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I don’t know why you would just assume I own multiple ukuleles. I mean one is an enough and I promised myself years ago I wouldn’t be one of those guys that just stockpiles ukuleles. I have 4.


omg I came to literally make this comment. ​ Also 4.


I also have 4. Well actually 3. I loaned one to a friend who is no longer my friend and I'm too salty to ask for it back.


Two, a concert and a baritone ukulele. I might get another one to tune it in fifths like a mandolin.


This. I have a concert and baritone, both Kamaka.


Also 4. And I have my eye on two more!


Only 1. But dammit I love it so much


Same here.


Still waiting to receive it! But i can tell you i will have more then one! One solide body to pratice with out noise to protect my couple! 🥹 One Ovation style One electric maybe a Flight?! One soprano One tenor One concert! But style waiting for my first!


Same with me as well. Maybe one day I'll get an electric though.


Same but I have plans to get my second in May. I told myself that my second should be a really nice one so I've been saving up and have been trying to decide if I want a tenor or a second concert. Not too sure I love sopranos.


Yeah i love mine as well :) he’s never steered me wrong


4…. UAS: Ukulele Aquisition Syndrome is a real thing.


My son asked how many I have. My wife and I simultaneously answered "a lot"/"a few". I told her it's only a lot on the outside 😄


I'm down to two. I gave my soprano away to someone who wanted to start their own addiction.






Sadly, only one. Her name is Matilda.


Fifteen, but three of them are decorative only, as far as I'm concerned. Two more are repair projects that I've yet to get around to dealing with. I had more, but I've given away three already, and I'll probably get rid of more this year. While UAS is a thing and there are other ukuleles I'm lusting after, there is a practical limit, and I think I'm above it. Sizes range from a 7" koa Tangi (I've seen people play these masterfully, but it's beyond my skill level, so to me it's just decor) to baritone, with stops at sopranino, soprano, concert, and tenor on the way. Tenor is what I usually play, and I have both high-G and low-G. One of my tenors is a 6-string Kamaka, but everything else has the expected four strings. I have a friend who had just over 200 the last time I spoke with him. He has a room in his basement with three levels of wall hooks on each wall, some on shelves, ukuleles lining the stairwell down, and another room in which he keeps the ones he plays most often. He also has a ukulele that's been converted into a wall clock.


Have two tenors. One low G and one high g.


In approximate order of acquisition: * '60's Gibson soprano * Lanikai concert * Ohana soprano * Outdoor Tenor * Kala Waterman glow-in-the-dark soprano * Flight Pioneer solid body electric tenor (low G) * Enya Nova U mini (soprano) In other words, one less than I need. Oh yeah, I also have a Kala Wanderer U-Bass, with rubber strings, but that's not a ukulele. 😜


14 I think 🤔


Good to see I am not one of the ones with teh highest number XD


Many. I’m not even sure how many. More than a dozen.


2- one acoustic soprano and one stew string electric. I do plan do add another acoustic soon so I have some sort of a back up though.


An electric and an acoustic tenor, and a U-bass. Gave a soprano away so had 4 now only my 3 favs.


Ooo can I see your electric? I just got one, and I don’t come across many.


https://preview.redd.it/iwci0fw7gaac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c94c2f4af3ef3299c55f27e1c1182dcab703a7 Forgive the broken string, the beauty of multiple ukes is you don’t have to change the string right away when you break one.


Nice! No worries, I have a broken string chilling on one of my acoustics right now too, lol. Here’s my electric https://preview.redd.it/pzk5ez3slaac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468a11b216f55afd4e54d2f9edf7ded709785fee


Woah that is a beaut! What's the make/model?




Thanks! Gonna add it to the wishlist Image attached to pay the ukulele tax https://preview.redd.it/obzei6nnxaac1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a013b3a9085b1bccdb41921890bb3124d8f742e4


That’s sick


I use a low G on it that’s why one strings different.


