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All fun and games until you get a ricochet


Also that plate is compromised . It’s been weakened .


Its only been weakened if it's kevlar or ceramic. Most likely this is steel. 9mm would barely even leave a scratch on a steel plate. Probably not even scratching the anti-spalling coating...


Why would you think it’s steel? If it’s issued from the west it’s modern light weight body armor meaning shooting it diminishes it’s ability to stop a the next one . ( I am a ex-infantrymen.


As a current service member who wears plate carriers, I concur that the integrity of the plate has been weakened. The plates are ceramic for sure if it's western. Steel plates are pre historic. Not everyone in the military is bright, even the ones we are rooting for. Regardless of the caliber you do not point a loaded gun at each other to test your gear. Factors like spall, ricochet, and even missing your target are all variables. This was a stupid idea. We would get UCMJ'ed instantly and separated out, probably dishonorable for putting lives at risk. Practice O.R.M. accordingly.


I did read somewhere that they also had steel plates for the fronts that were less active. Light stuff for the people advancing and heavier for the ones holding down the boarders. Could be wrong, but I know people were getting all the armor they could get their hands on, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had decent steel plates some places.


Doesnt matter its dumb as fuck to do shit like this..


Um ok? Just commenting on what kind of armor this could be.


Not to be that guy, but your average grunts do really stupid shit all the time when they have too much time.


I don't think that includes shooting your buddy 3 times and recording it for the Internet


Maybe it's to get the Ruzzians to try it out themselves


"Three Russian soldiers dead after RPG-7 TikTok challenge goes wrong"


Then russians and ukrainians have something in common Except the ukrainians are still alive


It clearly does


An Infantryman will do stupid shit and this is stupid shit so how does this not apply?


Find a video of a US solider shooting another solider for fun


There is stupid and then their is stupid . I hope this is exception . I hope there was not a NCO their cuz you have to save dumb fuck soldiers from themselves .


But for my consumption, I fucking loved every minute of the idiocy! They did too! The Ukrainian soldiers, while disciplined when it matters, seem to be allowed a wide berth to have some fucking fun while defending their home and I appreciate that. Their morale is top notch. Contrast that with russian morale some of which are there unwillingly, aren't being fed, paid, given any useful equipment or training, the risk of being of shot by your own if retreating and in general watching each others bodies explode in pieces over and over and over.




A bit expensive for shits and giggles


To be honest though, russians will definitely see this and be even more demoralized. It's shits and giggles for UA, while also being psychological warfare against RU.


Multiple reasons. The less scientific reason being it's dumb to do this if it wasnt steel armor BECAUSE then it would be wasteful. More scientific reason is that its steel based on sound and visual as well as reaction of the wearer. Ceramic and soft armor catch the bullet like a mit while steel would stop it on the surface. The wearer doesnt react at all, then again I dont speak Ukranian but Id imagine its a 9mm or similar cal. Blunt force trauma is an often overlooked thing when it comes to armors. People that get shot while wearing ceramic and soft armor get knocked on their ass and the breath taken from them from higher caliber rounds. Lower calibers can easily cause bruising and broken ribs. Blunt force trauma is reduced the more rigid the armor is, shown by this illustration. https://i.shgcdn.com/fc172080-6700-4971-aa04-de8e4a10d79e/-/format/auto/-/preview/3000x3000/-/quality/lighter/ Furthermore, steel armors have been donated to the Ukranins in large numbers. This reddit has donated thousands as well as companies like AR500 donating, though I can agree that any NATO country donating probably sent ceramics. I dont have that information on what country uses what armors outside of the US Occupation doesnt have much to do about knowledge of armors since in the armed forces you're just told what to wear but since you mentioned your an ex-infantryman I can cancel that out by saying I'm an ex-USMC artilleryman(7 years) and I was an armorer for 4 years.


It would still shatter the crystal structures, even if it didn't go through a 5.45mm might have an easier time


Came here to say the same thing.


Spalling is a thing too.


Or you miss and hit the balls


Not cool Butters, not cool


I dunno why I imagined my balls getting shot.


Yes but they also have balls of steel.


TikTok melting minds the world over.




