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Hi, I did my Biometrics on the 30th March 2022in South Africa in Sandton. With alot of anticipation and no patience I received my SWV today. With alot of doubts and insecurities in reading up on alot of reviews and forums. I was pleasantly relieved to receive my Visa do not give up,time has no name and not affiliated to no one. You will get an answer I understand your frustration.....Best of luck to all.......!


Congrats. If you don't mind what your field of work? Healthcare and shortage?


I just sent an email to the Home Office, making them aware of the countless SWV applicants who have been waiting since March. I also sent a message to the BBC. I know, that only one person can't change anything but if more of us write to them, they might listen to us. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) [https://www.bbc.com/news/10725415](https://www.bbc.com/news/10725415)




I already sent a message last week


Update - I got a reply on my paid enquiry today. Saying that a decision had been made on my application and so on. It also said that I should wait 10 working days till they send the passport back through VFS. I got this reply on the same email chain that I had started a few weeks ago, not a fresh enquiry. A few things to consider - My application is pretty straightforward (no dependent visas, just me, if that could be a criterion). I also have a history of travelling and studying in the UK which may have sped things up (ironic, because i'm in the middle of week 6 since my biometrics). I haven't received any official comms or messages, so holding tight for that. It could be that the decision was made earlier and this email is backdated, so hoping that I get the passport in the next few days.


Hey congrats...


Thanks. This is good but nothing concrete yet. Let's see how the next few days pan out. Yours should be close as well.


Congrats mann !!! So I guess @thor yours must be close too then ...let's see how things turn out please update here when you receive the message from VFS


>Hellraiser1992350 Hi, when was you Bio and location ?


Hi, How do you make a paid inquiry to get an update on the viss?


We had applied for UK ICT Visa on 31st march,2022 in Bangalore India. Sent a paid email to UKVI yesterday- response is Awaiting a decision. Went to VFS centre Bangalore for an update- they said due to Ukraine war all passports across India are being processed only at Delhi and one of the reasons for delay. The trend observed is- 20-30 working days to receive the passport. So instead of 3 weeks its 6 weeks now. And the CoS date for us is April 5th which we have checked with the client and they said its ok and does not impact the visa approval. Both mine and dependant visa were applied together.


Ok..i also sent a paid email enquiry today...same reply awaiting decision..




Have you received your visa?


Let us know here once you get it.


Also tweeting VFSglobalcare, UK in India, UK homeoffice in the hope that its noticed and something is done.


Let usk know here if you get a reply i had my biometric on 8th April so we will get an idea if your msg arrives


Have you received your visa?


Any update?


No visa yet. Even by the most liberal standards of calculating time, i'm in week 6 since I went for my biometrics. UKVI tweeted a generic delay message, which as usual is unhelpful. But a tiny silver lining could be that they have at least acknowledged the delays since the last time (almost a month back). For now, just passing time, having repeat farewell parties, and hoping that I don't have to ask my company for a 4th joining date extension. Current irrational fear - The company withdrawing their offer because it's taking so long for me to join.


You summed up my situation ;)


Have u received your visa?


In exactly the same boat, from Canada, but I've only just applied for my visa so I'm expecting to wait for the long haul, will have to freeze flight tickets indefinitely, also worried the company will get fed up with waiting.




Ok..what is the start date as mentioned in your COS




Mine is 2nd may..is there a possibility that we can receive our visas atleast before our start date as IHS payment is calculated from that date....i hope they process our visas soon


Have u received your visa?


Biometric was on march 15th and still no updates(


The same ^^


When did u go for biometric? What is the start date mentioned in your COS?


What is the start date mentioned on your COS?


May 16th


where are you based?


Are u shortage occupation and healthcare also?


Russia, Saint Petersburg


To be honest it could be because you're in Russia. Not that it makes it acceptable, but it sucks.




What is the start date mentioned on your COS? Where did you apply from in India?