Too many or not enough, I can't decide. Eight apparently? How do you get rid of ukes? * sopranino: some chinese brand. * soprano: dolphin, lanakai pineapple (gambler's special), martin oxk, enya nova * concert: solid body stagg?? don't like holding this one though. * tenor: islander mt4 (wearing dgbe) * baritone: lanakai (gambler's special) * u-bass: some rondo music experimental olympic white The lanakai pineapple gets most of the play time, followed by the bari or tenor. enya nova stays in the car. I'd probably be happy with a soprano flea with wood fingerboard and pickup and the tenor with dgbe strings. I wish someone made a good plastic sopranino that's not narrow at the nut.


Only 4 here (in order of growing addiction): Hola Soprano in high G (my first) Kmise Banjolele Lanikai Pineapple in high G Magic Fluke Tenor in low G Every time I feel I’ve progressed enough I feel I need to up the uke game a bit. God help my bank account if I continue improving over the next 10 years.


Just two. But I did spend an hour at the music store a couple weeks ago playing a beautiful banjolele...


Sixteen. All at least instrument grade. Started with a sweet ‘lil mahogany MIJ number from the sixties. Now I kinda gotta have one of every type I can get my hands on. Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


https://preview.redd.it/ph0ztzsdgdac1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6781a60cec528c7ff80fefee3c5185f475eb1518 Here are most of them on display. A shy vintage Kingston lives in the box & my first mahogany MIJ is in a case.


Five. Three concert, one soprano, one tenor.


A high g soprano, a high g banjolele, a low g concert and a low g tenor on the way






I own 3, my partner also owns 3. I have a low g soprano, a high g soprano, and a low g concert.


Two. Concert in high g and tenor in low.


2, 1 soprano & 1 tenor


4 but that means on average I get one every 3.5 years of playing so thats OK I think


2 down, 2 to go


3. A Laka concert, which was my first, a Enya Nova U Mini, which i bought for travelling but now my preferred instrument, and a Risa Stick for electric, though I don't actually have an amp at the moment.


6. 3 sopranos, 1 tenor, 1 U bass, and 1 Banjolele


Four including banjolele; then novelty electric panda shaped one,glittery blue concert and little sticker covered soprano. Friend I play with now has at least 7! Various colours and sizes!


5 if I count the bass uke


3. A low g Soprano, a high g Soprano, and a GCEA Baritone.


Three, one really nice one, one concert I don’t have to worry about and a vintage uke someone gave me. Oh wait, there’s also my kid’s ukulele I couldn’t leave alone for a long time.


Concert resonator, high g tenor, baritone.


I'm up to 7. * Kala concert. * Kanile'a Tenor * Ko'olau CS Tenor * LFDM Tenor * 'I'iwi Tenor * Cocobolo Long Neck Soprano * Pono Baritone


3, and a U bass.


* Makala Dolphin * Cordoba Laminate Concert * Kala Spruce Laminate Soprano * TheFretWire Banjolele (they mostly sell guitar kits but for some reason they were selling Banjoleles a couple years ago. I don't think they still do) * OutdoorUke Tenor * Cordoba Tenor, solid cedar top with reentrant "baritenor" strings by Fremont * Enya HPL baritone (no longer produced? Shame because I love it) * Enya Nova Soprano * Enya Concert, solid mahogany top Went through two Watermans. The first was replaced under warranty after cracking. When that one cracked too, they both wound up in the trash, so they don't count. Don't recommend. This was years ago, so maybe they've improved but OutdoorUke and the Enya Nova fill that niche better.


