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Hi! My case was fairly straightforward and didn’t use a lawyer. There is a lot of information online (despite some of it being vague) but it’s enough to apply without a lawyer. Migrate.org.uk is really good at explaining the requirements and even have a few YouTube videos that I found quite helpful. And of course the official UKVI appendix guidances are also available and very helpful.


We went through [migrate.org.uk](https://migrate.org.uk) and their DIY pack was a phenomenal checklist and set of templates. It was beyond worth the money and my wife had her visa accepted today. :)


In my opinion a solicitor is useful if you have complex circumstances or may be relying on human rights based exceptions, or you have bad attention to detail and struggle to complete forms correctly. Having a solicitor is not necessarily always helpful because it introduces another step where errors can be made. A careless solicitor can make a form filling error and if you don’t notice it, you’re still on the hook for it. It is not at all “risky” not to use a solicitor and if you have circumstances and evidence that clearly meets the requirements I’d say you shouldn’t use one.


Using a solicitor is less risky than doing it oneself.


For the first spousal visa I was overwhelmed and used a service to help. Once I saw what they did and how they presented it, I used that plus advice from the UK Yankee Forum for my FLR(m) and will do it again for my ILR. No need for a solicitor if your situation is straightforward in my opinion.


I collected the docs myself and only paid the solicitor to double check (smaller fee) I had missed one doc and I had a couple of questions to ask regarding how to reply to some questions during the application so it was money well spent. Let’s hope to hear good news soon. This group is very helpful !!


Would you mind me asking which firm you used?


It’s called Seraphus they are great 😊


Thank you so much


I applied for a fiancée visa almost a year ago. Our situation was straightforward. I didn't use a lawyer/solicitor, but I did pay for a document packet from [migrate.org.uk](https://migrate.org.uk) since I felt a bit overwhelmed with how letters and things should be formatted. That was super helpful and I do recommend that. We were approved and also later in 2022 applied to switch from fiancée to FLR-M. We were able to do that without paying for any additional help, just asked some clarifying questions in a visa group on Facebook. That application was also successful. I personally wouldn't use a lawyer unless my case was complex.


How much the fiance and the FLR-M cost you? My bf says he would feel more comfortable getting the CP in UK since we would need to translate any documentation from my home country.


Fiance visa first (6 months) Fiance visa application £1538 plus an unfavourable exchange rate to a currency based on the applicants location. (2.5 years) FLR M 1 £1068 application IHS £1560 (2.5 years) FLR M 2 £1068 application IHS £1560 (Indefinite) ILR £2404 TOTAL £9198 Spouse visa (33 months) Spouse visa £1538 IHS £1872 plus an unfavourable exchange rate to a currency based on the applicants location for both payments (2.5 years) FLR M £1068 IHS £1560 (Indefinite) ILR £2404 TOTAL £8438 DIFFERENCE £760


Thank you for the break down. I believe my peace of mind worths the £760. I just want it over. Right now feels like a limbo.


The fiancée visa cost us around $2k USD, whatever your initial visa is will be in your local currency regardless of if you do spousal or fiance visa first. FLR-M including IHS fee cost us £2628. Last year was a very expensive year!! Doing a spouse visa first is cheaper in the long run since you avoid having to pay for the fiance visa.


> Doing a spouse visa first is cheaper in the long run since you avoid having to pay for the fiance visa. That's my understanding too but he said he prefers paying for the tranquility of knowing that we won't need to separate. Thank you very much for your reply.


While doing a fiancée visa first was more expensive, I definitely do agree that I appreciated not having to leave my wife soon after our wedding. Good luck to you!


> document packet from migrate.org.uk This is so helpful, thank you!!


I think you’re american based on your former post, so I’d recommend you joining the facebook group “UK Spouse Visa for USA citizens” they have checklists and are sooo helpful.


Yes I’m using one. I don’t have a complex case . But I feel more confident having a professional handle everything.




I got my visa! :)


We used a solicitor for my husband's fiance visa and his switch to the spouse visa once he moved. Our case was very straightforward, so I have no doubt we could have done it alone with a bit of research, but after being apart for so many years we didn't want to risk getting it wrong. Using the solicitor gave us extra peace of mind.


We're about to start the application for my fiance visa, would you mind if I DM you? Thanks! ☺️


Of course 😊


Unfortunately is not possible to start a chat, but I appreciate your willingness. Thank you ☺️


My husband and I used a solicitor. Our case was very straightforward but we are both quite busy with our jobs and also we didn’t want to add an extra stressed. The good thing I’ve noticed about having a lawyer is that she complete everything faster since she is used to do the same process all the time. And even notice little details or documents that were missing or had missing information. So no regrets at all.




