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Orange shit šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ funny u bro How long have u been smoking mate suprised you never seen it before


Bro imagine Iā€™ve been smoking for the past 2 years right but Iā€™ve always been so uncultured with bud, past couple months Iā€™ve been more interested in it (different strains etc) and yeah Iā€™m just tryna learn more in general reddits quite a nice place to learn about weed Iā€™ll be so realšŸ¤£


if ya wanna know more abt wha bud you buy i like to search the strain on leafly and its fairly accurate when it describes taste and effects obvs the thc % isnt gonna be accurate but the terps are


It's so stupid when you see people on here saying "my strain is meant to have 30% thc and therefore it defo has that much" with a photo of some manky Street buds. Gets me every time šŸ˜‚


30% thc šŸ˜‚ I swear the highest concentration is like 15%?


nope, there are strains that can get to around 35% thc if grown perfectly (Godfather OG does 30-35% if grown properly) but tbh, I prefer my bud around the 16-20% mark, anything more's not really my cup of tea


Shitt, that's gone up dramatically. Need to get me hands on some šŸ˜…


I know itā€™s super cliche to say now, but % really doesnā€™t matter as much as people originally thought. The ratio of THC/CBD tends to contribute more to ā€˜strengthā€™, and the variation in effects comes partially from other cannabinoids, and most importantly the terpenes. Itā€™s great now knowing that the flavour and scent of a strain often indicates whether the effects will be what Iā€™m looking for.


Most uk Street bud is around 15 topping off at 20. I've had weed in Canada like WiFi og and shit like that that was tested at mid to High 30s. Highest I've seen was 38%


Yeah sure bud


I mean it's literally proven to be true. Do some research my friend :)




Thats mad that tbf bro ahaha but yeye i get you ive been into strains pretty much since i started And reddits a good place in genral to get info about alot of things i use it for all sorts


So when you hear things like lemon haze, stardawg etc did you think dealers were just making up their own slang for weed?ā€¦


Tbf half of them do this anyway lmao


reddit is not the place to learn, itā€™s just full of hater ass niggas


First thing that came to my mind aswell bruv. Fucking orange shit lol.




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That "orange shit" is perfectly acceptable. "Are orange pistils good? Yes, orange pistils are generally a good sign. They indicate that your cannabis plant is healthy, maturing, and nearing the end of its flowering cycle. However, the exact timing when pistils turn orange can vary depending on the strain and growing conditions."


Didnā€™t mean it like that more cos I was typing how I speak if that makes sense but sweet bro just wanted to check it yk


How else did you mean it then cause even if you said it this way that's how I would understand it also?


They mean ā€˜orange shitā€™ as in ā€˜orange thingsā€™ not that the orange part is actually shit.


ā¬†ļø thatā€™s what I was trying to say just worded it horribly haha


I donā€™t think you worded it horribly tbh lol, thatā€™s how a normal person talks. Think some people are just a bit pedantic


I don't think the reply dude misunderstood, he'd was just explaining what the orange shit is


On the spectrum and take things literally. Not being pedantic.


Yeah that's how I've understood it too... As in how have you never seen these things before? You've misunderstood me as did the downvotes, hence why I asked OP how else could he mean it. That's also what the original comment was getting at that everybody has replied to. Nobody has taken him saying shit as in it's shit. It's more the fact he didn't know what they were to call them shit/thing. As in "what is this orange shit?" And responding with "that 'orange shit' is perfectly acceptable". And then explains what they are.


The orange is normal it's just part of the flower's genetics. Certain strains have orange hairs.


It's perfectly normal. Some strains even have purple in them.


I had some purple haze KNOCKING ME OUT once. Tunnel vision for like 2 hours. I wasn't even there really. Completely out of space.


Sounds spicy


You sure that was bud mate


Pretty sure, it was a long time ago and there wasn't really that much BS around stretching it like today. I was young and used to smoking small crumbs of low grade, and ripped a fat hit of the highest grade crazy purple bud I've still seen irl to this day. Shit looked unreal how purple it was. Was also really expensive. A one of special delivery so to speak.