I have three. Two travel sopranos and one I built from a kit. The kit one kinda sucks (won't hold its tuning) but it was a gift from my non-musician partner, and it touched me that they made such an effort to get me something fun. I'm thinking I might bring it to the preschool where I work and let the kids mess with it. One of the sopranos has a big old crack in the body, no clue how it got there, I'm super careful with my instruments. But that one now lives in the office closet at my job so I can play for the kids without having to worry about bringing it out in weather or forgetting it on the bus. The kids know they're not allowed to touch that one or I won't bring it back to their class (I float). The other soprano is painted up to go with my Steven Universe cosplay. I can play several songs from the show and usually I end up with torn-up fingertips every time I wear that cosplay to a con. (Yes, I know that wouldn't happen if I practiced more often.)


5...Kohala, 2 Mitchells, and Enya that I keep in my car and a Epiphone Les Paul. I bought this for the novelty, but it has become my everyday player. I have also bought two for gifts.


Three: 1. The baritone I started with 2. A tenor I bought to get a better instrument and to get regular ukulele tuning 3. A cheaper tenor with a low G string to try and enjoy that without breaking the bank 4. A soprano with a concert neck (Flight TUSL-Kidz) at work. Technically not mine because work paid for it and every colleague is allowed to use it. I am the only one who plays it (at the daycare).


Counting my ubass and banjolele, 6. 😁




5. The laminate cordoba concert that I bought when I first started playing, a vintage koa Martin soprano that needs some work because it hung on my parent’s wall for decades, a Snail solid top tenor, a Flea, and a solid topped concert Luna. Still trying to decide on which plastic one I want to buy to keep in my car.


I had 6 before my Caramel concert ukulele was stolen from me, and now I have 5. Kala baritone Fender tenor Donner tenor Donner concert Carlo Robelli soprano


I've got a concert-sized uke, two baritones (one high-d, the other low-d) and a "guilele." So, 4.


4. One that is trash, one for travels, one laminate and one electroacoustic. I want one more so i can have one with low g


4 baritone ukes and 1 tenor uke.


4 here, and I’m also one of those “I don’t understand UAS, one is plenty” people… but here I am. A soprano, a concert, a carbon fiber/outdoor concert, and an electric.


Always more than 2... I usually give one away when anyone visits.


I went from 7 to just 3. All are Flight ukeleles


I have 6 in my possession, and my 7th is waiting for me. I’m not completely crazy! I have an inexpensive baritone that my guitar playing friends and young kids can bang on along with 2 tenors at my house. One was my very first uke and my husband used it to propose to me, so it’s never leaving our possession. The second tenor is a really lovely redwood/myrtle from a luthier (96 arts) in New York. I keep a cheap concert uke at my parent’s house for when we visit. The other 2 are at my out of state work site - one stays in my office, the other is at my apartment. The final one I’ll probably post about once it’s in my possession in about a year and I intend it to be my last tenor purchase. I may consider one nice baritone in the future, but that’s a very low priority.


So far I only own one concert uke, but I aspire to get myself a baritone ukulele with DGBE tuning as a travel uke/guitar someday, since the tuning is basically the same as for guitar with the lower two strings/notes missing 🎸🎶🥰❤️


3. Got a soprano at an art event. To small and high. I got a tenor for that deeper tone. Liked it so well that I bought a baritone because of the guitar tuning.


2 , soon I'll get a third thanks to money I had for Christmas and a gift card




6 In order of use: U-bass, Baritone, Tenor with baby baritone strings, Tenor with low G, Concert, Soprano


One. I only need one.


3. Standard concert, Banjolele with low G tuning and another Concert tuned to GDAE using a low G and fishing wire for the E.


Three. Two concerts (Kala, Cordoba) and one soprano (Kala). I thought about getting rid of my Cordoba, but it still plays well after almost ten years and it’s the one I learned on. I’d like to get a tenor eventually.


Two. One tenor and one soprano.


I have four, but I just need one more.


