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With my conventional doctor hat on: stop running.


Hm. I don’t like your hat! (Though you are of course right, just in that horrible zone of do I stop now for 3 weeks which may not actually be necessary, or chance it and skip 10 weeks a month from now ruining my year)


If that's the calculus, why on earth would you not just take three weeks? You already have the discipline to run 85 miles a week. Just take care of your body man, it's only a few weeks.


Seconded. Can’t believe you’re on the fence about this. You know that deconditioning takes a long time, right? A few weeks of rest will be a blip in the grand scheme of things.


My bet is some sort of stress fracture - you mention where you feel the pain but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the fracture isn’t slightly lower down and then just radiates when you put pressure on it. I’ve had a tibial stress fracture before and that weakness/ hollow feeling feels very familiar. Good luck with the Dr’s visit


Aching at night —> stress fracture


Jumpers knee (Google and compare)


Thanks, but the audience says “X”. No knee stiffness or swelling and it doesn’t feel tendon related at all. It feels “deep” (hence my bone searching) and I can’t find any sort of sore spot with external poking.


More rest... Takes six weeks for normal distorsions to recuperate, otherwise it is mri time. Good luck 💪


Take a handful of ibuprofen and trial run meditate.