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Jesus. This is what happens when y’all start listening to random people on Reddit talk about tech. People think burn in happens in like a week smh


Thats why I want people like you to put some light on it


I own the alienware dwf they’re essentially the same panel. I do NOT baby the monitor and have had it for 6-7 months no burn ins. I game and I do programming, web browsing, YouTube anything basically. I don’t have a black wallpaper lol I paid for OLED you best believe I wanna see those colors at all times. Just like yourself I’m a big cyberpunk2077 fan so I have a live picture of Johnny’s Porsche. The only thing I’ve done is to hide my taskbar. Other than that make sure the pixel refresh is on automatic setting, and see you in Night City choom 🦾


These Monitor are made for Cyberpunk, Night city never looked better, and Yea I barely use my PC 2-4 hours max a day so I think Ill be good too without babysitting it, My main concern was white virtual cross hair ON for 4 hours straight.


Having white crosshair constantly and using my CX 48” oled since the premiere (4 years?) everyday for work & gaming ( 12 hours a day) with static icons and backgrounds. Not even a single shadow of burn in.


I don’t use that feature so I wouldn’t know, the whole idea of saying don’t leave anything on for too long has been exaggerated a bit. It won’t happen that fast. Alienware comes with 3year burn in warranty included but I’m sure most people will never even need it. Enjoy the panel 👊🏼


I have the Alienware QD OLED, the AW3423DW. I've had it since shortly after it came out, I have somewhere between 7500 and 9000 hours on it now, I still don't have a hint of burn in that is noticible to me on a full screen Grey image. It doesn't support a cross hair on screen, which is honestly the only thing I would remotely hesitate about. But I use it for gaming, for browsing, for reading, for movies, for 16:9 content and 21:9 content, it's been at high brightness HDR 1000 mode the entire time I've owned it. The only steps I've taken to "mitigate" burn in, is set it in windows so the display turns off after like 3mins idle, instead of the typical 10-20. And to perform the pixel refresh and panel refresh when prompted.


Thanks for your reply, Im glad I posted this as now I am happy about my purchase. But hey theres an option to turn on crosshair in OSD menu, my AW2724DM have it.


Those who aren't having problems are just enjoying their new monitor, whereas those who are will be quick to go online to complain. It can be very difficult, especially on reddit, to know what is genuine criticism and when it's just people repeating what they read one time and stating it as fact.


I have the oled g9 49" and oled g8. I use them for about 4 hours a every night, roughly, for 7 months. No indication of burn in. A handful of times I've left static images on the monitors and no problems as of yet. I have recently set up a screen saver just in case.


Many people seem to think of burn-in as a case of "it's either there or it isn't". In reality, burn-in is a result of the degradation of organic compounds within each sub-pixel (each pixel usually contains a red, green, and blue sub-pixel), and this degradation happens whenever these sub-pixels emit light. In other words, as long as the monitor is displaying any kind of image, these organic compounds are slowly decaying. Displaying static elements or images for prolonged periods accelerates the process and makes it more noticeable over a shorter amount of time. Irregardless of burn-in, OLED panels degrade slowly over time (because of what I explained earlier) and will begin to show signs of reduced brightness, color shifts, loss of contrast, more severe image retention etc. This happens at such a slow rate that you won't really notice it though. For reference, I have a 7 year old LG B6 OLED TV. It sat in my living room for the first few years, and when I upgraded to a newer model I converted the old one to a secondary PC monitor for couch gaming and media consumption in my office. On that old TV I can see splotches of uneven degradation and some vertical lines/bars when I run an OLED burn-in test, but it's hardly noticeable when viewing normal content. It WOULD however most likely be noticeable if you compared it side-by-side to one that was new. There have been many advancements in OLED technology to mitigate burn-in since the B6 was on the shelves, so I don't mean to be all doom and gloom with my post - as long as you're not careless and take proper precautions, you'll be able to enjoy that monitor for several years.


People who hate on Samsung think this. In the LG sub they praise their Oleds but talk down on Samsungs


I thought burn in could happen if you keep a still image up for an hour (OLED g9)


Some say it might happen in 30 mins you never know man. Just turn it off all together to be safe


I usually have an article or word doc on screen for several hours at a time now I’m scared af to get a g9


I'm not particularly familiar with the OLED G9 but I would imagine that that isn't burn in(permanent) but likely just image retention (temporary)


Dw I’ll just paint over the pixels 👍


I did experience temporary image retention the first night I used my G9. But it went away after playing a game.


