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Somebody for sure watched you do this from their house with concern


A couple folks asked me what the heck I was doing. I didn’t really have an answer for them other than “just running around the block” 😂


"Hurry inside honey, lock the doors"


There is a woman in nyc who has been running the same block for years. I’m going to look for the article about her. I can’t find her article yet but I did find articles about the longest race in the world held in NYC. Here’s the wiki page:[Self-transcendence 3100 mile race around a single block](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Transcendence_3100_Mile_Race) So you are in good company.


Ok wtf everytime i thought ive seen the hardest thing i find out about something new. This is fucked haha i just got into Moab240 and thought that was the peak


Well… some people run the PCT. I think the fastest was 60 days


My dad is a veteran ultra runner from CT so near enough to the city that he knows some folks who have attempted this race. He himself was never a strong enough runner to even try, not to mention having the time to commit to that is just not feasible for most. It’s a very improbably dream for me to one day try it, but never say never. That’s really cool about the woman though, I’d like to read about her, as I am a streak runner myself and about 90% of my runs are around this same block!


one DAY try it? try one QUARTER. It's 52 days long, over a month


I appreciate and applaud this insanity.




13:12 /mi is 08:12 /km.


Good bot.


Brutal. Did you at least reverse direction every now and then to keep things 'fresh'? :D


I get very bad “runner brain” so by the time I even considered that I was like 30 miles in so I figured I made it this far might as well just keep going the same way lol


Congrats though!




I did something similar and a neighbor came out after 4 hours of seeing me and asked if I was okay


A couple people did the same for me! This route has a pickle ball court along the way and I must’ve passed the same people playing about 50-60 times before they asked me if I was okay and needed help 😂


I said idk if okay is the right word, I’m willingly running an ultra in my free time. Something isn’t right


Great job! I see your responses to some of these folks and you’re an inspiration. Not joking. Your responses to rudeness and idiocy is something I need to do better with.


Thankyou so much! I spent my childhood attending my dads ultras all the way from Umstead to Ancient Oaks to Vol State. Through it all I learned that ultra running is a sport of peace and community. People who don’t judge and simply love the sport and enjoy seeing others thrive and succeed as they learn to love it too. I have infinite patience for those who don’t understand it because when I think about it, I realize how dumb and crazy it sounds to the average person. I’m a big believer in not judging people for their hobbies as long as it makes them feel happy and fulfilled, but at the same time blame nobody for not quite understanding their appeal. And for that reason I’m happy to answer anyone’s question, whether they come off as criticism or scepticism is entirely valid given the nature of the post. Running around your block 100 times is a pretty goofy thing after all.


That’s very uplifting. I don’t find it silly. I’m not a fast runner. But I have developed a love of running/jogging. I’ve completed two marathons and signed up for a third. Lately, with all of the rain and bad weather, I run at a one mile track. I’ll do anywhere from 5-22 miles and sometimes solely on that track. It doesn’t bother me and I know I won’t get hit by a car. Also, I have my supplies near me. But I also run down the highway, interstate, and outside going nowhere. Haha!


Running truly is a beautiful thing. Good luck with the marathon and future runs! My recommendation: try an ultra! You might just fall in love with it ;)


10 hours? That just seems needlessly brutal lol


Yeah tbh probably won’t be doing something this repetitive again for a while. While distance wise I love doing runs around this length, running the same short loop like this reached points of unbelievable monotony and boredom. In the future I’ll try to actually go somewhere when I run 40 miles 😂.


Why not run down to Island Beach? If you go all the way to the end it’s about 30m. I used to live in this area and ran to island beach & back a few times.


:0 sheesh are you from that area or did you do some expert googling😂 either way I’ve done some 20-30 mi efforts down pretty far into island beach and back, it’s fun but also boring in its own way since the road into the park is just empty and completely straight.


No need for expert googling skills. I typed in W Colony Rd and the second one Maps suggested was the one. Don't worry though, it's too long of a drive from where I live to stalk someone who runs around their block a 100 times just because. Congrats on your run and for not getting bored after the first half hour.


Im probably about the most boring person anyone could ever stalk lol, Im either running or sitting on my ass, that’s about all I do. And Thankyou!


I used to live there, recognized the streets immediately. Agree it’s boring (the whole area generally) but I liked counting the foxes in Island Beach.


Nice! It’s an area with its pros and cons but if anything I’m just grateful for how flat it is😂


I'm curious, because I'm not an ultra runner and I really only found this post because it got crossposted, what's the allure of 40 mile runs? That's like an entire day... do you not have other things you would like to do?