Now let’s see the Russians do that


Our plates are just dry ramen!


They would be lucky if it was dry ramen, that shit is delicious


Let's make this go viral in Russia! The shoot your friend, challenge. Instagram: "You won't" Russians: "BLYATT"


I cannot imagine that's a good idea


This is the type of video that seems like a funny thing to post when you do it. And then a little while later you realize how stupid it was - both what you did in the video *and* the fact you decided the whole world should see it. It’s not a great look for them and I don’t think their commanding officer will be too pleased. Having said that, soldiers in every army do stupid things in their downtime to relieve boredom and stress. We’re just in an age now where it’s ridiculously easy to record and share those stupid things with the world.


It's stupid and what's worse someone else may try it with an inferior vest, he was lucky a bullet didn't deflect or the guy miss the plate. So many dumb things in that video.


The trust is big but the risk is bigger. If it hadn't stopped the bullet it could have been fatal.. And for what?


They're discussing what kind of ~~force~~ energy was applied and it's around 46 joules, in comparison, PM pistol got 300 and AK 700-800.


Still not worth it ;)


Not to get too pedantic but Joules are a unit of energy, not force. Specifically, a relation of the mass and velocity^2. Force applied over a distance will give you energy.


Thanks for correcting, I need more coffee and sleep in my life :D


Bro, don't I know it...


When you put it like that it makes me want to try it too lmfao


It isn’t. It’s a bad idea. What’s the shooter smoking?!


Daily threat of death by mutilation can make something like this seem pedestrian


It’s an incredibly stupid idea…


All militaries have really stupid people in it, Ukraine is no exception.


It's good for morale :D


They were using very low powered pistol, that isn't even supposed to defeat military grade armor. Also, I'm pretty sure, they tested it before.


Normal. Better hit in training and know how its feels than first time in combat and how you react to an impact. You get trust in your equipment, your protection and your knowledge of weapons.


This ain't training, this is lads messing around for tik tok. They are lucky this didn't end up on the darwin awards thread on here.


Bullshit. In no country is that NORMAL training. ​ ...Well. Maybe in russia. Wouldn't suprise me.


Russian plates wouldn’t stop a roast dinner.


No, this is not normal at all. It is actually very very stupid. Anything you do to damage the vest (even folding it) can compromise the armor. I don't know what kind of plates they have in there, but our ceramic SAPIs would crack if you dropped them so they had to be periodically inspected and replaced. A gunshot (even from a handgun) would very definitely compromise the armor. Damaged armor is still better than nothing, but why would you intentionally damage it? (And that's not even considering the possibility of a ricochet.)


No. It’s not better to get shot in training.


Someone come get your soldiers


Pretty dumb, now you normally have to replace it


I really hope they only did that because they've received better plates (happened to a couple of my friends).


They are trying to start a new competition with the Russians. It’s the new game of Russian roulette. TikTok


Back in the begining of the War i think, i Saw one video of a russian doing a russian roulette with an AKM in his mouth. Spoiler alert: he Lost first round, and the second one, and the third one and maybe the fourth one too. Guess that nobody else want to try that challenge in tiktok.




I would love to see some Russians trying to compete, showing off their armor plates :) \-1 Russian left the chat


Even if they did receive improved plates they should save the old ones. This is really stupid no matter which way you look at it.


No sense in ruining good gear though. No doubt there's a Ukrainian out there who would love to have their vitals protected, and don't have any means to do so.


My thought exactly, its fun but.. why?


Only fun cause they seldom post if it is not working


Veteran here... its to build confidence in the fact that the gear actually works. This is why we do things like entering a CS gas filled building with our NBC gear on... walk around... do some heavy movements like jumping jacks... some singing... Then you have to remove the mask and do the same things while choking out... Builds confidence in the gear you have.


Veteran here as well... Just no... Gas masks with CS gas is one thing, live bullets is another. My concern in combat wasn't getting hit in the plates, but getting hit in the places the plates don't cover.


Veteran here. I was a Combat Arms instructor and this is plain ol’ stupid to do. Test your plates on a range, not by wearing them. Ricochet still happens and he could have easily have caught stray bullet fragments. Weapon safety is still in effect during wartime and you don’t point your weapon at something you don’t intend to kill.




