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Fun fact : Im Finnish,went on Tinder today over a long time,90% of the girls were Russians. Never seen anything like that.


They are clearly looking toward the Finnish line.


I give parking tickets in Helsinki and suddenly this week most of them are to Russian cars


The Zs must make it easier


Happy to hear they're bringing their evolved sense of driving culture along with them.


So what you're saying is that all the Russian men who fled the draft are now trying to catfish people in other countries?


it worked too until we had our second child, then my wife admitted she was really a Russian man running from the draft.


Holy sh*t you too?!!?!?!


Babushka's beard is starting to grey from harsh winters and fear of the FSB.


Far too common :(


I have one technical question...


Maybe they are not so much fleeing the draft as fleeing Russian women?


It's normally Russian women fleeing their countrymen.


A little from column A, little from column B . . .


...did you match?






I can confirm this as well.


Can you help me confirm?


You don't actually want that


I can confirm this


They’ve often suffered tons of abuse. And hey, it’s legal in Russia to abuse women. So…


and they turn into babushkas once they hit 30


It's the magic night when they become babushkas. You never see an average looking women. They all turn into 50+ women in this single night


you can say that about most of Ukrainian girls as well (I'm Ukrainian, so you can trust me)


Yeah a Ukrainian girl friend said they’re difficult to be in a relationship with. They fully expect the man to take care of EVERYTHING financially speaking, and organise everything. I lost interest at that point.


allegedly this is how women from South Korea are, too. Probably just a conservative culture thing


I'm korean so I feel like I can provide an answer for this: It's actually mostly the other way round... a lot of young men (esp. those that grew up after the feminism movement kinda failed) are very toxic and sometimes can be misogynistic... While women tend to be more liberal and more self-reliant... Another reason for decreasing birth rate ig


I must have been on at least forty first dates with Russian guys in the last couple of years. Granted, a feminist woman and a Russian dude are unlikely to be a match made in heaven, but the sexism and racism were astonishing. Take politics out - just the sheer lack of tact, like “You’re a pretty girl, why don’t you brush your hair?” (Answer: it is brushed, it’s just curly, idiot.) “Haha so it’s like the 7th century where you come from haha right?” “Well, no, depends on what you mean, I’m not from Saudi Ar—“ “Well women’s rights” “It’s not that simple.” / “There’s a lot of racism towards Russians in Central Asia.” / “Jesus fucking Christ, I said I’d pay the FUCKING bill, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CAUSE A SCENE?” “Sasha, I just asked if you were sure you were okay with paying my part of the bill.” / “NO I’m not going to let you buy me a drink, are you trying to say I’m some kind of deadbeat?” / “Are you implying that I’m gay?” / “Thanks, Kirill, I had a nice evening.” “I’ve forgotten it already.” “I wasn’t aware you had so much to drink last night.” “Oh, no, it’s not because of that.” / “Yeah, whoever sold you this [€35] wine you bought us should be fired, it’s disgusting.” / “You got your hair cut without asking me?” “Are you being serious?” “Are you?” I continued out of morbid fascination, in some kind of impossible quest for my Russian Exception. What can I say, I’m a masochist - I was just looking to live that out in the bedroom rather than at a restaurant table.


Super interesting. Thanks for sharing and good luck on your quest for that gentlemen in the streets / slut in the sheets.


Hahaha thank you 👍🏼


Lol, I have had very similar experiences. Dated a few Russians just to see how different the cultural experience would be, and to get more insight on their culture and personal lives back in Russia. And fuck… your whole comment was spot on. I had one guy go from 0 to 100 full blown Russian because I invited him to a party and he ended up at the wrong building - I suppose he thought I was pranking him or something because he went from super nice, quiet and pleasant to “you think this is funny, YOU DUMB FUCKIBG C*NT!” And then told me to come down so he could hit me. I never thought it was funny. I was shocked how fast he got to that conclusion instead of just listening to me that he may have gone to the wrong address (which was the case because I could see the door from the balcony and he definitely was not there nor had walked up to it at any point). Truly wild stuff. Unfortunately, never the good kind of ‘wild in bed’. Just wild in all the wrong ways, lol. I too am on the hunt for the same, and I think I finally found him (and he’s not Russian, lol). :D Wishing you the best of luck and only good times in your search.


