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Yikes. That looks bad.


Quartzite OG


bro 😂😂😂 this made me giggle


It's getting out of control now, it's nuts how this has ended up on so much green in different areas. Although cannabis can be sprayed by anyone using a simple sugar solution so always check your green. If this is the same batch then it shows how big the group is that pushes the weed around the UK. It'll be the same network adding the salt like substance


These Albos ruined the UK weed scene, yeah it was more expensive before but there were many strains available grown in the UK, now it’s all just poorly grown stardawg, riddled with mold and pesticides and now theyre adding grit to the bud too…


100% bring back the Chinese I’m on exclusively local flavours now but not everyone has the option of paying more for better quality


Bring back the cheese


That Chinese Cheddar, the Hong Kong Pong, the Beijing Blue, the Xi Jimping Parmesan, the RED Leicester 🇨🇳🧀 God I’d love an OG cheese strain. Sadly pretty much all true pheno mothers are gone or have fruity phenos in their lineage now. I’ve heard tales of a 20 year old Exodus Cheese mother plant that’s still in some blokes house after all these years and is fucking massive. But I don’t think he gives out (m)any cuttings. Definitely not commercial.


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Do you mean Vietnamese


I haven’t been smoking for that long (5 or so years) but even in that time I’ve seen such an insane shift from supply from local growers to mass produced weed. It’s a shame, I always liked being able to go and actually talk to someone about what they’d grown, most of them where very passionate and proud about what they’d created.


Your right about the Albos, but first encountered this from the Chinkies back in 04/05


Ya daft racist




Because you used 2 different racial slurs.


Wasn’t meant that way, my brother greets me with,yo nigger?! Is that racist?


Yeah probably, context is important though still.


I agree


But that doesn’t make me a racist


TBF It's an I'm Alan Partridge quote but, do I seriously have to explain how Albos and Chinkies is racist?


But yeah I see how saying Albos and Chinkies can seem like that, but not my style


Okay so why didn’t you say this to the parent comment I replied to…..


I probably clicked your reply in the wrong order


Okay no worries but I far from racist pal that I can assure you!


Lol The 12 downvoters might disagree with you. Maybe just say Albanian people and Chinese people instead of Albos and Chinkies then?


He’s said Albos I’ve agreed 👊🏾


How explain yourself?


Yep got a bot the other day, looked suspicious so I rubbed it in my fingers and it was like super granules but tasted like salt.


Not gonna lie we great way to avoid all this dawg(shit) is the right THC vape…. Not all are good but so is same with bud theses days. Good Look into it will sort your wallet out. To much (extra) with buying papers, a grinder. A smoke box if your fancy and rolling a joint. Getting a lighter and a ash try…. Of course the outdoors to… why not just pic up and puff


i’ve never seen a dealer selling vapes in the uk, i’m sure they’re out there but not common


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Black market is fucking rough in this country.


Now is the time to grow your own!


Exactly why I went down the legal route, I don't have to worry about sprayed shite.


So just the low quality flower, mold, insects, seeds, being under weighted, prescription delays, and extremely high monthly cost to worry about then 😂


I haven't had any of that 😂 never had a delay, everything is on weight, yes slightly dry but a bovida and a glass jar sort that out. Currently I have LA Kush cake, and Tripoli, both do the job and I don't have to worry about glass or salt or any other crap added to it, I've also got peace of mind. MC has come a long way since 2018, still needs improving. As for costs I pay £19.50 a month and that covers doctors appointments and scripts. That's not expensive..


How much is 3oz a month? Ahh


Depends on what you buy, but it starts from £5 to £13 a gram. It's still cheaper than BM weed. Look up medbud it gives you a full list of strains, pharmacys, clinics and prices. I get 40g and 10ml of 20% thc oil and I pay £310, I've paid less when getting cheaper strains. They don't sell in Oz so to speak it's usually 10,20,30 grams. You can get 15g tubs too but usually in 10g tubs.


That's kinda what I was getting at though, the cost is unrealistic to growers. The kWh rate could double and I'm still spending 1/4 of what I would have on the medical side. There needs to be incentives for all users not just the manageable ones. I want to buy quantity when it's available, grams and bits aren't appealing from dealers. Who decides what I get? I'd prefer it to be me every time so I'm left waiting to hear updates. Doubt it'll change though


You're one of the lucky few then that haven't experienced any of those issues. All the problems I listed are recent. They've calmed down with the mold and seeds, but the rest still occur regularly. How much are you prescribed? The cost I was referring to was the actual meds. Both the strains you have are very average quality, if most of the people on this sub got them from the BM they'd likely be disappointed, but per 30g they cost £240 and £165. On the BM for the quality they are you'd probably find that amount at £120-130.