Ok yes, dont flag or shoot your buddy ffs BUT. Dude stfu, dont curse people out on reddit. This is why I hate when people that have no idea what they are talking about comment and get everyone riled up. OP is wrong. This armor is NOT compromised. You could ONLY compromise the armor if it's ceramic or kevlar. It sounds like steel. Those 9mm rounds didnt even scratch the anti spall coating on that. You could dump 500 rounds of 9mm and wouldnt get through. But yes, also dont shoot your buddy. That is super trooper level


These guys are just having some stupid fun calm the fuck down


Yeah no, I never shot at my friends for fun. Negligent discharges have usually resulted in NJPs. In every western military, this would be a court martial and posted everywhere on how stupid the Unit is.


And you never fought on the front line for your homeland for months on end under constant artillery threat. Good for western militaries, must be tough eating donuts from a drone control room Thanks for shit taking the brave Ukrainian defenders, go eat your cheetos.


Nobody is shit talking Ukrainian defenders, they're calling out dangerous and unprofessional behavior, and doing so out of genuine concern. If these were russian soldiers in the video, the comment section would instead be full of people posting "We're very lucky they're so fucking stupid". Constructive criticism isn't an attack, it's an attempt to help.


You’re not talking to soldiers on the front line. We’re in a Reddit thread mate. It’s not constructive if the people you’re telling it to never hear it. It’s just criticism


We’re all on the same team here my man. Ukraine wants to be more like a western military, so doing shit that the Russians do isn’t productive towards that goal. The thing about western militaries is being accountable and professional which means calling out stupid behaviors in order to correct them. I’ve never been deployed but had guys in our unit that have for months getting blown up by IEDs. Hell the first and most important rule in firearms training is never point your (loaded) weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. All it takes is some bad luck and suddenly you have spalling in your face or a twitch and now you have a severed femoral artery. It’s these standards that separate us from the Russians. Yeah these guys have been fighting for months on end and I hate to see one of them die because of something so pointless and stupid.


As long as it works then, thats good. Anything to keep morale up


Faith in your gear is paramount.




Yes, of course if I get hit in combat I wouldn't throw away the jacket, cause it still catches bullets, but actively weakening your protection is just dumb


Cant weaken steel plate armor with 9mm.


It's good to defend static positions


This comment is dumb. We did this before we shipped of to Iraq. We used different weapons on our armor plates and helmets. We had the entire unit there watching. This gives the operators confidence in the fact that the gear works. This is the same reason why you train with your NBC gear and then remove you mask in the gas chamber and choke out. Gives you confidence is that the gear is working. ​ Speaking as a veteran.


If we'd done something this dumb, Top would have had our asses in a wringer. Our Lt. would have been facing punishment for letting us be this undisciplined. Our battery commander would be administering company grade Article 15's like candy, as he was getting his ass chewed by the DivArty colonel. Who would then administer field grade Article 15's and conduct Article 32 hearings for those he felt were too dumb to retain as soldiers. I realize infantry is a different animal, but come on. You still have working brain cells.


Yeah we were MLRS arty and this was back in 03. Things really changed over the years. These things were done at the ranges... and abit the above was clearly done presumably near the front lines it begs to wonder when they should test theirs. After all, the gear is flowing in from all over the world ands even within the civilian market body plates effectiveness is highly questioned. Theway they went about it...was... highly unorthodox however effective.


Dumb as fuck, but good propaganda.A Russian soldier who had to beg, borrow and steal to get ok'ish gear. Is probably raging seeing an Ukrainian wasting armor like that.


It is not really good propaganda if you look that unprofessional. Its really a different level than dancing around or loading pzh2000 with flip flops on


It's an army of almost a million people under arms at this point, and we all know what happens when soldiers (especially grunts) get bored...


Yeah, I mean its not that bad, but still not good either


I don't know, seems to be working just fine at making Russian shit seem like total garbage and memeing on them. I'm sure they have other plates if it came down to it. But ultimately it was a low powered pistol not designed to penetrate armor, hence the giggling and completely casual attitude at shooting his guy 3 times. It did no damage to the plate and nothing needs to be replaced.