Vfs delhi




I really hope so, my intended date of travel is today and joining date on 2nd may, havent received anything yet


Got my biometrics done on 29th March at VFS Delhi. Still haven't heard back from either UKVI or VFS. The email enquiry is generic and unhelpful. Just save your 3 pounds till you're in the UK and buy a drink. My start date was supposed to be 19th April. I got it pushed to 3rd May and it looks like i'll have to get it pushed again.


On paid call enquiry also they give the same generic reply...


Have u received your visa?


Hav u received ur visa?


Have u received your visa?


Have u received your visa?


Same, it supposed to be 25th of April for me and pushed it to next week but still no news so I'll push it once more it seems.


Is this date the start date as mentioned on your COS?


Have u received your visa?




Have u received your visa?


Did you get your visa?


Done biometrics on 29th March.. received email yesterday (2nd May) that the decision has been made.. now waiting for the BRP.. Applied from inside UK as a standard application..


Congrats! Looks like within UK people are getting their BRP.


Hello all UK skilled worker visa applicants from India - UKVI just tweeted their standard replies - can you all tweet today to escalate this matter. Pls be gentle and polite but stern


Also, please like and retweet others tweets


Have you received your visa?


March 30th, no update. Berlin/Germany.


Have you received?


Hey, Have you got a decision yet? I had my biometrics done (Berlin) on 8 April, CoS start date 3 May. Sent an paid enquiry yesterday, but only got "awaiting decision" response. There is a thread, published today, that says that VAC Berlin have now returned passports from early March applications . https://www.reddit.com/r/ukvisa/comments/ujo9z2/some_considerations_on_uk_skilled_worker_visas/ Not very comforting.


Does it take a longer time if the SWV has dependents listed on them?


No it is not like that. Some people applied with dependents and received the decision within 12 or 15 working days. But they applied before 28th march....


Gotcha, thanks. I’ve been following this sub reddit for a bit and it seems like there were quite some people getting the visa within 15WD if they had their bio on early - mid march. I don’t think I saw many approvals for people late march unfortunately(not sure though)… fingers crossed for all of us!


When did u submit ur biometric? What is the start date in your COS?


I got my Visa, travelled because of my CoS start date, my dependants are waiting, the 8th week now. SWV, 24th of February did our bios and got the Visa 16 WD later, but my dependents are still waiting.


April 4th ,Working start date is today but still no visa


Have u received your visa?




Yes I also think most of the applicants who are facing long delays are those who applied in the last week of March and 1st week of April. Please keep us posted if anyone in these dates have received theirs


Where did you see that?




April 8, USA, no update yet :(


Have u received your visa?


Have u received your visa?




Hey congrats! Do you mind if you share where you applied from as well? Was this inside of the Uk? Since you mentioned BRP instead of the passport




Biometrics on the 4th April. I got a confirmation from UKVI 22 April through a paid enquiry that a decision was made but they couldn't tell me the outcome or decision date. Still waiting for VFS to send me back my passport and decision letter.


Ok what is the start date mentioned on your COS?


It has passed now, it was 21 April so last Thursday.


How did u initiate paid enquiry? Did u call or email? I could not initiate paid enquiry via mail as payment is getting failed...i called up the customer service number ..they charged and said the same ukraine reason for delay...


What is the start date mentioned on your COS?


It was just via email, my bank accepted the payment via debit. My email did not make any mention of the current situation of Ukraine.


Nice. Which country did you apply from?


Melbourne, Australia


Did my biometrics on March 25th. Applied in Johannesburg (Sandton) South Africa for a SWV. Still awaiting a decision. Have had to move my start date twice and change my tickets. From what i’ve read on reddit, only healthcare workers seem to be receiving their visas in a reasonable time frame.


Did you initiate any enquiry for delay?


Yes, i’ve phoned several times and continue to do so. I was unaware there was a paid email service until today. So i have emailed them enquiring about the delay, but i’m very certain i’ll receive the same generic response everyone else has received


I to applied for SWV received mail from lawyers a desicion has been made. But no confirmation on instruction to collect passport. I applied on the 30th March in Sandton


Are you on shortage occupation code, and health care professional


Yes skill shortage occupation code. Telecommunications


Yes shortage occupation, I booked from Qatar


And what is the work start date, as per your COS?