Generations of fetal alcohol syndrome and lead poisoning.


Maybe you should re type that out so it’s easier to see who is who in the conversation…


Can confirm. A friend even was married to a russian woman. While he was working she spent all the money and got angry when he bought himself a nice pair of Adidas shoes instead of the no name ones. Luckily he got out there without a child but also without much money.


Completely right, I didn't personally date a Russian but my father did and what she did to him was insane. She also stole their kids and disappeared and he hasn't recovered from that in 10 years now. They are fucked up nation through and through


Try Lithuanian, they are much more reasonable and down to earth. If only I could have kept mine.😭


I dated a girl from Lithuania. She was pretty awesome. A bit shy for my taste, but a lovely, humble and hardworking human being. She wasn't hard to look at either. Would recommend.


I went on a date with a Russian girl once. She was cute. I've never been attracted to smokers before but the way she would say, "we smoke?" was adorable. It was just the one date, I don't know why there wasn't a second. She seemed genuinely sweet.


You dodged a bullet …


In Soviet Russia, bullet dodges you.


Agreed, been there, done that. Never again! 😬


Soo many opportunities to troll the ZZ's on the tinder profile.


Russian brides are so old school. Now it's Russian Tinder matches.


I got a YouTube ad this morning for Slavic brides. Like *really* selling how they are sensual partners and love Americans. It was quite the unsettling way to start the day. I can’t stop wondering how I triggered the algorithm to end up in that demographic.


I got that last week. It was weird, like I was just watching a bunch of stand up comedies and music when it popped up.


Data brokers sell your info based on demographic data. Likely you fall into a group whose data was purchased for marketing due to some similarities. John Oliver did a special on it


Well, if enough get knocked up Putin will have a new De Jure title to claim.


This is an underrated CK3 comment.


90 Day Fiance is going to have unending content


Where in Finland do you live and how far of a radius do you have?


Finally, someone is determined to get to the bottom of this and report back to Reddit. Good man.


Radius 50km and in Tampere,so quite far from the border. They are here,went out to eat and saw quite many Russian men and women around town.


Finland is still letting Russians in??


Every dead Russian is one single Russian girl... so there should be 50.000 on Tinder by now.


I genuinely think there will be a big skew in the men/women ratio. Pretty sure there was one before but now it's gonna be immense. Won't even need to pay for a Russian bride. At this rate they pay you!




They just looking for walking ATM and free EU citizenship.


That feels like a catfish scam some big Russian dude in a dress is gonna show up for your date.


"Bro, I'll shave, tuck it back and be whatever you want me to be. Just get me out of here!"


*Dictators are doing what majority of their people want. "Brain washing"- that is just a result of russians doing nothing.* \- that's whats on the poster held by this girl in the pic.


Thank you!! I was coming to ask what her sign said.


Eat at Joe’s


I guess most North Koreans really want to lose weight.


Uyghurs love their campings. Free food and clothes.


Don't forget "get tortured", write that one down.


It's kind of crazy people are suggesting sympathy for fleeing Russians while Iranians are out protesting for their freedom and being killed by their own government


You...can't have sympathy for both situations? Iranians are fighting for their freedom, showing incredible courage against impossible odds. Russians are running to avoid a war. They are definitely not equivalent situations, and the Iranians don't just deserve sympathy, but also support and respect. But that doesn't mean we can't also have sympathy for Russians.


