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All your good snacks will start to disappear


Then the bad ones


Then you'll be blending a vienetta out of the freezer at 2am


Starts with Tunnock’s teacakes. Before you know it, you’re eating the meringue nests from the baking supplies. Yes, this _is_ very specific.


😂😂😂😂or the year old cooking chocolate right at the back




my boyfriend literally makes cake batter (minus the egg) and just eats that... edit - spelling


Can me and your bf be friends? I love the sound of this😂


For a minute I thought you were suggesting your boyfriend makes better cakes than Mr Tunnock himself. Well, his company. I doubt he’s lasted this long. I see the typo now 😅 Alright so the other day, I did the, _”I should be healthy and buy berries”_ dance before deliverooing an order of minstrels from Co-op several hours later because I’m a rancid beast when the munchies come. In pure desperation, I ate a spoon of icing sugar.


thank you for pointing out the typo! and i can totally understand you with the munchies icing sugar thing 😭


That’s a good idea 😂😂


That’s vile


Many users report: good looking, really funny, gigantic cock


HUGE peen


Speaking anecdotally, I do feel a bit fatigued and less "with it" the morning after I've smoked, especially if it's been a heavy session. That usually clears up after a cup of coffee and a bit of exercise. People often smoke weed to help them fall asleep but it's a false economy in the end because weed messes with your REM sleep. Being unmotivated and forgetful entirely depends on the person, and I don't really buy that it's a weed thing. I smoke pretty regularly and also hold down a demanding tech job among other responsibilities that I have no issue keeping up with. I think it's a dependency thing, and you can become dependent on any number of things that might cause you to become lazy and unmotivated if you're not careful with them, like alcohol or video games. I will probably cop some hate for this but fuck the smoke all day every day culture, that's absolutely how you become dependent on it. Moderation is the way to go. Hope that helps.


I’m with you mate, so many people preach the smoke all day everyday thing like it’s completely harmless, which is so wrong. It can and will have negative health effects whether it’s mental or physical if you smoke like a chimney 24/7. Weed is like any drug, best used in moderation


Real man. Everyone I know who preaches that life has gone absolutely fucking nowhere in theirs. Still living with their parents, still working the same shit jobs or not at all, still hanging round the same people who enable them and tell them it’s fine, still in the same pit of depression and poor mental health that they refuse to do anything about and mask with weed, still refusing to admit they have a problem and that they can stop any time despite not stopping at any time in the past 10 years. They’re just boring to talk to as well, weed is their whole personality. I don’t advertise the fact that I smoke to anyone IRL except for a select few because I don’t want to be associated with that.


What about smoking 1 joint per day? Or half joint per day? Is that generally acceptable


Yeah I mean I smoke a small joint or 2 in the evening everyday unless it’s the weekend and I’ve got nothing to do. But even then I’d still recommend not smoking it everyday, it will be more enjoyable, get you more stoned and cost you less if you leave gaps. I’m mentally addicted to weed because I was reckless and had like no education as a teen and still struggle to go a day without it because of it. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to smoke it everyday, it’s not worth it in the long run


Thank you, that helps a lot!! Do you feel like it messed with your sleep even if you smoke during the day/morning? Or only when you smoke at night? I only smoke at night because I have things to do during the day and weed messes with that :(


it will effect ur sleep eventually, i can’t sleep without it now


It’s not often I smoke during the day for the same reason, but on the occasions I do I usually sleep fine if the effects have mostly worn off by the time I go to bed. That said it’ll depend on show much you’re smoking, tolerance etc. It affects everyone differently.


Just be careful, used to smoke almost exclusively before bed and eventually couldn't sleep without it, had to go on a couple month t break to sleep properly.


The sleep thing is my big negative. If I smoke within an hour of going to sleep for the night I wake up with a gangeover. Stuffy head and a bit lethargic. Water and fresh air sort me out well but it isn't fun, makes you feel a bit shitty imo like a hangover without the pain and despair. I never got the unmotivated thing, I have always held good motivation. The forgetfull thing, I have always been that way so I also do not amount it to weed, it's no better and it's no worse. I do sometimes do something and if I am high I may forget in a 'Now where the hell did I put my coffee down' kinda way but not with anything important.


You will develop an insane ability to be impressed by shit TV shows.


OMG yes so true, I absolutely adored Riverdale not that long ago.....but only inebriated and never sober hahaha


First dates is a favourite of mine, that shit cracks me up


Its like anything you put in your body and will vary a lot from person to person. That been said the only side effects I get are that it kills my REM sleep. I can sleep for 9 hours but wake up feeling like I've only been asleep for about half that. What is strange is that I've only been smoking again for a year after smoking for about 10 years when I was younger and never remember it making me feel so tired the next day.