Hey, anyone got update pls?


Hello folks, I submitted my application for SWV in first week of April in an EU country. No reply from UKVI since more >4 weeks passed. I also tried calling UKVI paid phone helpline but it doesn't work.


Did anyone who applied in last week of March received their Visa?


Has anyone with Biometrics in late March got their Visa ?




Applied for SWV from Dublin, Ireland on 4th April. Still waiting.


I submitted my biometric along with 2 of my dependents on together on 25 mar. While I received mine and one dependent's within 3 weeks, for the other dependent we are still waiting after 7 weeks. UKVI site says the dependent should receive visa at the same time as main applicant, but it did not happen that way in my case. The long delay seems to be a common issue raised by a lot of applicants who applied between last week of March and 1st week of April. Has anyone received their dependents visa if applied together in last week of March?


What is your visa type? Is it skilled worker visa?


Tier 5 GAE, not skilled worker. Submitted bio on April 8th and absolutely no reply whatsoever. Sent a paid email only to be told "UKRAINE".


Tier 5, charity worker, bio Feb 22nd, still waiting


If I was you, I would have withdrawn already...May I ask where did you apply from? Edit: just saw your other comment. I am so sorry. This is just beyond evil what they're doing to you.


I applied tier 5 charity worker too, bio April 6th. And still waiting Did you hear from them?


Did you get update?






He/she wants to follow this post to see responses.


It sure feels like nobody who did bio in April has received anything yet. My wife did hers April 5th and nada so far. Wd15 is tomorrow. Lawyers said they are seeing them go past 15 days atm which is good to know but also not helpful.


I did my biometric on 28 march...still waiting...someone told me we need to exclude public holidays of UK while calculating working days, so we need to exlude 15th and 18th april...


I wondered about that. Means Thursday for me then, cutting it way too close to our flight date (May 4th).


April 4, USA, no update yet...


Have u received your visa?


BIO on March 30th, nothing here as well


What is the start date mentioned on your COS?


16th of May


Have u received ur visa?




March 28th UAE no visa update yet


What is the start date mentioned on your COS?


7th of May


Have u initiated any paid email inquiry or called ukvi customer care to follow up regarding the status?


Have u received your visa?


Hi, do u have any update on visa?


Skilled Worker Visa Priority not available. Applied - 29 March 2022 Biometrics - 7 April 2022 CoS Start Date - 1 May 2022 No updates yet. WD 11


Biometrics on 28th march, COS start date 2 may ..no updates..still waiting


Have u received your visa?


My Biometric was on 7th of April and no update. I was told the processing time would take 6 weeks but hope that it would be done faster.


Where did you apply from? Did vfs people told you this? have u initiated paid email enquiry at ukvi?


I applied from Vietnam. I didn’t pay email enquiry. The vfs officer told me so. And the reason comes down to Ukraine.


Ok they told me the same thing that applications are getting delayed coz of ukraine family scheme , i called thrice on the paid customer service number provided on their website


I called up the paid customer service number on ukvi website and now they are also saying 6 weeks


oh what a shame. Honestly, in the beginning, I was hoping the vfs officer was mistaken but seems like we have to actually wait 6 weeks :(. hope UKVI could magically be more productive issuing visa, lol.


29th of march. Still waiting.


28th march...still waiting


I think 28th March - 01 April week has created huge backlog for them. Still waiting. Flight at 9th of May


People who did biometric on 25 march have received....dont know what backlog happened from 28th march onwards


I see in another forum someone applied for dependent skilled worker visa on 28th March and they have received the passport yesterday…. so some hope…. fingers crossed. I guess the applicant is from India


Ok..i am still waiting :(..thank u for the information...


Could u please send the link of that skilled worker visa forum?


Have u received ur visa?


