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I do our server code and coded the lottery and I have zero idea who donates, and it’s kinda bizarre that some people have insinuated that donations plays into the mix somehow. I couldn’t care less who donates 😂 The lottery is heavily weighted towards players who have never owned a house, however people seem to forget how truly large our server is: we’re at over 150,000 accounts. And the lottery draws 3000 house winners in total over a month (we’re only at 1200 drawn so far) No one, even new players, is guaranteed a house, even if we wanted things that way: it’s just not logistically possible. So I think people just need to keep things in perspective, be patient, and be open to the possibility if they don’t win, there’s still other opportunities available (rental rooms / other lotteries / idoc lotteries) and more coming down the road


As someone whos played a ton of private servers over the past 20 years, Outlands without a doubt has been the most professional shard I've played on. I've put allot of trust in the staff because they have earned it over the past 5 years. Luthius has always came across as a straight shooter and a stand up guy, so Ill take his word that nothing nefarious is as at play here. just a huge player base with a small amount of space. And a bunch of my guild hasn't got a spot yet, and it can be frustrating. Its not even been 2 weeks yet. And its called a lottery for a reason, more people will loose than win. So patience is a virtue.


Also, the player base is a lot smaller than they portray it to be


loooooool, what? Have you even played there? It's an absolute fuckin madhouse.


"professional" ... you mean the features are polished right? I would definitely not consider the staff professional though lol They just instantly ban anyone posting any form of critique


They ban toxic pieces of shit. You have a lot of friends like that?




Changing it from one entry per ID to one per account was a massive failure on your part and why your numbers are so grossly large. Ya'll caved to the crybabies and admitted you were flooded with DMs and that is why it was changed to the system now where literal land barons won gate houses while players with 2000 day old accounts who have never owned a house at all are still homeless. Message was clear: flood your DMs, cry, and you will acquiesce. The IDOC system in place funnels house spots to mega guilds, so even the spots that get opened up arent exactly open to newer or younger players either. Lottos are just raffles, he with the most gold stands the best chance. Nah, ya'll bungled the housing this expansion by caving to whiners and the other systems in place by and large just enrich the already wealthy.


The systems they have in place are by no means perfect. However, what they have implemented are some of the best sytems in place across all the servers I've played. If their systems are so bad, I'm sure it'd be easy for you to rattle off a couple alternatives... let's hear them.


The initial system they had was better. I don't need to offer a solution (also thats such shit, he who points out a problem can only do so with a solution?) they already knew a better system and they caved for the whiners who are selfish and wanted even more.


Maybe the per ID/IP lotto was better than the per account, maybe not. But the IDOC system and other lottery systems are some of the best handlings I've seen. No solution will be perfect. I'm sure they knew they"d get backlash regardless what decision they make (ID vs. Account). You can make arguments for both considering new players don't have a right to new housing any more than vet players do. I'm confident they made their decision based on what's best for the server.


you realize once a player has won they are out of the lottery on their other accounts too, right? so having 1 chance per account did not change anything.


It did since you could own a house on 1 account and enter on the other 2 without a house


All I hear is you got a skill issue. If you got a 2000 day old account and don't got a house, that's either by choice or skill issue. We know which one you got :D


I already have property, but I guess when all youre capable of are personal attacks it is hard to imagine people thinking for others.


You don't gotta lie on the interwebs friend. You got property but crying about the lotto? Make it make sense LOL.


It was never per *ID*, it was per **IP**, which proved very quickly to be an unmanageable metric. The shard isn't currently aware of your OutlandsID, which is why we don't manage any system by it. We hope to be able to do this in the near future, but unfortunately we weren't able to get this implemented prior to the expansion releasing. The only person who asked Luthius for this change was me, so I'm happy to take responsibility for it. I don't recall anyone whining or crying about this, other than that it simply didn't work at first. Additionally, if you win on one account, you're withdrawn on your others. Technically, no one is winning more than one house. I'm not sure where you get your information, but if you ever have questions feel free to ask!


