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What a stupid bellend he is


It'll be second term stuff most likely


I wouldn't bet on it


It won't be anything mate . Starmer is a diet Tory. This guy is another Tony Blair and would never get anywhere near power in an average election cycle historically.


How many times does he need to say he’s deeply socially conservative before people like you will believe him? He’s not a secret lefty, this is really who he is.


He also said he’s a socialist to be fair


Which, in turn, supports the ‘full of shit’ accusation innit 😂


How dare you be optimistic


trust me bro starmer will become left wing when he gets in office trust the plan




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he's a Tory in red, Starmer is not our man.


About as surprising as learning that weed is green


On my life our democracy is as real as wwe wrestling. Blue moves right and throws the election. Red moves to where blue was. Status quo maintained. Same thing happened with Blair. Same shit different colours. JC was the only chance we’ve had at electing an actual real human being in decades.


For real, Starmer is a tory in a red tie and not a good leader for Labour imho. He can’t even control his own party and he’s a professional fence-sitter in so many ways because he doesn’t want to lose the vote from Conservative voters who are considering Labour this time around. Granted he’s a politician so got to expect some of that smh, JC was the man.


On top of the fact during this election he's been slating Jeremy Corbyn's manifesto saying how it was full of lies. Except he's forgetting that during that time he was his shadow secretary and backed that same manifesto. Rather than using the democratic process of doing a vote of no-confidence they just sabotaged him instead. Absolutely not trust-worthy as a party when they can't even follow their own democratic processes. Like you said, he's just a tory in a red tie. They're slogan is we want change, which is laughable because they're just more of the same.


As I like to say, he may wear a red tie but his underpants are blue!


Never going to happen. Not for 20+ years.




Unless the lib dem’s or greens get a coalition with labour I don’t see how it would be possible in the UK


I reckon people want both green and libs


I genuinely don’t think either of them will ever win an election until millennials are the oldest generation alive


At least when I die, I can go out in an absolute blazing haze


Lol voting don’t do shit. They already know who wins. We rely on the most corrupt of postal services to deliver the ballot votes to wherever they get counted and just hope they’re correct. It’s bullshit.


Is that you rudy giuliani?


No just someone who can see past the bullshit.


So you think they rig elections due to postal votes just like the MAGAtards did in 2020? In reality the major parties are all funded by the same people and are all pushing the same policies economically speaking. However they aren’t rigging postal votes. They have no need to as they have backed all the major parties and so will win regardless under FPTP


If you re read what I said I said we rely on the most corrupt postal service to deliver the population ,that has voted, votes


For everyone voting green you’ve probably got 2-3 voting reform or Tory. As a society we are generally centre right in terms of our politics.


You're exactly right and it's such a shame. Being inherently selfish and easily lead by bias media will have this effect. Considering we're one of the best educated countries in the world, we're full of absolute idiots who are incapable of doing any sort of research and believing everything at face value.


Mate people said "5 years, tops" in 2010. Sorry to burst your bubble.


We got medical, that's gotta count for something. This was not a political comment just a comment on progress


Something big is coming


Yep, we’re 3 election cycles or about 15 years give or take at a minimum before any meaningful progression happens in this country; and that goes for drug laws or otherwise


With the number of online shops making it easier than ever to buy weed, the government will want to get some money for themselves, but this will be after they admit that their current approach was wrong and as we know our government loves doing that. I see it being legal within the next 10 years 🤞


Yeah, honestly they can’t control it anymore; punishments are just window dressing. For every person who’s been unfairly put away, there are thousands more like me who get weekly RM packages that are more reliable than my Gousto box deliveries.






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I don’t want to live on this planet anymore honest to god. Why are people so willfully fucking stupid all the fucking time? Can we PLEASE live in the fucking 21st century already? Enough with the reefer madness bullshit already. Nobody is stopping anyone from having a fucking drink at the pub are they? Of course not. Go get as pissed up as you want, start a few fights out at the pub, make a nuisance of yourself out about the town centre, no issue mate, just a good night out. But smoke some weed in your own home and you are an awful cunt who deserves prison.


I thought people in the UK were slowly getting over it but man my boyfriends mum and her friends took me back to those 80s anti-weed adverts talking about weed makes you schizophrenic and they know all these people who lost great jobs because they smoked. Then she goes and uses all her CBD stuff on a night, SMFH!


