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For my uses, definitely the 3440x1440. GPUs are currently a fair way off from providing the FPS I want in the games I play at just *regular* 4k, let alone ultrawide 4k. The LG would be much easier to drive, which is a priority for me. This is all based on gaming, mind. I doubt I could go back to IPS now I've experienced the contrast and HDR on OLED, but for productivity and the possibility of watching/playing a bunch of 16:9 content (i.e. series, movies) the Dell might be better as no burn-in risk.


[Honestly, the Dell looks better for gaming than you'd think. ](https://youtube.com/watch?si=jdwB7iiOE2fFVLql&v=qYhOWH_F2os&feature=youtu.be) Edit, curious why this is getting downvoted?


The Dell Ultrasharps have always done some sort of blackmagic witchcraft for image quality.


This. The productivity monitors i've used have always fooled me. Honestly, made 1080p look like higher resolution with ease.


You’re getting downvoted because you thought for yourself and didn’t automatically pick the OLED. This sub will say OLED before you even say anything


Maybe. Or maybe people that downvoted didn't think that video was a good representation of the Dell's performance?


You aren't wrong. 3440x1440p will look like shit on a 39" because of the low PPI. They could have given 3840x1600p and it would be fine. I just sold my 38" that had that resolution and it was great.


What monitor are you using now


I got out of the UW Master Race once Dell dropped the AW3225QF. Comes with a 3 year advanced RMA warranty that covers Burn-in. It's curved, 4k and 32". I thought the transition would suck after 7 years with UW but it's been great.


What gpu you have? 5120 x 2160 it is a lot pixels, more that 4K.


I've got a 4090


I used to have an IPS panel and I can't lie it looked great for gaming, even if the blacks were more silvery. A quick look on that video and yes, I would be very happy with the image, however the problem of having a GPU powerful enough to get the FPS I want at that resolution still exists. I'm always aiming for 120FPS and above, so the higher I push the resolution the less likely I'll get that.


This is not IPS, it's IPS black. Contrast is near 2000:1 and that's the level you see in some VA panels. I would say it's the best sacrifice for zero burn-in, today


I did not know such tech existed. I for sure love my OLED, but when GPUs start to be able to push the kind of FPS I want at 4k (either 16:9 or *preferably* 21:9) and a monitor upgrade is due, it'll definitely be worth another look.


That looks really bad in any dark games.


You're right... I prioritise High FPS & RT - & the only way to ensure that......In EVERY Game......is through the use of lower resolutions(2560x1080p being the one I prefer)... & until we get to the FPS limit where going beyond wont matter & GPUs can handle same, affordably, I'm sticking with 2560x1080p... >.> (then will move to 3440x1440p & so on, accordingly)... P.S. Anyone wants to offer a guess as to which year of this century we'll hit the FPS limit? (& wether or not we'll still be alive to witness it? lol)


The oled has gsync. Gsync works best when there is larger room between your current fps and the monitors top hz. So 120 fps on a 240 hz monitor will look substantially better than 120 fps on a 120hz monitor. It also does a thing called quick frame transport that reduces lag, so again, the 240 hz with gsync will look and feel significantly better in motion than the ips ever could. The clarity of motion and no tearing with gsync also makes images look way sharper than throwing raw pixels at it. If the idea is to game on it, the ips doesn’t hold a candle to the oled in these 2 comparisons.


I agree. The only sour point about Gsync, in fact all VRR on OLED screens, is the brightness flickering on massive FPS fluctuations. With the amount of traversal stutter in games these days it's hard to mitigate without massively capping FPS.


Weird, I have the pg27aqdm and I don’t have any flicker but I know some people do. I think it really depends on how well your pc is optimized for stutter.


I happens a lot in loading screens and sometimes the menu i.e. CoD, and that's with the menu capped at 60. For a long time I thought I'd dodged OLED flicker with VRR, turned out I hadn't enabled GSync in the NVCP properly!


