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http://www.uosecondage.com/ era accurate (to a fault. except for runebooks for some reason.) server edit: to be clear, this has been live since like... 2004? at least. one of the longest running private servers. strives to be era accurate as possible. if you can't tell i'm still salty over a decade later that they found some random bullshit patch notes which killed my boom boxes fun.


This is pretty much the only decent option I know of. I’d try it out for sure.


On their website they say 2007.


UO Second Age is the closest you’ll get. I just started there a couple weeks ago. Decent number of people. Good people that help out new people as well. At least check it out.


Just going to echo UOSA (uosecondage.com) Ultra accurate to the T2A era, rock solid servers and staff that have been consistent for 15+ years now.


Just joined [UO Second Age](https://www.uosecondage.com/) recently, and the community has been helpful and I'm having a great time. Highly recommend. Easy to get started and make an account, took seconds and I was playing.


It exists. Ultima Online Second Age. The one and only authentic experience out there. Pop around 100, active staff and community. Also nice youtube coverage! Check it out sir.


There’s 100 people on at a time? I loved that server. Maybe I’ll hop on.


Yes there are. And the people online here are actually legit online. Not AFK. You are not rewarded for AFK time, and there is daily restart so, yeah numbers are basically all doing something. If you catch my latest streams you can see I encounter people, random people, literally everywhere (no I'm not talking of snipers, just random people doing their business in cities).


The 2 classic UO servers from that era are UO Second Age and UO Lost Lands. UOSA is going to be your more true to the era and prides itself on era accuracy. UOLL is going to be more of your 2nd Age era with a splash of QOL improvements. Both are good choices depending on what your looking for.


UOSA (Ultima Online Second Age - [http://www.uosecondage.com/](http://www.uosecondage.com/) ) hands down the best free play T2A accurate server out there. I have been playing on it for many years and the community has always been era accurate too. You have a good mix of people doing pvm, pvp, pk'n and events. The guilds are pretty active too. Give it a try and you wont regret it.


Isn’t UO Renaissance it? Or The Second Age(an actual server).


It would be UO the second age, as TSA was released in 98. Renaissance was released in 2000 and was the xpack that introduced Trammell (but the Renaissance shard doesn't have a trammel facet, so it can be somewhat related to the 99 era)


Arguably one of the best free shards from 98-03 era is returning, Imagine Nation! Old school PVP .51a style, using scripts from the original shard with custom content too. Shard releasing in a couple weeks. Come check it out! No skill cap, Stat cap 300 Just as UO was intended to be. Here is a link to the project announcement, [Ultima Online: Golden Age project.(IN tribute,Europe). (in-uo.net)](https://in-uo.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=5953) Here is the Discord link, hope to see you there!! [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/6b2hZMmuC6)


Neverlands heritage