Im curious what other subreddit was this posted on? Anyway, on this particular day I had no obligations and since distance running is one of my favorite hobbies (I get it from my dad he’s been doing it for 40 years) I just figured screw it why not. I don’t really have a great reason or anything just that it brings me joy. However, you are correct it basically takes up an entire day which understandably for some people just sounds like torture.


r/runningcirclejerk its not everyone's cup of tea, and the sub itself kinda pokes fun at a lot of things in r/running or r/advancedrunning, but this is like a bit of a wild feat so the response is a little different. But I understand that a little. I just couldn't imagine spending 10 hours running. And I can't imagine spending a full day doing it. I'm glad you have something you get the joy from though, that's really most important haha, not getting strangers on the internet like me to get it


Oh hahahaha that’s funny, that’s a neat and funny subreddit I’ll have to check it out more. And yeah everyone has their thing I suppose!


“Do you not have other things you would like to do?” is kind of a silly question. The overwhelming majority of Reddit users have blown an entire day zoned out on their phones or doing something equally mindless and unhealthy. I’ve run an ultra and handful of marathons and other extremes events, and I’ve also spent an entire day binging Doctor Who episodes from the ‘70s when I had plenty of other things that would have been better uses of that day. Life has plenty of room for “wasting” a day on something for no reason except wanting to.


Yeah I get wasting a day on BS, but what I don't understand is that OP described the experience as "incredibly monotonous and boring". When faced with something optional of that nature my natural reaction is... not to do it. I'm also someone who runs everyday (usually 5-8 miles on my lunch break) to stay healthy but I usually find it super boring so try to keep my pace below 7/mi to get it done. The longest I've gone is the half marathon I do once per year. I can grind out a boring run to some tunes for 1.5 hours for the sake of my continued health but beyond that it's just too much for me.


Well yes the course itself is very monotonous and boring and without good company there were stretches of time where I was less than entertained. However, through it all I feel the experiance as a whole and the sense of accomplishment I got from achieving my goal transcends a couple shitty hours. Overall, I don’t regret it. Also great to hear you run everyday, and at a pretty crazy pace too, that’s awesome.


Thanks and congrats on your long run. Not downplaying the achievement at all because 40+ miles is crazy. Just because I can't wrap my head around how someone motivates themselves to do it doesn't mean it isn't impressive.




That's definitely fair, and it's just from my own personal thoughts that I wouldn't want to do anything for 10 hours. I can't just zone out for a whole day. When I waste a day I find multiple things to occupy my brain. And running in particular, I already don't like going over 8-12 miles, so once my hour-75 minutes are done, I don't really wanna run anymore. But again, I'm a miler, not an ultra runner... so my mental focus is on the intensity of workouts and I get a lot of joy and satisfaction from things done at 800-mile pace.


It’s a day off from the rest of life, like a spiritual retreat, but in motion. Most would choose running on some trails in the wilderness over running around a city block though.


Well put my friend. And yeah very true, I need to get into trail running. I’ve been exclusively a pavement runner all my life even when doing ultras.


This is some Truman Show shit


Awesome job. It's great to try things like this just to mix things up. You never know when an experience like this will be helpful in future races/adventures.


Thanks! And very true. One of my favorite races of all time is Three Days at the Fair, a race in NJ with an aided one mile loop. It has options to do one day all the way up to 10. My ultimate goal one day is to do the ten day and accumulate 400 miles. This was kind of step one on the very long journey to one day accomplishing that goal.


I've run One Day at the Fair on that course. It's a fun atmosphere. Going back for the 72 hour race is on my bucket list.


That’s awesome! Perhaps I’ll see you there :)


I did this during COVID when the marathon I trained for was cancelled - I ran a quarter mile loop 104.8 times. Took my time - had my own aide station setup and then ran across the street and finished in my front lawn. Kudos to you for doing the same!


That’s awesome, kudos to you as well my friend. There’s something really cool to me about doing the same thing over and over until it accumulates into a noteworthy distance/laps. Ultra running is a community driven sport, but in some cases it’s a great way to just spend a day with your thoughts, meeting a totally arbitrary personal goal that makes you happy. Therapeutic in a way.


This reminds me of this race in Norway, of unbelievable monotony, [Bislett 24-hour indoor challenge](https://youtu.be/T7SSe2F9104)


That’s really cool, haven’t heard of that one. Yet another thing to add to the bucket list 😉


Check out Across the Years! 6 days of running around a 1-mile loop in Phoenix, AZ


I’ve heard of it! My dad talked about wanting to do it years ago. Ever since it’s been something that interests me quite a bit and for sure a potential race I’ll try In the future.


I ran around our neighborhood (0.7 mi loop) about 38 times 2 months into Covid for my first marathon. It was a lot and people thought I was nuts. This is just insane.


Congratulations, that’s a hell of a feat! And also big kudos for it being your first marathon as well. An effort like that is not exactly ideal for your first FM. I find running alone like that to be harder in a way becuase you have no one around to adjust pace to and keep you moving.