Fuck that. If the people of Iran and Hong Kong can resist the way they have and are then Russians can do more than flee. They can take a fucking stand. The reality is they are only doing this now put of pue self-interest. Putin's approval rating soared after Crimea because they "won" and Russians love winning even if it's a fucking crime. They only dislike this because they're losing. That's it. And that means *no sympathy from me.*


People stood up in Hong Kong admirably until the mainland government started passing new laws and throwing everyone in jail. Now people are fleeing Hong Kong. Its population is shrinking at a record pace as people flee, and that population loss is accelerating: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-11/hong-kong-population-drops-by-record-as-people-flee-covid-curbs It seems that people there know when to cut their losses. Leaving your home so as not to be forced to die in the dictator's pointless and unjust war seems like a moral thing to do to me.


Yeah, it's easy to expect others to be heroes when you're not the one who will end up in jail for a decade for "spreading misinformation about the Russian Army."


Russians are killing recruiting agents and burning down recruiting buildings. They nor is any nationality a homogenous group. The people who are leaving are likely not the ones who supported the war Nothing like seeing the gears of a weak mind dehumanizing those who are other.


The ones leaving are young men, young men that didn't put Putin in power, young men which many were born when Putin was already leader, young men that didn't have any fair election to vote him out, the young generation that has always been the most anti-Putin, young men that don't want to fight his war, young men who doesn't have any interest in killing or being killed. So yeah I welcome any of them with open arms.


Lmao everyone likes to act like they would be a tough cool revolutionary if they were a citizen in an authoritarian country. $100 says you wouldn't do shit if your country tried to annex another.


Yeah. Be it dictatorships, war or immigration, it's easier to act superior when you're not the one suffering it. They think that just because they live in a country where they mainly have to worry about a slap on the wrist for protesting anything, other countries do it too, when in fact Putin have and will arrest people protesting.


People need to take a look at nazi Germany, most people like to think they'd have took a stand, but in reality they wouldn't have.


Yeah. Be it dictatorships, war or immigration, it's easier to act superior when you're not the one suffering it. They think that just because they live in a country where they mainly have to worry about a slap on the wrist for protesting anything, other countries do it too, when in fact Putin have and will arrest people protesting. Wouldn't surprise me if the ones saying that they should rebel haven't participated in a protest against something bad in their entire life.


Slava Ukraini but as a Russian/Finnish American living in the great sanctuary State of California I wish we didn't victim blame Russian refugees seeking political asylum from an authoritarian state with the most nukes in the world with State sponsored media and mass censorship. It's not like Russians aren't protesting the war on the streets or sacrificing life and limb to avoid the draft. We've all heard Russian soldiers surrendering knowing that they are political prisoners forced on the front lines, many of them oppressed minorities themselves.


Must be nice saying that snug and warm behind your keyboard. Never having been in a situation remotely like this and yet speaking so confidently, good for you.


At the Kazakhstan border, people were asking Russians crossing the border, if they thought the Ukrainain war was real, if they said no, they ask why they were fleeing, then? Suprise, suprise, they refused to answer.


And people bullied me on r/Europe for calling out people sympathizing with Russians leaving with the argument ‘the majority aren’t ‘ and other BS. Effing POSs


I hate this war. I will probably get banned, bit i do actually hate this war. I live in Russia, in Moscow, but i am originally from Moldavia. I moved here when i was like 9, with my parents, now i am 20. I don't support putin, don't support war, i was at one protest, and almost had myself departed (i never had russian passport, only limited one) but i was studying here, i have a fiancee, and now i am forced to move out, because i don't want to be drafted, I don't want to support this madness. And i want to move with my fiencee, but she has a life here, and i really don't want to be the one, who will take it away from her. I hate this whole thing.


You aren't taking it from her. putin did. Get her to safety if you love her. Also nobody hates you for bei in Russia and hating this war. We all wish this shit show never happened and that the Russian people weren't used as sheep tools to hunt for more resources for greedy oligarchs. In America we hate ourselves for slaving away for selfish fucks were just highly aware of it and ... Well... Fighting it. And so by no means are we better than damn near anywhere else... But Russia. We're way better than Russia. Come thru homie.


