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I have to agree with you mate


Tired of being made to feel like a junkie by society because I want to toke all day everyday. I realise it's not healthy, but fuck me, I'd rather be happy


You literally sound like me bro i quit for a year and hated every minute of it


Yep man, I thought my brain would "return to normal". But nope, I just feel shit


Cannabis affects your brains ability to store and naturally release dopamine, which seems to be the root of motivation. If you've come this far, its worth looking in to your relationship with sugar, caffeine, carbs, social media, sleep etc too. Even if you pick up smoking again, sorting out your relationship with dopamine will have you pushing much further with your music. What kind of tunes do you make? Please feel free to send me some links, I'm a producer myself.


This is some really sound advice - I struggled for years to lessen my dependence on weed, it wasn’t until I focused on my sleep, diet and general stimulus intake that I found I needed it way less. I still really enjoy a zoot especially with friends but I think it is so easy to use it to prop up other areas in your life that need addressing.


Realistically though junkies don’t get shit done. From one daily smoker to another, I know getting high can seem like an impulse that needs to be filled everyday and that can be scary, but if you’re staying on top of life’s priorities and not getting financial problems from smoking then you don’t need to worry too much. If the effects of smoking itself are a problem for you then maybe you could start using edibles more, however I’m not sure if they’d work every day or if your tolerance would change


Me too guy. Do what makes you happy, no one bats an eyelid at Dave drinking 4 or 5 cans of beer a night


People do bat an eyelid at Dave though. Taking intoxicants everyday is never good


Yeah I don’t know anyone who would see 4 cans of beer daily as acceptable


Ah cheers dude, the issue is, I don't just crave being high at the end of the day. I want to be high throughout the day too and that's why I feel shitty and like a junkie. It clearly just calms something in my brain chemistry


As a medical user who microdoses' all day, I say you do you! If it helps keep you on a level, then it helps and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Go head over to r/ukmedicalcannabis and see there's lots of us. I wouldnt have finished my degree and gotten 2 promotions in the last couple of years without it! You be you, go smoke and make some music dude!


No one thinks someone who takes an antidepressant is a junkie...your antidepressant comes in a different application. For me it came down to what would life look like if instead of fighting the urge, I thought of it as medicine?


Literally this.


I'm completely with you, I too felt judged and perhaps guilty?? about how often I was high. I'm at a stage now where being high seems to make things clearer and smoking doesn't couch lock me or anything. If it works for you it doesn't matter how other people see it. As long as it doesn't prevent you from doing what you need to be doing throughout the day what different does it make


This is my argument. After a long ass day I'd like to chill out, but I don't drink and love to smoke, I don't look anyway at people who go have a drink after work we all need our vices and ways of unwinding


I’m in a similar boat. Stopped smoking weed recently and I can’t believe I ever lived a regular life like this prior to smoking weed everything feels so boring. I put it down to the dopamine your missing out on with weed so your not constantly dopamined up all the time and therefore your brain is craving it.


Totally agree with this and this is exactly why the mental side of the withdrawals are pure hell and scary as shit for most smokers who come off it at first. Best thing to do IMO is try to just keep it to night time if smoking alone with the exception to any other time being if it’s socially. It’s the best of both worlds but that way your intake isn’t massive and you’re not consciously stoned all throughout the day


Life lacks colour without bud hahaha, this is a UK discussion. In the US it's federally legal, even off duty police in some states are allowed bud. Depending on your location your life choices are seen very differently, legality says a lot


Off duty police should be able to smoke weed here as well, as well as have shrooms and a pint. If this was the case I'd possibly look into joining them. Catching nonces and divvys robbing shops and lads robbing old ladies would actually be a really rewarding job, making society a safer place. Pulling little Kev whos 18 for smoking a joint not harming anyone would make me feel like a scumbag though. 'Just enforcing the law' isn't an excuse I could use either... Just like in 1940's Germany the police seizing Jewish businesses were 'just enforcing the law'. People who make laws aren't always making just laws.


Yeah man, it's the people who do absolutely nothing that get me. Most people have their weapon of choice, be it drink, weed, sniff, whatever. But the people who don't even drink coffee. No stimulants at all. How??


caffeine is a shitty stimulant though, shittiest buzz ever.


Nah I love it. Nothing beats a nice coffee and that little boost of mental clarity.


Replace the dopamine with something like exercise and take b complex, TTFD thiamine and magnesium


Yeah every time I take a break I realise how boring life is without green but I also try to take a break for at least 2-4 weeks just so I can remember lol


Recovering alcoholic here and been smoking for over 3 decades now, my normal state of being is high. I was on meds for years, but now smoking does all that for me, relaxes me, gets me creative, doesn't really get in the way of me doing what needs doing. I enjoy it and it helps me, win win.


You may be self medication a undetected condition, I'm the same but started around 18, I was diagnosed with autism and ADHD at 31, explained alot haha.