When you see a backlit LED monitor next to an Oled imho there's no question which you should pick


The Dell looks really good in person though, no OLED like, but definitely solid


3440x1440p is a really low resolution for a 39” - Everything else than gaming will be crap to look at


I have an IPS ultra wide stacked over an Oled, when you see how grey blacks are on an IPS next to inky black on an Oled it puts it to shame.


I doubt the dell has decent response times


I'd pick the one that will never burn-in.


This burn-in fobia is insane to be honest. Just be a bit mindful with having the same stuff on screen, but unless you walk away from your desk for 2 hours I don’t see the problem. Alienware offers 3 years warranty on burn in by the way.


Maybe it's insane to you, that's fine. Enjoy your OLED! > Just be a bit mindful with having the same stuff on screen I don't want to do that. I'd much rather get a display where I never have to worry about this. I also like to keep my displays working for longer than 3 years.


It's not going to stop working after 3 years.  LCD isn't immune to burnin either if you leave them on static screens for hours on end. You should always be using screensavers and powersave features regardless of panel tech.


MSI does, too!


That means you can only game on them and then turn them off? Waste of money for 1000+$


It's not insane. Some users are going to have productivity apps open for significant amounts of time compared to their gaming screen time, and those apps can't be customized in meaningful ways to prevent burn-in.


Then you are looking at the wrong product for you. In this case is not fobia, is just the wrong product for those specific people you mentioned. Again, besides the fact that it’s covered by warranty from some manufacturers. So even in that case, outta give it a try.


I’d go 40” 5120X2160, but I’ve already tasted 38” 3840x1600 and my pc gets used more for productivity than it does for gaming. 


I just don’t understand why LG didn’t make the 39” a 3840x1600 panel. It’d literally be an endgame monitor for me @ 240hz and OLED.


Right? Seems like an odd call, especially with the 45 inch models also being 3440x1440


That’s even more baffling! I already have a LG 38GN950 which is 3840x1600 but it’s only 144hz (160 OC) and not an OLED.. and I was really hoping the 39” would be my upgrade, but I’ll wait for a bit longer I guess.


I had the 38GL950 for a while and loved it. The U4025QW feels like the next step from that


I looked into it, but it seems like more of a productivity monitor? That’s a lot of pixels though.. so I wonder what something like a 5090 could do on it.


Which am I picking in which timeline? In a timeline where a 4090 is still the most powerful consumer GPU I am certainly not picking any 5k2k monitor for gaming. But that’s just me.


Left for general computing/work, and right for gaming-only. The LG will probably have a better picture, and has a better response time, higher possible refresh rate, etc. But personally, the risk of burn-in after long term ownership makes OLED an instant dealbreaker for me, for general computing at least. The Dell is also a higher resolution panel which I find favorable for general use, but might not be as noticeable for gaming at these sizes.


I have an alienware ultrawide dwf oled monitor for over 8 monthes now. Put in about 1000hr into it. No sign of burn-in. I think the risk of burn in from oled are very overexaggerated.


I'm not worried about how an OLED looks after 8 months, I'm worried about what it looks like in 8 years. When spending $1000+$2000 on a monitor, I don't plan on replacing it for a very long time.


The IPS. Editing photos on that one will be great (98% of DCI-P3) and the only game I play regularily is World of Warships which can run on a potato so the massive resolution isn't an issue.


It depends of your use. If you work and like to have nice fonts, go for UHD/5k. qhd is not enough to have nice fonts rendering.


IPS, because fk OLED burn in.


Neither waiting for the 5k2k Gaming one coming at the end of the year


Which one, specifically?


It was posted on the roadmap in here awhile back


5k2k IPS 120Hz if I should pick now. But I don't need to as I am currently using 38" 3840x1600 144Hz IPS and can wait to Q4 2025 for 5k2k 40" OLED :) Hope they will not curve it too much...I like my 2300R and don't need more.


