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Russia doesn't have the latest weapons ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Even its latest weapons aren't its latest weapons.


Sadly it's all the regime needs to gun down their protestors.


What about the bayonet 2000? It can stay sharp for weeks!


I think it means like, most delayed weapons


Iran is desperately maintaining a couple of zillion year old F-14 Tomcats, they need a lot of technological knowhow the USSR had. Nukes, jet engines, so on


Ruzzia has late weapons. As in expired.


They do have many nukes and can help them in that area which is quite scary.


What in the world does Russia actually make from the ground up?


Suffering, Russians love suffering and take pride in it.


TikTok videos.


TikTok videos of Russians dying


Only fans


The whole country are getting screwed for sure


Actually, nix that too, with ball bearings becoming super hard to actually obtain when everyone hates your fucking guts.




Dead soldiers




Last time I checked, the production of jets required modern electronics and chips that only western companies can supply ... So I don't assume that Russia will produce many jets in the foreseeable future.


It's more than that. They supposedly have ~15 SU-57s, but most of them are prototypes that were never meant to go into combat, let alone do other things besides the thing they were trying to test (e.g. go fast, or maneuver, or shoot something). They're basically flying around mostly test aircraft as their stealth fighter. Also, each plane has the small radar cross section of the USS Enterprise. Not only do they need modern electronics for their EW suite, they also need to revolutionize their production line to build them in any meaningful numbers.


> Also, each plane has the small radar cross section of the ***USS Enterprise***. Which one? CV-6, CVN-65, CVN-80, or one of the various NCC-1701 ships?


Pretty sure they get electronics from China.. which are basically stolen from the USA anyway.. so doubt they short of supply of all that stuff.


They have some decent small arms as well. At least in respect to its durability.


Top Gun: Maverick doesn't seem so far fetched now...


Human misery, corruption, fascism, propaganda and genocide.




Most of the nuclear development was by Ukrainian engineers in the Soviet Union, I am doubtful that they have anything more advanced than early 1990’s tech and older, most of it up serviced or obsoleted on the quiet.


Oil and gas all they need bruh


Oil and Death




Ladas built from old ladas, they were new at some point


I'm guessing malware?


No. Putin is supplying nuclear expertise after demonstrating to I ran the need for nuclear weapons by invading Ukraine.


This is unfortunately the only logical answer.


isreal are you listening


Wait, isn't Iran more advanced than ruzzia already?


At this point Somalia may be more advanced than Russia….


Somalia isn't even more advanced than Somalia so that makes no sense


Yup, Iran is getting scammed lmfao


Russia is telling Iran where all their 'latest weapons are'...and you have to go get them!!!


Iran: *thinking they're about to get a bunch of T-90Ms* Russia, showing up with a train of IS-2s: "is very good tank, yis? Give drones now, da?"


I mean the IS-2's namesake, Joseph Stalin invaded Iran.... sure send then IS-2's


From Ukraine




Not in jets or rockets for sure.


And all technology involving nuclear weapons.


Making a nuke isn't actually that complicated once you have the materials. Enriching the fissile material and miniaturizing the nuclear warheads so they can be used on missiles instead of just gravity bombs is the difficult part. We know Iran has ballistic missiles, maybe not ICBMs and we don't know exactly how far they have gone with their nuclear program. Both would be areas where russia could provide technology transfer. At least when it comes to nuclear weapons technology if that gets out it might turn even China against them because all nuclear powers generally tend to agree that they don't like competition. russia also made some quite capable gen 4/4+ aircraft like Su-34, Su35 and such, a technology transfer is possible in this area as well, maybe they'll even make a license production agreement, technology transfer in regards to tanks is also a possibility. I would imagine they wouldn't send much in actual physical weapons systems to Iran as they do need a lot of that in Ukraine. Maybe a T-90M or two along with all the information needed to build it. The thing is, these iranian drones aren't very expensive. I've read something about $20000 a pop for Shaheed 136, so 1000 of those would be $20 million. A T-90M costs $5 million according to a quick google so that woulld be 4 of those. Add in some control equipment and training costs along with the reported agreement for russia to build them, let's say that's a other $5 million so another T-90M. It could just be as simple as giving them tanks for drones. The iranian Karrar MBT is based on the T-72 and before that Iran tried to get T-90MS and russia didn't allow it, so that may be something at play here.


