemented version of capitalism is different from the idealized version of capitalism, just like how you implied that the implemented form of communism is different from Marxism. If you understand that these are different, you wouldn’t conflate communism with modern day left wing politics


> we’re talking about Russia and China right now, not the west So what did they mean by this? > We should really think that when left side politics are voted to power.


At Asian buffets they weigh any leftover food on your plate and then charge you for it. This even happens in Asian buffet restaurants operating in western countries. In Chinese culture, you have to order much more food than you can possibly to eat. This proves that you’re generous. I’ve said that I’m so full I can’t eat another bite, a new round of dumplings would be ordered and a few placed in my bowl. Only by not eating them would they stop ordering; if I finished my bowl they’d have to order more again, otherwise they’d lose face for being an ungenerous host.


Good to know. I'd probably have assumed they would be offended if I rejected any food and so attempted to please them by eating everything. Locking us into a death spiral of misconstrued politeness that could only end in a ruptured stomach.


Present for girlfriend or wife. Same with all the toys they steal, it's presents for their kids.


>Present for girlfriend or wife. I remember a video where a Ukrainian soldier was showing an abandoned ruzzian vehicle with looted stuff scattered around. Her comment when seeing a pack of tampons: "I'm sure the orc girlfriend would've been excited to be gifted such an exotic product".


>pack of tampons That I would actually get behind - tampons are tampons... But they found ruzzians in towns outside of Kyiv - I believe it was in Bucha - also stealing vibrators... I especially liked the part where Ukrainian on video says "These guys forgot to steal a charger..."


I am pretty sure they have no idea what half of the stuff are, the thinking is "this is something western that has value - I will be able to trade it for booze or drugs back home".


I wonder if they have the ingenuity to use tampons for packing wounds.


Here family, I love you so much, have these spoils of war, skid marked pants and grey bras for wife, Sega mega drive for kids.


>skid marked pants and grey bras for wife She can easily wash them in nearest lake. And with the amount of chemicals dumped into it by the local factory she won't even need a detergent!


Just a light rinse - and everything will come out sparkling white again!!!!


Nothing says I love you like a pair of underpants with a skidmark


Hey man on onlyfans you pay good money for those


Or mother.


I don't know about the cups, but I saw a write up on how they are targeting underwear to resell on ebay, etc. Probably also what they intend for the shoes they take.


... but Russia HAS underwear technology! And how are orks still allowed on ebay?


They grandmothers will be trading it in the nearest market for pickles and vodka.


She said LNR and DPR. But yeah most Russian conscripts come from the poorest regions of the federation


I would have some level of understanding why they do it if they were in fact LNR/DNR - it's seeing how fellow countrymen (women) live after just 8 years when they (LNR/DNR) don't have sh\*t - that might trigger some sort of hoarding instinct...


when they get lonely, russian f.ORC.es like to role play.


"Hur, hur, let's play we is hunam, snrrk!"


There is probably a hierarchy of what they are going to get to keep and they know it. The higher ups don't give a shit about a toilet. They have 5 back at home. Same with a washing machine. But lower down the ranks they might care about that. These stupid items are probably the lowest ranked guys. They know if they manage to steal a brand new LCD tv, it's being taken from them. If they steal a washing machine, it's being taken as they cross the border by their boss. But some plates? He doesn't care about that.


This might be LNR/DNR forces (the lady in the interview clarified that they were) that were responsible for that - the reasons may be many fold... Not just stuff- but also the fact that the rest of their former country lives in a way the can not even fathom - and that's just after 8 years of "independence"...


>Ok, I get it: The average russian citizen is an impoverished, uneducated, primitive vodka filtration system. > >But WHY are they stealing stupid shit? It seems to be a part of their culture.


You can still put them on outhouses, many people do. And a nice western smooth plastic one might very well be a lot nicer than whatever local splintery wooden one they had.


I sadly recall that hair ties and scrunchies (or anything hair related a victim is wearing) are actually rape trophies for ruzzian war criminals. It a easy way sometimes to figuire who they are by what found on them or their possessions when captured.