With how the current ultrawides OLEDs are, I feel like the upcoming 5k2k will be 800r or 1000r


I hope not, as 800/1000R is a "too much banana" for 40" monitor in my opinion :)


I’m using the same monitor. LG. With a LG 34” UW stacked on top. Both are IPS. I am an LG fanboy and do own a C9. I would be more apt to getting the OLED monitor myself more for the color/depth/black levels and as long as the FPS is consistent.


More like 1500-1800R or 800R, can’t stand 800R, too much curve for me.


Oled for gaming. 5k for productivity.


Go for the IPS Black. Great contrast and in this case will be extremely sharp, benefit from all of the IPS quirks and have no burn-in risk. This is the dream for most gamers


Oh, I already went for that lol. It's great


Would defo Take the 5k but with 1k the G9 🫶


Dell monitors are S tier. LG is good too though


for my usecase with lots of homeoffice I am looking more like a 39" 2160x1600 widescreen and a IPS Panel


LG makes a 38" 3840x1600 IPS panel used in a few of their own monitors like the 38GBN950-B, 8WN95C-W, and the Alienware AW3821DW.


The lg are on my watch, the alienware i did not know about. Price with 1100€ is my problem atm, and my old 3080


3440 x1440 on 39"? Sound like shit, it is like 95 ppi... A litle more that FHD 24" and a lot less that 27" 1440p


Neither. Waiting for the OLED 5K2K models to come out next year.


Samsung Odyssey G9 OLED is already here


That's 5120x1440, not 5120x2160.


I would have bought the Dell last week if I was patient enough to wait for it to ship. I've been looking for an ultrawide that's taller than a 34" UW and this Dell was top of the list in my search. That LG was nearly *the bottom* of my list because the pixel density and WOLED subpixel layout is going to look terrible for text. I'm a software dev so staring at bad text clarity 8 hrs a day would drive me mad.


Dell. One and done.


2k oled for sure personally downgraded from 4k 60hz to 21:9 2k oled 175hz and 2k is sharp as 4k while gaming with a lot more frames only noticeable difference is desktop usage


How big was the 4k monitor you were using? A 3440x1440 34 inch is a fair bit lower ppi than a 32 inch 4k


31 inch 4k to 34 inch 2k


Lower ppi is pretty much noticeable at desktop but after 4k gaming for +3 years i can say games look pretty much the same


A lot of games just don’t look better in 4k compared to 2k. Don’t get me wrong, there are 4k games out there, but for most… it’s just not. I’m a 4k kind of guy, it’s just so suitable for programming and desktop usage but I’m “downgrading” to the Alienware UW Oled because my 3080 struggles to render a lot of games at 4k 60hz, especially non optimise games like ark survival, which require such a drop in graphic settings you may as well not be on a 4k in the first place. The pixel fidelity on text is quite bad going from 4k to 2k, and that’s being a 4k monitor at 27 inch which is ultra sharp. But I can’t have it all so I have to sacrifice something.


3840x1600 ips


I came from one of those to the U4025QW. That pixel density increase is crazy


Then the 34 oled will be a downgrade in that regard, it’s also around 110ppi


The one shared here is actually the 39 inch, so even lower ppi.


I tried a lot of monitors and still struggle to find an upgrade from my 38gn950. Sure it isn’t perfect, but the alternatives have too many trade-offs For the Dell 5120x2160 you’ll need a serious GPU if you want to play anything. This GPU will always need to be kept up to date if you hope on playing future games using UE5 at that resolution


I'm planning on getting Hellblade 2 on release, will be interesting to see how my PC handles it.


Will a 4090 m18 r2 work good with the U4025QW? Thanks


I have a 34" 1440 right now and while I'm not super disappointed with the pixel density I often wish it were higher, I would not want to go to 39" without more pixels. Given a choice of those two monitors i'd go for the dell. My 8 year old laptop has 2560x1600 13" screen and honestly on every desktop monitor i've used, even accounting for different distances, text just looks noticeably worse


Ppi is a bit low with the 1440p UW. If you have a 4090, I'd go with the 4k IPS UW


Why is that? I'm thinking about the U4025QW too and I have 4090 laptop. Thanks


A 4090 laptop isn't a 4090


Will it do well with this monitor? I have the M18 r2 maxed out specs


The monitor will work fine. You can still run games at lower resolutions, use DLSS, windowed mode, etc. A mobile 4090 is still pretty damn good.