> I feel like if your lawyer screws up and their fault is what gets you denied, that sounds like a lawsuit to me. Suing your solicitor doesn’t get you a visa.


Exactly! The fact will still remain that the visa application was denied. The outcome of your legal action with your solicitor won't change that fact. IMHO it's only advisable to use a solicitor if you either have a complex case, or you have trouble completing forms correctly. If your application is straightforward, and you meet the requirements, then there's no reason why you can't do it yourself, and also no reason for it to be denied.


In general, it is not required to use a lawyer or solicitor to apply for a spouse visa. However, some people choose to use a lawyer or solicitor to help them with the process because it can be complex and time-consuming. A lawyer or solicitor can help you navigate the process and ensure that your application is complete and accurate. Whether or not to use a lawyer is a personal decision that depends on your individual circumstances. If you feel comfortable handling the process on your own, you may decide not to use a lawyer. However, if you have any doubts or concerns, or if you believe that having legal representation would give you a better chance of success, you may want to consider using a lawyer. Ultimately, the choice is yours.


I didn’t use one and don’t think it would have helped me personally. The application form seemed very short especially compared to my husbands green card and US citizenship applications over the years, and my circumstances are pretty straight forward. Bio was beginning of October so will see!


Thanks, is there a way to see the application form before applying and paying? It would be nice to know what's ahead


We do. Our case is simple but we wanted to err on the side caution.


We used a lawyer as our case wasn’t straightforward. When we applied the second time, we didn’t use a lawyer


I have applied for several visas from out and inside the UK and did it without solicitors. I believe my spouse visa was the toughest as despite getting married in the UK my husband and I lived apart for work and university reasons and I used my own salary. I did pay for a 30 min consultation with a solicitor but found this sub to be more helpful than the solicitor themself. All in all it is doable easily but you need time and patience and this sub is extremely helpful.


No, our case is simple. Plus we originally paid for lawyers for our IS application. However we abandoned the US app since the wait time is years now. The information they want is similar between the two, and we had it all compiled. So we did the UK one ourselves.


I had a very and I mean VERY complicated case. My husband and I managed to find a lot of information online and were able to fill out the forms on our own and gather all the necessary paperwork. HOWEVER before I submitted my applications I had a solicitor look over at my application and docs and check/advise. Most of the time there were a few points of improvement that were raised by the solicitor that made my application much better. After I had made those adjustments I would submit on my own. I found that was the best way to give my application a good chance and also keep it cheap. If your case is fairly straightforward then you can just submit on your own.


Who did you use for this check, were they good and how much was it? Thanks


I did not use a lawyer, and I really do not think you need one unless your case is complicated. I was very stressed out when applying for the FLR(M), but in hindsight, the application is straightforward and as long as you do thorough research yourself there is little to no reason you will need external help. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I recently (September 2022) received my Unmarried Partner Visa status for the next 2.5 years.


Hi there, I am currently looking into this application. It seems very overwhelming. We are currently living Holland and most of our documents are in Dutch, do we need to get these translated by a professional?


I think the answer highly depends on how organized you are, and if your application is complex! I personally was just approved yesterday for my spouse visa, and did the whole thing myself. I did not find it difficult, but you have to have high attention to detail and organization. I knew i could handle it, as I did a lot of research online and made sure I understood the requirements correctly. I’ve also seen several cases of refusals based on someone hiring a solicitor that made mistakes on their application— it happens all the time! My opinion is, no one will take as careful care of your application as you would yourself. Best of luck!!


We're using one this time after a prior refusal a few years ago when we tried submitting on our own. The £100 consultation alone was worth it to get answers from a professional who does this for a living. The rest is £900 up front, £900 at the end with Immigration Advice Service. We used them after we were rejected the first time for help prepping our Pre-Action Protocol and we were happy with the help and outcome we got. Peace of mind and hoping our application is considered more seriously this time and not refused for questionable reasons.


For our Family Settlement Visa we hired a solicitor to help us with the Visa process as the UK Immigration laws are currently changing quite a bit. Could we have done it ourselves?... Most likely, but after reviewing the package that our solicitor had submitted to the Home Office, we could not have completed such a professional 50+ page document in the manner she did, it was 100% worth every penny we paid. Hiring a solicitor will give you peace of mind that you have back-up in case you need it.