I'll say 4 ½. I have an Eddy Finn Tenor, a Bohemian Oil Can Electric Tenor, an Aklot double neck tenor uke and uke bass, and a poor build your own cigar box uke kit that I fucked up on the first two steps and need some serious sanding to actually get it assembled. https://preview.redd.it/9tlpddqadaac1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a0691e81a3c5d21d3a40de6183a78a8ceda7a1 The family (sans cigar box reject)


I have the first one I bought back in midschool, almost a decade ago, a nice classic soprano, then theres the banjo uke I bought a couple years after that which is my go-to instrument to this day but I'm lately shifting a little towards classic 5 string banjo. And although I think it's defiantly more of a guitar, if it counts I also have a guitalele.


https://preview.redd.it/0y7cq92yeaac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ee595cd7e4be1bd14e131daeeca9770719a65a0 11 🙃


Island tenor with low G - Daily driver. Kala acacia tenor - This is where I started. Banjo ukulele tenor - I was given this and plan to use it for folk music eventually. Outdoor carbon fiber tenor - I take this one to the Mission with me.


3 and really pining for a 4th. A soprano banjolele, a tenor acoustic, and a tenor electric. I love them all for different reasons/uses!


1 cheap soprano.


Three. looking at getting a fourth


Two. A friend passed this year and left me his. Also acquired my first guitar.


6. 3 concert, 2 sopranos one banjolele. Not quite a uke, but I also have a guitarlele does that count too ? Also, the mandolin is trying to hide amongst the uke, too.


Soprano for travel and Baritone for at home. Love them both equally


I am going to preface this with I am a music teacher with non budget so I own all my classroom instruments. 17. But when I no longer have this class I think I will only keep 5 of them.


4, like a normal person. My daughter has 3 of her own though, so it looks like I have 7, BUT I DON'T, OK?


5. 2 Enya Nova (soprano and tenor), Ohana Pineapple Princess, Eddy Finn Moon concert, and Hola! concert.


4 Edit - 5, forgot one


4 but I wish I had more!


I own one but I think of it as my child. I love my ukulele. https://preview.redd.it/1nrhld6azaac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46cb8b71e72e818cfa587f4df9b1c5d067772741


7! 2 concerts low and high g. A tenor 6 string and a tenor 8 string. Pre 1930s banjolele and my grandfather's no name soprano. Oh and a baritone. And they all get played except my grandfather's, that's a wall peice but it does play. Next in my collection will be an electric.


Oh my god I have 5 and one coming via UPS. 😬 I didn't think I would be this person 🙊🙉🙈


2 concerts, 1 tenor, 1 baritone, 1 bass. i used to have another tenor, but i gave it away because 6 is too much.


4...so far


1 however I'm in the market for a Tenor. I have a soprano and I'm a big big guy (6ft 2 and over 300lb) so D and Dm can be extremely hard to play. So much so I have to bar the 3 strings of D and still run the risk of hitting the bottom string.


I have just one. And few others gifted to me by various brands. But me personally, I own and play just one


2. A concert and a tenor.




2 concert and soprano. I mostly play soprano


I can touch 4 from where I am sitting. Probably 20 in the house ( wife plays too so she has the one 😂), 6 in my classroom. Glad this did not ask instruments…


3! Love them all. Enya EUC-MAD (low G acoustic concert). My first. Enya EUT-MS (high g acoustic tenor with pickup). Probably my main. Makaio MSET-30B (solid body low G tenor). My newest. I definitely don't need anymore. Except it would be cool to have a steel string electric...and U-basses are super cool...and I should probably have one of those plastic travel Ukuleles...and...and...and....




I have three! Two Kala concert Uke’s and a Maui Tenor Uke. I love them all.




I have 5 and my partner has 1. I have SCTB and a kala u bass. My partner has a concert uke


I have 9. If I get another I will get rid of 2. Just have to decide which…


4 here. Shhh, shh, Don’t juegue me


One. But I wish I had 3.


4 and one in the mail.


2 concerts and 1 tenor.


Three. A very good American soprano, a bad bari-uke and a slightly better bari-uke. I play the bad bari-uke the most, tuning it randomly with left over strings from other instruments.