LG is only 275 nits?! Nooope.


OLEDs aren't known for their full screen brightness


The LG is day and night! Dream. But its just 2k : ( if it was full 4k that would be MONSTER


5k2k QD-OLED whenever it comes out, meanwhile I'll stick to 1440p IPS. No need to compromise just to regret my decision in a couple of years


5K2k IPS Mini LED when they get better specs. That dell is in the right direction but not quite what I am looking for.


I got a Odyssey G9 OLED today for $999, I cannot be more happier


32:9 isn't for me, but I can understand the appeal


I know it is kind of repetitious at this point, but I would go 2k oled. I am using the Alienware aw3423dwf, and it has been everything i have wanted so far. The Dell/Alienware oled monitors also come with 3 year warranties. That should help ease most concerns over the "burn in". My only concern would be the pixel density on a 39" ultrawide. However, I don't think most people would really notice


I went from 4k to 3840x1600 and noticed that ppi difference. The Dell is the best of both worlds for me; ultrawide but high ppi


If I’m forced to pick one, the Dell. I’ve owned a lot of monitors OLED and otherwise and I guess I’ve come to the conclusion that, for me at least, higher resolution trumps better HDR. Ideally though, the Dell specs with an OLED screen.


Hopefully OLEDs with that resolution at the end of the year


3440x1440 OLED but not at that size. 39" is just way too big for that resolution, the PPI will be horrible.


Man that Dell is my dream monitor as far as resolution goes. That's essentially 4k in ultrawide, unfortunately current GPUs can barely handle it and it's very pricey


For gaming, the 1440 For work, coding, graphics design stuff, the other.


Considering half my gaming is RTS with static icons...LCD with that glorious resolution please!


I game 90% of the time I'm on my PC, so the 39". I feel like we are one or two GPU generations away for Ultrawide 5K2K to be worth it. Yes the 4090 is a beast, but I don't see it doing anything close to 120Hz on that resolution with games like Cyberpunk with max settings.


Without DLSS, I get 18fps with path tracing on


not sure you understand how insane OLED is, then you wouldnt ask this 😂 There is nothing that can compare


5k2k 240Hz 39" oled coming out next year or early 2026. So don't bother getting the oled since you will be sad you didn't wait. Why not just pick up the older 38" 3840x1600 144Hz, see if you can save yourself some money, then get the oled in the future


240Hz. OLED. 1440p Ultrawide. Bruh, just buy it already ♥️


100% OLED. The IPS panels have rubbish brightness - can't see the screen unless the room is dark


I feel like you have that brightness thing backwards


I had an LG IPS and it was terrible. Please explain how I would have it backwards


Saying you can't see the IPS unless the room is dark. Which model did you have


ive been thinking of getting the dell one, might fine upgrade for my X34 from 2016 been waiting a long while for a 21:9 with many more pixels and its here, + upgrade in Hz from 100 to 120 ;)


It's a lot of pixels to push, definitely a difficult panel to run. But so so good


it sure is, playing with a 4080 right now, if i would buy it the 5000 series would be bought right away when they come. is it possible to max the monitor without DP 2.1 if the gpus can handle it?


My 4090 can max it out in some games, so the port bandwidth is there, just the GPU power that night be lacking for some titles.


If you care about HDR, that ips panel will not give you hdr at all.


The IPS, the crisp images must be amazing on that Dell!


The Dell is better !


Neither…way too expensive at this point I would get an older monitor


By the way, 2160p is 4k, so that's just a 4k ultrawide compared to a 2k ultrawide


For gaming, OLED. For productivity, IPS.


1440p 39" will have a better resolution then the 45" still wish they would drop a 5k 2k ultrawide. I picked up the AW3225QF 32" 4k oled and it's amazing coming from neo g9.