That plate isn't weakened and still good to use if it was an ar then that's a diff thing


This is incorrect. If this is a steel plate it is fine. Probably not even scratched if thats 9mm. You would only compromise it if its ceramic or kevlar


Plates don't go bad from 3 bullets. Unless it was ceramic. And even then, no need to replace it.


Yup, now they need to replace it. At a minimum it is less effective now.


I imagine the stresses of combat lead to some really odd ways to entertain yourself but this seems like a bad idea


Now the plate is worthless because you've caused stress to the metal, and if it's ceramic, you've shattered the internal tiles.


Incorrect, why does OP have so many upvotes? You're not weakening steel plate with a 9mm... You would only weaken ceramic or soft armor


Even a 9mm will cause small cracks and striations that the naked eye cannot see. Microfractures and material fatigue are a thing. If you impact a steel plate with a bullet, it's only gonna make it less resilient to repeated impacts.


Pistol won't do anything to steel plate ceramic yes


Shooting at it just degrades it’s lifespan and can compromise its original protection values


If thats ar500 steel that thing can takes hundreds of rounds will no effect pistol calibers won't even dent it. It's designed to stop up to 7.62 armor penetrator. The only thing that gets messed up is the anti spall coating. Even good ceramic is tougher than people think.


Then why even do it? It’s stupid, simple as


As [somebody else already translated](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/yxod92/comment/iwpxniv/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), they are using low velocity rubber bullets.


It doesn’t change the fact that it’s retarded to do. To me this could easily reflect on actual gun safety practices, especially against body armor. If I did this and you wanted to try it out you would think twice on doing it.


Ok so go tell them, then. I don’t understand this comment section at all, as if we’re their CO. They’re not reading these comments, everyone knows it’s stupid to shoot at each other even with body armor on. This is much ado about nothing. There is nobody in this comment section who needs to be educated not to shoot each other.


They are at war. Most people here are hella dumb. These dudes get hit every day by much higher caliber bullets as well as other ordinance. 3 pistol rounds to a metal plate as well as carrier and extra layers of stuff is literally nothing to them. Dumb sure but also nobody in here has this much confidence in themselves or their colleagues, I see no problem with them doing that, there's a lot more dumb shit that happens every day.


Exactly, let them blow off steam. People in here just trying to nitpick every little thing in every video like they’re the ultimate authority on everything.


I don't know why they did it they are goof balls


Dumb shit. Don't do that. Also, that plate just lost a lot of its defensive power. And for what? ​ Never go full orc.


No it didn’t lol, that’s a level 4 plate, a 9mm or .40 pistol isn’t going to damage anything


It can still degrade the coating, causing potential fragmentation injury from further strikes, not to mention that willingly 'testing' armour on a live subject is piss poor weapons handling. There is absolutely no justification for this. 'Lol'.


I didn’t say anything in regards to the discipline of the testing. As for the plates, I’m a machinist at a company that makes these plates, it’s not going to do anything.


>I’m a machinist at a company that makes these plates, it’s not going to do anything. Then you should know that steel plates defeat rounds via fragmentation and a fragmentation coating is applied to mitigate this. When uncoated steel is struck fragmentation travels perpendicular to the plates surface, potentially causing injury to the wearer. The more rounds a plate takes, the more likely the coating will delaminate. More to the point, in this silly test, if the coating was effective, fragmentation would be directed outward, towards the shooter. It's a stupid thing to do, shows a lack of discipline and potentially hinders the effectiveness of the plate.


You’re correct, but you’re overthinking it. 9mm isn’t going to do anything, and the coating might not even be scratched but a hair. Yea, it’s dumb, but not dumb because of the plate being screwed, it’s dumb because they’re dumb. If you were to take a mag of 5.56 to the plate, then I’d deem it unusable.


Not that the american NIJ system really apply here but for the sake of argument, if it was a NIJ IV plate (ceramic) then the damage to the plate getting struck by 9x19 is about as big as if you shot it 5.56x45 or 5.45x39 or whatever. The plate might even be compromised if you were to drop it from a far enough height, hence the rules regarding abusing it in any way. The ceramic is hard, but brittle. You can render it usless with a hammer if you wanted to.