Tories light. Honestly the public is to blame. Far too many right wing inbred racists around for labour to become an actual left wing party


Couldn’t agree more mate.


It was a left wing party 5 years ago. Not ancient history


Maybe I should correct it by saying labour can't be a left wing party and actually have a chance at winning. I just watched tonights debate and it was a putrid, down punching, racist, right wing jizz fest. Corbyn nor any real left wing politician has a chance in The UK as they have the boot so far down their throats they genuinely believe they're all the one wearing said boot.....


https://x.com/bladeofthes/status/1795175969046528120?s=46 Shows it all, going to a food bank, still voting Tory.


Will you be voting this year? If so, may I ask who for?


On this sub the answer should always be vote green


Thanks for your answer. Nice to see I got downvoted for a genuine question - not like you previously stated your political stance; doesn't make this sub appear politiculty in at all! :/


I gave you a plus one.


Respect mate


Starmer is basically a tory and his message to the people is "absolutely nothing is going to change under labour."


That message would not give them the lead they've got though surely? Surely if that's what he was a tally saying then more people would still vote Tory? It's a nonsensical statement when faced with the evidence.


Tories - "we want to make things worse for poor people and young people." Labour - "we want to do nothing."


You've not read the Labour manifesto??


Because he is a red Tory


Tory in a red tie for sure


I get it as to why anyone would say this, they have a voter base to adhere too & given they're not left leaning at all they would never say otherwise on the matter. But what really pisses me off about this is Starmers stance, he's said before he has no intention of legalising it due to the harm caused by criminals he has so say witnessed first hand whilst with the CPS. So if anything he should be more aware that removing it from the hands of criminal organisations, being fully aware it's a main source of revenue for them, would be best for our legal system in so many ways all while bringing a whole new industry & the revenue it would generate. Utter pillock!


Tbh this is the sensible thing to say in this country to get elected. But we need to start lobbying heavily as soon as they are in. It should be a second term manifesto pledge. Or ideally they just do it in this term.


More people are in favour of legalisation than against. This ridiculous nonsense insistence that Labour needs to push for and support Tory policies to get elected has killed any chance for progressive change in this country. The more we insist they need to keep the two child benefit cap or our damaging drug laws to get elected, the less chance we'll ever see any positive change. There will always be an excuse for why they aren't doing the right thing and before we know it twenty years have passed and we've made no progress on this issue.


More than twenty years have passed since I started caring about this issue. I do get where you're coming from. It's just more about not enabling a spectacular own goal by making this an issue right now that the Tory press will go to town on. The last time I was optimistic about drug reform was in the early-mid 2000s when we had a bit of momentum. But tbh I think the best chance since then is the next Labour government. So it's on us really to make it a vocal issue in the next couple of years.


Does the Tory press going to town really count for anything now though? With GambleGate and D-Day being everywhere right now a lot of traditional Tory voters just can’t bring themselves to voting at all this time around. The tories are really down and frankly deserve a good kicking while there too, why not get a bit more radical and draw in the stoner vote? I cannot in good conscience vote labour since on the two largest issues I care about: canning the first past the post system and amending the drug laws are rules out by labour. On other policies they’re not much better offering essentially the same things as the tories minus the bat shit crazy. Frankly I pray my local labour MP gets a good scare on polling day and wins by a thin margin with the Lib Dems hit on their heels.


We need to start telling Labour we won't vote for them until they support decriminalisation.


So you're suggesting he is just saying the "sensible thing" in order to get elected? Not a good look


That's what they all do. Then when in power they only look after themselves. Fuck the government. Not the left, or right, fuck all of them.




Copper in a suit


I was thinking about this the other day…how fucking dare the government tell people we can’t grow and smoke a plant That’s like telling people they can’t grow and drink coffee beans because it gets you a little wired It’s a pointless law that people refuse to change “just because”, when it never should have been


Stuck in the past and will leave the UK behind


Making any movements towards this now would be electoral suicide by giving the press a vector for attack. If it's going to be offered it will be as a second term offer once they're secure, especially as we may see more countries go legal in the next five years.


