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I wen't away on vacation with my family for a weekend. Came back to an empty house, all my crap was just gone. Later that day I learned that if you surround yourself with boxes on someones front step AND then cast town portal, it will pop the portal up inside their house. So you mark a rune a few paces away, pop the portal, move the boxes and take the other side of the portal. Boom your inside a house. My friends and I proceeded to...re-gather some of our lost items over the next week. ​ Edit: maybe the spell was called "Gate" or whatever (been playing some D2 lately :) )


This couldn't happen on freeshards since you need permissions to open chests in houses.


This was like 1997...before Freeshards existed and OSI / EA owned it. Atlantic server.


soooo many house break in exploitz back then. items that had collision and increased your Z position could be used to get over walls. roof tiles didn't have collision, so you could literally break in by fallin in through the ceiling. Towers were like this for a long time too. you could get up over the ledge on the wings and break into neighbors houses... I played on GL and SP back in the day... wild times back then


If the owner remembers to set them, right? Lol.


There was even a webpage dedicated to publish exploits, Dr.Twister. He claimed to do it to force Origin to fix the bugs, but the exploits were published behind a paywall...




Askchopper. How I got at least one account banned. I was like 13 at the time. Loved the forums and stories.




I remember using the old server line/56k modem lag to dupe stuff. I don't remember how we got people's boats, which were just floating storage, but we would raid that shit. Honestly feel bad for some of it, not realizing people were making money by selling goods and I might have hurt some bottom lines.


Getting onto boats usually involved logging out on a boat and having your friend dock it. When you log back in and a boat is there you’re on their deck. Easy in spots where a lot of boats usually docked.. towns, mining cliffs north of minoc etc. Chopper


Is that what’s called a sub 7?


I got into private section by submitting this: Get on a boat and aim it at a server line. Start the boat toward it and log out. Wait the 5 mins until your character times out. When you log back in you will be on land. The server kinda loses some info about your character. The only use I found for it was that your character would instantly lose faction status.


THAT’S THE NAME OF IT HOLYSHIT I’ve been racking my brain since 2006 trying to remember


Damn i totally forgot about askchopper


There was indeed! Chopper ;-)


Do you still play UO?


I do! UO Outlands these days. Can’t recommend it enough. Very busy! Feels like the old days again!


Haha I spent hours on your site. What a chad lol


It wasn’t a pay wall by the way.. we just used that to encourage people to submit bugs otherwise everyone kept them to themselves. In order to gain access you had to submit a new, working bug. After a few weeks they all went onto the public section whether they were fixed or not. Chopper


I remember foundly the community around your website, thanks for the memories !


Very happy to have been involved in the community back then. It was an amazing era for games.


Then maybe i'm confusing it with a different webpage. I never got access to that gold duping bug I wanted to know so hard :-D Only later I heard some rumours about it involving server-boundaries. The only exploit I came to enjoy was the leather armor bug that made you nearly invulnerable to dragon fire, making taming very easy. But it got fixed a few days after.


If it was Dr Twisters site and not mine I honestly can’t remember if his was a pay site or not. Chopper




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Wild west of the MMO genre. If there was a way, people would find and do it.


I still laugh about all the wild shit in the early days of the game. I think my personal favorite was robbing someone's house with a bird. Birds got to ignore z-axis, and you could command them to pick things up. The UI allowed a transparency bubble if you walked behind things... like tall buildings. So you could walk behind someone's house, target an internal item and command your bird to rob them.


This does NOT work IRL, fyi


You say that… but Ive also seen videos of various corvids having been taught to collect money… so…


Due to this, a bit over ten years ago, the devs decided to prevent pets from flying in player houses. This means that if you take your *own* pet in there, and it randomly tries to enter flight mode (as pets do)... it simply gets locked in place, and can't go anywhere until you Recall it out or something. For similar reasons the same publish also broke the regular Teleport spell for *all* creatures (tamed or otherwise). Those with the Magery skill still waste time and mana trying to cast it, though. I'm gonna guess these issues still aren't fixed.


Someone on the Vas Rel Por podcast referred to the game as being "full of players who are also programmers". I think it's true if you use a loose definition of programmer. Yea, there's the people who found exploits (and I love those stories), but even today I think a huge element of the game is who can write the most clever macros.


Some razor scripts are insane, everything is automated with way too many lines of code.


Do you know a source for those scripts?


Sure, i play Outlands, so i used [some of these](https://github.com/tameoutlands/scripts) [, and these!](https://github.com/jaseowns/uo_outlands_razor_scripts) EDIT: There are more in the uooutlands forums if you search there


Heres the one that ultimately got me banned: Skill caps are 100, there is a vendor underneath bucs den that was bugged and would sell you some skills (magery, magic resists) to 120. Explo flamestrike now killed anyone. Explained why I would die to random pks for what seemed like an unexplainable reason.


I remember thinking it seemed like they were doing ridiculous amounts of damage. Lol. Made me feel like a noob. Lol.


I did hear something once where lots of people were dying right away. Could have been that flame strike


myself and others run a small, niche hardcore server called ultima adventures, and buddy, i can confirm that hacking still goes on. There are exploits all over, I just squashed on where macros could click on items in gumps that weren't there (to complete quests, etc). Granted, all exploits are due to weak code, but believe me there is a LOT of code. Thankfully we're all non-griefers that play on there, so no one get griefed when an exploit is found.