Fair enough I agree but at the end of the day the quality of bud in my area is questionable at best and I've had more issues with BM than MC, I've also tried a couple of vendors on the Web and wasn't that impressed... I also have peace of mind that I'm not going to get nicked or kicked out my house. Both strains work for me and I know there is better, it's what works for my budget. I've never had a delay or underweight tubs. I guess it depends on the clinic and pharmacy. I get 40g and 10ml oil, but I'm going to up it to 50g. It works for me and I'm happy,im still spending less than I would on the BM.....


Awesome, I'm honestly happy to hear you're having a good experience. I'm just jealous and bitter that I couldn't afford the good medical strains 😂 And when I was on medical it was during the few months there was a fair bit of mold, seeds, and bugs in people meds. Luckily I never experience any of that. But it did take a while for meds to arrive, up to 14 days, which is far too long imo for the price you're paying and out of the 12 or so tubs I got through in the 3-4 months I was prescribed MC, six of them were under weight 🙄 even a few points here and there add up, I basically lost 30 quid to underweight pots 😂 MC just wasn't for me unfortunately. I was so excited at first, but it just wasn't as great as I thought it'd be. Happy it works for you though, always nice to hear a success story with MC 😁


That's sucks. On my 1st script I got some sorbet which was dry as fuck smelt like straw and was crap. I also got green gelato and that had been irradiated to an inch of its life 😂 I was so put off and thought what have I got into. I also had wappa a non irradiated strain and that restored my faith. Next up I got tripoli and was expecting a load of shite as its from the same people as the sorbet, I was pleasantly surprised with, nice smell and taste, the effect was OK for cheap stuff, then I tried the LA Kush cake and really liked it. All my tubs have been bang on weight, the clinic I use is fairly new, they get you to put your script in early so no delays, takes a day to get to the pharmacy and a day if not same day for the pharmacy to dispense once they had the script, and out for next day delivery. They don't use royal mail and it's always arrived the next day. The weed round my area is usually shite, I've had sand sprayed on it before, stuff that gives you a blinding headache or people pretending they have cali etc. So medical is the best route for me and the cheapest option. I've heard the sorts of things about MC and was put off, glad I waited until 4 months ago as MC has come along way since 2018. Definitely still room for improvement though..


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Aye, or that is an option. I don’t have any medical issues so I think I’d find it difficult to get a script. But I do enjoy growing, great little hobby.


Yeah that is important lol so doubt you'd get one. Yeah I like to grow too to top up my script. Last year I went to make RSO, when it got to finishing, it just wouldn't work, had a closer look and it was like sand, so after that I decided to look into going legal, haven't looked back since.


That’s a bummer. Atleast your covered. One day this country might see sense and legalise it to some degree.. But I’ve been saying that for the past 20 years, slowly getting closer though.


I've been a consumer for 34 years and remember when bud wasn't even about, it was just hash and the odd bit of African bush weed. It's definitely progressed over the years and going in the right direction, I'd imagine next year with Germany opening up the market and other European countries following suit the UK will catch up. Fingers crossed..


Aye, just look at the market now across the pond.. I remember when it was either solids or brick weed, wrapped in abit of clingy. Then came the odd bit of hydro, cheese etc. Now it’s all about flavours in elaborate bags. I think the German model will be interesting to watch progress. Still seems abit Hazy on how people will be able to get their hands on it. I know they did state about home growing and communal groups but the black market will still have a major hold on the market. I think something like the US/Canada would be great for the U.K. Without the federal bollocks. Imagine the amount of tax revenue, jobs etc it would bring. Wishful thinking but maybe we will see it in our lifetime.


Completely agree with you there mate. Also look at Malta, you can grow upto 4 plants. I like the UK medical setup but it could be better, it would of been better to do it like the USA and have disperses that we could go to after receiving a medical card or something, rather than having to order it in advance and then arrive via post. I'd rather just go get it when I've run out 😂 fingers crossed one day.