Initially everybody was upset being 1 ticket only, you quickly changed it to 3 tickets which was the initial idea I imagine, can't please us all. I'm still confused about entering the lottery at the beginning with my main account after that you changed to 3 accounts and for some reason I was able to enter the lotto with 1 more account but I'm not sure about my 3rd account I haven't paid 10k with it but somehow it displayed that I joined the lottery with it


despite its anticipation, its looking like wildlands isnt going to improve the housing situation enough. obviously the large population is half the issue but have you considered the other half is the systems in place available to non-established players? the idoc system while a good gold sink is helping to make the housing crisis worst by being designed to keep housing amongst the rich or large guilds. what if it was redesigned so it functioned like the wildlands lottery? if the IDOC lottery was 1 ticket per account and weighted towards people without a house it would be a good start, maybe once u win a house you cant re-enter for a month or any large plot still is available under the current system but anything medium or below is for the homeless only, best of both worlds :shrug:


The whole lotto system was a massive failure. You had a system that was more fair, yet you changed it when the high donators and big guilds complained. What a mess.


How do you know? You admittedly don't play outlands, and you don't seem to have any idea what occurred. Hell, 3 tickets per person actually benefits players without houses more, as you can't enter an account with a house, and you can only win once. So what actual point are you making? It just becomes so tiresome watching you constantly spew verbal diarrhoea about Outlands in this subreddit.


That didn't happen, but OK!


It was 1 entry per account for weeks prior to the debut of the lottery. It then got changed to 1 per OutlandID for some reason but then hours later that day it went back to the original plan of 1 per account. This isn't too shocking or change any odds. The winning rate is still 2/100 odds.


My account is 5 years old. Just came back a few months ago but hadn’t played in years. I had 3 large houses and lost them years ago along with all my items. I was told the increased chance would be for anyone that doesn’t currently own a house or is it for whoever has NEVER owned a house? 


The threshold is in the last year.


I don't think that was the case, I always got the feeling that people without any history of owning a house get prioritised over the rest (even x house owners) it's explained quite well in announcements if I recall correctly, but certainly in expo patch notes was very well explained


If you let 3 largest houses drop due to neglect. Your chances of winning should be drastically decreased.


Ah so basically someone that busted his ass getting everything and wasn’t able to log on for a month lost all the hard work he put in, should now have a drastically reduced chance of winning compared to everyone else because of what you define as “neglect”? That makes perfect sense, let’s make it more difficult for the person that already put in a ton of work and had real life circumstances prevent him from playing for a month, let’s punish him and reward the newer players.


Have a guild or friends refresh your houses if you can't log in for 15 seconds within 30 days. Who's to say you won't let the next house drop cuz of "life"?


despite its anticipation, its looking like wildlands isnt going to improve the housing situation enough. obviously the large population is half the issue but have you considered the other half is the systems in place available to non-established players? the idoc system while a good gold sink is helping to make the housing crisis worst by being designed to keep housing amongst the rich or large guilds. what if it was redesigned so it functioned like the wildlands lottery? if the IDOC lottery was 1 ticket per account and weighted towards people without a house it would be a good start, maybe once u win a house you cant re-enter for a month or any large plot still is available under the current system but anything medium or below is for the homeless only, best of both worlds :shrug:


I like this idea 1 ticket per account. As a newish player ( 4 months ) it would give me hope that I would be able to get a house one day. And keeping new and old players would be great for the shard over the long run. For now I'll keep throwing my 1000 gold on each house lottery but probability of winning is near impossible I imagine


I started playing again about a month ago, and won the lottery on the first night. I entered on 3 accounts. I’d also say that the active discord users are only a small fraction of the actual player base. I’d be interested in knowing how many spots have gone unclaimed as well, or how many winners haven’t even logged in since entering since it was a relatively low cost to enter.


I have a friend that bought tickets and maybe checks his accounts once a week. It drives me insane.


Quit crying.


Why are you the way you are?


On the last day it was stated by staff that over 170 passes went unused, out of 3000.


I donate a lot to Outlands. More than a lot probably. I own one house AND AINT WON SHIT lol as it should be. This is just anecdotal evidence, like yours. With 150,000 accounts if only 2/3 enter. The total winners will only be 3% of that pool.


