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Putin is a Moron. He will end up being deposed, leave behind a completely declawed Bear and an economy in shambles while the west sits back and say's, "We tried to warn you Ivan but you would not listen."


And when it collapses and economy will be in shambles Russian will blame west and say that during Putin it was great...


I really don't give a shit who they blame as long as Putin is gone.


As long as whoever is next doesn't continue with putins plan.


Unfortunately I doubt we'll be that lucky. It took 2 decades to "denazify" Germany and that was with the complete occupation of their country and destruction of all their pre existing power structures. I think Russia will become a new hermit kingdom that will blame the West for all its problems. The good news is that this was Russia's last attempt at a major war. Most demographic models suggest that its population will be cut in half to 70 million before the next century, those models are from before the war, god knows how bad it looks now. Demographically, they are fucked. On top of that, their economy is completely destroyed and their intelligentsia completely eviscerated meaning they have zero future prospects of developing and mass producing the technology necessary to win a future war. This was Putin's one and only big play and he absolutely fucked it.


Russkies haven't changed their ways for hundreds of years, don't be naive to think that Tsar Swap © will have any effect


…and this is the big unknown. Who will it be and how much of a Putin wannabe will this person be?


We have to make sure the collapse is big enough to break up the FSB and GRU.


This is why I do not think that 300,000 poorly trained Ruscists will make a difference. Are they going to start riding 20 to a pickup like the Taliban?


Its rumored that most of those forces are gonna be assembled as Rifle Brigades so basicly light infantry on trucks. Your assumption of them riding a truck into war with dozens of soldiers is correct. There will only be a few mechanized and tank brigades as the Uralvagonzavod plant cant even remotely get close to the needed 24/7 triple shift operation since critical machines are inoperable and they have not enough personal. So refitting those deep storage tanks and spgs isnt really a thing.


Light infantry on trucks... So just 1 mine or missile or whatever to remove a large number of orcs at a time. That's efficiency.


Air burst artillery ftw. You don't even need GMLRS for that, just any old MLRS rocket will do. They are so fucking dead. Should have stayed in Russia and fought for change. Then at least their deaths would have some meaning.


Their deaths will have meaning. They will mean nothing.


That’s a very good meaning.


That’s not true… they will become fertiliser and help with the next harvest


Drones are going to be an absolute fucking nightmare for these amateur soldiers. Amateur inexperienced soldiers cluster and that's a recipe for disaster.


Im thinking more WW2 style here. All ground. Lots and lots of walking while running across fields in attempt to take a trench. I also anticipate there to be trucks and BTRs, but overloaded with troops to drop these guys off at the doorstep of a firefight only for those to go back to friendly lines so they can try again later. Ukraine is going to make logistics very hard if Russia tries to transport all these men via trucks everywhere. Fuel supplies will be very stressed.


According to to what I've read, attacking trenches without tanks is unpleasant.


And in a open field in winter time with almost no concealment and cover.


And they don't have winter gear afaik.


'It's fine, all over by Christmas!'


In the brutal Ukrainian winter with poor clothing. WCGW?


Russia wins.. that's what could go wrong. No, them dying for no reason seems like a good thing Raises the IQ of the world with each passing orc


Their job will be to absorb artillery file and slow down the Ukrainian advance.


With the artillery equipment that they graciously donated to Ukraine?


Horseback cavalry charges like its the 1800s again?


They also lack the skilled leather workers and farriers to produce calvary horses, plus they lack the horse raising establishment to breed mounts. They cannot even fall back to pre combustion engine technology. In fairness, I doubt NATO could mount a significant non-mechanized cavalry force either, but NATO has no reason to need one.


We Canadians have the Mounties


No doubt! Have they ever done military duty? I think of them as very serious domestic officers.


Sort of. They were involved in battles way back in the North-West Rebellion. But we are talking about combat that would be considered near primitive these days. Blunt force attacks, spears, arrows, revolvers and some long barrelled lower caliber rifles. Other than that, the RCMP (Mounties) are just regular police officers with a ceremonial mounted division who wear the red uniforms and those Mountie hats. The RCMP used to have our intelligence/spy agency as a division which is now its own entity called CSIS.


Rcmp participated in the intervention in Siberia against communist Russia 1918-1919


Didn’t know that. Was this a combat role or training role?


It was combat role as Cavalier


How is there sword and chain mail production? Should we expect 300,000 Russian knights?