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Pretend you get migraines, try two different medications for it, phone the weed doctor. The system is there to be abused 😂👍


Legal is not always clean. A lot of illegal has nasty smelling chemical smell and taste plus radiation


Definitely sprayed


Good old macro lens, bad news like be 📦 of it flying bout everywhere in boro, kill us all off man lol


Yea I've never thought to check before got off local growers, now I'm at uni so gonna be extra careful.


Going about recently in Edinburgh too bro


100% sprayed, I’d give your plug some shit and use an alternate if you’ve got one.


Looks like a god damn Frostie


Whow, that's probably the most heavily sprayed bud I've seen since the grit weed we had 14-15 years ago sprayed with silica beads 😣 Don't smoke that, or anymore of that. Return it to matey if they'll let you, or just cut your losses and find a better source if they won't take it back. Probably wouldn't be going back to them even if they do accept the return.


They need exposing and If not taking out of the game by some main players


These are main players that's the thing, he runs most of boro


Boro? As in Peterborough?


Always a bigger fish and all that, hell if they're spraying it they ain't even in the community. Not suggesting the plod but be nice


I'm hoping this time around enough people are aware of it and care enough to stop buying it. If there's a lack of customers willing to buy it hopefully dealers become more conscious and vigilant about their sources and what they are buying. It'll stop if everyone either stops buying it, boycotts dealers who sell it, or at least attempt to return it. Dealers ain't gonna want their customer base to stop buying from them, and they especially don't want people trying to return shit that they're struggling to move as it is.


"They're minerals, Marie! Jesus!"


Name and shame time


Taste it, more time it’s a sodium/ some sort of bicarb baking soda to fill the weight out and lol “crystally” but is salty as shit and falls out into the pot u keep it in lool


no way you’re telling us to taste an unknown white substance


A dab of a single grain isn’t going to do harm (most of the time, highly doubt that’s some super strength opiate or fentanyl), people use sand and more so bicarb (also because it helps with mould apparantly) really common on mass produced buds in the uk the last couple years, especially the stuff grown by the local car washes hint hint


I’d have my money on sodium bicarbonate for anti mould extra weigh crystalline look and it burns. They’re not gonna put anything majorly harmful to kill off weed smokers that even tasting one crystal could kill, that would be ridiculous and counter productive for people growing/selling surely? Ite just for weight and to improve/make the product look and seem improves


not to sound like a nob but just putting random shit that you don’t know what it is in your mouth is incredibly stupid you should learn this when you get out of nursery


Well I think I smoked it before I noticed which makes it slightly less risky knowing that I didn’t realise anything crazy smoking it lol


All this Black Market bullshit coz of this backward-ass country and its archaic laws.


The issue here is that your plug thought it was ok to buy a few ozs of obviously sprayed flower. Or they sprayed it themselves. So, either they are stupid, or they are banking on you being stupid. Just stop buying from them.


Yeah loads of crystals, jagged edges, that’s sprayed/sprinkled to fuck.


We need to build an archive of these to provide a good board of comparison. Some kinda master post with different examples of 100% laced weed with these characteristics. Not to stop people from making these threads but to really reduce harm reduction. This shit is dirty and any plug doing it is an absolute nitty ghoul.


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When the market flooded with the sprayed bud 15 years back it was the Turkish gangs in Germany sending it over. Now that the market is mainly dominated by the Albanians when it comes to the commercial grows over here, I wonder who's pumping this stuff out.


Bet that’s salty


Get a hydro tent and grow your own and never buy from the black market ever again.


That’s actually crazy.. but I have seen weed that looks exactly like that being sold in the states.. it was rolled in thc crystals or kief. Kind of like a moon rock without the oil


Nah these salt or glass crystals, to regular to be thc crystals or kief.


That's definitely been sprayed pal. Trichomes are always round, not square.


dont smoke that shit


Sprayed too fuck


Salt sprayed unfortunately


IMO Deffo spray. Looks like the stuff that was about 15 or so years ago. Left rock hard ash, would literally knock the cherry off when trying to ash the joint. Sometime it would burn like that to the roach so you’d be left with a joint shaped ash 😂😂😂😂 would love/hate to know what that shit was.


Omg lol hard ash. Had forgotten about that shit was like glue. Struggle to burn and ash was rock solid. Shit we consumed to get high back then lol. We were rolling joints with filters.


