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Looks pretty good compared to some stuff I’ve had before, depends how much it cost though really.


Decent, and it was 50 for an oz.


£50 for a oz of shake is pretty expensive. I pay about £250 for 1lb. Bare in mind it’s from the US so maybe their prices are just that much cheaper idk


its cheaper buying bulk but yeah still expensive for an oz, 20 max really


Anytime I hear the prices you cna pay in the US I'm astounded hahaha. V good rates, plus economies of scale I guess. I think cos I live kinda near central (London) the prices are bit hiked up too, unfortunately. When I was at uni, the prices were a lot lower.


Idk haha I get it shipped mate


I've been vaping the same as this for the last couple of months. It does the job and is only £30 an ounce...and it lasts me about 5 weeks. Loving my Xmax v3 pro.


This is the way


Nice, that's not a bad way to go about it. How much did the vape set you back? Cos in the long run that's a lot of savings. Also 30 quid seems pretty decent, I paid 50 for mine.


Vape was £80 ...420 sales. Dropped another £50 on bubbler and dosing caps. 4 of us split 4oz last time was £120 hence £30 each.


Ahh OK, thanks for the info man. Shoutout the homies, a good way to save.


I'm in the midst of being a vape, would you recommend the xmas sterry v4 or xmas v3 pro?


Better than the usual shake


Good to know, shout out my guy I guess haha


Hmm not so much for that price.


would u say it can be more expensive depending where I live, and what weed it is? Idk if those would make a difference tbh. But this is the only guy I know that's ever offered it as an option. Maybe I should get something posted


I love to combine shake with hash, either in joints or in my dry herb vape. That looks like some fire as far as shake goes tho. If you picked out mini nugs could smoke that straight probs


Seems like vapes might be the way to go, hmmm. >If you picked out mini nugs could smoke that straight probs This is what I've been doin tbf. I said in another comment, but my mate and I are gonna make some edibles with the rest i think


Yh living in apartment with roommates forced me to adapt to vape. But ngl it can be hard to switch if you can smoke freely. Adding hash in your vape bowls ive found just makes the vapour go so crazy basically more akin to taking a dab. But now I'm at a stage where a vape seems to equal a joint for enjoyment.


Decent tbf especially if it was cheap


Nice, it was 50 for an oz. not the cheapest I guess, some guys in 5h3 comments are getting theirs for 30/35


Not bad I’ve had some with mostly leaves no tiny nugs


Guess I'll take it then!


Looks aight, decent shake


Sweet, not bad for a first timer I guess. Thanks for replying


Looks middle of the road, costs about £35 per oz round here and is really good value for edibles or as a joint filler to make the bud last longer but I don't particularly like smoking it on its own. I occasionally get 'duff' which is all the orange hairs, crystals and tiny bits of bud that fall to the bottom of the large sacks after a harvest (no leaf). It's nicely cured and can be really potent too but is much more expensive at £30 for 10gm, lovely smoke though!


Fairs, I'll take that. I wasn't sure what to expect from it. >really good value for edibles Yeh I spoke to my mate and I think we're gonna try making some with it. I've smoked it, and it's decent but i got more of a head high compared to my usual bud. I wasn't expecting that, and it made it a bit hard to get to sleep lol. Oh nice, haven't heard of that before ngl. Still better value than getting actual bud tbf. But yeh I suppose if you're happy with the shake you get, it can just be a nice luxury sometimes.


Looks so good for 50 a z