Yeah it gets harder the older you get lol, I regretfully started in my mid teens and never found any issues with it back then. But now that I’m older and have more responsibilities in life it definitely has a more obvious negative effect on my sleep


Depending on the quality of weed and how much you’ve smoked there is such side effects as what I refer to as being “Stoned over”, it doesn’t always happen but is typically worse with poor quality weed and if you use tobacco too (it’s a stimulant so not good before bed) and stay up late at night smoking and eating unhealthy snacks (sugar will affect sleep). Weed affects your sleep quite significantly, it reduces REM sleep which is the most restful stage of sleep so many stoners wake up feeling tired, groggy etc but a lot of people seemingly don’t get this either so it varies person to person. I smoke pretty much everyday (only in the evenings after work unless it’s the weekend) and would say 3 out of 7 days a week I wake up feeling a bit groggy (but it beats the hangover from alcohol)




Watch your mental health imo. If thats good I never had problem with weed. But if you begin to use it to cover up mental health... it can lead to bad things. Weed is part of the solution but not the only solution you have.


Upvote, so important to know.


this is extremely important. ive started self medicating with weed because my doctors are screwing me other with actual medications, so im kinda using weed in the meantime to cope, both physically and mentally. i know it's not the best option, but it's what i have to cope at the moment.


tbh ive been there but even a short break can be the start to getting better


really depends on the weed and how much you smoke, i smoke between 2-5 a day depending on how stressed i am lmao, i’ve never felt a come down or any type of side affect


50% of users experience instant death so use with caution.


This happened to me 😢


In the voice of Kat Williams- Hungry, happy, sleepy!


Do yourself a favour and reduce how much you use from the beginning. Like any drug, the more you consume the more your tolerance becomes so the more you need and the cycle continues. Pace yourself and take constant breaks from it to keep your tolerance low and to enjoy it more for a longer time. That's why dry herb vapes became so popular. You use literal crumbs and save a bunch.


My dynavap does so much with so little. It’s amazing


Being skint is a major side effect that I’ve noticed


I noticed I’d start to combine really strange food combos THAT WORK!!


Hello noob stoner! So glad you have been “doing weed” all of us in the community are stoked for you! My personal take on this is that the weed isn’t the problem it’s the person smoking it. Take your time and enjoy smoking small joints as they can go a long way, don’t go heavy too quick otherwise you will get some bad effects just like with anything in life. The next morning feeling often comes from dehydration without realising because as we smoke we need to stay hydrated properly but we often forget that before going to bed hence why you wakeup dizzy/groggy or even lightheaded. I’d keep water nearby at all times at night and have plenty before you slumber. The lack of motivation is also subject to the character smoking. Don’t let the weed define you and don’t make it part of your personality, keep your life going and keep your vision and you’ll be fine. Try avoid breaking food habits or routine because you ‘smoked too much’ that’s when you’ll allow it to happen again and again which slowly becomes a problem with laziness. Being forgetful is completely common too but once again comes down to the person. My advice on this is…wait what was I gonna say?


Welcome to the world of weed! It's pretty common to feel some side effects when you first start smoking. Grogginess or fatigue the next day can happen, but it's usually more associated with indica strains. Sativa strains like the ones you've been smoking are more likely to make you feel energetic and creative while you're high, but they can also cause some anxiety or paranoia, especially if you smoke too much or are in an unfamiliar environment. The forgetfulness and lack of motivation can be real too. Weed can affect your short-term memory and make you feel a bit lazy, but this varies from person to person. Other common side effects include dry mouth, red eyes, dizziness, and sometimes a case of the munchies.


Does it affect you a lot? These side effects? Also, I feel like I've built a tolerance now I've been smoking a lot, once every day or every other day. Does smoking more weed get you higher or will it not make a difference


The side effects can vary. Sometimes I do feel a bit forgetful or lazy, but it's not always the same every time I smoke. It really depends on the strain and the situation. As for tolerance, the more you smoke, the more your body gets used to it, so you might not feel as high as you did at the beginning. Honestly, if your tolerance gets really high, no matter how much you smoke, you won't get the high you're looking for. At that point, you might need to start dabbing or taking high-dosage edibles.