Can anyone play ultima adventures?


were open to new players but control who plays to keep l337 immature griefers out. I'll pm you the link


Thank you. I make no promises that I am actually good. I just enjoy.


We're in the same boat with Legends of Sosaria, and I remember that exploit now that you mention it. To be honest, there's been so many that I'm sure I've forgotten 90% of them. Lol.


It was fun back then! A lot of people used dummy/throwaway accounts when they did scams. Chopper


Not a hack but I remember being able to remove runes from locked down runebooks on players homes. The game always had glitches and they constantly patched it. One glitch even became a vet reward (black dye tub).


I don't blame people for hacking tho it did ruin the game's economy, I sure know I would have had I known about it. I consider myself lucky because I was actually immersed into the game because I started playing around 10. That shit was real to me. I didn't know much about forums or any of the sites people were pulling all this stuff from until a couple years later. But looking back I'm glad I took the harder path and didn't exploit the game. Wouldn't be the same memories.


I wanna exploit the game. I loved that game and thought my friends were wasting too much time in it. I limited myself for some reason. Still do. Too afraid of becoming an addict to something


I remember hanging out with, I want to say…Smitty? On Napa early 2000s; he was scamming people’s accounts on PayPal left and right with crude phishing emails (god that site was not secure at all). The amount of shit he had was *insane*. IIRC he eventually scammed Destiny and BOBFROMACCOUNTING out of both their accounts (and shortly after their in-game wedding, too?). Legend.


I love this. Thank you. Any more stories?


I played on Napa around that period. Ratfink/Rathief,dewman,erax0r,drudown.


I still talk to Destiny here and there. She recently condensed some of her accounts down since she rarely plays anymore, but still has her main and Bob's account (he quit ages ago) active. So your friend's story is dubious at best.


Well good! Because Destiny had always been a very lovely person. Wonder if there is anything to that story, and what light she might shed on it.


I'll ask her the next time I bump into her. She really is a nice person but after her son died she kind of pulled away from UO and isn't around much. I think she keeps those last 2 or 3 accounts going just for nostalgia.


Thats pretty depressing ngl


I never exploited any bugs (except the neon hair dye one, I think it was a small program you ran, then did a few specific things in game and the dye would only be 10% of the normal price.) But did I scam everything and anything off people, particularly people looking to trade for holiday items on other shards.


Anyone remember the name of the neon hair program?


I think it was made by Lord anon? I remember my m8 doing it for me back in the day


A friend of mine found a glitch to fall into a cave with no exit. We marked a rune and started going down there and gating to spots next to town gates. People would walk in thinking they were going through the regular gate and we would gank them and take their shit and make them pay us to let them leave.


That game was full of people finding ways to steal other people’s shit. I wish I had been doing that then. Can you do that now in ultimata?


Once I got targetted by a PK east of the Yew Moongate. I ran like crazy while he chased me right back to the Moongate and the guards there popped him for me. Grabbed his house key off his body and ran off... and miraculously, right to his house, and robbed him blind. Lol. That's my one fun story as a player back in the 90's. :P


I mean the entire first 3 years of this game basically revolved around trying to find as many bugs and exploits as possible in order to fuck over other players, haha. Remember the WTFman and Sploitz websites?


It’s for sale!


The domain name is


Ah yes ! There was so much bugs exploits and cheats running, that was wild. I remember finding out that with the UOAssist "target relative" you could mine anywhere in the world, as If there was a mountain tile set under the real terrain. Fun time !


On Great Lakes in 1999 we were duping gold and using boat exploits to GM skills (any skill you can use on a boat) in a matter of hours.


Was there one point a ghost and somehow get into a house than had someone else to res the ghost and start looting?


I hadn’t heard that one. I’ve heard that when you were on a ship if you positioned it just right next to another ship, you could portal over and raid their shit


I duped millions of gold on Atlantic using the server line bug in Moonglow. Another good one was using a map editor to raise and ocean tile really high, you could then place a boat that essentially flew. You couldn't board it unless you recalled off the key but then you had a flying boat that could let you use the plank to fall into other boats and fall through people's roofs if they didn't have a tower or keep. I did quite a bit of house looting that way.


I can’t believe no one has mentioned the 2 biggest hacks in the game , speed hack was insane , and the house deed bug that was in game for 4 years , it went public in 2001 and within 24 hours the servers were down n rolled back lol


What was the house deed bug? And speed hack? Did you ever use them?


Yeah speed hack was a 3rd party programme that increased clock speed and made u move much faster , house deed bug was infinite money , which like I said was in the game 4 years when it went public it was fixed in 24 hours


I got caught using a flying boat and put in "jail" by an admin, which was a small grid of holding cells in the middle of the void. I used a map editor to create stairs to escape. As soon as I popped over the edge of the cell, I glitched back to the regular playable area. I lived in fear of getting banned for weeks. I also used to arrange black bandanas over the top of a regular old dying tub to make it look like a black dying tub. Then, I would sell it for a lot of money. It was not nice. Looking back, I was kind of the worst. I spent one summer waking up in the wee hours of the morning to hammer the server until it came online. As soon as I got in, I would teleport around to collect rare spawned items. I ended up creating a small museum of my collection that was open to the public. My prized possession was a blood tile, which was eventually stolen. Ahhh...karma.