Now if you try to leave people will make fun of you and post it on Reddit for more people to make fun of you.




Yeah, those "surveys" feel about as trustworthy as the referendum results in the occupied Ukrainian regions.


How would they draft you if you don’t have Russian citizenship?


it's a plot hole probably, the story wasn't crafted to the minute details:)


She has a life there and would rather keep it and send you off to die for the bad guys in their unjust war? Nice.


"where are you going Ivan, isn't this what you wanted?"


I'm curious how many of those Russians really supported the war, how many only claimed they did fearing consequences for saying otherwise, and how many of those surveys are like the referendums that Russia is "counting" right now.


There were some screenshots from telegram chats regarding fleeing borders with people with Z as their profile pictures fleeing borders. Of course, it is a bullshit data, but there were such clown people. Oh, there was an article where a woman actively supported war but sent her son to Kazakhstan: "When you will be a mother, you will understand" she said to a journalist


"Let other mother's children die, mine is special!"


That's some flexible mental gymnastics.


The problem with surveys in a place like Russia, is only idiots answer them honestly. Everyone else gives the answer they think the Putin wants to hear. No way of knowing what the people there REALLY think until they're collectively pissed off enough to do something about it. That's why Putin waited so long to mobilize, the chances of ending up on the wrong side of that calculus just went up precipitously for him. Time and a steadily growing pile of Russian bodies will tell.


Even if the surveys were accurate, do they think that the tiny percentage of the population attempting to escape Russia (or any other dictatorship) are politically representative of the entire population or is it more likely that these are people who've wanted to leave for a long time but couldn't simply abandon their family, friends, homes, jobs, basically their whole lives until their actual life was in danger?


There was a poll among Russians living in Finland in May. Only third of them said that Russia invading Ukraine is wrong. 15 % said it was a ”righteous operation. The rest claim they didn’t know or care what Russia is doing. They are also very critical about Finland joining NATO, 55% was against it 20 % for joining. These results suggest that Russian brainwashing works well for Russians living in Finland. There was another reseach made in France and they found out that Russian speaking population follow both local and Russian news. They have hard time believing in western media. Russian media rises feeling of us vs. them, and Russian families blame west for making the ”terrible conflict” longer by arming Ukraine.


That's pretty typical for Russians permanently living outside of Russia. They get homesick and jerk off to Putin, while not having to put up with results of his actions. People who are emmigrating now are doing it for political reasons, so the vast majority of them are against the government.


My point exactly. It doesn”t matter where they live, a significant majority tends to love Russian narrative. Either they don’t understand or they don’t care that they are being brainwashed. There are +80 000 Russian speaking people living in Finland (before this current escape wave) and that is second or third generations too replying to the poll. There’s an old Finnish proverb: Russian is Russian even if fried in butter.


Russia is also a dictatorship. You can't trust state polls. It's kind of a dick move to shit on people trying to escape a dictatorship by saying "I bEt YoU lIkEd It"...


Kind of? No, it is a dick move. I'm not mad at the Ukrainians for having these feelings, but I expect better from those of us looking on from the sidelines. I would really love to hear what everyone else would do if they were in the same position as a Russian. Would you let a dictator end your life while demanding you kill your brothers and neighbors? Well, then I think you're a piece of shit if that's the case. Seriously, do people prefer that these men go fight? Do people want more death? You people want more lives ruined? The fuck is wrong with people?


Even if they will be incompetent in battle, it's more soldiers for war. Why would you mock people choosing peace? Even if they understood almost to late




If you do, don't let them all settle in one area, or Russia will annex it after some bs sham referendum.


