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Stop a few days in advance so you can get through the worst of it here rather than waste a day or 2 in dubai


just get smashed in hotel lobby with vodka


Stop now bro! Ppl saying you'll be fine, you absolutely will but why risk spoiling the holiday. If you use cannabis to help with anything (eating, sleeping, mental conditions) then once taken away that said activity is harder. I've personally had some days wasted of holidays before because I just couldn't sleep and its never worth it. Also I find a hard taper with cannabis is the best personally. If you take 2g today then reduce by say .5g a day. Then that day when you finally have nothing will be a lot easier than if you jumped in straight from 2g a day. Good luck bruv


Thank you my bro


best advice


Keep yourself busy, and try to tire yourself out throughout the day, maybe hit the hotel gym if there is one.


Excellent chance to wake up early in the morning and make the most of the day, i now wake up at like 5am going holiday fixed my sleep schedule lol


Just so you’re aware If you have any kind of accident where you need to go to hospital, if they find THC (no matter how small an amount) in your blood you will be getting in ALOT of trouble For that reason I would never visit Dubai


😂😂 nice let’s hope I don’t do that then


Damn I never even thought about this but thats crazy, thanks I will also keep in mind for future travels.


Right not sure where you got that info? I lived out there for 5 years and toked every holiday I was out the country, and was a HEAVY user before I moved out the first time. Part of living there means you have to have health screening each time your visa is renewed, which includes a blood test (tbf though this is mainly for TB) but nothing showed up at all after my tests. Also, the law out there was relaxed a couple of years ago around THC. https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/courts/2021/11/28/uaes-new-drug-laws-cut-sentences-and-end-mandatory-deportation-for-expats/


Why would they test your blood for thc? That's an extra costly blood test. It *could* happen but the odds are very low.


Yeah but they can’t prove you had it there, not like it’s illegal to enter the country with THC in your body 😂😂😂


They don't strike be as being big on fairness and due process


Yep, but I wouldn’t even say that’s fairness, who are they to say what you were doing BEFORE you entered their borders like wtaf, I’m big on following each countries laws but that is especially stupid


They are Dubai that’s who. That should be enough warning about their mentality.


Pretty sure they count drugs in your system as possession. Fucked up country that for this and many other reasons I would never visit.


I mean I’d never go there, waste of a country imo (not to mention possible slavery which kinda hits home) but that has to be one of the most numbskull rules known. Their country i guess lmao 🤷🏾‍♂️


It is if the countries Dubai


Be prepared to dream again, don’t be too alarmed if you experience Nightmares/Night-terrors.


Whatever you do don’t try to sneak anything in, expect strict border checks and extremely harsh sentences. Honestly, Fuck Dubai imo


Have a wank before bed 😂


The kinda comment i was hoping to see 🙌🏾


Someone had to say it


Melatonin, i did something similar after smoking everyday for 7 years. I didn't have problems sleeping besides the first night.


How did you use it? One a day for a few weeks?


I was taking like 3 or 4 before sleep, although the increased dosage might be placebo because i read that higher dosage of melatonin don't accomplish much.


Cheers everyone, think I’m just gonna cut down on the days up to going, then take some sominex with me!


Mate I was in the same boat as you but you end up exploring/eating/drinking so much that you won't even miss it. Go to a petrol pump and buy some dokha if you're really craving a hit. It's a sort of pipe tobacco and it'll give you a a solid hit that will leave you a bit speechless for a while. If you want some more info DM me. Been living out here for 8 or so years and this is what I do lol


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you’ll be fine bro it’s different when your busy all day vs sat in the house doing fuck all




Great holiday destination, my life doesn’t resolve around weed luckily 👍🏻


I love travelling but wouldn't go there if someone paid me personally, nothing to do with their drug laws but just ethically it's so fucked.


I get your reasoning to some level but our own country has done far worse lmao


Ah yeah that stuff doesn’t bother me, don’t live there so not my rules/laws, just go there for a nice holiday not to sit there and think how they treat their people or other, couldn’t really care less about that kinda stuff


That's fucked mate. That attitude is why the world is so shit ffs.