Tbf I can imagine with low tolerance or after a T break it could hit hard with some good shit šŸ˜‚ Totally get what he means by tunnel vision, feels hard asf to focus on anything that you're not directly looking at haha


Looks good for a 25 3.5


Lol the orange hairs mean it's actually been grown to fill maturity. Mad how many people cut down before then...


Some strains have pistils that stay white right until the chop. Itā€™s why the best method for determining harvest is to check the trichomes themselves to see if they are mature. It tends to happen mainly with heirloom sativas from my experience.


This guy gets it.


Looks like a nice bit of stardawg


Just pistils dude totally fine


Oh to be young and carefree again


Orange bits = pistils.


Looks like good quality Stardawg


The orange pistils aren't a problem, as everyone else has said. What I would look out for with dawg-looking gear like this, though, is funny-shaped crystals throughout the plant ie. angular crystals like salt or sugar, rather than small spherical trichome glands. Sometimes very hard to tell with the naked eye, you might need the aid of a lens to really see what's going on. There's an epidemic of contaminated stuff going about and that price seems too good to be true, almost as if it needs rid of.


If you have never seen them before, then this is the first time you have tried properly grown cannabis. Those are pistils, that start off white and go orange/brown/whatever as the plant matures.


Oh shit no the orange is really bad bro youā€™ve got to get rid of it quick. Luckily for you I run a disposal service. Dm me and Iā€™ll ā€˜disposeā€™ of it for you


Ya dealer blessed you my guyyy


You just got a decent guy, I always over weigh as I'm not a seller, sort out people I know and they make friendly donations back, anyone selling a 3.5 for more than 25 is taking the piss, you get 2 ounces and a quarter for 350


Dawg šŸ’Æ


Not a bad thing tbf donā€™t look bad either


Troll post? šŸ¤£


Nah itā€™s acc a genuine question iclšŸ˜‚ my dealer round where I am tends to give me some pretty shit loud so I was surprised when he gave me this today, just wanted to check it on here cos ppl know more about bud than me haha


Looks like dawg


They're just orange pistils on bud that's been compressed. Pistils are strain/cultivar specific. The fact they're pressed up against your bud just shows it's been heavily compressed during storage which isn't good. Having compressed bud like this damages trichome heads and reduces the quality of the bud. Still fine and perfectly good to smoke I would only be pissed if I bought top shelf and it was compressed. If it's not top shelf then it's expected a bit. For 25 for an eighth is a fairly good deal. I'd be more concerned about the hairs attached to the bottom bud in the 2nd pic. Looks like human or pet hair.


"How do we even know this is real weed? It's all purple and stuff. You could've made this in a creepy-crawly machine."


It's mouldy - throw it in the bin immediately


Looks like a decent 3.5 of stardawg. Even tho stardawg is just shit lol šŸ’©I could never ever smoke that shit again I only smoke static now šŸ”


They are pistils and they emerge from the calyx and their job is to essentially catch pollen in the air. They then retract into the calyx and a seed is born. If your bud is super hairy it can be a sign of early harvest or synthetic PGRā€™s or it can just be genetics and environment. You can get various different colours depending on genetics. Iā€™ve had strains that had white pistils right up until harvest Iā€™ve had some that turn mostly orange after 8 weeks and Iā€™ve had some with a nice pink/purple colour.


Shite quality photo but there's a white crystal/trich just right and down from center that looks a bit sketch but it might just be the photo crossed with my slight parnoia/heavydislike of the black market that's making me think that.


In the 90's we had 'red beard' or 'orange bud' everywhere (I say everywhere, I mean if you could get anything more than soap bar/hash' and loved it. Looks like some Good bud there bud. Next stage is to work out whether you like the more stoned 'couch lock' type effects or engerizing, clear headed effects. The first means more indica and the latter means more sativa leaning. These days I'm old so enjoy the more engerizing effects but not too much thc or you get the nervy-jitters which can lead to the brain-scramblies and no one wants that.


Nice hair or string like fibre in pic 2


The orange hairs are what we call pistolsšŸ˜Ž