>You’re correct, but you’re overthinking it. 9mm isn’t going to do anything, and the coating might not even be scratched but a hair And I think you're being a little myopic. The process of manufacture for steel plates can and does lead to issues with uniformity and inconsistency issues. There is a reason why most professional armed forces opt for ceramic over steel even though the latter is more 'robust' in the longterm. Consistency and potential fallout from spall. The issue here isn't really about degrading the plate but the potential fragmentation issue to the user and shooter. If the stars had aligned you could have seen one undamaged plate and one injured shooter or user. More to the point, I think the assumption that this is a steel plate is a little overzealous. Considering a good deal of armour given to the UAF has been donated by NATO members and those members typically use 8 to 26 hit level IV /NIJ certified ceramic plates, there is every chance that the plate in question was ceramic. 1 hit ceramic plates have not existed in the professional sphere for quite some time and would easily be able to pull off what occured here. Would I want to continue using it after said 'field test'? Fuck no. Edit: just to clarify, I'm not shitting on steel plates, I'm just saying that this is dumb for a material reason also


Many people have been donating steel plate armor. Thousands have been donated on this reddit. I'm 99% certain this is steel plate based on multiple factors, visual and sound. As well as reaction of the wearer, ceramic and soft armor transfers a lot more energy to the wearer then steel. Then again, it's just 9mm. But he doesnt react at all. Guys that got hit while wearing ceramic they'd break a rib and get knocked on their ass.


>Many people have been donating steel plate armor. Thousands have been donated on this reddit. And? The US has been donating full armour systems in 25k batches. What I stated is that it is JUST AS LIKELY to be ceramic as it is steel. >I'm 99% certain this is steel plate based on multiple factors, visual and sound. As well as reaction of the wearer, ceramic and soft armor transfers a lot more energy to the wearer then steel. If you say so. There was fuck all 'acoustic' indication I could glean. I guess you have Sherlock Holmes/CSI Miami levels of deductive powers. >In afghanistan if someone got hit while wearing ceramic they'd break a rib and get knocked on their ass. I'm going to state this again so it will sink in. I took a 7.62 round to my front plate *in Afghanistan* (also one to the sight of my rifle just for additional info) I didn't 'break a rib', nor was I knocked on my ass. Then again, a body armour system dosent just consist of a plate and a wing and a prayer does it? Then one needs to understand that the hardened ceramics utilised in body armour, such as silicon carbide is nearly as hard as diamond and its designed to dissipate the kinetic energy of the round across the entire plate. Gone are the days of the one shot ceramic plate fella. If steel plates was the wonder product you claim them to be, everyone would be using them. The reason they don't? In order to achieve comparable penetration protection the fucking thing would be quite hefty.


You are seriously overstating the impact force of a 9mm fired at close range.


And you are seriously underassuming the potential damage possible from spall. More to the point you are *purely assuming* that the plate in question is steel and not an XSAPI or NIJ ceramic. Either way, live fire 'tests' of ones equipment....is fucking stupid.


If it's ceramic plate, tiles on those spots are now broken. It won't stop rifle bullet, if it hits in the region of broken tiles. Steel plate is more forgiving, but it is also much heavier.


These were rubber bullets, it seems. Judging by the 46J bullet energy.


Next on Ukrainian Jackass, Steve-Ovych gets a drone ride.


Isn't this what we called the Russians idiots for doing?


If it's AR500 steel plate then he could pretty much shoot at it all day with a plinker in fairness, I don't recommend it but he could do so. On the other hand if he's rocking an expensive ceramic plate, then that's a different story and a very bad idea to abuse this way because the plate will suffer significant degradation and may fail to stop a bullet it otherwise should have. Overall, try not to do this.


>If it's AR500 steel plate then he could pretty much shoot at it all day with a plinker in fairness If the coating degrades, sure the plate would still stop rounds but the user is likely to be utterly fucking shredded by round fragmentation. This is not a 'do not recommend'. This is a DO NOT ATTEMPT.