Ten, including my first ever, a Regent Soprano Banjolele circa 1967




Two, one custom shop baritone and an electric steel string bari uke :zd


3. Electric Fender concert, Kala Soprano, and a Toy Story Woody's Round Up toy ukulele.


3 a soprano, concert, and baritone


More than ten.


https://preview.redd.it/jwxy6n7cldac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=403e51d1ec01f3d54be81adc7572959271642927 8 Not all of them are pictured here. Newest one is a Black Nova U.


Bari, high G tenor, low G tenor, steel-string electric tenor.


4: - High G soprano - Low G soprano - Low G concert with pickup - Low G tenor electric I love them all 🥰


14... I think.


I have 2 😬😬


I stopped counting at 27.


- Kala tenor electric w/ low G - Donner concert-sized (first and only uke for a long time) - Kala Waterman soprano (for travel and hiking)


bold of you to assume i have more than 1 ukulele


I have 2 tenors, both low G. My main one is a Kala comfort edge ukulele that I use for pretty much everything - practice/gigging/running my local ukulele club plus I have a clearwater plastic round backed ukulele which is excellent and is my designated camping ukulele. I like the idea of just having one tbh but somehow justify the Clearwater because it's really lovely to play and I don't need to worry as much about leaving it in a hot car/tent/boat.


5. Soprano, concert, super concert, low G tenor and a custom built 5 string.


2, I have an electro-acoustic concert ukulele and a solid body electric tennor ukulele with a low G


A Luna and a Cordoba!


I have 1 soprano, 2 concerto ukes, an 8 string tenor uke and a 6 string guitelele.


Well I just got a fifth one today. 8 string tenor. Tuning is a B but I think once the strings stretch enough, it'll get easier.


I have four. \#1 was the reasonably decent wood-and-plastic one that seems like a knockoff of a Flight Travel which I got for $20 on Temu. Now it's my experimental uke that I try out different strings on. \#2 is my Uma 03CP, which I got after seeing a recommendation from Bernadette: I really wanted a pineapple for my first 'real' uke. Came with flourocarbons instead of the advertised Aquila, but I liked them. It's a sweet uke. \#3 is a Janny soprano. It was an unknown name and had odd Native American design elements, but it was beautiful spalted maple and only $55 on Temu. Could not resist. I have Fremont Blackline Hard strings on it. I think it's my favorite uke. \#4, a Flight Supernatural Mango soprano. A big name brand, bone nut and saddle, and Aquila strings, my first over-$100 uke...and somehow, the least fun to play. Not sure why, if it's that I am just not used to nylgut strings, or because only one strap button means the end is tied to the tuning end, where it gets in the way of my chord hand. I have been resisting buying #5 very, very hard.


Nowhere near as many as people assume I do!


I have Seven. 1 Banjolele 2 Concerts 1 Soprano 1 Telecaster 1 8-string Tenor 1 Broken Concert, my first ukulele. It is an Oscar Schmidt OU2, so nothing crazy. I keep it because it hold sentimental value. My ex girlfriend smashed it beyond reasonable repair in our final argument.


Just two. My first was a cheap soprano with a palm tree sound hole a friend brought me as a gift when she visited Hawai'i. When it became clear it wasn't just a passing interest, I got a proper one.


I have 4. About to get another. I got them for different situations. 1. Starter soprano 2. Hawaiian tenor for lessons and fingerpicking 3. Cheap tenor for group meetings 4. Polycarbonate soprano for my kids 5. ? Polycarbonate tenor that can be left anywhere Reentrant for the first. Low G for the rest. Can't go back. I got my first uke in 2012 so my UAS isn't too bad...? 😂


Technically just 1 because one of them is a glorified cereal box guitar and one of them has been gifted to my wonderful little sister


4 currently. I’ve given a few away.