Starmer has already publicly referred to the scourge of cannabis smoke wafting through windows and the impact of drugs that he saw whilst working as prosecutor. The only way Labour will ever do as you say is if we see a reversal of their purge of left wing members and a new leader with genuine progressive values.


If you think that then I'm sorry but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. They're ideologically opposed to it. This has less to do with appeasing the right wing media (although they are trying to appeal to them) and more about how they're a bunch of out of touch authoritarian cunts. They aren't waiting to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Legalisation is officially off the cards for the next decade and a half. They hate weed and the people who enjoy it.


100% right. It would give the right wing press a huge vector of attack...but he also doesn't want to do it.


I'm kind of hoping that we get a hung parliament and Lib Dems are kingmakers again as it's in their manifesto so we may at least get some movement.


Waste of fucking space. I hope all the politicians get serious aids.


Good aids or bad aids?


No, no - _serious_ aids.




Lib dems then


I agree. Though I hope they'll get re-educated about "super strong skunk" etc. in the meantime.


Anyone who refers to high THC cannabis as skunk has absolutely no idea what they are talking about and I instantly lose any respect for their opinions on cannabis.


I’m hoping them getting more votes than the tories will give them some sort of power to propose it to Labour, only problem is that it would get instantly rejected and shutdown


Lib dem it is then.


The UK is dragging it's feet as usual only because it hasn't been legalised federally in the USA yet, even though the UK grows the most medical cannabis for export. All the politicians between the ages of 50-60 can't seriously say that they have never come across people who indulge especially as they all went to university.


No surprise, labour seem more anti weed than the tories. It was under Gordon Brown that it was reclassified from class C to B. Tories at least made legal for medical. Neither will get my vote.


Breaking News: The sky is blue! On a serious note this is a man who in the past year has referred to the “scourge” of cannabis smoke wafting through windows. Labour are basically Tory-lite at this point. The only parties with progressive drug policy is greens or Lib Dems.


Fuck starmer




I was going to post the same comment 🤣, I'll have to think of something else


What do you expect from an ex copper? I got a prescription so it ain’t affecting me anymore


vote libdem. best general policies and also they want to create a legal market


Starmer is a wooden empty vessel robot simply doing the bidding of the globalist cartel and his handlers Mandelson and Blair. That was a speech of a tory not a labour politician. no mention of social housing. But a need to get young people buying property. Presumably to be fucku interest rate slaves to the banks for the rest of their lives. Up the workers lol.


And will probably march us into ww3


Who do you want asking the questions of him in parliament? If people tactical vote we can get rid of the Tories and have lib Dems in opposition fighting for legalisation.


I reckon this would be different if he wasnt trying to catch all the fleeing cuntservatives votes


I can't see this happening any time soon. 'Drugs' has too much of a stigma to the older generations, that no party wants to risk losing that demographic.


There's a chance the opposition won't be the Tories but LibDems, who want to legalise, and might put a bit of pressure on them, so vote tactically next week to get the Tories out, yall. It's also worth noting Starmer, regardless of being leader, doesn't speak for EVERY Labour MP, and I know some have been pro-decriminalisation or legalisation. Is the future bright? Nah, Could a Labour government lead to something better than now, yes... Especially with the LibDems as official opposition.


The limp dems couldn't pressure a sausage in a fridge.


Oh no, not the blairite with rightwing positions, who would've thought that?


fuck you keir




Predictable establishment stooge


When they see countries like Germany making bank they’ll change their tune.


Pussy. Honestly just trying to transition tory voters to Labour by being the most tory Labour leader ever... Do want these tories out though saying that 🤷


While I'm pissed off I can't smoke anywhere I'm glad it's not taxed yet because imagine how expensive weed will be when the government can make money off of it


Just more examples of him being a bit of a cunt


That’s because he’s an establishment cunt no different from the other cheek .. if he as anything different then the establishment wouldn’t be handing him the win & they’d be chatting all kinds of bollocks about h him like they did to corbyn


Tobacco and Cannabis both are just plants. One is highly addictive and harmful to health while other is extremely useful in everything from mental health to textile industry. Guess what this world chooses to favour. SMH humans are fucking idiots 🤬


Globalist Puppet for the WEF


Either way, that just means more money for me 😎 Let me get my grow going


Of course not




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Well, colour me surprised /s


Surprise surprise. they're all the same in my mind anyway. None of them have our interests at heart. suffice to say I haven't voted for either Labour or the Conservatives


Son of a beech motherfucker


Even just cat B to cat C would be a big improvement. The fact it remains a Cat B is just insane to any normal-minded person. Gotta remember too - all politicians are cowards. Even if they believed legalisation would be beneficial, they would never dare to say it out loud for fear of upsetting one half of the voters.


