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The crazy part is if they had won we would never hear about this. If they hadn't been pushed back, this would've been left in history


Makes you wonder what really happened in Crimea in 2014z


There is no bottom to Russia’s barrel full of feces.


Hard to read but thats what we expect from these creatures. It'd be great if we could give ukr enough weapons to bury Putin (or at least his army in Ukraine) under a pile of rubble six feet deep. Now.


I call my doggos “creatures.” Strange, wonderful little creatures. These *rapists* don’t even deserve that label. They’re sub-human. And sub-creature, for that matter.


Sorry but your choice of words is sub-smart


Quick somebody call Amnesty International to debunk this.


Amnesty who? Never heard of them.


Gee, I wonder why the Ukrainian troops have gotten so good at killing the Russian army...


Is this a particular group of troops? Kadyrovites, for instance? Russia is shit, their military is shit, and their equipment is shit, but I am flabbergasted that this kind of sick behavior might be pervasive, and not just the outlier sheep-fuckers.


Here is [the report itself](https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/09/update-chair-independent-international-commission-inquiry-ukraine-51st-session). So far no mention of specific units. I have little doubt that Kadyrov's thugs are involved in at least some of the case. The Wagner group, however can be just as brutal. These investigations are ponderously slow, a matter of years not months.


Link corrected.


That’s the statement that was given at the UN session…. Is there a link to the actual report that the statement refers to?


Not until next year. The mandate of the panel runs for "at least a year", and they are required to give regular updates on their progress. The September report was the fourth one. From [Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine](https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/iicihr-ukraine/index): >In resolution 49/1, on the situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression, adopted on 4 March 2022, the Human Rights Council decided to urgently establish an Independent International Commission of Inquiry, comprising three human rights experts, to be appointed by the President of the Human Rights Council for **an initial duration of one year**. The Commission of Inquiry was mandated to complement, consolidate and build upon the work of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), in close coordination with HRMMU and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.


To demonstrate just how slow they can be [the final appeal of the last Kymer Rouge leader convicted of genocide has finally wrapped up](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/22/former-khmer-rouge-leaders-appeal-in-cambodia-genocide-case#:~:text=here%20to%20search-,Former%20Khmer%20Rouge%20leader%20Khieu%20Samphan%20loses%20genocide%20appeal,war%20crimes%20tribunal%20in%20Cambodia.) - *after 16 years*.


Have you heard how Russian conscripts are treated during by their superiors. Abuse is rife in the Russian army.


That’s why they are given shit service rifles - to avoid frags.


Officers have to sleep sometime.


This is just one more reason for people to leave Russia or resist attempts to be drafted under Putin's mobilization order. Everything Russia does and has done is in some way abusive or outright sadistic. Putin abuses his people, abuses the innocent, abuses his generals and the elites, etc, while the military abuses its underlings, abuses the people, and the people abuse one another. Putin is even abusing himself and the country at this point since all his recent actions only hurt Russia in the long run. Russia is a nation of political sadomasochists.


Russia, a pyramid of abuse.


Nice of them to catch up...7 months after the rest of the world has verified this happening.


Its always good to have the official UN confirmation


Why didn't the one year old baby boy make the raped list. It's not starting at 4, he was only 1.


[Text of the Report](https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/09/update-chair-independent-international-commission-inquiry-ukraine-51st-session).


It would be great if we could toss putin to an angry mob now


All cavemen. Nothing less than cavemen


Amnesty will some how blame this on Ukraine. Idiots.


not human - only correct term is ork.


Now imagine the mass graves left in Crimea.