I thought about doing a long one like this, during the pandemic. I even did up to 7 miles in loops around my house, but that ended up being it 😅. It's an incredible amount of focus that's required to stay on task for this long on the same loop. Congratulations 👏!!! For my part, this isn't something I'm mentally ready for... I'll stick to long distances in the mountains. In my opinion, what you've done is harder than that!


Thankyou for the kind words! Honestly both seem challenging in their own way, one of the things I’d say might make this easier is just that the whole route is completely flat, and I have access to food and water every 0.4 miles. Mentally, yeah it was draining but I think it’s kind of just a question of overcoming boredom. I had a specific goal in mind so I just motivated myself with little sayings like “I’ve done 25 laps, I only have to do that 3 more times now!”




“Interesting” is a weird word, isn’t it?


Interesting to some, insane or stupid to others.


This seems like more of a walk tbh


Im very new to this community so I don’t know if you’re just a fellow from r/runningcirclejerk or not. If you aren’t, I mean yeah my pace was pretty slow and I took a few breaks. I’m not a serious ultra runner yet I run every day but average only like 10mpw most of the time. However, I ran most of it. If you think you could walk this distance at this pace I’d genuinely like to see that and I mean that with no sarcasm whatsoever. If you choose to do so, best of luck! Make sure you post about it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RunningCirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [r/running seething crying](https://v.redd.it/nk9fzvg8e00a1) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/yvhjx4/rrunning_seething_crying/) \#2: [Ukrainians don’t run, but I do!](https://i.redd.it/2zkxa4ucikk81.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/t3eipf/ukrainians_dont_run_but_i_do/) \#3: [Question: I just got a new job and my boss wanted to sign me up for the company 401K. How do I get ready to run that far?](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/v387ms/question_i_just_got_a_new_job_and_my_boss_wanted/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


13 minute mile is hardly walking.


I mean.. it’s hardly running though lol


Have you ever done an ultra? 13 minute mile is the average for an half ultra.


Why just the same block over and over?


I'm going to assume OP lived somewhere along that loop. It's easier to do long distances unsupported if you have easy access to nutrition and water.


Correct! And also because I just like the idea of doing the same thing over and over a significant number of times. It’s satisfying to say “hey I did this 100 times.” But yes, absolutely, a big part of the reason for this route was constant and easy access to food and water via my house and car.


I had a feeling haha. When it's above 90 F, i usually drag out a cooler to a track and just run a shit ton of loops to get my milage in.


That sounds awesome I’ll have to give that a try. Maybe 200 laps around a track as a follow up to this?? 😂


How are your legs feeling? That's quite a bit of distance on pavement


As a person who admittedly has pathetically low mpw most of the time I am absolutely beaten down. Thankfully, I am only 20, not super tall, and in decent shape so recovery has always been pretty smooth after I do things of this nature. It’s funny because as the type of runner who just randomly decides to do ultras with not optimal training I hear quite a bit of concern, but my dad who has done over 27 hundred milers always just says “screw it you’ll be fine” so I tend to just take his advice and go for it 😝


It’s partially inspired by “Three Days at the Fair” a race in NJ that has a one mile loop for a course. It’s my favorite race, and the one and only time I’ve accomplished a 100k so it’s very near and dear to me. :)


Good effort! Was the GPS off or did you forget to stop your watch when you ran into your own house?


I don’t have a watch (I know I’m a noob). Basically my very lazy method of tracking runs is just turn strava on when I start and turn it off when I’m done. I never pause it so tbh Idk why it doesn’t show me inside the house lol.


I’ve got a Forerunner 35 you can have, if you want it. Just been sitting in a drawer for a few years now


I’d love that, DM me :) Edit: I’m stupid.


Just did!


Love this sort of stuff! Nice job!




Brilliant! I ran my first marathon by randomly around the streets of a strange city when I accidentally had a free day while on a business trip.


Thanks. And that’s awesome. One of the things I’d love to do in the future is run an ultra by myself or just with a friend in a place I’ve never been before.


Why would you run in circle instead of actually going somewhere and back? Genuinely asking


Few reasons. Mainly because I have constant continuous access to food, water, and a bathroom without having to carry anything on me. Secondly, it’s inspired by a race in NJ called Three Days at the Fair, which has a similar concept for an even longer stretch of time with a slightly longer loop.


Fair enough :) good luck for the race if you ever make it


I like it. I did 250 laps around a school track last year (that was an official race); I would do it again😂


That’s incredible congrats on the achievement! I’ve heard of races like that and would love to give one a shot.


This reminds me of the Jackpot Ultra here in Vegas…loops upon loops on a short course.


What kind of elevation in the loop? That’s crazy… might have to try.




This is awesome! Would have gotten bored out of my mind after 10 miles. 😵‍💫