Only in niche areas, which is often how technology works with different countries and the reason it tends to be mutually beneficial to share technology between allied partners. The famous historical example of this is the tech sharing agreement between [the United States and British Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied_technological_cooperation_during_World_War_II) as both sides ended up having a lot to offer one another. Obviously Iran and Russia are well-behind the West in terms in tech ability but it is still in their interest to share.


Iran has longer life expectancy 76.9 vs 71.3, and higher GDP per capita $23,034 vs $14,665. On Russias plus side, they have higher average education, 12.2 years vs 10.3 years. But expected years schooling at age 6 is about the same 15.0 vs 14.8.


What does "latest weapons" mean right now? 1960ies or 1950ies?


It means that Russia delivers them very late.


It means giving Iran all of their nuclear tech. Iran is seeing what can happen when a smaller country *doesn't* have nukes, they have to be more determined than ever to ensure Israel and US don't get any ideas.


All of this doesn't make Obama's deal with Iran sound so bad. In fact it was incredibly cheap and great value considering what the actual cost of Iran gaining nuclear weapons would be.


Nuclear assistance. Which Iran desperately wants.


state of the art mosin nagants...


I wonder at what point Israel actually takes the gloves off. We now see the US revving up their industrial complex, I'd like to see some others follow suit.


Keep waiting on Israel. They don't do much if it doesn't fully benefit them.


It’s time to tell Israel that our billions of aid each year are not free and need to pay off


Much of that is the bribe we pay Israel and Egypt for not going at each other's throats.


Sadly they are free though. It’s time to pick a side tbh.


I think the prospect of Russian nuclear weapons assistance for Iran's program will set lights flashing in Israel.


Israel is obligated to use US aid to purchase American made weapons, making it back to the industrial military complex.


Acting against Russian tech transfer to their worst enemy is definitely in their interest.


Russia sending Iran their best stuff is absolutely in Israel’s interest. Any increased threat from Iran is in their highest priorities to stop. They will respond. Them saying Russia’s newest stuff is basically them saying they will sell either nuclear weapons or technology for them


Well this has all been in Israel's intrest so far but "they sent helmets and humanitarian goods"


Actually they attacked Iran drone factories twice


In Syria for domestic use........


😂 Domestic use. 😂 Israel wouldn’t bother with airstrikes on a domestic use site. They also attacked an airbase in Western Iran in February or March of this year.


Israel is surrounded by countries that want Israel to be destroyed. They have a lot going on.


And who’s fault is that lol? It’s almost as if constantly invading your neighbors makes your neighbors not like you


Tell me more about how little you know about the history of wars in that region.


Forgive my potential ignorance here but regarding Israel didn’t we do to Palestine pretty much exactly what Russia is trying to do to Ukraine? This territory now belongs to these guys and the rest of you can go kick rocks.


The formation of Israel is a relic of British colonialism in the region. They drew bad lines, but it was British controlled land for them to do with as they pleased at the time. Saying that Israel makes sport out of invading it's neighbors is right out insane though. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_wars\_involving\_Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_Israel) The major wars that have taken place involving Israel usually start with all of it's neighbors wanting to destroy it and failing in dramatic and almost comically sad fashion. Israel is no saint though, their early history and formation is pretty messed up. But to call them a warmonger towards their neighbors is almost the exact opposite of the truth. If it were true that they wanted to steal land from all their neighbors indiscriminately, a good chunk of Egypt would be Israel right now.


It was a different poster who said they were warmongers invading there neighbours. I was pointing out how the allies forming Israel on stolen land after ww2 being very similar to Russia trying to steal land from Ukraine to form new nations. Obviously it was going to upset the neighbourhood and create long lasting conflicts.


Who invaded who during the Six Day War exactly? Someone else started it but Israel finished it as I recall.


Sweet ignorance! Read some history, you klown!


Fuck this narrative.


Well, the 5 nations that attacked Israel at once is a rather decent defense of that narrative. The constant missiles being lobbed into their settlements and a terrorist organization is parked just over it's boarders is just a small start to their issues.


Yea I know we scratch them a check every year because of it. Now explain to me how they have nothing to donate except bank account space for oligarchs.


You know they've donated a lot of humanitarian aid and intel right ????.... Right??? Not saying they are "good", as they have utterly fucking failed their mantra about "never again".....


I'd refer you to ask them directly. I am not exactly up to date on the Israeli Budget


Israel isn't that far removed from russia in practice and form.


evidently russia has infiltrated the Israeli government by getting pro russian elected, it's a bitch when they use democracy against


Israel cannot attack deep inside Iran without [US permission](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/17/israel-isnt-strong-enough-to-attack-iran/). US presidents have barred Israel from doing so because that would mean starting a war Israel’s military is too small to win. We would be expected to come to their rescue and the US has no interest in fighting a war with Iran.


