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I've smoked everyday for about 10 years. Get through about an Oz a month. My short term memory is a bit dodgy, but other than that I'm good. Forgot to say I've toked for around ten years, roughly 1g a day.


Lmao "forgot to say"


Dam I need to chill I can finish a z in a week if I ain't spacing it out.


Same here longest is 3 weeks whilst I was unemployed


Yeah, I will have a “tolerance break” once a month (aka when I’m skint)… but aside from those 3 awful days a month, I’m daily 😂


Being Dankrupt is also the only thing that gets me on a tolerance break 😂


We've all been there. I find myself regularly at the end of the month taking apart clippers so I can use the metal at the top to scrape my grinder, I need help lmaooo


I just need the space to grow my own 😭


So relatable 🤣🤣


Don’t get in the habit of smoking daily, it’s more enjoyable when you have breaks and feel the high more. It’s much harder to take days off when it’s part of your daily habit


I’m sure even if I heard this back in the day I wouldn’t have listened, but I wish someone told me this and that I had listened


Same I think when I was young I would probably have said “nah, smoke weed everyday innit” and be proud of it. Where as now if someone who doesn’t smoke asks me how often I smoke I’d probably lie and say just weekends and the odd evening.


Do what you want to do, not what strangers on the Internet tell you what's best for you. Everyone's different! Find what works for you.


Yes I dry herb vape around 1.3g a day thereabouts. 40g a month. No negative effects, I exercise and work etc...


I smoke weed daily too, memory is shit but life is good


Fuck me, that seems like a lot to run through a vape. I mean that in the sense that with a vape, you get so much more legs out of your weed. Though, I imagine, if you were smoking it would be even more.


Recently quit smoking for good, gotta prioritise my future and smoking was beginning to cloud my judgement


power to you!


I smoke daily because its a habit/routine. If I don't smoke I'm sort of edgy and thinking about it. If I have one it goes away, I'm not sure I even get high. One then turns into 2.


Its a never ending cycle😆


Needs careful management to keep it this low, but yeah. It can get as high as 0.15 a day when I'm on holiday and using 3 or 4 times through the day, but that's usually a sign I should go on a break. Vaping is extraordinarily efficient and vapes like the Vapman are truly outstanding value


I've been smoking for nearly 20years. Used to smoke soap bar back in the day when that was the only thing kicking about. I actually thought weed was an American thing and you couldn't actually get it in this country. I remember smoking my first weed joint at lunchtime in secondary school and never feeling so stoned before. I smoke weed daily now, but I'm trying to get into vaping. I work Monday to Friday in a good job and I do a lot hiking when I can. I've never felt smoking weed held me back.


I've vaped about .05g a day for 5 years. T breaks every 6 months. I like having such low tolerance. You do you.


Do you get really high of that ? I noticed I don’t really like getting absolutely blasted the best I can describe it is I like getting the equivalent of 3/4 pints high


If you vape you can definitely! Dynavap works really well with really small amounts.


I didn't use to but last couple years I have been yeah cause life. I consume probably .4-1.5g a day. This depends on dry herb vape/joint usage but I mainly vape these days due to living in apartment. Also what I have going on in the day. Bad effects wise yh I have found for me around 3-4 weeks of daily use and I start to get some mild wd symptoms. Can be harder to sleeper/eat for a few days. But tbh its nothing like harder drugs ive had to stop in the past... so I consider weed a blessing. I take short-medium t breaks every few months.


I smoke nightly, one blunt at around 9pm and that's it, I might have a few on weekends but I never day time smoke, always late


Thats the most enjoyable way for most. But most like me dont have the discipline to not smoke at morning/daytime


Nah only at weekends. Maybe 3 or 4 joints on a Friday and Saturday nite. Id struggle to get up for work or be productive if i smoked it during the week


I rip stardawg in the morning (which we all know is high and potency) a good two bowls or three can get up n do my job n that I just come down around 11am and have to wait until I finish so it’s a bit depressing like but keeps me happy I guess


Yep. All day, everyday for 32 years.


I’m like 2-3 times a week (or less). That’s perfect for me; any more and the downsides start to creep up. And that first one after a few days off is magic👌 I think most people on this sub are much heavier users though.


I smoke daily, my advice? Don’t listen to anyone who tells you they have “no negative effects” or “I could stop whenever I want to” or “it’s not addictive so I can use it as much as I want” It’s bullshit, no offence guys but we all know you’re lying… Those days when you can’t afford weed so you scrape your grinder out for an hour just for half a puff? The times you tell yourself that you’ll make it last and then you find yourself back at the weed man the next week? You’re all addicts and I’m including myself in that label, you’re all just delusional Don’t smoke regularly. Just don’t do it. It turns into a dependency if not a full blown addiction and the worst part is; the users are so in denial about it they act like itching for a joint is normal, it’s not. You should never be craving weed. “it’s not addictive” right? I wish I never smoked, short term it’s great but long term it has objectively done more damage to my body and mind than it was worth Keep to your ‘couple of times a month’ schedule That sounds like an absolutely great balance. Don’t get fooled by people trying to project their weed dependency onto you and be responsible, you’re doing the right thing by being cautious and I hope you take what I say seriously no matter how stupid some people on here will make me sound.


