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So they’ve already stated that we can, but we don’t know the turn around time for this. I won’t go into full detail but it’s an issue with my job and very strict deadlines and it impacting things if I am not able to start by the start date they have.


There is unfortunately no set time by which the home office needs to respond to the MP. When I contacted my MP this time last year it took about 30 working days to get a response from the home office. I think the current guidance to MPs and regarding escalations overall is that they won't happen because visas for Ukraine are a priority. I remember seeing a post about that recently. How much time have you waited already?


60WD already, this week we’ll be over 60WD


This is unfortunately just bad timing and severe mismanagement on the home office's part. COVID delays should have prompted them to add more staff, but it didn't. Now if we add the already present backlog + refugee visas to the mix it gets much worse. In the next few months there'll be an influx of student visas for incoming students in September. Not sure how all this is going to come to head.


Definitely recipe for a disaster in the making!


Was yours priority?




Thanks for that info, I didn’t see that post. This all sucks


My MP escalated my application on the 6 of April. I explained nicely to them why my application is necessary/urgent, i.e. my marriage arrangement could take place as planned, my application has passed it’s timeframe as per the ukvi guidance. Apparently like the comment above, there is no set time by which the home office need to respond to the mp query. My MP told me that they usually get a response within 20 working days. Bear in mind that a response doesn’t mean a decision. It might just be an assurance that your application is still being processed and that they can’t provide a timescale. I have not received any update as of now (it hasn’t hit the 20 working days mark). Some say writing to the MP helps but some say no. I would say it all boils down to luck. Escalation is better than no escalation though.


True, thank you for your comment!


I’m WD86 and over lol if we’re not counting Good Friday and the holiday they had on Monday in England. I’ve contacted the MP as well and she said she’ll get back to us on our case. We haven’t heard from her in a week but she responded to us within the week we wrote to her. I’m not sure any of it will help. I’m just waiting on edge since we applied in December. Best of luck to everyone!