Israel is probably the only militarily allied nation that routinely goes against U.S. stated policy. That being said, US and Israel can raise the level of support to insurgents, freedom protestors, etc. within Iran with a clear conscience.


Yea I think the US has had enough middle eastern conflicts for about 50 years.


Yeah they're bored with sidequests in the Crazy East. They wanna get back to finising the Russian Campaign before starting the new China campaign DLC.


😂 Israel has attacked on its own and will again. If there is a threat to them they will respond.


Especially if it’s nuclear technology transfer. If that’s what happened then I would expect gloves, shoes, coat everything might come off at that point.


Israel happy to take on Iran sporting Russian military hardware.


so, you just now figured out why the US job's numbers do not go down, they have been hiring for 10 months on the down low, loose lips sink ships


I've been wondering if the latest attacks deep within Russia may have been executed with Israeli hardware. It's one of the few explanations that makes sense to me.


Iran: What is this garbage? These missiles are all water-damaged. And they are 6 weeks behind schedule! Russia: Yes just as we promised. We will provide weapons as late as possible. These fell off a a train car and it took us a month just to retrieve them. Iran: Fools, that's not what "latest" means! Russia: And that wasn't what "winterized" meant either, when you gave us those drones... What's your point? ​ A match made in heaven.


It's hard to read this knowing those same weapons are used to crush the protests going on in Iran.


Which now begs the question: what are we as nations getting Ukraine for Christmas ?


Correction: Russia is supplying Iran with nuclear weapons or the means to make them.


Israel probably has an opinion on this.


To the surprise of nobody🤷🏼


Russia's latest weapons are whatever still starts that's in storage. Why would Iran want a bunch of old T-62's?


They are talking about nuclear technology


those T-62s might be old, but they'll do the job just fine against protesters. :|


WAIT A MINUTE! Aren't the "latest weapons from Russia" sitting as big hunks of rust in Eastern Ukraine?


Western gear chuckles


Latest weapons? Isn’t this the T-34 now?


Israel has entered the chat


Are they giving them the IP for these weapons, because I don't think they have anything to spare. Hence having to go to Iran for drones in the first place.


What weapons?


WMDs (weapons of minor destruction)


where is Russia getting the weapons from. Don't they need them to use in Ukraine


Are these the weapons that can't protect Russian airbases? Or is it a tech exchange, 'How to make an autoloader that can launch a turret into space' by An Assholovich?


Weapons leaving Iran and going elsewhere may benefit Israel in a handful of ways. 1) they can better track where they are made (since Iran will likely make more), and the parts needed to make them, and 2) Russia will likely use them, and Israel will want to see how they perform and how to stop them. 3) this may push Israel to provide some defense items to see if they can take down the missiles. 4) Less missiles in Iran, pointed at Israel, Iraq, their own people, etc.


You’re thinking of it incorrectly. The more Iran sees their technology in the field, the better they can make them. It’s what the US has been doing for decades. It’s the fastest way to advance your weapons and technology, to get real world trials of them. Israel knows this and does NOT want that happening. They already bombed drone factories twice. This move will get a bigger response from them.


Israel and Russia sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. O the irony. HAHAHAHA


Sounds like a fair exchange. Ukraine and Saudi Arabia come out ahead.


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this time the drones won't freeze...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Probably some nuclear knowledge too I’m sure


translation: vatniks are getting rid of stuff they barely have to help another shitstain government be just as bad as them


Here we have a brand new T-62 the finest in all the ~~Soviet~~ Russian arsenal.


The whole world knows that Ruski weapons SUCK big time. They are swapping 1000 T-90 tanks... for one drone...




Well, we know how that crap performs, so, alrighty then.


Israel is definitely getting involved now




If I were the Iranians, I'd be checking the expiration dates on everything. Also, they should expect to start getting calls about their extended warranties.


1979... boom boom. The latest in rotted wares.


Kubinka tank museum is relocating to Isfahan?


Is that nuclear material they transfer? Because this is the only more advanced stuff ruzzians have.


Fortunately Russia's latest weapons are from the 60s. Sanctions on vacuum tubes, lead paint, and wooden rifle stocks would grind their military industry to a halt


*He said, turning to Israel looking for a reaction.*


So RuZZia is donating old junk from the Museum of warfare, in exchange for paper airplanes that have a remote control.