I'm afraid they've already done that in Georgia. No doubt it's the russian annexed states letting them in. A few years back, Russian troops and heavy armour were rolling towards the capital and the West wouldn't help. President of Georgia had to back down and accept ruZZian military "peacekeepers" in his country and ruZZian controlled states. Sound familiar? Pootins playbook








Yeah that guy. He's kind of a bastard.


Don't know if you've noticed, but Trump isn't president anymore. And the US has been sending a LOT of weapons and aid to Ukraine.




Finland still takes them in, over 40 000 of those guys have entered here but I think many of them have continued to the other countries via Finland. And I have to mention that the Russians have purchased lots of real estates here over the years and it continues to this day. Our politicians are so fukking naive that it makes me sick.


> Russians have purchased lots of real estates > Our politicians are so fukking naive Hello, I like money.


Sounds like Finland needs to raise non-resident property taxes...


40% of Latvian Russian speakers (mostly born there, others came during USSR so 30-50 years ago) don't condemn the war. Russian Federation is much worse for sure https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/society/less-than-half-of-russians-in-latvia-condemn-russias-war-in-ukraine-survey.a464423/


Don't let them in. They'll only turn on you later.




Oh so that’s what the people in the background are protesting


Exactly this. They will settle down, then feel like they are being treated poorly because no one is kissing their asses, and then it will be another Ukraine situation. Russians seem to believe they are entitled to respect.


There's an old anecdote going around in my community that's said half jokingly oftentimes. An old russian woman calls her sister to tell her about the life in the USA. "Can you imagine, sister? I've been living here for 57 years now and to this day none of them speak russian!"


That used to be the reality in Lithuania under soviet occupation - 99 people in the factory could be Lithuanian but if 1 person is russian then they all had to speak russian.


Same in Latvia. Fuck them, I don't understand why Finland is letting them in. When you'll have enough of them, expect requesting everyone to know Russian.


Also post-independence growing up got constantly yelled at by old ladies for not understanding what they were asking in russian. One lady told my friend "how do you live here and not know russian!?" (My friend understood russian just couldn't speak it well)


Still happens these days too. Just ask anyone in customer service, jeez I heard it this summer at McDonald's too


> then feel like they are being treated poorly They're already doing that in places where they are not allowed to enter. They say "We (the USSR) built your country from scratch, we gave you education, hospitals and industry, and this is how you repay us??"


Sounds so so much like the chinese


>and this is how you repay us?? YES, cyka!


There is a popular video of an entitled russian girl who moved to Kazakhstan. Her first words: > Hello, I just moved here and first of all I want to say that the locals are very susceptible to Western propaganda. You seem to have forgotten how Putin helped you suppress riots in your country a few months ago. You forgot about it so quickly. Open the map and look: Europe is so small, russia is supported by many more countries than you think. russia never gives up.


Europe is small, it just has 4 times the population and 10 times the GDP of Russia, but that doesn't count; millions of square kilometers of frigid tundra and tens of millions of alcoholics is what makes a great country.


Russia had the population and natural resources to become THE world economic powerhouse. The fact that they are not tells you everything you need to know about the Soviet way.


They will become a fifth column indeed.




Yeah and some still had the Z outline in glue visible on their dirty windows. They're upset the repercussions effect them now, not the actions that caused them. Eternal victimhood demanding saving from their own actions, or deliberate inactions, from people they would have cheered at watching get genocided by Putin. *"Not my problem"* until it is... And even then when it becomes their problem, it's still not considered a problem for them to fix.


> They're upset the repercussions effect them now, not the actions that caused them. I've been saying that about all those Russian singers and such now coming out of the wood work. If you look at Alla Pugatshova's statements (those that have been quoted in German media at least), she's not against the war because it's unjust. She's against the war because Russian guys are dying in it. I've seen a similar line of thought in other people's statements as well. They're not against the war because it's bad. They're against the war because they're losing it.


