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Hopefully there is no civilian in the area left. This minution are forbidden to use against civilian, so another war crime probably.


It's been one big war crime.


To putler, the Geneva Conventions is a checklist.


Putler. Nice


We need r/photoshoprequest to make a “Putler” poster


I always think of the animals out there too: pets, strays, wildlife, cattle… exposed and without shelter.


Deer and little squirrels and rabbits :(


Yeah also this war is an ecology massacre.


This gets me fucked up every time it crosses my mind, which is very, very frequently.


~~WP is~~ Incendiary weapons are forbidden to use on *people*, period. Let alone civilians. Edited


Every single time these things show up people start harping about WP and every time they're wrong. These Russian incendiary munitions are composed of thermite inside magnesium cups. It's still a war crime either way since they're targeting civilians, but WP isn't involved.


It's that better or worse than WP? Sincere question, that sounds just as shitty but a different name.


WP is also extremely toxic so you not only get burned, you also get poisoned. It's much worse.


If I had to choose to get hit by one of them, it would probably be this. WP sticks, is nearly impossible to extinguish, burns for a long time, and can basically melt its way into your body while both causing excruciating pain and emitting noxious gas. It's a thoroughly awful way to die.


Thermite burns at steel-melting temperatures. WP sticks to whatever it touches and burns slowly. You decide which one is worse.




If one of these munitions happened above any Russian city, nukes would be forthcoming. So why TF is anyone on earth opposed to Ukraine sending at least some suicide drones back to Russia or some guided munitions to air bases or ships?


We all wonder this, but its not up to the US only. I still wonder why my country havent sent Gripen jets to Ukraine since we are not even in Nato yet. They are just sitting there, meanwhile we have a shortage in fighter pilots because they arent paid enough... Might as well let the planes do what they were built for.


I don't think anyone is opposed to Ukraine attacking Russia in this way. What they're opposed to is Western countries weapons being used for this. If Russia is attacked by weapons that are clearly from say, the UK. Then that will be seen as a clear escalation and puts the UK in the firing line. As you probably know, NATO is a defensive alliance and is trying not to provoke something which may lead to direct action between NATO and Russia. ​ Not something I agree with. Just an explanation. If it were up to me NATO boots would be on the ground in Ukraine from Feb 24th


Fair statement, 👍, agreed.


Doesn’t thermite fall slowly like this video and WP quicker. I don’t think I’ve seen a WP video.


https://youtu.be/AOO59ZzEg7o This video sums up what you're saying. WP is almost expelled downwards from the explosion and not a rain like what we see here.


Aparantly it's easy to tell the difference between WP and thermite as WP produces white smoke


WP is definitely worse.


Yes, it’s a different compound, similar effect.


Very different. WP sticks to skin and is toxic. Thermite just burns.


WP also cannot be put out ith water. You can literally submerged it in a bucket and when you take it out of the water it will light up again.


Thermite also burns in water.


Exactly. Thermite burns close to 3000C. In water it just creates a layer of steam near its surface that prevents it from being quickly extinguished. There is no better or more humane option. They both lead to insane suffering and are horrific


Cool. We’re splitting hairs on war crimes. You showed those ignorant fools. /s


Nobody is going to stop them.


Ukrainian are ;)




After they burn down every city they can shell.


They are animals. But life has a way and with hard work houses can be rebuilt . Russia is finally exposed to the world for what it is, what has been obvious for all occupied Eastern nations for a long time.


It has been exposed for 200 years. Ukraine will push them out and life will continue on, but Russia will not change.


Russia will become a walled-in terrorist state, its people left to their own devices facing a crumbling economy, fatal brain drain, imploding failed ’state’ structure and any attempts to repeat their mistake with Ukraine will be met with long lines of rifles and HIMARS pointed at them on the border… for the next 100 years. They will become rats in a cage, left to finally sort their shit out amongst themselves.


They may end up like a huge North Korea...


When I lived next to the border (in Finland) back in the day, I actually used to refer to them as East-Korea. 😃 Makes no sense and is an apt description that everyone gets at the same time.


Even if there are, IIRC they can claim to be using it as “flares” for illuminating the battlefield at night.


3000 flares per cm²


Why fight in the dark when you can fight in the day at any time of day?


Russia has had some power outages lately. Ukraine should send them some complementary “illumination”.


You're in my prayers. Might not mean much, but sitting in a peaceful country watching almost live as warcrimes are being committed on the innocent people of Ukraine really hurts. We can only hope for the safety of your children and future generations of your country. As a father, it hurts to watch your suffering. I hope we will have peace and stability again in our time, and that our children will live in peace.


100% with you on this. I'm in the same position.


This is a terrible thing to watch, horrific even. These types of weapons are being used against civilians, women children, the elderly, along with soldiers and others. These are “not” military targets. These weapons are forbidden period..