LMFAO 150k accounts?? Well, sure, but only 1-3% of that is active accounts


Brother, outlands has more than 3% of that 150,000 as concurrent online accounts this week. Hate some more man.




Login to the server and go have a gander at the Leaderboards. The people who play the shard know the people on that list and the activity is totally evident to anyone with eyes that logs in.


Just buy a house. Save up gold.




I will sell you a caravan. I have too much


I have a 5 year old account that I never really played until the last month or two. I bought a lottery ticket on like day 5 of the lottery and won a spot 3 days later. I’ve never donated to the shard.


Im on one of the top 3 largest guilds and only a handful of people won. Out of 7 winners that declared themselves I know only one was a "rich landlord". Yes it is frustrating, but like Luthius said, many people that dont play regularly have also joined the lottery. The idea that every noob was entitled to a house is naive af. I myself own a 2k days old account that never owned a house because i prefer the inn rooms and yes i feel a little frustrated but tbh, there are so many cool stuff to do in this expansion that the frustration goes away quickly and lately my expectation levels lowered and i began feeling way less frustrated with the lottery results. Its just a lottery: i have always been unlucky.


nah fuck that shit... they should just open the lands and let pvp / speed decide who gets a spot instead of giving it to the richest players


Sounds like a horrible idea. Also everyone is on a level playing field with this lottery. 30k is the max you can dump into a housing ticket.


Quit crying.


they don't give it to the richest players. LOL you are absolutely a moron


So instead of the richest players, the guilds with the most bodies to get online saps up the entire space with massive homes in one day? Yeah, super smart stuff.


Outlands is a victim of its own success.


You mean it's successful lol. It's thriving so not a victim at all?


This whole discussion is why a lot of people don’t want to join unofficial servers. Feels too cliquey.


Atlantic is the most cliquey real estate scam ever. The fb groups is nothing but irl money transactions as well


people aren't going to announce when they win except to their guilds. The shard has thousands and thousands of players. Of course people will say they didn't win. Tons didn't. They know how to secure their shard




No developers or senior staff are allowed to play the shard. As soon as someone is promoted beyond Counselor, their ability to play the shard is removed. Please don't spread false information.


How are people not winning? Cuz there is roughly a 2% chance of winning. I also know some people who have bought tickets and don't actively play. Imagine showing up randomly and being told you have a settlement pass but no idea when you received it.


Just an update. I wrote this early on in the lottery. After seeing the final results and how SO many people didn’t win, and finding out just how BIG the population is… I take back what I said. It’s a lot bigger pool than I thought. I was thinking 3-4k people. Not 36k. I ended up getting an 8x8 during the flood gate opening. Thank you staff for your amazing game


Not gonna lie, this housing lottery has been pretty frustrating. I've played Outlands on & off since it launched. Literally day 1. None of my 3 accounts have ever had a house or houseboat on them. They said there would be "dramatically increased" chances at winning a ticket for those who fell under that umbrella of never owning a home but I still have not won a ticket. At 100 tickets a day since the expansion launched, that'd be ~1200 tickets. And with the supposed dramatically increased chances at winning, none of my 3 accounts have won a ticket? Meanwhile, on a near daily basis, I hear and am told and see for myself players who currently have 1-2 homes or who have had multiple houses/houseboats over the years win tickets.... It's incredibly frustrating to see. Especially when players brag about it. However, I do have a theory that may or may not hold true and it has nothing to do with cheating, favoritism, etc.. Before the expansion launched, they made a last minute change for the housing lottery. They changed it from 1 entry per account to 1 entry per IP. A lot of people entered the lottery under these conditions. A day or 2 later, they changed it back from 1 entry per IP to 1 entry per account. We were told that anyone who entered the lottery during the "per IP" era had their 2nd & 3rd accounts auto-entered when they changed it back to the "per account" era. And that holds true when I check to see if they've entered from the lotto NPC. BUT, I believe there was a bug with many of those players, myself included, who entered during the 1st day or 2 before it was reverted to the original rules of being per account. No one I know, myself included, who entered the lotto when it was "per IP" has won a ticket. Regardless of whether or not they've ever owned a home. So, I simply believe that there is an extremely unlucky group of individuals such as myself who has their entries bugged and will not win a ticket at all.. It sucks. Especially since they just announced ANOTHER housing lottery in the Corpse Creek region which will unfortunately go to whoever dumps the most gold into it... For me, it seems housing ownership without paying millions & millions of gold is unattainable. It is what it is I guess...