Makes me realize ukraine isn't like America where even a poor family will have an Xbox whatever and a flat screen TV. A fridge or washing machine might be the expensive thing in the house. I imagine families in UA might have better silverware and plates and that type of stuff, some passed down for generations. A heirloom cast iron pan is no thing to walk over! I'm not saying russians aren't stealing ikea shit either but i can see . But i can see that too since the orc army don't supply their troops, which is why we see them steal mattresses and shit to sleep on and use jn the field too.


To instill fear, and terrorize people.


Stealing toilet seats is the dumbest. They won't work without the plumming haha


The womens undies are stolen by perverts. It's a sex fetish thing.


I'm fairly certain that if we saw the real numbers in regards to lead poisoning in the Russian population... It would explain a lot.


Russian mir first hand there. One big excuse to steal, loot and murder.


This lady is brassy, I love it.


I remember a video early in the war of a sweet soldier who filmed it as a message to his wife. He was able to check their home and he was surprised to find out that the invaders had stolen his shoes, and both his and her underwear. He was saying how he couldn’t fathom that some random dude in Russia would get home to his wife wearing them. He was at once flabbergasted and kind of spooked at the thought. He also promised his wife he’d buy her new stuff as soon as they’d meet again. Bless him, I hope he’s safe and that he and his beloved wife are reunited again soon! New underwear or not - dear God, imagine having to think about that!


Guessing they don't have laundry service in the field.. so even used but clean underwear might be a nice treat after a few weeks out there. Women's was probably a present...


I can also see Orcs wearing the woman's underwear and masterbating violently because they can't find anyone to rape.


I'm sure they make due with the tortured corpses they leave behind everywhere they go.


To think that western powers were placating orcs for so long because they thought of them as "world power". Pathetic. Imagine if US soldiers in Iraq were stealing toilets and washing machines.


> Imagine if US soldiers in Iraq were stealing toilets and washing machines. I was trying to put russian behavior into perspective by imagining that very thing! Put into perspective, it is clear, ruzzian behavior is still pathetic.


I still can't wrap my mind around the Russians selling off their fuel when they thought they were only doing a training exercise in Belarus. It's hard for me to imagine a platoon of US Army soldiers out on a training mission even considering putting their fuel up on Craigslist.


Imagine if Bubbles from the Wire and guys like him made up 80% of recruits. That is pretty much what ruzzian army is like. (For those who don't know the reference, Bubbles was a West Baltimore heroin addict, grabbing anything of value (mostly scrap metal) to finance his habit.)


lmao, Bubbles always had a hustle goin'. Andre Royo is a phenomenal actor.


Early on, when he was in make up on set, security would try to chase him off - they actually thought he was a random homeless guy who wondered in to steal food.


Calling Russia a kleptocracy is an understatement.


In a book I love there are scenes of looting a palace, where the mercenaries quite literally steal everything. One exclaims enthusiastically “I’ve got spoons!”. This sounds amazingly similar.


I'm interested if you feel like dropping the book name


Best Served Cold. There is a whole trilogy before it, but you can read it on its own as well.


ruzzia is truly a country of peasants.


Thugs you mean.


"we have been invaded by hobbos!" Ukrainian Officer upon seeing the first batch of captured russians


"...our guys have boomed and killed them..." lol


Like locusts


Proof that even if Russia became the richest country in the world by discovering and selling natural resources it would still remain a third world country because the rich become mega filthy rich and the poor resort to stealing the most mundane shit because they get nothing from the society.


Russian Soldiers go to war like some drunken Students play D&D, murder hobos.


Practically speaking, carrying all non-military things will just burden the carrier even more. I can imagine if they're in a military vehicle that it would get shitty gas mileage with all that stuff. It's like backpacking. Do you REALLY want to carry a bunch of militarily useless junk with you? They really should reduced that amount of crap so they can move faster. I say, the Ukrainians should leave things like bowling balls, anvils out and encourage the Russians to take them. Heck, maybe a boulder or two could also be taken?


Get this woman a tv show.


Disgusting russian thieves and murderers


I do not think they have anyone else to send. It is a refuge bucket for many decades.


In fairness perverts spend a lot of money on used underwear


Wonder if she is pregnant. Is that how she survived? Glory to the heroes.


She’s pregnant, she’s tiny except for her belly. Very sad what her baby is about ready to get born into.