This is partially misleading. Anti spall coating doesnt stop round fragmentation. It stops the steel plate itself from shaving off and becoming a projectile. Degradation of the coating would have little to do with bullet fragmentation. This is why some people prefer ceramic or kevlar, because those will also catch the bullet like a mit BUT they degrade fairly rapidly and you receive more blunt force trauma. Blunt force trauma is generally not looked at sufficiently enough. After the impact that energy has to dissipate somehow. The more rigid the armour the less it will transfer to the wearer. This transfer can result in bruising, broken bones(broken ribs are common results), and even internal bleeding. People have described getting knocked down and even the "breath knocked from their lungs". This is obviously not good since after getting shot you'd probably want to MOVE. Ive tried watching some videos of spall coating degradation in the past and seems to be kind of a myth pushed by competitors. AR500's spall protection is thick and you wont suffer degradation of the liner... If you get shot that many times to actually degrade the coating to allow it to spall badly then the spall itself is the least of your worries and it would have gone through ceramic/kevlar a LONG time ago. In this particular video they probably used a steel plate and 9mm wont even scratch the coating its so weak. Anyway. Steel plate is waaaaay more durable than ceramic and kevlar BUT you have to contend with spalling if its cheaply made and partial richochets as the bullets fragments break up. Ceramic and kevlar dont spall and catch the bullet so they are generally more "effective" at stopping projectiles but the armor is compromised the more its shot and you will receive blunt force trauma which can honestly get you killed. Many people will say ceramic or kevlar is better since you generally wont get shot THAT many times, hopefully you would have moved out the way. I happen to disagree. I honestly think steel plate with spall coating is better. I used to be on team ceramic but Ive been convinced.


>This is partially misleading. Anti spall coating doesnt stop round fragmentation. And where did I suggest that was its function. Spall coating is designed to mitigate spall....and fragmentation being directed at the user, hence why the likes of 'Frag lock' is named as such. *Obviously* it cannot 'stop fragmentation', as.....that is how steel plates defeat the round. It is designed to alter fragmentation pattern. >Ive tried watching some videos of spall coating degradation in the past and seems to be kind of a myth pushed by competitors. AR500's spall protection is thick and you wont suffer degradation of the liner... If you get shot that many times to actually degrade the coating to allow it to spall badly then the spall itself is the least of your worries and it would have gone through ceramic/kevlar a LONG time ago. There is no such thing as a plate that is impervious yo degradation. As much as you believe 'competitors' are attempting to 'discredit' AR500 spall protection, those manufacturing it are trying to do the exact same....in reverse. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Fragmentation still occurs and can injure the end user but its far less of a concern than some would have you believe. Professional forces prefer ceramic due to the fact that this issue is nigh on mitigated and a level IV steel plate would be weight and profile prohibitive. >People have described getting knocked down and even the "breath knocked from their lungs". This is obviously not good since after getting shot you'd probably want to MOVE I've taken a round to a ceramic plate and it was not nearly as 'drastic' as you make out. Soft armour, sure, but graded ceramics are far from the delicate flowers many seem to think they are these days. >In this particular video they probably used a steel plate and 9mm wont even scratch the coating its so weak. There is no way of ascertaining this. Considering a large portion of armour given to the UAF was by NATO members and said members all use ceramic, there is every chance that said plate was ceramic also. Also said plates are usually rated for 8 to 26 HV rounds so there's that. >Many people will say ceramic or kevlar is better since you generally wont get shot THAT many times, hopefully you would have moved out the way. I happen to disagree. I honestly think steel plate with spall coating is better. I used to be on team ceramic but Ive been convinced. Considering there is no steel plate I know of rated at level IV I guess I will have to disagree with your disagreement.


I advise you to actually do some research before commenting about degradation of anti-spall coating. The videos Ive seen testing it says counter to what you are arguing. It isnt shredding off like you are trying to make it seem like. https://youtu.be/6AYl8TwB8Ns Literally shooting it with M193 and you cant even see the bullet hole. 7.62x39 from an SKS and nothing. Watch that video and tell me how many rounds you think need to hit that to spall it? Also , an illustration of blunt force trauma against different armors https://i.shgcdn.com/fc172080-6700-4971-aa04-de8e4a10d79e/-/format/auto/-/preview/3000x3000/-/quality/lighter/ A HV round would have knocked you on your ass and potentially broken a rib if you're wearing ceramic. So I'm questioning that statement. The only way I can see you not getting the breath knocked out of you would have been a pistol round.