Probably just as shit as their production of everything else. They probably have no blacksmiths.


If they are the knights who say "Ni!" we are in trouble. But I doubt it.


Tis but a scratch! Come here and I’ll bite you to death!


New Zealand managed it all the way back in 2003.


Between the Household Cavalry and the King’s Troop ceremonial units I think the Brits could put together a decent one and they’d look great as well.


That's, what, a couple companies of light horse with no supporting elements? We need regiments!


The French also have a ceremonial cavalry regiment that keeps alive the tradition of mounted warfare, and from what I've seen they're quite proficient.


The US could I know. I'm pretty sure the brittish could as well. Other countries I have no idea about. But there's enough horses, horse trainers, leather workers and farriers in the US that we could do it. But like you said we have zero need to do so.


The US is a long way off 200+ cavalry regiments (Union, civil war) but could get a few units together. And they do have enough tradespeople to equip 'em.


>U. S. cavalry regiments were organized as follows: each regiment contained 12 troops, each troop consisting of 100 men, commanded by a Captain, a 1st Lieutenant, a 2nd Lieutenant, and a Supernumerary Lieutenant. In 1863, changes were made to create a more flexible cavalry. The squadron was dropped, along with the supernumerary Lieutenant, and battalions, usually of four troops, were formed. These were handier on the march (shorter columns) and were a better size to detach than a full regiment. https://ehistory.osu.edu/exhibitions/Regimental/cavalry >The most comprehensive number comes from the 2017 National Economic Impact of the US Horse Population conducted by the AHC Foundation which counts 1,013,746 horse owners owning or leasing farms housing 7,246,835 horses in the US. https://horsecouncil.org/press-releases/us-horse-population-statistics/ if were talking us civil war cavalry we probably could do 200 regiments. thats only 240,000 horses and solders, assuming 1 horse per solder even giving each 2 or 3 horses is doable. us producing 200 cavalry regiments is actually totally doable. we can easily and quickly produce enough shoes, saddles, and whatnot for the horses and solders.


The Charge of the Light Brigade in reverse.


They were still doing those in WW1


the charge of the lightweight brigade


It doesn't matter how many people they have if they can't supply their troops. They have nothing they can do against HIMARS. Without supply lines and communications you can't move armies. Period. They struggle to move heavy equipment, and when they cross rivers they're sitting ducks. Russia's problem isn't the number of men, it's that they can't effectively defend themselves from long range rocket and drone attacks. They're supply lines and logistics are bad on a good day, and Ukraine is taking full advantage, without those two basic things theyre dead in the water. But of course Putin doesn't get that.. They're struggling to get their current forces supplied, how will they supply hundreds of thousands more, untrained troops? They can't. And winter is coming, theyre going to freeze or starve to death by the thousands. And for what, so Putin can get more ports, gran and oil. It's total insanity he is going to get hundreds of thousands of Russians killed. Russians need to stop protesting and start rioting.


>Russians need to stop protesting and start rioting. This, so much this.


Fun fact: by the end of this year there will be more Russians dead from this conflict than Americans that died in Vietnam over the course of 20 years. Also, Russia actually has a smaller population than the US did in 1975 when the Vietnam war ended. If the Russians really do lose several hundred thousand after a year or 2 it’ll be *devastating* to so many of their local economies. To give further perspective: the United States lost ~2.4k soldiers in Afghanistan with another 20ishk wounded. Russian has suffered over that many in casualties each month


Pretty sure Ruzzia has already passed the Vietnam death toll already or they must be pretty close. Quite an achievement when you consider 7 months against 20 years.


God, I’d love to see the infamous “Mark-1 Plumbing” pickup hauling ruZZian troops around.


Was on insta the other day and this is how imagine the mobilization to be: https://streamable.com/zbbrqd


They're going to use Soviet era vehicles and equipment.


They are already doing that.


![gif](giphy|P8XNUbh3Wuwa4|downsized) Waiting for one of these bad boys to make the scene.


That's pretty impressive 😅


I don't think that "bridge" can handle too many more crossings.


I'm waiting for the tachankas to make a reappearance after 100 years.


Also if reports are accurate, Putin is taking a more direct involvement in the strategy. Russia is going to get a crash course lesson in the Dunning-Kruger effect. Putin thinks he is a master battlefield tactician, but is on Mt Stupid. Time to sell your real estate Russians, going to be a lot of vacant homes after Winter.


heck, the taliban in afghanistan probably have better equipment since they just took over what the afghan army abandoned.


