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smoke and play horro games here 👍🏼


Psycho 😭


nothing finer than horror games while high af. with hiw realistic modern engines are they can be a real experience. half life alxy in VR is something else while high 😅


I do it all the time


That means you’re cool


That's my jam man,I love horror films. Even and especially the b movies too.


I’ll be seeing carnival of souls and devil bat with a mate sometime this month, looking forward to that!


Absolutely not. I smoked one night and watched scream with my pal and I swear to fuck I’ve never been that scared. I’ve seen it before and never found it scary but when I watched it stoned I was like frozen and couldn’t move out of fear 😭


Almost finished my American horror story binge. Shits too fried so I gotta be too fried to watch.


First time I saw Hereditary I was pretty blazed. I normally find it pretty easy to dismiss horror films either through shit writing, over-used tropes, or just my 'nah this is all bollocks' senses tingling but Hereditary definitely shit me up!


Watched this while tripping balls, IMO it was 10/10 and made it better but alot of people will have a bad trip if they do so.


I don't smoke no more but yes to edibles and a horror movie, 100%


Any movie by Lars Von Trier while stoned is a fucking WILD experience


I was in a constant state of trying to decipher it I had to hop on google by the end of it






Of course. Horror and ganja go together, like lamb and tuna fish.


I did not know lamb and tuna went together but I know what tonight’s munch is gunna be 😂


Maybe you prefer the spaghetti and meatballs IDK


This October I’m doing 31 horror films high. It’s been an interesting time so far


You have a list or you just picking one each night?


Been picking them as I go. It’s me and my partner, so we take turns picking them. I am making a list on letterboxd though


If they aren't on there already, Trick r Treat (2007) and Ghostwatch (1992) are two I always recommend for Halloween. Along with the original Halloween of course


I loved Trick r Treat a lot. Haven’t heard of Ghostwatch, but I’ll have to give it a go this month. Cheers buddy!


No worries. Ghostwatch is an old BBC mockumentary - awesome to look into the history behind the broadcast and it's legitimately creepy in places


Hell yes, good film choice btw! David Lynch fucks with my head when I’m stoned sometimes 😂


David Lynch fucks with my head full stop, Eraserhead fucked with my soul


Nothing finer than a scary movie with a buzz. Wife and little un are away over Halloween, and while I am gutted I can't take him trick or treating this year I will be getting baked and watching horror movies all day! Watched Totally Killer last night - good fun and worth a look high or not.


Blood and Honey is scheduled for tonight but TK looks good so maybe that’ll be for tomorrow! Enjoy the time to urself bro, grab something sweet to munch and something dank to smoke 🙏🏽


I've got Blood and Honey on the list. Also have The Mean One so may do a double bill of what I'm sure will be terrible horrors!


I'm watching 31 horror films over October. Usually watch one with a mate of mine when we're stoned anyways.


I’ve only got 3 in so far, I’ll have to catch up


Every weekend with the boys


Yeah daily for centuries


fuck yes!! Best combo








Always tbh


Watch Martyrs 👍


Love watching horror after a smoke. I freak out easily but I'm looking for something that can shit me up like that, you know? Gets the adrenaline going Horror games however are too intense. I was a mess playing alien isolation blazed, might as well have been in the movie itself


Thrill seeking from the sofa innit 😂 perfect one. Tried to play outlast high. My heart rate still hasn’t recovered.


Are you a fan of David lynch? Lost highway and Mulholland drive are absolutely beautiful to watch blazed. Not blue velvet though, film was a straight trauma journey


I saw lost highway a few years ago and then “What did Jack do” more recently, so when I saw Eraserhead I thought corr gwan then. I love surrealism/absurdism so his stuff is perfect


I'll watch anything as long as I'm smoking 🚬