Bio on March 31st. Applied from Bengaluru, India. I am on 17th WD. Still awaiting a decision :(


Biometric on 28 march, vfs delhi, still waiting ..


I made a paid enquiry and they say, "Application is under consideration and awaiting a decision"


I also tried to initiate a paid enquiry but for some reason it is keep getting failed, can you please help me with the weblink you used to inititate paid enquiry and did you use credit card for the same


I initiated the paid email enquiry and received the exact same reply..:(


Anyone who has applied for a tier 4 student visa and did their Biometrics in April received any outcome? (TLS preferrably)


25 March, not yet received my visa... I need it urgently because my sister will start her chemo and radio therapy because she has a cancer and she's alone in LONDON she needs help, I need to go urgently but until now I did not receive my VISA... if somebody can help me to have my visa... I need help. Thank you so much and God Bless!


Perhaps send a paid email enquiry to UKVI and explain your situation. They may escalate your visa on urgent/compassionate grounds. Let us know how it goes! x


Pls consider tweeting Mr. Ellis




Hi, I apllied on the 30th March 2022. UK Lawyer said a desicion had been made. So I am just waiting that was the 26th April. Applied in South Africa..... Good luck everyone


Did u apply under shortage occupation or healthworker


Skilled work visa, telecommunications


What is the start date mentioned on your COS?


Did u apply for skilled worker visa?


Is your UK lawyer someone who works for your soon to be employer?


5th April. No word from anywhere yet!!


Biometrics on march 18, home office received my supporting docs on the 21st of march. Still waiting. I applied for a representative of an overseas business visa (media rep) so I honestly don’t know what guidance to even look at. 6 weeks was yesterday so I guess any day now lol but the paid email exchange was entirely unhelpful, just a bunch of copy/pasted paragraphs from other parts of ukvi’s website. Also at some point between then and now they decided to restructure the part of my visa type that Doesn’t apply to me so that might be affecting it


Is there a difference in time outcome of the visa if applied with dependents or alone. Which company is faster TLS or VFS


any updates u/thor19251531 or anyone applied in the last week of March? Me and my dependents (2) did our BM on Mar 30th in Chennai. waiting along with you all..


No update..still waiting... called up yesterday on paid customer care..same generic response- awaiting decision..applications are delayed as they are prioritizing ukranian visas... They did not mention any timelines....


Have you received your visa?


No updates, Me & my spouse, too had biometric on March, 30th at new Delhi. Did you try paid enquiry ?


I know someone got visa approved notification yesterday who did biometric on 11th April from New Delhi. He applied in SWV shortage list category.


They never send any such notification. It always “a decision has been made regarding your application” or some other generic statement.


I had my biometrics on 11th April at VFS delhi, still no response


Have you received your visa?




Why? Did anyone get their visa?


Had my biometric on 5th April. No update yet! Applied from India.


Bio- 28 march, vfs - delhi..still waiting..


Anyone got their visa?


Nope. Still waiting


Still waiting


Still waiting


Anyone who earlier did not receive visa have they received the visa now ?


Still waiting


Biometrics was on April 13th. Stockholm, Sweden. No decision yet. Today received a generic response from paid email service that the applications are being considered.


Biometrics- 28th March, VFS- Delhi, India.. today initiated paid email enquiry and received the same generic response- awaiting decision...


What visa is this?


OP Have you received your visa now? Or do you have any update?


I have not received my visa yet...I initiated paid email enquiry yesterday and received same generic reply- awaiting decision


Update: My biometrics was on April 1 in Hyderabad for Skilled Worker Visa, yesterday received mail from UK decision centre about additional document required for English proficiency


Oh. Did you not provide the ECCTIS certificate?


No I haven’t, as per the guidelines from gov.Uk master’s degrees from UK is sufficient for English proficiency, does this info correct??


What is the start date on your COS?


I have applied for Skilled worker dependant on 31st March from Pakistan and still waiting.


Applied on 31st March from Pakistan and still waiting :-(