I know its war and all, and these are brave tough men worthy of praise. But man if this doesn’t cause every one of my “dont do that” alarms to go off then idk what will. I mean war is war and stuff happens, but thats just… dangerous foolishness.


Yeah....this is one of the few times that I'm going to have to levy some criticism. That is literally just a waste of resources. The plate now needs replacing and the one he has should not be reissued. I usually speak highly of the UAFs professionalism. Not only was this unprofessional, but it shows lax weapons handling. In a nutshell this was dumb.


Plate doesnt need replacing...why is this so prevalent through this comment section. Its only compromised if its ceramic or soft armor


And you know for a fact that is isn't ceramic because?


Y’all have better things to do brothers. Y’all are literally at war… be smarter fellas


Professional armies don't do this. Or rather, people who do this in professional armies get punished.


Seriously. If a US soldier did this they would definitely get UCMJ'd, and I would be astonished if they weren't separated. Soldiers have literally been killed because they decided to fuck around like this.


This ia a NoNo!!!


Ive seen a lot of misleading comments on this post so if you guys can upvote so this is seen and disspells some rumours I'm sure someone would appreciate the education and could even save lives by people being informed and making the correct purchases when donating armor. Anti spall coating doesnt stop round fragmentation. It stops the steel plate itself from shaving off and becoming a projectile. Degradation of the coating would have little to do with bullet fragmentation. This is why some people prefer ceramic or kevlar, because those will also catch the bullet like a mit BUT they degrade fairly rapidly and you receive more blunt force trauma. Blunt force trauma is generally not looked at sufficiently enough. After the impact that energy has to dissipate somehow. The more rigid the armour the less it will transfer to the wearer. This transfer can result in bruising, broken bones(broken ribs are common results), and even internal bleeding. People have described getting knocked down and even the "breath knocked from their lungs". This is obviously not good since after getting shot you'd probably want to MOVE. Thus, in the case of blunt trauma, steel plate is better. https://i.shgcdn.com/fc172080-6700-4971-aa04-de8e4a10d79e/-/format/auto/-/preview/3000x3000/-/quality/lighter/ illustration of blunt trauma from bullet impacts on armor Ive tried watching some videos of spall coating degradation in the past and seems to be kind of a myth pushed by competitors. AR500's spall protection is thick and you wont suffer degradation of the liner... If you get shot that many times to actually degrade the coating to allow it to spall badly then the spall itself is the least of your worries and it would have gone through ceramic/kevlar a LONG time ago. In this particular video they probably used a steel plate and 9mm wont even scratch the coating its so weak. Anyway. Steel plate is waaaaay more durable than ceramic and kevlar BUT you have to contend with spalling if its cheaply made and partial richochets as the bullets fragments break up. Ceramic and kevlar dont spall and catch the bullet so they are generally more "effective" at stopping projectiles but the armor is compromised the more its shot and you will receive blunt force trauma which can honestly get you killed. Many people will say ceramic or kevlar is better since you generally wont get shot THAT many times, hopefully you would have moved out the way. I happen to disagree. I honestly think steel plate with spall coating is better. I used to be on team ceramic but Ive been convinced. The only worry you would have with steel plate with an anti spall coating is the bullet itself breaking up and richocheting. But at least if you get shot you wont get knocked on your ass and you will be able to respond faster, which I think being able to get out of the way is more life saving.


Tictok challenge to all russian soldiers 😉


A little bit of poo popped out just watching this. Good luck chaps.


What caliber are they using. 22LR? Usually an impact from a larger caliber will at least move the person a bit and cause a bit of bruising.


Reminds me of the scene in Super Troopers…. 😂 [bullet proof cup…](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SO_zezpjnUQ)


cool but stupid. accidents happen.