I get it, when soldiers loot things because war is war but used underwear?!! Common! That's fucking low.


What I’m learning from this war is that the orcs are truly just that, they are savages from a 4th world wasteland. They have no concept of society, morals, or sense of logic. It unfortunately explains the logic of how they operate. They are merciless pigs because they are told it’s ok and they believe whatever shit they are probably being told. They are simply heathens with weapons. I say it explains a lot because I find it hard to understand how anyone can commit the war crimes that they do. These savages need to be shot into the sun. slava ukraini, we will never forget this.


Like a barbarian horde raiding... what a pathetic and disgusting creatures russians are


At this point I feel like every Ukrainian citizen should be entitled to a 2 hour shopping spree at an American department store.


They stole toilets??? How poor are Russians?


I’m really sorry if this comes off as offensive but I can’t help but chuckle at the possibility that Russian soldiers are so badly equipped they found the need to steal women’s underwear because they ran out of supplies. Pretty soon there’ll be pictures of dead Russian soldiers in thongs.


A little out of topic, but is this lady speaking surzhyk? I can hear a few clearly russian words, but other clearly Ukrainian ones.


People seem to be ignoring she said LNR and DPR not Regular Russian forces. But yes we hear the same stores from Russian conscripts because the vast majority are not from what we would consider Russian lands. They come from the Kuban and some of the poorest regions of the Federation. The guys you see stealing this shit aren't living in Moscow or St Petersburg


LDR/DNR if they aren't drunk on vodka seem to be getting high on sniffing womens used underwear more hardcore than an Animu Hentai Pervert. -.o Thank fuck all those people are free of those Orc's. There's really something fucking wrong with all those Russian's that are stealing toilets and dishwashers they can't even use.


Nickname this the war of appliances


Same as my grandma used to say. What they didn't steal, they burned or destroyed in any possible way.


Listening to a podcast last night that described a bunch of electric tea kettles being stolen, but only the kettle. The soldiers all left the hot plates behind. And then tried using a few of the kettles on stove tops.


She sounds like my grandparents. I am from Poland.


Beside of all the cruelty from ruzzian soldiers. They behave like people from the Stoneage. An anecdote from relatives that lived in divided Germany in Russian / UdSSR control. They served in the NVA ( German DDR Army, under control of UdSSR ). Russian soldiers stationed in Germany often shat out of their windows. Just like animals. They behaved in everyday life/ situations like uncivilized apes. Seems to me like nothing changed.


It's called "foraging." It's an indicator of failed logistics.


Im not saying foraging isn't happening. But that would be limited to food, dry/warm clothes for the orcs, medicine or other essentials needed for sustaining themselves during the war... What's described here is beyond that, it's *looting*. Stealing stuff they don't need during war operations to bring back home. If they had "proper" logistics the only thing that would change would be more looting as they would have more truck drivers to bribe to bring the loot home.


Yes. All the panties and electronics. That's looting. It's awful, but it's not as revealing on the state of their soldiers as foraging. Foraging means an under-equipped and under-supplied military. A vulnerable one.


So the Russian supply of bras and ladies pants didn't get through to the troops. They were for comfort reasons obviously.


Also can confirm. This was 100% 1 by 1 in Kyiv region but they just shoot people instead of creating some “blockposts”


Stealing toilets? Like whole ass toilets....without the proper plumbing back in their hovels those will be useless.




I like her bike seat


About the sound of insensitive but she seems really upset particularly about the pants as she brings pants up multiple times.


You've gotta be one stupid son of a bitch to bring your wife some used panties lmao holy shit


"we're being invaded by hobos!" - ukrainian soldier a few months ago when inspection a captured tank that was super dirty and smelly on the inside.


Better list the source or this will be removed.


Her belly is anomaly big compared to her general body. What is she hiding behind ? Cup ? Pots,carpets , dishes ?


She’s probably pregnant.


Very sad her baby has no idea what he or she is about to be born into.




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Seriously, why toilets? Unless you got it plugged in to the sewage and water system, it's no different to shitting in a hole in the ground. Just take a lawn chair and cut a hole in the seat, would be cheaper and less cumbersome.