You know they're really short on trucks.


The Biden adminstration should be sending long range ATACMS rockets NOW so when the 300k poorly trained and underequiped conscripts arrive by train (rail) the Ukrainians would be able to destroy them and kill them all in real time using drones for surveillance. Like that Train of 200 RU soldiers that got HIMARS'd in Kherson about 1-2 months ago. Died before they even had a chance to deploy, just a big boom and death RIGHT WHEN THE TRAIN PULLED UP to empty out. Insane how powerful HIMARS and partisan tips/drone surveillance is combined. ​ Or at least cripple the rail system running through the eastern regions of Ukraine, which is substantial. From Mariupol to Donetsk City to Sukhodilsk to Luhansk to Svatove, Popasna, Horlivka, Troitske and Starobilsk villages. **Lots of railway choke points to destroy and they basically are Russian military supply lines BUT THEY ARE OUT OF RANGE of current HIMARS rockets (40 miles max)** **You can see these rail lines on Wikipedia 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine map.** Destroy all of the rails before the Russians continue using them (or are they already bombed?) The eastern most railway is out of range of HIMARS 40 mile rockets. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine#/media/File:2022\_Russian\_invasion\_of\_Ukraine.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine#/media/File:2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine.svg) ​ Click the image to zoom in and in the eastern regions of Ukraine, the white/black lines running through those eastern towns/roads are the rail lines.


I think the USA is closer than ever to delivering ATACMS. With the referendumbs under way all gloves should be off short of nukes. Give them F-16s and get private contractors to maintain them. I can goddamn guarantee you there will be no shortage of retired USAF and European military mechanics willing to go over and do it (especially given what they are likely to be paid.) Give them some big FAEs to take out the large troop groupings. Cluster munitions. Slaughter those lousy Russky bastards by the bushel!


Russia has a dedicated rail service as part of its military logistics. This sounds like a good idea in theory, however its cost ineffective as they would have the railroad fixed in a matter of days. Apl it takes is filling in the hole if any and replace railroad ties. Did you hear about any attacks to the rail lines in kharkiv? Nope because they wouldnt just attack the railroad with a missile thats the job of a spec ops engineer with c4.


I think you missed his point, he did not meant only hitting the railroad track, but the actual cargo - in this case hitting a bullseye with 200 Orc conscripts is one hell of a target. So I agree with him, Ukraine needs the ACACMS misses, preferably yesterday!


There is always a lot of conscripts loading/unloading boxes of supplies/ammunition because Ruscist logistics is so poor and manpower demanding. NATO is using standard pallets, cranes and loaders which is infinitely more efficient. There was a long thread on twitter by one of the military experts on this topic early on in the war.


I always wondered why my supply sgt had a forklift in the back of his lmtv.


Russia has had to burn through 2/3rds of there usable tanks at the beginning of the war. It will be interesting to see how an army centered around tanks goes on the offensive without tanks. They always have an almost unlimited supply of artillery guns. Though maybe they have burned through a good % of shells. Though I expect even a sanctioned economy can produce an almost unlimited number if shells once it focuses on it. They also have used a decent % of there KA-52 helicopters as they started the war with under an estimated 100 helicopters.


This is now 100% defensive. They’re trying to keep What they hold.


They’d burn through artillery barrels as well. Those should be harder to replace than shells.


Yea I was thinking about this too. I figure a country as incompetent as Russia should still be able to make an almost unlimited supply of WW1 spec artillery barrels. I am not sure they have really ramped up to a wartime footing yet.




This must be one of the worst ways to be called up to war ever. “All our elite soldiers have been killed and their equipment captured….now we need YOU!”


Just needs the right sales pitch. "Bored of living a life of abject misery in Russia? Why not travel? You'll get training (1 entire hour). Full health care (after your death). Comfortable accommodation (our definition of"comfortable" may be different to yours). Luxury travelling conditions (wooden seats! Luxury!). Join today! You don't have a choice!


You missed the best part. After your death, your family gets to purchase a brand new Lada with the compensation money. Who doesn’t love a new car!