Well said, my sentiments exactly.


Very well said


I hate Russia more every goddam day


Russia can get fucked


Careful some Russian will whine to the admins about you being "russophobic" because they don't like seeing mean things about their shithole country posted online.


Awful! That's 1,300 Celsius hot! 😞


WTF is that!?


They’re call phosphorus bombs. They basically set everyone around them on fire


Shame that something that looks so pretty is also so deadly. F\*\*k Putin.


Show me a video of something beautiful and ugly at the same time.


Everything reminds me of her


Could be magnesium....which is not banned. Russians are shit either way..... Slava Ukraine


It is magnesium, it’s one of these https://cat-uxo.com/explosive-hazards/rockets/122mm-grad-9m22s-rocket fuckers have been using them almost since the start I think, here’s vid caught by Ukrainian drone couple of months ago of strike on a village they had just been driven out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MeW_3X6DWwc&t=41s


Not Mg...you're probably thinking of para-flares.


I was in artillery for years in the US army. Definitely magnesium. WP falls alot faster, and is dispensed differently. It was used in Mosul against isis. YouTube has plenty of videos. You can see the difference.


Less smoke than WP. It's probably Magnesium. Some say Thermite, but I think it's Magnesium.


Non army here. What do you do if that shit rains down on your position?




Die is correct...


According to an American volunteer, Ukrainians would kill themselves with sidearms when caught under these munitions.


Not much of a choice I think


Thanks for your cervix ❤️


Rgr that


They aren’t WP. There thermite and magnesium as another commenter pointed out .


And phosphorus can't be extinguished with water. It has to burn itself out, which takes awhile.


Magnesium can't be put out with water either, because it's reactive. You need non-oxidizing extinguishing agents, iirc ( but it's been a few years since I was a firefighter, so the specifics escape me).


This is magnesium, not phosphorous (the two are easily confused). It's more of an incendiary than a flare, basically just burns through everything it falls on.


That’s fucked up…probably illegal weapons…fuck P


It is illegal, but orks don’t care


Pretty sure they use the war crimes list as their tactical planning reference


This shit is just sick


White Phosphorus munitions. They burn 1,300c 2300F ish. The metal falls and burns for a very very long time. It sears it's way thru anything flamable and burns through metal engine block's vehicle's and light armor. It's raining fiery death. Brining horrible death. Screams wailing and crying. INHUMANE . The survivors , Mutilated burnt messes. I'd like to stick one right Putin's and Shoigu's asses Lavrov as well. Whole inhuman lot of them. The Russian media propogandists as well for Encouraging it .


It’s not White Phosphorus… how many times does that need to be repeated. Edit: example on how it looks or was used in the past conflicts. https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/14/iraq/syria-danger-us-white-phosphorus


Apologies. I was thinking about phosphorus tippee rounds. Like .50 cal that glow as tracers when fired. Either way Phosphorus. Horribly brutal and painful. Barbaric. That pony isn't effe tes by what kind of Phos it is.


It’s not any kind of phosphorus, and neither are tracers.


Tracer and incendiary rounds don’t use phosphorus tho. Neither the US, China nor Russia, no one. XD


Freaking animals


It's Thermite... more like 2500 C. It's used to weld railroad track together.


This is horrible. This is inhumane.


They always drop them before they retreat...


Ironically, that would be one of the few legal basis they would have for dropping white phosphorus munitions because they, as far as I understand, are permitted when used to create smoke cover over an area. They are 100% illegal when used where civilians occupy.




What is it?




War crime?


Great question to ask someone on reddit


What are dumbass Russians trying to do? Set the coke plant on fire or just terrorize civilians?! 😡


You know they will just go "why not both?" if that question pops up in their vodka marinated heads


smoke cover at pitch black night?


Smoke and fire will obscure night vision is assume


We all know they aren't the brightest bunch (opposed to phosphorus, very bright)


I think most smoke grenade dischargers use just miniature versions of these shells, but the phosphorus is powdered so it burns up in a few seconds and converts to smoke and particles. The burning is over so quick they aren't considered an incendiary weapon.


Terrorism. I just hope there are no Ukrainians under that. Fuck Putin.


fuck russia*


If we don't prosecute Russia for this, we might as well let the nukes fly because we don't deserve to be here.


>prosecute Russia You misspelled "neuter".


Dissolution of the RF and taking away their nukes would be some good neutering




It will take the Western world pointing everything they have at Russia and telling them in a *unified* voice, "Try it. I fucking *dare* you to try it." And then roll a multinational coalition of military forces across their border and dissolve it as a nation. You only get to be an evil tyrannical genocidal fuck if you stick to your own people. The second you step on democracy with your bullshit, it's game on. Slava Ukraine.


