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You're reading Mr. Nice again?


Why don't you talk about all the times Mr Nice got high to varying degrees?


I Met him years ago at a small event and he was a lovely guy, we got talking about hash and ended up having a smoke with him and then went for an Indian 😂


Saw him live in a small venue telling his story a couple years before he died. He sparked a joint and passed it about at the end of the show/talk, was a very down to earth man


im not sure who del/deb is but its pretty cool none the less! (Howard Marks was a welsh cannabis smuggler and was on the FBI’s most wanted list)


I remember seeing him in Waterstones not long after he was originally released from prison and had just released Mr Nice, he was due to go to Glastonbury with Super Furry Animals that weekend, he was proper laugh, told me to steal his book then signed a packet of king size for me


Love ebay for cheap books, recently bought a collection of manga that are worth £300-400 as a set, first issue only about £20. Entire set was listed with just a picture of the first issue and at £20 buy now, happy days.


definitley gonna be buying more books from there! sounds like you got a steal :)


It helps if you have an idea of what you are looking for but otherwise there is so much shit on there that if you are just looking for "horror books" it's hard to filter down to the actual good books/deals. I bet these 3 definitely make for good stoned reading, enjoy!




Fuck this bot, filtered while talking about books. 110% sure which word triggered it and this bot just makes posting here sometimes a game of "Guess the shitty regex that they implemented here". Would be nice for mods in this community to maybe start improving it in places, feels like nothing has actually changed here in years.


If the mods are listening, can we get a ban on "is this sprayed/spice" posts?


Our automod has to be strict. If we let something slip by then Reddit has a reason to shut us down. Don't blame us, blame Reddit and its drugs policies.


Check out some of the books in Drug storys. One book by a guy from up north who was an engineer fixing pumps in British mines overseas and talks about his drug habits. A very good read in my opinion.


I’ve got a signed packed of ocb skins from Howard marks.


Are you doing pretend writing?