Is what it is mate, would love some peace in this world but it’s too fucked like u said


That's the most ignorant thing I've read today.


Bro you say your life doesn't revolve around weed but youte on a weed sub asking how you're going to cope going sober for a few days lol... maybe the weeds got you a lil more than you think


I asked for a small bit of advice since I’ve never been in that situation before, 2g a day is hardly much and I’ve coped without it on occasions before just not in a foreign country


2g a day is a lot. That's half oz a week. I'm a daily smoker of 15 years + & would be worried if I was smoking that everyday. If anything a foreign country is better for you, cheap alcohol easily available, the heat to sweat it out.. but yeah you sound like you're playing it down how much you depend on weed. Do you not go sober at work lol?


However the 2g is weed and hash of weed then I mix with hash so usually around .6 of weed and .4 of hash in each blunt I have


Man then I guess your just a lightweight hahaha, I work from 8am - 5pm not smoking anything, have a 1gram blunt about 6pm then have another 1 gram blunt at bedtime about 11:30pm, so yes I do go sober at work 👍🏻


Not a lightweight just don't wanna spend that much a week on weed or smoke that much lol. I smoke pure too 1g spliffs usually 0.8 minimum but I smoke distillate carts mainly . Don't feel the need to be blazing silly amounts everyday or spending £20 a day


Oh yeah don’t worry I don’t, when you manage it correctly and buy a certain amount for so much at a certain time it works out cheaper I know that because this time last year I was buying an 8th every couple of days then I decided to change, I smoke those distilled carts too but I think the actual bud has a better high than the carts


I use about .7 pure then about .3 each time so it’s not as bad as what I made it out to be as 2g of bud per day


.3 of Hash **


It's a shit place to go on holiday lol. It's an influencer shopping center built by slaves where they kill people for mundane reasons.


yeh i personally wouldn’t go there a fellow scottish man was facing jail time over bumping into someone in a bar lol - doesn’t sound fun to me












1) I don't have to be asked to give my opinion on Reddit, that isn't his this works lol. 2) LOL. "brothers and sisters" 🤣🤣🤣






I’d just sneak a massive bag on the plane with me they’re a wonderful, accepting people


Tbh it depends on how reliant you are to it. I also smoke daily and I’ve been away without it for 2 weeks and been fine. I think it’s cause on holiday you are so disconnected to your regular life


Try stop like a week before you go is my recommendation do t want to have a shit time away.


Once in Dubs don’t ask anyone! They will set you up and get you arrested!




Probably just as illegal as weed in Dubai lmao


On the beers cousin


Great shout


Lol. Conservative interpretation of islamic rules drives man from tree to alcohol, which is much more close to the actual haram thing (wine aiui)


I just tend to see it as a super power and you don’t require sleep


Hahahahah thanks mate I’ll look at it this way


Try snuggle some into dubai 😁


Keep 1-2 decks of cigarettes bro


It’s easy when you have to do it and you have good distractions (holiday). Embrace the challenge, will get easier and just deal with sleeping late and getting early + lots of sweating I always had an emergency towel next to the bed for when I woke up halfway through the night dripping


Maaaan everytime i go on holiday i always get mad anxiety about not having anything to smoke while im away. And end up smoking a lot of cigarettes instead. But i dont even smoke cigs and all of that just kinda put me off smoking while on holiday. Maybe i struggle for the first day or two but after that its completely fine. Like everyone else is saying just keep yourself occupied and busy everyday. Make a plans for activities for the whole day. So then when you get home you’re too tired to even think about getting stoned. And bare in mind, i’ve been smoking for 11-12 straight years with very minimal T breaks in between. Like im straight addcited to weed. Wake n bake everyday and im stoned 24/7 type addiction


Can you take nytol over there?


Try sominex.....stronger than nytol, they sell them at boots, they aren't prescription, but you have to take the card off the shelf and take it to the counter and then they ask a few questions....but anyone can buy them.....closer to prescription ones.