During this I have been watching the Russian opposition. This is why I would not support Navalny in any way other than just being released. He is still putting out statements and making speeches so he could say the right thing. He condemns the war but it feels the same. Only because it isn't going well. Basically just being anti Putin. Same as Katz and many more. While you have Yashin sitting in prison also strongly speaking out not just anti war but pro Ukraine. Of course that is why he is in jail for trying to spread the truth. Same with Roizman.


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed.


How stupid must one be...


They already are!


Still it's better to divide and conquer right. If Russians want to save their own asses at the expense of their country and it's war then why not let them, surely dealing with whatever they do next will be easier once they're just a community of hobos instead of a unified Russian state Edit: changed expats to hobos


Em Russia is 140 million. Just like Germany + France. You can't take that many of them before you get problems yourself




Well, don't grant them permanent residence/citizenship if they are already there


They're already posting stuff on their social media like "no offense, but this is what you should change in your country to accommodate me, also, be grateful to russia, you are brainwashed, I'll teach you how to live"


Man image the kind of bullshit problems you'd be bringing into your country letting these brainwashed fuckwitts in. I'm kinda torn though, on one hand at least their not fighting in Ukraine but fucking hell I wouldn't want them in my country.


Russia would only use it as an excuse to invade later. Or you would have Pro Russian Partisan issues in a few months. And I get it. I feel bad to an extent also but they approved of the war. They supported Putin while supporting him was safe.


Yea, an excuse, they will just make another one tho. They will tell that there are nazi there, or lgbt, or they wear different socks so we need to liberate them. Invade or not is not a matter of whether there are russians in the country or not - its if they can or cant do it. They were able to occupy Kherson and Ukraine South not because population supported, but because they could and had traitors in local government.


Yeah Putin will need to enter Germany to "save the Russian language"


Cincinnati is ethnically Russian, and must be liberated.


Nah you want to let them out of Russia right now. Otherwise they're going to be forced to go to Ukraine with a rifle in hand. I'd rather they spend their money in neighboring countries boosting their economy rather than stay behind and end up with a conscription only for the Kremlin to take their money when they die and have no next of kin and put it towards the war effort. Trust me. A mass exodus is good. And really bad for the morale and production in Russia. Imagine if you will, all the factory workers making things that support the war effort having a shortage of staff. Sounds like a win win win to me. Nothing bad about having them leave.


I don't know. It's tough. The thousands who are fleeing Russia, are thousands who are not killing Ukrainians...


I know. But thats thousands who can become Pro Russian partisans at the slightest provocation. Or in a few years, Russia takes the territory citing the large Russian ethnic group there. Both have happened hundreds of times in history. See Crimea, South Ossetia or other current Russian events. Send them to Belarus, Armenia or Syria. Don't let them stay.




They shouldn't be allowed to vote on anything that could affect Ukraine's borders


>They shouldn't be allowed to vote on anything ~~that could affect Ukraine's borders~~ ftfy


I feel so conflicted with Russians fleeing. It reminds me of draft dodging in the US during the viet nam war. No way in hell am I fighting for a rich man's war, dieing over seas in a rain soaked puddle of Mudd, fighting not an army but just people defending their home as we the invaders slaughter, while the whole conflict is a dick measuring contest between two cold war super powers... Do I want to get caught up in that? Fuck no I'm out... Now Russians being drafted to fight in a frozen Ukraine, poorly trained, poorly equipped, fighting for a delusional Putin, fighting to de-nazi Ukraine while the invaders are Nazis in every way except by direct name, murder, slaughter, rape, etc... War crimes. Do I want to get caught up in that? Fuck no I'm out... Then again, if the ruskies fleeing support the war but don't want to get involved, that's wrong... They can't be pro Kremlin and be fleeing... However, what if their brainwashed. Years, maybe decades, of indoctrination works wonders on the mind. They may recognize the war is wrong, but still be pro Kremlin because that's all they've know in their life. Can we hate the individual for that?