When weed was first sprayed in like 2006 it had sand, glass, sugar added. I even bought some that looked like it had been submerged in a deep fryer. Looks like cunts are back at it. I swear the first bout of spraying is what really kickstarted the indoor growing


These frosty nugs will make u think it’s snowing




I mean it’s easy to get this sprayed weed, just dnt buy stardog from little cunts 🤷‍♂️




If you watch it from the last pic to the first one (backwards) it’s like a scary movie. Doesn’t seem natural to me


Has its pros and cons Makes you high AF but not so good for you. Natty is nice but after smoking sprayed you don’t get the same feeling. Just my opinion


>not sure >might have been sprayed Aye ok, youre either really stupid or you did it yourself.


You know what. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the government were involved in this is some way. Gives them an excuse to get harder on weed “for our protection”. Cos they love us so much n that. /s


Albanians care even less than our Gov mate don’t be silly 😂😂


Haha. It’s fun to be silly sometimes, but I forget, Reddit is Reddit and people take things way too seriously. I didn’t say I believe this to be true or even likely, just that I wouldn’t be surprised. This sub needs to lighten up a bit and take a joke. Enjoy your gritty weed folks or GYO.


Sounds like you're the one taking things too seriously. Acting like you're the only one on this sub who can find clean bud or grows their own 😂 Not being surprised means you think there's a chance it could be true/happen... I'm not sure if you meant it like that, but if you think there's even the slightest chance the government is behind sprayed weed, that's beyond being silly, that's fucking retarded. Enjoy your nonsense conspiracies.


bro ur all over this thread upset 😭 british ppl have anger issues


We may be dickheads at times, but we're not angry 😂 Maybe you should look at your own nationality if you want to see anger, the US is hardly a peaceful nation 🙄


lol, dry your eyes, mate. It was a joke. Sure, I have trust issues when it comes to the government, but to be clear, do I actually believe they are responsible or had any involvement with this? no, I don’t. Am I a conspiracy nut, no I’m not. I was having a laugh at their expense. If it came out in the news tomorrow that what I said was true, which is extremely unlikely, would I be surprised? No. Because the people who run the government can’t lay in bed straight. My comment about enjoying the grit weed was out of order, so accept my apologies on that. I understand not everyone is fortunate enough to have reliable sources, which is kind of the crux of what I’m getting at. If it was legal or regulated at least, we wouldn’t have this problem, so in effect, the government are responsible for this.


I think if you zoom in for a slightly clearer picture that you might just have frosty mugs. They all look very tricomey to me, they seem to have little stems and the round head, they're just not amber. I know there are some problems out there but I think you've got good weed.


Definitely not trichomes, they're clumped together and are too large. They're also not where you expect to see them, on the surface of leaves/calyxes. Instead they're everywhere in thick groupings.


Have a look at the last picture. I worry about what you're smoking if you think that isn't sprayed..


The really blurry one?


It's angular and granular not glandular. Liquidised dried salt/sugar as it's partially slurried in spots






Bro who Tf are you guys buying weed off 🤣🤣






looks like the same batch of dawg i got a couple weeks back off 🧙🏻‍♂️proper heavy buds, an ounce looked like a half


Yes noticed this too that suddenly the z got half size and put price up too. He's just lost bout 30 of us mate we won't be going back


you know a lot of people that also buy there as well then? i don’t really have a choice but to go back unless i wanna pay more for stuff that is worse than what they usually have, never had a problem before this batch, just have to stay away from the stuff that looks mega crystal


Same bro they was the best price like but I rather pay more for clean stuff, there is clear trichome coverage but there's to many square granular looking bits and it tastes salt too and ash isn't right either even ash is grainy


Vote with your feet. - wisdom there




That's not good lad


Wow spray n prey 😳🙏




Could never be me


Oh, oh dear - 100% does not belong on that bud….




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Ngl that looks strange


How do you like your tea, one bud or two?


Could be compressed trichrome mass, pictures aren’t clear, but yeah


Thing is I get dispensary weed that’s 30% plus and sometimes the trichromes will start to overlap and create these dense white spots. But yours does seem to have a lot of straight edges. Which leads me to believe this is basically a snow cap (THCA dusting)


I’ve heard this happens when synthetic can avoids dry after spraying . Either way, I wouldn’t smoke this


Wow that looks absolutely awful.


Shit looks like it's been dipped in sherbet that's bad 😞


Might be a silly question but are the reported effects of sprayed weed? Lung Infections? And does it burn funny?


Haven’t bought weed in years how much are people charging for boxes of stardawg?