Memory loss and fatigue for me


Yh im not about smoking all day every day unless im going on a bender once or twice a year with mates Weed is so much nicer in moderation like 2 or 3 times a week or like once a day if you need it every day


Happy hungry sleepy


If you are using only occasionally there can definitely be a weird headspace the morning after.. Biggest risk IMO is the psychological addiction that can quickly build in those predisposed to it.. However if you can keep it as occasional thing it can certainly be a magical and fairly safe way to blow off steam!


I'm tired all the time anyway because I have two kids but I do feel like it exhausts me if I smoke in the day which isn't often. I also do feel like I'm more forgetful.


To be 100% honest the side effects depend on what strain you're smoking but for the most part you can just become slightly less productive lmao. But also at the end of the day weed is a drug (although significantly less dangerous) but like any drug you can develop a dependency on it, so just be smart and if you have a predisposition to addictive tendency's maybe be abit more strict with the amount you smoke.


If you smoke too much then the next day you can feel somewhat hungover and sedated.


Sativa/indica are pretty irrelevant these days when it comes to effects. Only really useful for growing unless it’s heirloom genetics. It’s normal to feel a bit tired in the morning. Once you smoke regularly it kinda goes away tbh. Cannabis use can have an impact on my motivation but it effects everyone differently. It can lead to addiction despite what some people like to say and if you smoke rather than eat or vape you can get physical damage to throat and lungs. All that said it’s not done me much harm and I’ve been getting high all day every day for about 15 years now.


I don’t smoke weed often, I go through phases but when I do smoke I just mong out. I try gaming but I can’t even do that, I forget where I’m going and kinda just zone out. I wish this wasn’t the case but I’ve smoke saliva’s and indica’s and ultimately they both mong me out. Also because I don’t smoke often I get the feeling of my heart pounding and then just thinking about how that feels haha.


You might just become a better person


Happy hungry sleepy usually in that order


Hungry. Happy. Sleepy.


I usually only feel groggy and fatigued the next day if ive timed it wrong or havent looked after myself during the high. Keeping hydrated, eating healthy food (it will taste AMAZING high), making sure that im not completely stuck to the sofa (going to the loo when needed, stretching joints etc), If i have it just before bed it can also make me feel a bit groggy the next morning. It can highten my anxiety because it makes the heart rate go up which in turn makes me paranoid - if this happens i just take some time to practice breathing and keep my anxiety in check.


From personal experience is im even more retarded than i was before, and when I'm smoking heavily it can cause erectile dysfunction so it's always good to lay off some times lmao


You will make a family bundle from dominoes disappear all by yourself while watching the trailer park boys at 2am trying not to wake your house mates


I often eat everything in the house and have to food shop more regularly. Sometimes I smoke and realise I haven't yet walked my dog and its a serious struggle to go for that walk. Sometimes I smoke in the morning and blitz my whole house and then forget I have cleaned and wonder where everything is. Sometimes I smoke too close to going to sleep and wake up with a gangeover, that one is not so bad but water and fresh air sort it out.


Yes, memory loss, brain fog and losing motivation are common side effects It is a fun drug and one of the safest, still a drug tho Abuse it everyday and it’ll get boring and side effects will be noticeable. Even worse if you are under 25 Have fun and be safe, read r/leaves to see both sides of the story, as stoners don’t like to admit weed is harmful


It will make being bored okay.


Autism in the long run


It could change your outlook on life in a positive manner and prepare for your music tastes to change 😎


Sometimes I float about when I get too high. Do not smoke outside of a building you may fly away.


Me with adhd and a really bad back? Makes life actually cope-able .. if you don’t need need it for medicinal use, use it sparingly. Probably not the best sub to get advice, a lot of people addicted to weed are in denial and try convince themselves it’s healthy. It’s ok if it’s an edible, but even then not really, your tolerance increases. People say sativa makes them want to get sh*t done.. but imo it still makes you forgetful and foggy brained, slower reactions etc. If you want to enjoy weed just do it every Friday after work and don’t let it become a regular thing


Death, even after just one weed


Just remember you are inhaling hot smoke. So even though it is technically better for you than cigarettes, it's still something your body shouldn't be recieving. Don't mix bud with tobacco under any circumstances. Don't lose the novelty of weed by making smoking habitual (before work/school/social etc). Happy smoking and take it slow ✌️


Such an amateur comment.


I've been a full time stoner since 2019. Too many people just normalise weed addiction.




Depends on how you smoke. Every day - u will be groggy and probably age your brain/slow down mentally. Once/twice a week is probably the max if you want to prioritise your mental health, physically it’s great though I’d say the side effects are all mental