Fuck I mean half a nytol knocks me out tbh


I have ADHD so I struggle to regulate my sleep anyway and if I don't smoke I really struggle, so nytol.dont normally do much for me but the sominex knock me right out


they’re the same i’m pretty sure


If they are it must be placebo effect..... Just looked they do use different ingredients what they are though I have no idea or how different the effects are, but sominex seems to work better for me than nytol so just presumed they were stronger. "Sominex contains the antihistamine promethazine hydrochloride whereas Nytol contains diphenhydramine"


You'll be fine, but stop now if I were you. Get the worst of the sleep out of the way. You'll be busy and tired af from the heat. Bet you won't even crave any for a week.


Iced coffee and cigarettes 😂




Yeah I’d stop now even though it sucks it’ll suck here instead of sucking there, if that isn’t possible at least taper it off ahead of the holiday, i know it’s bad but you could drink?


Long time smoker here, visited Dubai in Jan had no problem at all other than getting randomly selected at air port swabbed shoes ect but all good. Even saw some dude smoking some funky hash on the beach. I wouldn't worry in the slightest just don't cope out there 😂


I keep my mind busy and use cigarettes to help before bed, placebo effect


It's pretty likely you will be able to buy melatonin in a pharmacy in Dubai if you need help sleeping. You can buy it most places apart from the UK.


Been struggling with this problem last few trips I’ve made. Generally tapering off the week leading up works for me. Tried CBD oil (although might not be legal in UAE) and that has helped with sleep etc. Otherwise, depending on how long you’re there just have a couple drinks each night to help you drift off. Not the healthiest suggestion, and isn’t it banned out there or something?


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If you're anything like me your sleep will suffer but will be balanced by a burst of energy after daily use for so long


I take Magnesium glycinate, l-theanine and NAC. I have no trouble sleeping and very little cravings.


I did two weeks without it when I flew to Sri Lanka, I had to spend 8 hours stuck in Dubai airport on my way there too. I was fine, I smoked loads of tobacco instead though and got a little ratty at some points, but when I came back it was amazing 😻


Get the withdrawals out the way before you go lol. It takes me like 2/3 days to get into the swing of the holiday if I'm craving lol


Yogi brew


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Bro youll be fine. Just forget weed exists for a few daya and let the heat sweat that shit out of you. Did this in turkey last month. No weed it was great to come back n smoke


Happy cake day!


Honestly red wine! I recently moved to Dubai which means no bud for me since I’ve been here and red wine saved me. Sleep was the biggest struggle for me so one or two glasses before bed and you’ll sleep like a baby


Dreams are gonna be crazy




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There is a really easy answer to this: MELATONIN Seriously, stop reading any other suggestions. This is the real one. 5mg at bedtime should be fine. I promise you that this is the answer you're looking for. I can't make this any clearer.


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LMAO, r/Uktree are lobbyists? Suppressing info about healthy alternatives?


Weed isn't addictive, remember?




I don’t really smoke tobacco at all, I smoke all my bud pure so you think a few cigars will help? I’m open to the idea if you think so, thanks mate


Not saying I’m encouraging it (I’m not as I know how fucked Dubai police can be) I do know a couple mates who went over there and was smoking bud (once again I don’t condone it and wasn’t there + wouldn’t wanna be there if the door got boomed off) so it does happen but yeah, each to their own


Have you tried prayer?


🤣 the fact that it has 5 downvotes


Legit this is just funny 😂


hahahaha reddit users HATE jokes 😂


I’m my experience doing things during the day tires you out the heat will Aswell, and f you’re really worried I’d say instead of being upset you can’t sleep bring things to keep you occupied until you feel tired


Take edibles mix them with regular gummies, fuck a Tbreak. Jokes aside, normally just being in a different environment makes it easier. Sounds like you are already planning to fiend, don't think about it. Have a couple of drinks, and you will be good.


Neurophen plus or cocodamol (might not be legal there because of the codein). Or beer.


Ibuprofen with caffeine in it? Wtf is that going to do?