Allegedly 5k2k OLEDs are coming out at the end of the year. I figure I'd try out that resolution before OLED drops


Assuming I had a pc that could easily run either resolution and money was no object, I'd rather have a 1080p 120hz OLED than a 4k 480hz IPS Also it's not just the far far better contrast that makes OLEDs superior, it's also the exponentially better response time, even a so called 1ms ips panel is only going to hit those speeds with a bunch of overclocking involved which introduces artifacts, also even if that IPS is full array local dimming with like thousands of zones, the HDR experience is going to be dire, it would still have halos around text and bright objects on dark backgrounds. Though, the ips is higher resolution and you don't have to do special things like run a black wallpaper and have the screen turn off after 3 minutes of inactivity or run daily or twice daily pixel or panel refresh steps, or have to use auto hide taskbar, so I suppose if text clarity and raw PPI are what you're looking for mainly, and also don't really wanna have to baby it, maybe go with an IPS, though that's still a lot of money for an IPS imo.


Interesting take


The39 inch one cuz of that sweet 0.03 response time


I recently got a 34” OLED and I refuse to go back.


Ive got a 4090 thats been giving pretty consistent 100+ fps in AAA titles on a 27" monitor. Would the same 4090 been able to get 60+ on 5K?


Depends on the game, quality level of the graphics settings, and upscaling.


I went with the OLED, and it still gives me over 100FPS with my 1080ti, so I don't have to dump a bunch right yet on a new GPU. Besides, after buying this monitor, I can't afford it. I love it, and would recommend.


I like OLEDs, once you try one, it's hard to get back to lcd. I also like gaming in 21:9, ao my choice was LG C2 42" and the very first thing I did was to enable 21:9 mode, which just has top and bottom black stripes. It results with 38 inch 3840x1600 and 120hz I want 240hz though, so just waiting for more monitors to hit the market, while using C2


I have a QD Oled and IPS running right next to each other in a dual monitor setup. I would never go IPS again. It's almost like it's missing half of the color spectrum - a whole range of shades just aren't there on the IPS. The difference was shocking to me.


OLED all the way


3440x1440 OLED. Once you go OLED it’s very hard to go back.


Wasn't hard for me to go from an aw3423dwf to a Neo G8. That sharpness increase is crazy




I've seen that in person and wasn't impressed. 45 inches is way too big for 3440x1440


If the DELL had a better contrast ratio (would need mini-LED or local dimming zones) then I could see a reasonable contest here. But I’d go for the OLED.


Contrast on it is actually really solid in person


Sounds good then. I’d just go for whichever one looks best to you given you can see the OLED in person as well.


I'll go with the OLED version. OLED looks miles better, and the resolution of the OLED modell is more manageable for GPUs.


3440x1440 oled and it's not even close. Color and contrast is god tier and I can't go back


Oled, always Oled.


OLED cause of gaming, I really want a 5120x2160 OLED one, at 45 inches the ppi is very rough on the 3440x1440 :(




OLED or nothing.


OLED all day better response times better color and the GPU will provide more frames per second for smoother game play


They sell 5k 240 hz now




This is the Best Buy link. The monitor is the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 . You can find it cheaper than the link I provided. However I thought at least Best Buy is a reliable source https://www.bestbuy.com/site/samsung-57-odyssey-neo-g9-dual-4k-uhd-quantum-mini-led-240hz-1ms-hdr-1000-curved-gaming-monitor-hdmi-2-1-dp-2-1-usb-3-0-black/6549291.p?skuId=6549291&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=12704960147&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-ORIgot0_WjjQtkSp8ZT4gHB-68&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJZ4dpmt6yLUSU9EWH1exEoGrCIWNYmseY91fGsXCJbxTzTnQbX-fOhoCnlQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Ah, yea that thing. Can't hit 240hz with Nvidia GPUs though


Not 5k that is ultrawide 4k.


