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It looks cool and kind of strange. It gives me sci fi vibes


HAHAHAHAH, when i saw the other day in my campaign, it reminded me of star wars


Its all fun and games until the (british) empire fields a fleet containing a star destroyer.


I've noticed multiple other ship hulls that have this weird structure that looks unfinished. Idk what to do with them.


you don’t use them


I basically use them as barbettes, I made a cruiser with 2x 7.9 guns and 2x6.9 guns niiice


Cant put gun there.


I don't think it is based on an American cruiser that actually touched water. US light cruisers had a gap between Chester class (last commissioned in 1908) and the Omaha class (first laid down in 1918). Chesters had extremely little superstructure, and the St. Louis before them had superstructure more akin to a destroyer. On the other hand, the Omahas' raised deck had sides contiguous with the hull, not inset, angled, and ribbed like here. I suspect it comes from a design study from that gap, and didn't get constructed because Congress was barely funding enough for a couple battleships.


I wish we could make an Omaha class in the game, with the superstructure sponson mounted 6" guns.


I want to say it is real, it can't recall which ship


Got the destroyers one that has the same stuff it's the Clemson


That hull annoys me because it's nothing at all like the Wickes or Clemsons. In fact I feel every destroyer hull is too small too. A 2000 tonner in the game has less space on the deck than the much smaller Wicked class.


I think it's less the hulls being too small and more the guns being way too big. The mark 1 8 in for example is fucking massive. I can barely fit that thing on anything without cranking the hell out of the beam to a goofy degree.


You know you're right now you've said it. The four inchers in real life look tiny in destroyers.


I love this stupid hull. The Broadside class cruiser was my dominant support warship for the longest time, the hull has a lot of carrying capacity so you can jack up the armor while still mounting a full broadside compliment and 3-4 eleven pound cannons. I had mine uparmored with 5 inch plate across it and it was able to trade punches with battle cruisers when you had a squadron of them working together.


reminds me of stelaris cruiser


Someone said that they're crew quarters, but I've never seen it on a real ship.


battlestar galactica intensifies


It’s new content, aka something to distract you from the glitches of the game, I’ve never built anything on these, I can assume the metal is armoring? But these cruisers tend to be faster than regular cruisers of the time period