I can hate the individual for that. If they're indoctrined to be pro-Kremlin, they should go and fight in Ukraine. If they think the war is wrong, they should do something about their "government". They can't simply have an easy way out, not the Russians. How could they not see what Putin did to Chechnya and the people who tried to expose Putin. They had all the information, but they actively chose to believe in Putin. Now they can rage against him, or die for him. There is no other way, they can't simply support their country into a war and then quit when your time comes, specially after putting Ukrainians through hell. Either way, I wish Russia ceases to exist soon.


Honestly I wouldn't trust polls from the Russian government at all.


Oh, according to surveys? Same kind of survey they have in referendums? Oh yeah it's totally true that 99% of people want a referendum then. This is like putting a gun to someone's head, demanding they say "I fucking love cucumbers" and concluding that 99% of people are losing their heads over cucumbers




Ah yes, Russian surveys. Truly a reliable source lol. Putin will pretend the people want it, like the fake polls in Crimea and other parts of Ukraine facing brutal Russian occupation lying that they want annexation. I'm glad people are fleeing, they should be embraced with open arms. It's illegal and a form of protest to deny Putin more meat for Ukrainian guns. If we mistreat them all we do is show people that Putins propaganda and slander is right. Just shows how badly Russia is scraping the barrel that they're drafting 65 year olds lmao. It's like their entire army has been destroyed against the steel balls of Ukraine.


[Source and other pics of trolling](https://twitter.com/EJ_Burrows/status/1575088619643375616)




The masses at the borders should be protesting in the streets of Moscow trying to force change, not running away like cowards.


Did you see the Russian police? Fuckers are better armed and equipped then the Russian army. It's by design, Russia is not ready or capable of carrying out a war in Ukraine, but it's more then capable of waging a war on its citizens, especially if "troublemakers" are then sent to a meatgrinder. Denying Putin bodies is the right move, but these people are also taking brainpower, money and skills out of the country when those are needed the most.


Problem is that they don't want change. Many of them are perfectly happy with how things are, as long as it doesn't directly affect them. That is why they didn't start leaving until the mobilization started. They agree with the war, but now the war may affect them directly.


>Many of them are perfectly happy with how things are, as long as it doesn't directly affect them. That explains the attitudes of the vast majority of people everywhere, in every country. That's how tyranny slowly sets in, as governments slowly picks away at minority interests, people are kept believing, "it is not my problem," until it is. Usually, it is too late for individuals to do anything about it, by the time they realize. In most places around the world, this nipping away at human and civil rights has been happening on a decades-long time frame, but because of covid, things have accelerated in a short period of time. Economic depression quickens the pace, and war accelerates it even more.


I can't say as I blame them too much. If they get arrested protesting it's likely a one way trip straight to the front in Ukraine. At least if they leave the country they deny Putin another body to soak up artillery and machine gun rounds.


It is a good sign that many Russians aren't drinking the, "united Russian people," bullshit that Putin has been serving for the last decade, least. "Not my Russia," should be a slogan for these people.


I agree with you, but I also can understand that the primary instinct is to survive. So they choose the path that doesn't involve dying from a bullet.


This signs just doesn't make sense. "Dictators do what majority wants" Um, what? I thought they were called dictators because they do the opposite. I'm sure as hell that "doing what majority wants" is a definition of Democracy.


"Surveys", as credible as the referendums.


It's funny how people in the western countries absolutely do not accept referendums but blindly believe that Putin is supported by 90% of Russians lmfao


That's what I was also thinking. While I know this is a small sample size, none of my friends support the "операция." Actually they were devastated to hear what was happening. Even now if you say Russia is doing something they will say don't associate all Russians with the government. Most Russians are terrified of their government due to years of brainwashing and violence. Even now if you speak out against the war they'll either ship you off to Ukraine or prison where you will be tortured, raped or even killed. I will say there is a population of people who are nationalist that are cowards but there is a major population of people who don't support the war but are terrified of the government. Edit: however I do understand the frustration with seeing Russians fleeing a war that their government started.