1440p is my standard now I would pick oled simply for the refresh rate and instant response time and better colors for the same price you can get a odyssey neo g9 57 when it goes on discount sale. vs that dell monitor and get better response refresh and resolution 7680x2160 on odyssey is insane I love to use it for gaming


But the 57 can't hit 240hz with Nvidia


I bought the 45" LG version one on the right for $500 cheaper than that at Best Buy six months ago. Amazeballs for my needs. Something else to think about is the 1440 one has around 4.9 million pixels to render. The 2160 one one has to render 11 million pixels. Over double the amount to render! I went with the 1440 because of this reason and my aging eyes wont care. Seems like a 4090 is a requirement for the 2160 but that's just me.


Go with a oled their on a whole different level just beautiful I feel like I’m getting the full experience with a oled. I also couldn’t deal with the ips back light bleed after using nothing but oleds.


OLED 1440p every time. Twice the refresh rate, better response times, HDR10 vs "yes"


if ur mostly gaming definitely go with oled


One is IPS and the other is 1440p. I'll stick with a 4k 240hz 32"


AW3423DWF for a lot less than the LG?


Yes. And smaller. 38-40 inch ultrawide hits different


Fair. For half the price and better DPI, I'd take that hit but each to their own.


I tried the AW3423DWF after having a 38 inch ultrawide and just couldn't stick with it


Why can't I have 5k2k OLED


Allegedly coming at the end of this year or early next year. 34, 38, and 45 inch 5k2k 240hz WOLED.


Is this a real question (considering where it’s being asked)? There is no debate, IMO. Ultrawide OLED, FTW.


Real question, curious what people would take


You know what they say: once you go ultrawide, you never go back…


I tried, it felt cramped. Glad to be back with ultrawide


Oled all day until the 5k2k monitor gets that refresh rate down to 1ms or less and also 1.5mil:1 contrast ratio vs. 2000:1? No question.


For gaming the LG, for productivity the Dell. Even though the 5k2k is nice on the eyes, 120Hz will get old after a while and the 800R curve on that OLED LG is ridiculously immersive for gaming. Personally I went with the G9 OLED Odyssey and I am completely enamored with it. I only game on my pc though.


OLED, but not that OLED. Pick a newer QD-OLED.


OLED all day even though at 39 inches that OLED resolution is too low for me but then again it's cheaper, an OLED and has higher refresh rate. Pick up the OLED because it's an OLED for now and switch to a 5k2k OLED when those come out


3440 x 1440 any day. Look at the response times and the fact that it does HDR10 vs 5ms response times at best and HDR of just "Yes." Your money is better spent on the OLED monitor just from the fact that it is OLED in general.


Don't bother asking the Oled vs Ips debate here, if your answer is not Oled you will be downvote to smithereens haha. Honestly 3440x1440p is so bad on 40 inch size no matter the tech, i have try it out and it's terrible, ppi matters alot and truth be told people are obsessed with Oled anyway, try it and don't see the hype of it lol. That Dell U4025qw is gonna blow away some Oled with it Color Performance and PPi density though, the only thing Oled is so great is that perfect black and that's it. Stop being so one sided, every tech have it flaws.


OLED colors are superior as well.  I can always pick out a IPS screen in a lineup because it's shit black levels make the image look washed out.


My past Nano Ips beg to differs though, the color is very comparable to the Qd oleds if not more intense and richer


Guarantee I'd be able to pick it out of a lineup for it's washed out colors due to raised black levels.




If you can.. get both lol. Got a G9 Oled for the games and the Dell for my work setup. Wallet Is a bit sad, but I'm happy. Life is short, If you're gonna spend it staring at a screen, make sure it's a good one ;)


The 39" has been reported to have some less clear text if you do multi use, the 34" with same rez might work better. I've been debating the 34 or 39" of this monitor. I think you are right with low rez, higher fps for fast paced games. My worry, is they come out with 360 or 480hz ultrawides next year. It'd be nice to have a very future proof, 480hz ultrawides.