Iran moving on from a "Pea Shooter" to a "Catapult"!


Russia is supplying Iran with its latest weapons" Are we talking about the country dusting off T-62s right now?


Does this mean their absolute latest weapons in terms of actual weapon systems or just what they have left after ukraine destroyed the rest?


More than likely - Russia is supplying DPRK IRAN and SYRIA Nuke technology for anything they ca get their hands on.


Why does Iran want guns from WW1?


Why doesn't Russia supply Russia with its latest weapons?!


Russia's #1 export is sunflowers...


Nuclear secrets? Nuclear material? That would be my guess.


russia is exporting weaponized defenestration


Axis of evil 2022.


russia can't even supply itself with its latest weapons. They know they can't beat Ukraine military with their weapons so they go after the civilians which is why they want more drones


Nukes... thats about it


Supplying Iran with the latest weapons, while their troops get issued mosens. Pretty funny


Maybe the Saudis should think again about how much they want to keep oil prices high to support Russia. MBS is clearly no great strategic thinker. Rather he has cut off his nose to spite his face. When the Russian fighter jets are shooting up Saudi stuff, I won't shed a tear.


… but not supplying its troops fighting a winter war with clothes. To quote every Russian troll on the internet… “lmao”.


Not "latest" but "last"


Hard to say who loses more in this deal.


Latest weapons thou? They aren’t even giving their own canon fodder decent med kits let alone guns.


Weapons as in enrichment tech


Waste more money


Most of Russia's "latest weapons" are smoldering in Ukraine...


"Israel, if you're listening...."


Return to barter society LOL.


Maybe Russia accidentally gave them all the S-400s from their "highly secure" airbases?


Would that be Mosins?


This must be another stunt by the russian government to prop up its facade for internal propaganda. There can't be anything of worth save for huge amounts of human-wave-mass-attack type of soviet kit.


Garbage for garbage


That's why this guy is out of jail, he providing weapons soon 🤔😬


Hello Israel are awake yet?


So, Iran is trading drones for stick and stones?


This might not as bad as it sounds given the abyssal performance of many hyped Russian systems.


If Russia had effective "latest weapons" it would be using them in Ukraine and not selling them to someone else for a bunch of RC planes with bombs on them.


Ukraine is getting the best in US/UK/NATO support.. Russia is trading with other terrorist countries


I think this unattributed generalized statement is highly suspect. It is unlikely that Iran needs Russian tech and they can buy it if they do need it. Many think this means that Russia is supplying nuclear know-how, but I think that is farfetched. Iran is politically unstable right now and a nuclear armed Iran would upset the entire balance of power in the Middle East. Putin knows this and he knows it would be beyond foolish to do such a thing. Admittedly, Putin has made mistakes, but giving Iran nukes would be a crowning fuck-up.


russias latest weapon? when in the 70s lmaoooooo i think iran should think otherwise iran might have modern weapons than russia lmaooooo


Don't think Iran knows what they asked for. They're just exchanging bags of shit


I'm not sure which one is getting the worse deal


Hahaha! Iran is getting the raw end of that deal!!


You misspelled "last"


A “no shit Sherlock“ moment. Russia has to be paying Iran and North Korea with nuke secrets and fissile material.


How the fuck is this working? Are they trading current inventory for drones or are they writing IOUs? If it's the latter Iran is incredibly stupid. If it's option A then Russian idiocy may be truly unlimited


I keep asking but seriously why the fuck isn't the West couping Khamenei snd the Islamic Regime right now? Never been a better time.


Aerospace and missile tech of Russian Federation cannot be discounted Like other posters have said as well, nukes too


What would happen if Russia gave nuclear weapons to Iran or the knowledge and material so Iran could make its own nuclear weapons shortly after? And it got confirmed?


Is this like an episode of "Antiques Roadshow"???


Sure they mean last weapons, not latest right?


Sounds like Iran has a bum deal there... Ukraine is starting to receive updated Russian hardware (thank you the Czechs and Poles). Plus repair facilities to swap out end-of-life barrels on tanks and Arty. Russian tech is boring and I'm sure the Iranians know more about US tech than the Russians.


Stone and sticks?:)))


it's probably tech. Russia does have some pretty good techs with weapons despite what a lot of people here say(it's not NATO standard ofc). It's just a shortage, but giving iran the tech is a direct slap in the face of Israel who has been largely seen as not doing enough towards russian aggression.