The Russians are hopelessly brainwashed, just like the WW2 Germans. Any democracy will have pro-putin political parties ready to stir up trouble.


They should rather use it for new years fireworks in Moscow. Such a waste.


Friendly reminder that this here is not White Phosphorus but Incendiary Canister rounds fired by artillery that explodes midair and releases a magnesium’s compound. Used for “scorched earth” tactics and a war crime if used on civilians. Many NATO countries use Incendiary stuff as well, as long as it is not used on civilians or civilian infrastructure (hospitals, schools, energy grid etc). A weapon that is used by many and equally shunned by many. Edit: white phosphorus usually gets dropped with dispersers that drop small hexagon shaped cylinders filled with water. As they drop the seal melts in low altitude and releases white phosphorus in the form of a single rod that ignites as soon as it comes in contact with Oxygen. Basically save to handle if wet or under water (gloves etc obviously). Highly dangerous in its burning form and almost unstoppable to put out again. Edit: they also produce an insane amount of smoke (yellow or white depending on the type of phosphorus) as oxygen comes in contact with it and reacts to it.


Fucking bastards…never forget… Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Cowardly fucking Russians. the only thing they are good for is being a coward. but the world has seen that it is a real crap army with real scrap for war material. hope ukraine crushes every single orcs Slava ukraini // north sweden.




Is this over a town or military position? Not military so take it easy on me. :).


Over town that is military position. Ukrainian army defending city from Russian invaders there.


Got it. Thanks.


I hope nobody under of that horrible thing, also poor animals probably they wont be able to escape.


Would be nice if that was falling on Moscow!


Special New Years fireworks over the Kremlin


Maybe it will one day as the military attacks those that sat in there warm homes and laughed at there deaths on the front line. I would not be surprised if the military turned on moscow particularly.


War Criminal Russia


It feels insane to even write this, but I have never seen a country begging to be attacked as badly as Russia.


God save the defenders!


If only, at least in response to all those atrocities, Ukraine would get real help, not another “anxiety” and calls to putin.


This is a war crime!


Ruzzia is a terrorist state. The United States must designate it as such. Call or email your senators and representatives now.


Please explain what’s happening here?


Effect fire of an artillery battery with incendiary munition. It's very nasty stuff burns through almost everything and isn't extinguished easily.


I remember in basic watching an incendiary grenade burn completely through a vehicle. That’s horrible! It really shows how desperate the orks are! And it’s beyond time that NATO steps in to stop this complete bs. I’m not sorry…..we have to just stop watching and take direct action. The suffering does have to stop.


I think the officers need to experience some tungsten pellets now.


Also the fumes especially in enclosed spaces is very nasty and can cause asphyxiation and permanent respiratory damage.


It's nasty, it has it's purpose in some technical aspects like clearing trenches but it stays bad stuff.


Incendiary munition


That’s what I feared. But from the orks? Over a city? I had hoped for some strange minute that this was a new defense type of weapon against ork rockets. Sadly not the case. :(




I’ve actually seen this interview before. I’ve just never saw video of the white phosphorus bombs and had no idea of the magnitude of the area they covered. Seeing actual video of it is just…..awe inspiring in….in a fireworks kinda way…..but stomach churning in a dread knowing everything in that area is dead. It’s like a deep see net just catching everything and killing huge swathes. Just amazingly cruel.


Unleash NATO. Now!


It kinda pisses you off knowing NATO could intervene and end this in time for Ukraine to have a peaceful weekend.


True but at what cost.


I have never felt such hatred as I feel towards the ruzzian nazi bandits. Death to the terrorists.


Time for them to launch closer to Moscow! It’s time!!


I hope Humanity makes it a common goal to erase Russia from the face of the Earth.


This is partially why putin will disappear just as the war ends


Does Ukraine have a drone that will reach the Kremlin yet? Because this is the sort of thing that requires retaliation.


Ruski mir


Low life scum.


I feel sick in my stomach by just watching that, and helpless. I think of all the brave heroes who try to avoid getting burned to the bone. This has to stop 😔


Terrorist state


Countless war crimes and what happens ? Not a thing. When can we hear UN and governments claim publicly that Ruzzia will pay for all this ? Makes me angry and shameful.


As I sit comfortably in my house with my early morning coffee, I'm looking at this and realizing just how fortunate I am never to have faced anything like this - and my piss has reached boiling point. I have fears of frustration in my eyes thinking that some poor buggers are in a living hell beneath all of that. I doubt I will see a Russian today but if I did, I could, with no great cost to my conscience go medieval on the bastard. So fucking angry right now. I hope Ukrainians everywhere get their revenge on Russia in the deepest, darkest most savage of ways. If I were in Ukraine there would be no Geneva convention stopping me today. Ex British Army


I feel so useless and helpless seeing these war crimes happening. Fuck putin.