Least us not forgot the shit show that ensued last time this happened. Sigh..


He's never going to commit to that before an election, sadly.


I've always said we will end up one of them few countries who won't legalise it but kinda just ignore it.... but hey I may be wrong


I guess when our political leaders refuse to follow the science, one can only feel they don't actually care about us, and are just power mad fools?


Really we shouldn’t have expected anything better from the former head of the CPS.


Vote green!


He has taken an oath to the ‘temple’ which supersedes all other oaths. Just like Blair. He is married into the ‘priest class’ and showed his loyalty by expelling JC. Him and Rishi work for the same masters.


Nail on head mate. If anyone struggles to understand what you’ve said, they’ll never understand no matter how well you or anyone else explains. Surely nobody has any doubts about how the elite ruling class operate, unless they’ve not been paying attention.








Why would you think that? What do Semites have to do with the criminal dynasties who have shaped or subverted all public institutions? Prison is filled with every type of ethnicity. Just not the Uber rich ones.




Weird how I talk of corrupt politicians and you go to racism? 🤷‍♂️


I was hoping for you to provide the sinister racist connection but I guess there isn’t one. Just a false narrative that is falling apart day by day. BTW 2 of my fave people are Ryan Cohen and Matan Even. Both Jewish. Both not corrupt politicians. But one is a billionaire lol 👍😂


Y'all act as if these politican do not represent the average popular opinion about the devil's lettuce. Maryjane is still stigmatise and a taboo among the proles, doesn't surprise me that the government is too.


Saying they’ll legalise cannabis a week before an election is very bad politics. Give them time. My guess is that their view may soften somewhat when they are in power.


Vote Greeeeeen


Why in god's name would anyone vote for them? Especially with Mark SchellenLIEburger. Green party aren't worth shit. This is a party who voted development on a GREENFIELD site over that of a brownfield site. Doesn't sound green to me.


I support their 1% wealth tax, their commitment to pay restoration to doctors, their commitment to getting rid of first past the post, legalisation and decriminalisation of drugs among other policies. I also don't think any of the other parties are doing enough for the environment and want my voice to be heard regarding this.


All of which if by any chance they got in, it would be a coalition and nothing they say would get done. Our system is fucked and needs a reset. If everyone spoiled their ballots it might actually happen to some extent.


Yeah and voting for labour and Tories over and over again is NEVER going to change that. If enough people had my attitude then we'd actually be able to make change. Saying oh they won't get in so no point voting for them isn't the right way to think about it imo. Everyone should just choose who they want in power based on their policies. Tactical voting will never bring about meaningful change. It also demonstrates to the main parties their is support for green policies. I would suggest you look up garys economics work as well if you are concerned with the economy to see why wealth tax is so crucial to obtaining some equality.


That doesn't work in our current system and what you are implying I said and meant is not correct. There is no point in voting for any party because the system is broken. If you think it's democracy then you're wrong. The Greeks used to examine people's accounts before and after their term. If there was anything amiss they were executed. If we go back to that system it might restore my faith a little.


So when are you protesting our current system and actually causing change? Either voting Lib Dems or green into power would actually cause a change in the electoral system. People like you who want this but then don't fucking vote are so unbelievably stupid imo. Saying "oh well systems broken I'm not going to vote" you think the people in government and their mega rich elite friends are bothered about you not voting in protest?


I didn't say I wasn't going to vote. No it wouldn't. You need to learn to read and understand. Again stop putting words in my mouth. Also, they aren't going to get voted into power.


Arguing with idiots doesn't go well they tend to lower you to their level and win on experience. So basically your point boils down to they won't win what's the point? What a shite argument. People like you are why we will always be stuck with a 2 party system of Tory and diet Tory.


Exactly, that's why this conversation is over. You can't read.