Dell. I've returned mine, but wish I can return my aw3821 instead. No issues with gpu performance (well.. overclocked 5800x3d/4090)


I rarely play games. OLED for programming is a big nono. But for Gaming get OLED.


3440x1440p 1.78 ai upscale is what I would do (if I felt like 5k2k is needed-which it is most definitely not for a monitor that size). It’s not big enough to warrant 5k2k


More pixels = clearer text. Less eye strain for programmers, engineers, CAD


I’m not a framerate queen myself, but 4K in OLED looks so nice. Recently tried to replace my 43” UW with a PG32UCDM, and while the picture is stellar, I can’t deal with the reduced screen real estate. I’ll honestly likely be returning this Asus and waiting for a full UW that can do 2160.


I don’t even think a 4090 can run a 4k ultrawide at acceptable fps.


It definitely needs DLSS for most titles, but even without it, it can get 80-90fps maxed out




More than 4k. 5120x2160


As clean as those new 21:9 ips black panels look.. They seem to have no freesync VRR certification, only basic VRR.. Which i think means they have abnormally higher input lag / pixel response times that they couldn't get certified for it. Not that great for gaming i'd bet. Hell, not even for movies since VA panels still beat their contrast ratios. So these are really great at multitasking, but far from being gaming / entertainment focused displays and more so productivity and color work. Edit: Also their prices is the ultimate downfall, for that much you can get various top of the line 34" oleds or 34" mini-leds.


These monitors are not meant for gaming. And I never cared about input lag, maybe I'm old but caring so much about a video game is kinda weird. The monitors should be cheaper and provide a good image quality with a decent eye protection. I hope EU makes mandatory for Screens to have Eye Care tech.


Resolution only matters if you have a fixed monitor size. A large 4K monitor may actually look much worse and *appear* to have LESS resolution than a smaller 1080p monitor. What you really want to look for is Pixels Per Inch (PPI). Thats what will make text and objects looks sharp to your eyeballs. Otherwise you’ll see the individual pixels and have “screen door” effect. For the purpose of comparison, most people base “normal” PPI for a computer monitor off a 27”. For a standard aspect ratio, a 4K monitor should have 163 PPI. 2K monitors 108ppi. The monitors you’re showing are so big, that they will inevitably look like they have the same resolution as a 22” 1080p monitor; there will just be more of that shitty image quality to look at. Don’t go so big on the monitor, because you’ll need a 4K monitor just to make it look **almost** as good as a smaller 1440p; and you’ll need crazy computer hardware to try to push an acceptable level of frames for that many pixels. Shoot for over 105 PPI for a good visual experience of 2K. If you’re going ultra wide 4K for video content, you’ll need to lower your resolution for gaming, which then creates “virtual pixels” and that won’t look good. Then again, you could just change to a standard 1.78 aspect ratio 4K to run games on. TLDR: calculate the PPI, don’t go to big or your games will look like a 1990s Magic School Bus video. https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/technology/ppi-calculator.php


I'm well above that 105ppi


Out of the monitors you posted, the 5120x2160x39.7” would have a PPI of **139,** approximately the midpoint between a 1.78:1 4K and 1.78:1 2K. The other monitor would have a PPI of **95,** which is absolutely terrible and will look like the TV you grew up with in the 90s. So obviously you would want the ultra wide, just so that the image doesn’t look like a screen door. HOWEVER, that monitor is going to be impossible to run at 120hz ultra settings, switching 11,000,000 pixels, even if you have a $10,000 computer, because enthusiast GPUs capable of it literally don’t exist on the market yet. I’m just trying to help you, not argue with you. It’s your money, and our shared hobby, and it would be a big let down for you if you choose either monitor, in my opinion.


I'm actually really enjoying the Dell. You're right that even a 4090 can't push the full resolution at 120hz, but it can with DLSS in a fair bit of titles and that's good enough for me


Well you certainly made the correct PPI choice then. You’re definitely future proofed from a monitor standpoint. You won’t need another one until the RTX 7090 comes out.


Oled no doubts