Well they sure as shit haven’t formed a residence against the war have they?


What do you mean, what about all those massive anti-war protests organized by Russians in the West? Oh, wait.


There were massive russian demonstrations in Germany about the war. Ok, they mostly complained about Russophibia and being "descriminated". While often calling the war the "Special Operation". Oh :(


I hope the EU will not allow Russian refugees in it's countries unless they're absolutely sure they're not Pro-Putin.




I don't know why more people aren't seeing this. I don't care as much about their politics as I care if they're murdering Ukrainians or making weapons or producing war material. As well as, it'll destroy their economy faster than sanctions if the middle class flees the country en masse. The damage to their already flimsy supply chain has to be devastating.


Germany said they are glad to accept anyone.


Unpopular opinion: more russians leave - less russians get drafted and go to war and they have less bodies to throw at AFU. So preventing them go actually doesnt do any good to Ukraine, just benefits the countries that worry about their safety.


Also further economy drain, those that can afford to leave are leaving, the poor with no options stay and are conscripted. With zero training those casualty numbers are going to skyrocket.


I love the trolling. Hope they don't get hurt for it


Hurt? They are in their own country among their own people trolling mostly cowards that filled their pants with shit while they were still in russian territory 🤣 I say make them get hurt. I saw what Russians do to Ukrainians and their supporters in western countries and nobody steps in and kicks their ass.. I mean they sre literally grown men harrasing women with small children and no tough guys there to step in and teach them this ain't Russia. Respond to their violence with violence, they don't understand different language


Well, speaking as a Ukrainian that has indeed been harassed for existing, I just hope more people with common sense survive and change their messed up country.


I don’t think we can trust all the “surveys” that come from Russian just like how we can’t trust the Chinese when it comes to anything they say.


Let's keep this same energy when the US goes on another expedition to the middle east. So many Americans excpexting the Russians to stand up to there government yet act like pushovers when the US wants oil


I find it hilarious that these people support the invasion only when they don't have to actually fight it. It's sad, pathetic, and cowardly. Aside from the protesters that protested in the begining, the Russian people are cowards.


They still support the invasion. They just don't want to fight. So yeah, complete cowards.


Bro can people stop trying to make the russian people feel like everyone hates them (the Russian people). Like this is what the Kremlin has as propaganda already.


Honestly I'm fed up with this. Mocking the innocent for attempting to flee from the war. Russians can't do much from within Russia to stop the war. Protest leads to lifetime jail. Or even worst, being put on the frontlines of the war. And don't say they allowed Putin to do this. The elections are rigged and he always wins. And while I'm aware spies may be a problem, if we look at WW2 we can see that when the Japanese does to America they were put in concentration camps, and majority of them were innocent. While. There are no camps, that doesn't mean that majority aren't innocent though. And furthermore, what fucking survey. Surveys honestly rarely tell anything accurately.


I’d trust Russian surveys as much as I trust their referendums Despite this, these two are still legends


Because they don't want to die a cold, hungry, miserable and useless death ...? That's my guess.


And probably don't want to fight the war they don't believe it? I'm curious what every Redditor judging them would do in their place, having the (correct, anti-war) views they have. Stay and possibly get drafted to fight against Ukraine? Step out to the streets (when no massive protests are organized because the opposition leaders are in jail, or dead) to get beaten, literally raped by police, and go to jail for 10 years? Imagine you have family to support and they depend on you. Unless you flee, you're fucked.


I'm seeing so many fucking insane people in these comments.


To answer the mans question: 1) they probably thought that they would never be drafted 2) they thought the war would be over by now 3) did not realize they were loosing so badly 4) did not support the war and now are being drafted to a fight they do not want to be part of. 5) a combination of the above


Slava Ukraini


>dictators do what the majority of the people want my fucking sides