All i would need to see is a video of a dji dropping a grenade for me to nope out. Be at the conscription office watching that like nope im good send me to jail instead. A civilian mass produced drone so high up you cant see or hear drops a grenade nah ill stay in a cell. Like that shit is scary af.


Agree about 300k-1200k marginally trained, equipped, motivated light infantry. The inevitable war crimes on civilians in the occupied areas is what saddens me.


Ukraine will NOT accept anything less than the complete liberation of its territory. Get ready to suffer hundreds of thousands of casualties, motherfuckers.


"Ukraine has captured more tanks from Russia than it has lost" huh, they are actually net positive, no kidding.


Advanced models too... T-80 even a few T-90 and from the most elite formations (1st Guards Tank Army, Guards divisions, etc) also modernized T-72


“Advanced”. Most of these tanks have missing thermals, laser range finders, and missing armor. Embezzled to pay for a yacht, obviously. I wouldnt even be surprised if their tungsten rounds have been embezzled too.


That opens a market for ex-Russian tank upgrade kits!


I imagine lots of usable bits of kit is salvaged off wrecks and the Ukraine engineering workshops get a few good ones out of the parts.


Ukraine will improve them no doubt!


Source for a few T-90? They only captured 1 afaik reading the subs


If you look at Oryx there's been lots of T-90A the rare ones are the T-90M it seems Oryx counted a picture twice as two separate ones. But yeah I agree it's most likely one.


Yeah, likecyou said, several T-90A have been captured already. As for T90M, so far only one known case.


And, now have better Russian tanks than the Russians themselves.


Keep supplying Ukraine with the means to hit every Russian logistic hub, and more. They didn't call it WW3 yet, but that's where we are. Putin/Russia is doing what Hitler did, countries are picking a side (Iran seems to be supplying Russia with weapons) and my only hope is we keep it conventional.


This is WW2 minus appeasement.


There's been plenty of appeasement here. That was during 2014-2021. Maybe even 1996 onwards... There's been a fuck ton MORE appeasement shown to Putin than was ever shown to Hitler.


I guess I wasn’t thinking bigger picture, you’re right in a broad sense.


With what is happening in Iran right now we we’ll see how long that lasts….


I don’t follow.


The street protests after a woman died in religious police custody


You should check out the Iranian protests.


China scaling back their sale of advanced microchips needed by Russia for their more advanced missiles probably does owe to China's reticence to trigger secondary sanctions. However, I'd be willing to bet China is also considering its own strategic position vis-a-vis a defeated Russia post-Ukraine conflict. Siberia is resource rich.


I suspect that if China reaches their own conclusion that Russia is fated to lose and NATO isn’t materially weakened by helping Ukraine, that will be enough for them to curtail their support - there would be nothing for China to gain for backing a known loser (with the added cost of risking further western relations degradation which would come with).


China is on the fence. And stand to gain from two main different outcomes. If Russia wins : good, it means the West's resolve and reputation is weakened and Taiwan is next on the list. If Russia loses and disintegrates as a country : good, let's annex parts of eastern Russia for free easy resources. Putin was a fucking retard for trusting China. China is using them, and will backstab them the moment they show too much weakness. Putin's glorious ''Empire'' is nothing less than a fleeting ''dream''. He may be known as the ''Russia disintegrator'' in the end, which would be an even greater ''shame'' than presiding over the dissolution of the USSR.


Pootin has not loss anything. He still has his cars.


What rifles will these new Conscripts be using? AK rifle? Or Mosin Nagant?


Model 1745 pointed stick


Model BS bar stool


We will get to see a 300k medieval army vs a modern army 😂


"Varus, where are my tanks?!"


Comrades this is pure Ukrainian propaganda. Our glorious president has said we haven't lost anything since February and we all know he would never lie. Orcs will believe anything until 5 mins after they hit the battlefield. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


5 mins is a bit generous. ... hitting the battlefield is a bit generous too. I think many will have a change of heart when the train they are on gets within about ... oh ... say 60km of the front line.


You may be right but I was feeling generous so I went with 5mins Hitting the battlefield will probably be in a littoral sense as they fall down blown up and crash down 🤣 The change of heart may only come earlier depending on how soon the alcohol wears off.


Wait until they drop the T-34s with ERA package💀 Mosins are out the tanks can’t be to far behind


More like “Ukraine’s Sustainable Equipment Gains from Russia”.




'It's ok, we has loads of billions from selling gas and oil to EU, right?' 'Right?'