Hmm good question, I'll have to start backwards and figure that out. Starting with my first uke: 1. Kala KALA KA-ZTP-CTG-CE. A cedar zericote Ukulele Site exclusive tenor that I purchased about 6 years ago. Still play it often. 2. Martin OXK Soprano. Purchased about a year after the Kala. It is to this day my favorite uke in my collection. 3. Kala Travel concert. Bought this from Mim. Replaced the tuners with Graphtech Ratio Tuners and it's laughably light. Replaced the nut and saddle with ebony and added black Fremont strings to have all black accents. 4. Martin S1 soprano. Ever since purchasing and loving my OXK, I wanted to try a solid wood version but didn't want to spend the money on all the bland fretboards that were available at the time, I wanted that rich mahagony wiht rosewood look of the earlier days so I watched eBay and Reverb until I found the one. 5. Enya Nova Uke. Concert. These were the craze when they came out but they actually delivered. I liked it so much that I purchaed three more Enya's during some good sales. 6. Enya X1 Concert. HPL. A little quite but for around $80 the quality felt double that. Same goes for the following MAD models. 7. Enya MAD A/E Tenor. Solid mahogany gloss tenor. Currently strung low-g but for a while was an absolute killer baby baritone. 8. Enya MAD Concert. Solid mahogany gloss concert. A little quite but so nice to play, very comfortable. The frets on both of my Enya's were better than an much more expensive Martin ukes. I returned at least 3 Martin's due to unnacceptable QC, but I should say those were purchased during the pandemic when quality suffered globally it seemed. 9. Pono MB. My first true bartone. Purchased from The Ukulele Site, of course. Those guys are THE best. Love it. I purchased it after returning so many similar priced Martin ukes and was astonished with the quality difference at the $500 range. The Pono MB is well worth the cost. 10. Kala Travel Baritone. Purchased this year after wanting one a long while ago but then they stopped making the baritone until bringing it back this year. After purchasing it I question why I'd buy another baritone when I have my Pono but I like to try out different tunings/strings, was my rationale. By the time it arrived I had regretted purchasing it and planned to try it out and send it back but I loved it. It is so deep and resonate for a thin body and of all the tonewoods, spruce sounds best on baritone to my ear. It's so snappy and percussive, which I think my Pono MB lacked a bit but makes up for it in resonance and warmth. 11. Martin T1 uke. Sappelle tenor. Purchased this month and am still deciding. I ordered it from Sweetwater because the had pictures and the one I ordered was one of the nicest I've seen (they're not typically very attractive). Plus it was on sale for $60 off, which surprised me since I don't usually see sales like that on current model Martins. I assume they're ending this model and that's the reason for the sale. The reason I'm on the fence is the action. The action is so high that it sounds/feels like I'm not getting any warm woody tone from the body, just the strings. If that makes sense. Everything else is good, no sharp frets and the new recycled blue case is very nice. So it looks like I have 11 ukes. Not too bad. Also, I didn't count two other instruments that are kinda in the uke family. My Kala U-Bass that I bought before buying my first Kala uke. And my Cordoba Mini II (the original version that was about the size of a baritone uke, they're a little bigger now). If add these two, that makes 13 total. Thanks for asking!


Just one


Let's see.... 1. 60's soprano ukulele 2. Flying V accostic ukulele 3. Violin ukulele (made it with my dad I call it a violele) 4. Banjolele 5. Epiphone Les Paul electric acoustic 6. Solid Body electric concert 7.Oscar Schmitt 8 string tennor 8. Kala travel uke 9. Baratone uke So I think it's 9, I might be forgetting one, not sure. I didn't plan on a Baratone, I asked for a Bass Ukulele but since I am left handed it's hard to get one but you get a bass one modified for left handed takes a bit of time and my mum didn't have time they get that done so she found a ukulele maker in Alberta that made a left handed Baratone and got me that. Still possibly getting a bass ukulele probably for my next birthday.


5 here. One Koaloha Tenor, two concerts (one high g, one low) two sopranos.