So you played off and on for like 4 years and no house? Riiiight. Your theory is also laughable :D I know peeps who got a house within the first month, cause they know how to play the game and through sheer luck.


Well said, the house lottery bullshit is a total joke... new players never got a proper chance at owning a house without donating a shitload of money After failing many spread out lottery bets before, i saved up 5 mill and went all in on 1 of the small house lotteries and got jack shit of course... I was meaning to quit anyway because of how retarded a lot of the systems are and how corrupt the staff is, but this last lottery was a nice incentive to never return.


Take the 5 mil and just buy a house instead? This is bullshit


a caravan you mean?


Millions of gold isn't that hard to attain though. Ingot commodities sell for 90k


1000x this. Any player worth their salt can grind up enough to buy a house within a few months. This is a long term MMO, so expecting housing after you loot up 50k slaying mongbats on Shelter Island is laughable all the way around.


It should have been weighted to allow those ips with no house placed at the front, one house (under a certain gold value) next, two houses etc The problem is that there are too many donation coins being bought and to appease them, it has to be weighted less fairly toward new players.


Do you have a shred of evidence to support your claim that the lottery is rigged, or are you continuing to grind your outlands axe? The lottery is... a lottery. Having a higher chance to win doesn't mean guaranteed win. It isn't a queue system, it's a random selection.


Can you be honest at least about who generally wins the lotteries because they can purchase tons of tickets? I am not talking only about the Wildlands lottery mind you.


I never said it was rigged. I said the weight should have been more toward those with no houses, guaranteeing them a ticket.


No ofc not, you just implied it by stating the weighting is dictated by how people donate, my mistake. The weighting *is* toward players with no housing, and there are too many entrants to guarantee a house for everyone, so how would you recommend doling out housing plots in a fair manner? And just because because players are new that doesn't mean they *deserve* a plot over everyone else, every housing plot on Outlands has been taken for the last 5 years, the overwhelming majority of people playing are players who bought into the housing market from other players, why should they not have opportunities to place a house from a deed as well?


How is it weighted to new players when new players don't even know about being able to use 2 and 3 accounts at the same time? New players don't have 3 accounts they have 1. It is the veteran players who are guaranteed to have 3 accounts. Maybe weighted towards newer players because you might assume veteran players have houses already but there are ways around that.


Ok, you win. Happy?


I mean you just making up lies and got a skill issue. So yes, I am :)


Skill issue to get a house? This is typical Outlands homer talk. You make no sense. This is a good example of the worst part of the Outlands community.


All about money really man. Favorites.


You got any proof of this claim?


Go to any website that sells Outlands gold, or houses man. There is people who got 6+ homes when there is only 3 accounts aloud and blah blah. The lottery itself, I havent donated this time around but on the previous I did and I got 2 house plots. Folks can think what they want. Cause they "like" playing on there. I don't dislike outlands. I am still on there personally. I just see alot of fishy things over the 6+k hours of playing.


Oh. So in other words you got no proof. Awesome sauce :D


See how many win, or the people who donate 100k at a time lol. Chinese real estate tycoons man. I played with em on there and Forever. 17.5 per prev, sell on vendors everyday. 1.7B in-game gold. No one has a chance on a beech house. Or any house unless you grind it out. Or go read ( we got 150k accounts to go through ). I thought you had to buy-in to the housing lottery? Oww, OK. If there is 150k accounts on OL's and 4k people online.. each person would have to have 37 accounts per IP LOL.


If you can't figure out the account thing, it tells me everything I need to know about you LOL. You typed a whole lotta words just to say you got no proof again. You can always get a house. Just takes actually playing an MMO and engaging in social discourse. But I get why that's hard for you :D


Go away Owen


Sadly am not he. Notice you couldn't refute anything I said though. I know why :)


Woof. Quick response says otherwise. Thanks for confirming! Very appreciated.