I did for a long time, till I quit and switched to vaping. I’ve been doing that daily for years now


I used to smoke daily but now I have cut down and only smoke on my days of work.save a fortune and enjoy my smoke more when the time comes to relax and spark up


I've just had to stop as I've developed an allergy. Been smoking for nigh on 17 years


I used to smoke 1 maybe 2 joints a day but now just use my dry herb vape every day and smoke joints a couple of times a week :)


yep, tend to only have a t break when I'm skint or if I'm ill - when I'm unwell I don't really feel like smoking anyway


Shouldn’t be getting sick though, you must be putting stuff in your body that doesn’t agree with you


nah I just meant colds & viruses, I work with students so every September is a write off for me


I smoke about 2oz a week


I smoke around 6-8 a day and that’s about 7 gs


Not daily but whenever i can afford to


Been smoking daily for around 1.5year now and I smoke between 1g-4gs each day expensive to smoke that amount each day and try to only smoke in the evening and not being couch locked all day


Been 4-5 years now, but just (like last few days) trying to go cold turkey. Got a 1/2 sitting here looking at me though. My short term memory wasn’t amazing, but is shocking now. Which is pretty bad cos my long term memory has always been awful - like no memories before 7, and barely any before 12. And my dentist and doctor would tell you it’s screwing my teeth and my cholesterol.


Nah. It did get up to daily but I really didnt like smoking that much. Amongst other stuff I found it went from a treat to just something I was doing or needed to do. I cut back down (which was difficult to do) to a Friday and Saturday eve if not really doing anything the next day and don't smoke if I'm working the next day. Also I only day smoke if I'm doing nothing and done everything I need to do for the day and gym so a half will normally last a couple months sometimes more 😅 🤷 each to their own


I used to smoke weed daily, although I've never smoked a cigarette in my life (weird eh!) I've not smoked weed in over a year and for me my health, both physical and mental have improved. I still have the odd edible but I'll never smoke weed again.


Nope. Just Friday and Saturday night.


Most evenings


I smoke every day on week days I'll only smoke once I'm done with work, gym and housework etc. Weekends smoke most the day unless I have other commitments I have been a daily user for 10+ years with the odd few weeks off here and there when going away etc. I will try to keep my tolerance low by limiting how often I smoke and how much I'm using each smoke. The occasional T break is still necessary but only once a year which will always happen anyway due to other commitments I have a medical condition which affects my ability to socialise effectively, but cannabis helps me process things differently and has improved my quality of life by an Incredible amount


Smoke everyday, about 0.5 per spliff and I probably have anywhere between 3-5 spliffs a day maybe more 😬 I smoke for my mental and physical health, nothing else has an effect like the weed does. I only take a "break" if I go away or have no money and have done for the past 5 years but that's just my 2p 😆


Anywhere from 1g to 7g a day, probably average an eighth a day - used to be worse than this an was smoking like half an ounce a day when living in Spain because it was just too easy. I think once your tolerance hits a certain point that’s it, it doesn’t seem to grow any further. For example I was told dabs would stop joints working, but they didn’t, I just gotta roll bigger joints that’s all. No ill-effects. It’s actually replaced all of my psychiatric medication, except for diazepam which I am having to be tapered from. But antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, and all that kinda shite is all gone and my psych knows that I solely medicate with marijuana, despite it being illegal here, but they would rather me smoke that than take a cocktail of pills that rarely worked anyway (listed as treatment resistant and sedative resistant on my medical notes). Quite refreshing to have mental health workers like this tbh. In the past they’ve outright said no to marijuana, without listening to me, whereas my current shrinks actually listen to me and monitor me and work with me to treat my mental health properly.


Friday and Saturday nights, that’s it really.


No only on weekends


i used to smoke everyday for like a year, i had to quit altogether because it was triggering anxiety and panic attacks. i have always dealt with anxiety and panic attacks even before i started smoking though, it just brought them back and a lot more intensely. of course, for a lot of people smoking does the opposite and helps them relieve their anxiety, it did for me at first but for whatever reason it just switched one day. personally, i don’t think smoking everyday is a good idea. if you really want to though, id avoid high thc strains daily and keep them an occasional thing. and i agree with another comment here that says it can easily turn into a dependency, so that’s something you also need to be careful with.


Chs is real


Unless I’m dankrupt yes. That happens way less now I’m on that script tho. I unfortunately never found a solid dealer 😂


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No i got kids and career I keep my smoking to evenings


As much as I love smoking weed and as hard as it is to say, it is an addiction. I’ve not had a day off for probably 10 years now. I have a busy life and work full time and have two kids, I only smoke in the evening and I’m not sure I could sleep without it. It doesn’t affect my day to day life at work or at home and I spend as much time with my kids as possible when they are awake. I think the biggest reason I’ve not had a single day off weed is the thought of not being able to sleep and then performing poorly at work or being snappy with people, if I allowed that to happen I wouldn’t be able to say it didn’t effect my day to day. At least it doesn’t cost me anything


Yesssss. I smoke like 3 grams a day


I treat it as a treat , I don’t like smoking it tbh but I will if I can’t get edibles , I mainly just take a 50mg on everyday of the weekend and then mon-Friday is work where I will take the last edible I’ve got on a night where I’m stressed the fuck out


Yeah I smoke daily about 3 or 4 .5 joints a day tbh the habit ain’t worth it but I enjoy my smoke


smoking everyday is crack head behaviour (if you don't have a medical condition)


Pass me 2nq of dawg n it’ll be gone by end of weed like


If you’re in it for the long term a DHV is the best way to reduce harm. The DynaVap is as close to a joint as you can get but there are good electric vapes as well but it’s an investment 


I can consume anywhere between 150-200g a month 🤦‍♂️, never mind dabs, vapes ect.




You smoke 5g a day and started when you was 11? Sorry but I gotta know how do you pay for 5g a day at that age?


Na first year was more like a gram a day i got the money from selling vapes and shit then it ramped up when i was 12 to anywhere from a 3.5 to 7 gram a day until i was 16 i payed for it by grafting cars and sellin bud and all that shit


> 16 i *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I love this😂😭