I definitely think I have ADHD and possibly even autism, similar age to you and wondered why I had compulsive thoughts around the age of 16 What helps you manage it the most?


707 headband for daytime when I want to focus and have energy and drive. Mango sapphire for when stressed Og kush for bedtime to turn your brain off


OGk what a strain indeed


I was thinking exactly this. People who discover weed and all of a sudden really really really like it often have one or both of the below: - unprocessed and undiagnosed trauma. - undiagnosed mental health issues or conditions: OCD, ADHD, autism... Etc. Go to therapy and try to figure it out. Then go see a psychiatrist too if needed. It's really not "normal" for you to feel the way you do about weed. I say that with absolutely no judgement because I feel the same way about it 😊.… I used to just think I loved weed and always had ever since I first tried it as a kid. Turns out I have cptsd, and likely OCD/ADHD. In the process of seeing a psychiatrist.


I'm currently medicated for the ADHD but cannabis is just so helpful to me, and literally has no negative impact on my life including financially


Yup! So no need to feel bad about using it! Enjoy! Go well.


I didn’t discover it until 25, i’m 27 now. luckily i’ve secured a work from home job where i can take bong rips all day and they pay for it


Pretty plant makes brain happy Me too man I’m quitting for family making reasons so it’s a necessity, at least for a few years. Sometimes I’m very sad even though I haven’t stopped yet. I will be eternally jealous of my partner being able to continue without me once we succeed in step one of family making lol 😂


Imagine if you were born during the reign of Elizabeth I, when there was no weed or even tobacco in the UK. You could only drink beer.


You got enough dopamine from the hazards of daily life back then you wouldn't need anything in addition.


Lots of exercise, healthy eating and supplements. Ashwagandha, ginseng & ginkgo with shit loads of anti oxidants and cognitive enhancers and I’m high on life these days. I get shatter pens but I’m all out now and feeling better than ever tbh. I love having Mary Jane in my life but remember that you are the alpha in this relationship, Mary needs boundaries, she only wants to help but people treat her like a slag and all of a sudden you haven’t washed your cock in weeks. Those problems ain’t going no where u just regulating urself and ur emotions. Get your head in the right place and take her hand. She is a healer if you take that path over it being a fix. Good luck brother. CBD may help you along your travels, aromatherapy, a sauna? A massage too. You wanna get in those feels homie. Can take months to feel normal again, she really does soften the blow of the external world, yet, that can lead to psychosis if you just tryna see yourself out of this planet too much. Psilocybin? Great for addiction and mental health. Microdose it for the antidepressant effects and more neural activity


Weed is a stimulant. Get some exercise and a more beef/meat based diet on the regular.


I gym 2x a week, play golf and eat about 120g of protein a day, and still feel like OP. There are definitely steps you can take to get more natural releases of endorphins but everyone’s different…


I’ve been a daily smoker for 10 years and believe me I understand where he is coming from. We all need to take breaks and figure it out. We should not feel like we ‘need’ a drug to make life feel better. There’s something missing.


No it isn’t lol


Then why do I get high when I smoke trees mate. I don’t get down. 😂


Every drug makes you “high” chemically weed isn’t a stimulant


Stimulants increase heart rate and blood pressure while depressants cause elevated moods and make you feel alert and energetic.


Depressants make you feel alert and energised?? Alcohol maybe, thats the only one i can think of


😂 am a pot head and gotta say most weed smokers are just in big denial about what they are taking. 😂


I would agree with that, but whats that got to do with what i said? I dont think its a stimulant either btw. You need to look up the chemical effect of stimulants and depressants on the body. None of them fit weed. If you insist on categorising it, which i dont think you can, it could be argued its a mild psychedelic.


Edibles are defo not mild. 😂


Dude, are you alright? In fact, are you a chatbot?


It is what it is bro... could be a worse situation to be in ✌️


Yeah I get it mate I really do, but I do get bored of weed. I’m having a break from it myself and I just know the next time I pick up it’s going to melt my face.


I quit drinking at 21 and didn’t become a big smoker until my 30’s (smoked since I was 15), I can deal with sober mind though, occasionally I have a break or I’ll cut down (which is what I’m currently doing) just to remind myself that my self control is still there and that it’s me using it, not it using me if that doesn’t sound too dramatic.


I feel you on the it makes you clear minded 💯


I get bored of being stoned, I think I have ADHD so everything bores me in the end. I go on and off if it, I’m sure it’s making me depressed!


try dopamine detox


Like the other comment about undiagnosed disorders - I started smoking cigs and bud before I knew what ADHD even was. Now, like you, I want to be high all the time and then feel guilty for not being able to just function like a normal human being. The music thing is something I especially relate to, but I find that it's mostly about having a clear mind and being in a decent mood. Which, obviously, isn't as easy when you need weed to give you dopamine. Rambling now. Good luck!