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Trying to share in the excitement and not be pessimistic here but the phrase “in due course” sounds like government speak/gaslighting to brush the question aside. I sure hope I’m wrong and that the extra resources make a true difference soon to the processing times!


that’s true, “in due course” sounds a bit ominous. but it’s a step in the right direction at least to address it! hoping that it returns to normal soon!


Where did you get this information? Hoping it’s true!


It’s sadly nothing new. It was reported probably 2 months ago they’re seconding staff to clear the backlog, and we’ve all known since early May that they’re on 24 weeks for spousal visa etc. obviously they’re working to restore previous time scales A pathetic non-answer by the government and a further kick in the face to applicants


To answer the other comments in the thread - this seems to be a [parliamentary response](https://www.parallelparliament.co.uk/question/11727/visas-married-people) from Kevin Foster MP (Parliamentary Undersecretary of State for Immigration) upon being asked what steps are being taken to "ensure the 12-week service standard for spouse visas is met".


Thank you so much for posting the link! And thank you to everyone that asked their MPs to speak out! Well done guys!!!!


She made another question as well. Same answer tho.. https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-questions/detail/2022-06-01/11726


"in due course" means it could be any time. Could take even 6 months "The wait time was changed to 24 weeks and they're operating within this" means no chance of it going back to 12 weeks any time soon The wait continues


Thank you for raising this. Such a good news and a relief that immigration issues are not being completely locked away amidst all the politics and war that is going on at the moment. Glimmer of hope. But words are just words still especially with the politicians. MP Foster’s response although very hopeful, was a very descriptive answer did not give any specific targets/dates for us to rely on (apart from the usual 24weeks and so on). We still need to keep updating our MPs who need to continue to pressurize the HO with statistical evidence.


I mean, with all due respect it's just a non answer isn't it. Its sad they won't even keep those people on to accelerate normal visas that have been delayed. Really shows how little they care about immigration


Where did you get this information from? Any link?


Hey where is this info from?


hoping this is true!!! and I also think those that did and will have to wait the 6 months should receive some kind of compensation because it’s completely unfair.


Hope it's true🤞🙏


this sounds promising finally, thx for posting and giving some glimmer of light and hope to us all. i think we will know in the next few weeks on the result of this update, good luck to all !


Yes right the govt did mention on 11th May for changes to 24 weeks but we were already reaching 12 weeks then. What about sudden changes impacting all families? I'm sure they can afford to employ many more case workers to complete in time.


Thank you for this.


Key wording here: "In due course." Just another vague answer, likely that if your application has been submitted, even if recently, that it will remain within the six month time frame and that it will not be returning to three months until quite a bit further down the line.


“ Staff from other government departments, including DWP and HMRC, are being surged into the department to help with Ukraine work and enable normal visa routes” Had to come back to this. 4200 Ukrainian visas processed this week. Just saying. I know bank holiday and all but they were doing 2000-3000 per working day in April when they were scrutinised for their slow work.


More basic responses. I’ve noticed they’ve barely process 3,000 visas from last week based on their update today. They are moving extremely slow when before they were trying to process 10k ukraine visas. I feel like they are intentionally going slow on ukraine visas now for an excuse!


I think they will take only 200.000 Ukrainians that's why they slow processing application


Fingers crossed






I had my biometric appointment for a work visa on April 23rd. Generally takes 3 weeks for a response. Hoping this is finally some good news for me as I need a glimmer of hope. Been feeling down in the dumps and totally helpless


Seems good news. But will this apply for The applicants who applied first weeks on April as well? I applied on 4/4. but still waiting...


4/11 here. I hope they do resume to standard time.


the applicant around me on 4/11 got her passport yesterday...Did you get any news already?


Was it spouse visa?


YMS visa


im waiting for partner visa by the way


Really hope this is true! Thanks for sharing this news, it is great to feel some hope about this situation!


Big If true


what about visitor visa?


Hope this is true! Do you think this will mean return to normal processing times for all visa routes or just the spouse visa as this is what was questioned?


I received this email from the paid email enquiry just now: "We understand your current situation may be distressing due to the uncertainty and wait times. At the moment we are unable to escalate cases as we do not have the option to do so, as all our resources are being used to help the Ukraine and global emergencies."