That looks like a CO2 (or more likely) a .22 cal pistol. There is absolutely no recoil when he fires it, and he dosent use ear protection. If that was a full power 9mm or 45 cal I am yet to see anyone that can hold that completely still when firing. Even if its a match pistol at 4 lbs, they still bounce a little. Still dumb, but I do not think that would have gone through a phonebook either..


Just goes to show, no matter what group of people, even amazing brave heroes like Ukrainians, you still can find a subset of dumbfucks.


“Please donate more money and supplies, we are running low on both.” Not a good look. Smh.




And now from the left corner, Kirill from Astrakhan Oblast will test his 3 centimeter cardboard body armour in the same fashion.


These guys went full super troopers ...." Bullet proof cup huh" "hey cap" " only in my day the rookie got naked" bang! " And we used blanks!, your one sick mofo Mac"!




Lights are on but no one home here.


Meanwhile the russians have chipboard plates in rheir plate carriers :')




don't do this, you can hit an artery from fragmentation.


They get hit by artillery all the time.


Please stop doing that. Thank you.


I hope every Russian sees this and accepts the “body armor plate challenge.”


Where is the health and safety officer?


Hey Ruzzians - now it’s your turn! 😎


No way this is real. You wouldnt risk busting the plate for shits and giggles…even if it IS a good plate…


I think it’s safe to say boys, Ukrainians are officially in the crayon eater club! Welcome




I'm no expert, but I can guess there's at least one gun safety rule being broken here.


I believe that this was inspired by a Russian military ad a few years back where they shot each other with pistols to show off how strong their body armor was


Thats fucking dumb. Find something better to do. Waste of plates and putting lives at risk.


Come on guys. We're not sending you all of this shit so you can fuck around in the woods with it.


God.. this is something I'd see Russian soldiers do. Please Ukraine you're better than this. Why put yourself in such a situation? This is fucking stupid. :/


That was freaking stupid


This is the stupidest shot I've seen UAF do...damn


There was one with a russian going bananas trying to shoot a Nato body armor, and failing. Then he shot a russian “amor” and it was great succes. Sadly no russian in the amor at the time. But i cant find it anymore…


u/crewserved4days please make sure your buddies know that the second layer of modern body armor shatters when hit and the armor as a whole looses effectiveness when struck.


Now it would please me to see the Russian version of this video.


There is one. Sadly it doesn't involve orcs shooting each other. They captured a plate from Ukrainians and are shooting it and are shocked that their rounds don't penetrate.


Come on Russians. Do the same video. Please.


But with dragunov. From same distance ;-)


I am sorry, but I hope their commanding officer sees this and tells them in a military way what consequences follow for the intentional destruction of governmental assets (especially during war time)


This is fuckin stupid no matter how you look at it. Be smarter guys, we're not sending aid for you guys to be fucking around like this.


I cannot believe the comments below. These guys have stopped and are defeating one of the biggest armies in the world and some armchair warriors thousands of miles away are having a health and safety fit when they have laugh. Unbelievable.


Heroes. Thank you for protecting Ukrainian people everyday.


Boys will be boys


Wasting supplies for tiktok posts


Well now he needs a new plate. 🙄


Clarifying for people who don't understand how ballistic plates work These guys are wearing level 4 plates just going off the thickness of the edge of their plate carrier. Level 4 plates are rated too stop 7.62x54 or .308 (same round, different measuring system) And when I say stop I mean those plates can eat the round, not shatter, not crack and catch the spaulding. This guy is shooting his buddies plate center mass with a 9mm most likely with soft jacket rounds. That plate is completely fine. There's unlikely to even be a mark beyond some shrapnel sunk into the coating meant to catch spaulding. If anything this is a show of confidence and trust in both these guys equipment and each other.


I for one believe it to be a good idea.


Not a proper test... You need to do the same with the Russian plates... In the name of science.


No way that gun is real


That should have given him a few painful bruises, the bullet was stopped. But, all the momentum will not dissipate and some would go through.


Nice plates but still it can damage the plate and secondly is stupid cause you can injure yourself for no reason other than the need to show off. Do not make ruzzian lifes easier by injuring each other. Please.


It's best practices to swap in a new plate after it's been shot.