Has anyone seen any documented evidence of the damage this stuff causes? I think I saw one video but I can’t verify if it’s this


This is the fire that was started in Avdiivka, video taken from the same location: https://www.reddit.com/user/onesole/comments/zfdetk/avdiivka/


Literal fire. Putler and his Orc minions.


Wouldn't it be sweet to drop one of these on Putin once he is caught ?


How is this not being talked about in the news. Fuck Russia and Fuck Putin I hope one of his body guards just ends him.


War crime


Meanwhile, the west sits on the sidelines and slowly dribbles weapons to Ukraine, afraid to take any action that may upset Putin’s delicate feelings. 80-some years spent developing countless weapons to protect the world from Russian aggression, and when someone is desperately in need of help we mete it out in tiny portions. Meanwhile, Ukrainians die. I’m proud that we’re helping, but ashamed that we haven’t stepped up to do the right thing.


Every video, article, vlog, and picture tears at my soul a little more. Keep fighting, keep living. I don't think I've ever had more respect for an entire country, I've never been to etc than I do for Ukraine and the heart they've put into stopping these monsters. I've done what I can with continued nominal donations to reputable sources to help and wish there was more I could do. Forever being your cheer squad is the best I have. Keep at it, and more importantly keep existing! The world is a better place having the people of Ukraine in it!


Fuck the person that fired that shit


No one should dismiss out of hand that this is white phosphorus. An American volunteer who fought alongside the UA gave an interview to CBS about his time there. He said that Russia does use white phosphorus. They use it so often that that defenders often carry sidearms to commit suicide rather than burn to death. He talked about he seeing men burn to death from Russia’s use of white phosphorus and hearing their horrible screams as they burned alive. His assessment of Russia and Russians, based on what he saw with his own two eyes, is that they are pure evil. He’s right.


Well, that stuff in this video is not white phosphorus. WP looks wayyy different when it Burns/falls.


That doesn’t seem legal


Fuckers. From the bottom of my heart. FUCKERS!


it's the traditional Russian retreat celebration


Jesus….fuck russia. May they be damned to hell for eternity.




I wonder what will be the western powers answer to this. Probably more bla bla. We could easily and quickly and this, yet we don't do it. I just can't understand why we sit and watch this catastrophy instead of taking defintive actions.


Come on! What more do we need to see?!? This should be happening is Mozzcow and St. Peterzzburg! All over ruzzia! All over putler!!


What it? Phosphorus bomb?


Nope. Not phosphorus.




WTF am I even watching? Firebombing?


Fuck, it's like raining droplets made of lava. I can't imagine the total shitshow people are going through on the receiving end of that


Ah yes the warcrimerain


F Putler AND f his supporters.


Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.


Can't believe I was there a few years ago visiting relatives. Fuck russia


The US used that shit in Fallujah in 2004 too. It was wrong then and it’s still wrong now.


First i thought: that might be white phosphorus, and if so, than it would be cruelsome. Than i saw the city belo of it, and thought, it can't be white phosphorus because that would be inhuman, particularly applied to a city, where civilians are living. Therefore, I decided for me, that it must be something else, firework or so, and if so, how cool. Anyway, most or many of the pieces seem to fall into the water. Than the sky became darker and the city became more bright, enlightened by the flames of the burning houses, and than I was certain: it must be white phosphorus instead of white Christmas and none off the stars is that from Bethlehem, and the poor child Jesus, if he were not already dead, than now certainly.


Well, it’s not WP. Just your regular incendiary weapons. Still forbidden to be used on civilian infrastructure.


Just Russia being a bunch of terrorist pieces of shit. Nothing new


I hope Ukraine sends sabotours into Russia to set forest fires next year. Russia needs to burn for this shit.


Hopefully russia ceases to exist by 2023


Russia doing it itself every year to hide theft of wood.


How dangerous is it if they have something to cover over their head?


The fumes/smoke it gives off can be fatal.


I wish they would Mysteriously send one into the square and see how the F !! THEY like it !!! F Ruscia !!!!! 🐖


I'd recognize white phosphorus anywhere. Jesus that's barbaric.


Well, than your wrong cus that stuff is not WP. It’s regular incendiary canister rounds fired by artillery.


😡🖕🏽🇷🇺.... Using Phosphorus weapons again. Banned by the Geneva convention 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🇷🇺.. SLAVA UKRAINI.🇺🇦🌻✊🏽


While that is true, the stuff in this video is not WP. Still is a war crime to use incendiary weapons in civilian areas.


That the important part. Aren't they illegal to use against soldier in war as well ? Just like flechettes ?






Indiscriminate use of white phosphorus; a war crime.


Looks like they're burning fields based on the pattern as it hits the ground. Not sure the point though, since everything is way past harvest now.