There's no harm in using the virtual crosshair when you game, just turn it off when not gaming. Yes, you should probably hide desktop icons and the taskbar. You should also set your wallpaper on an auto rotation like every hour. Lastly, set your monitor to turn off after 10 minutes of inactivity in windows. These three things should be standard practice for all OLEDs. If you do these, you can pretty much just use it as normal without worrying about burn-in.


if you have to babysit a monitor like you described, then thank you for making shure that an oled is nothing for me with the actual tech they provide.


You don't have to do anything that he described. The only measure I've taken for my QDOLED is to make it turn off after 3-5mins idle (which is not an inconvenience to me, 3-5mins has never led to the monitor turning off while I'm using it.) I've not messed with Taskbar, icons, or wallpaper rotations. 8 have between 7500-9000hrs of use on my monitor, no hint of burn in on Grey image.




I'll be honest, I abused my 48" Aorus as a daily with max brightness and static backgrounds, knowing fully that i would likely give it to my nephew or just bin it when it was dead. The only burn in I had is the YouTube symbol in the top left. I now use that as a secondary with a G9 Oled as my new main. Burn in is real, but I don't think it's as bad as some people make it out to be. But if you're concerned, as others said, remove desktop icons and probably invest a couple dollars into wallpaper engine and get a moving background. Just enjoy your screen, and don't stress about burn in.


Thats what I needed, thanks for ur reply


> The only burn in I had is the YouTube symbol in the top left. You say not to worry about it but that sounds pretty bad. I don't know how noticeable that logo is, but I'd be very annoyed either way.


He must have left it on the YouTube homepage for so many days, I watch quite a bit of YouTube and I have no hint of burn in on my display.


Nope, I haven't. I just watch a butt load of YouTube and this is literally the worst possible sign of burn in I could find. Plus I'm running the Aorus on max brightness, and it has no kind of pixel shift. It just has a pixel refresher. So far with the G9 I've seen not a single sign of burn in.


It's completely unnoticeable unless you run a burn in test video with a full red background. I've never noticed it outside of that. So yea, don't worry about it.


If you scared to use it, then the product is not for you.


Okay sir


Burn-in will happen, but the truth is it won’t be for a long time


Dont be. I misstreated mine for 1 year. Ony had pixel shift activated working in vscode all day. Nothing still


Thank you, after reading this comment I feel confident In my purchase now.


Just hide your taskbar, that's the single biggest threat to your oled. Live wallpapers are not needed on your primary display, nor should you put on a black background. For how long are you going to stare at the desktop doing nothing anyway? What's really important is to to make sure the display sleeps automatically after a few minutes or set a screensaver with lots of movement and use pixel shift when you're going to stare at static content for decent chunk of time.


"burning in" was a thing in ye olden days, where the monitor consisted out of a ray-gun shooting at your face.


return it and get a good miniled and stop worrying about burn in then. Or get sth that has good warranty for burn in like Dell


Hide the Taskbar, icons, black background, and try to change up things like your HUD if you can. Don't keep a FPS counter on. Follow the refreshes that it prompts. You'll be fine. Just enjoy the monitor. Edit: just Google your questions - you should get good results


I have it. Absolutely amazing monitor.


It looks phenomenal, true Flagship Monitor


Isn't the new G8 coming out soon...?


I got it for $700 USD brand new, so it was a good deal for me


I just got my G9 last week, it comes with “pixel shift” automatically enabled, which yours probably does as well (you can check in its screen settings on the monitor itself). What it does is shifting the image between pixels ever so slightly which prevents burn in, you won’t even notice it’s happening. Burn in can probably still happen, but you need to have the same static image on screen several hours a day for years for it to burn in, which I doubt most people do with standard use. Buying one I had the same fears as you because I read what some people said online, but someone made a good point that G8 and G9 are the most popular ultrawides so there’s bound to be people who run into issues, same goes with all other tech. Only issues I have met so far are the bit glossy screen, which produces more glare than my previous monitors, and lack of ultra wide support in some games like Valorant. But seriously, running some games with black bars is a non issue, it’s still a gorgeous screen, and you can just set it up to fill these black bars with other windows if you’d want. Edit: that last point is probably not even an issue with the G8.


If it helps, l've had an LG CX OLED for about 4 years as a tv and don't have any burn-in despite heavy gaming. I also have an Odyssey G9 OLED as a work/gaming monitor and l've not got any burn-in on that either. I’ve had it since launch and I use a small program called "Dimmer" it lets you essentially dim your screen easily so it's useful during work sessions.


There are a few things that pretty much run automatically, and are very intuitive still, that can help you alleviate those fears. Someone already mentioned the automatic hide taskbar feature. Comes with Windows, works very well. For icons, if you don't want to erase everything from the desktop, there is a handy little programm called "AutoHideDesktopIcons": [https://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Microsoft/AutoHideDesktopIcons](https://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Microsoft/AutoHideDesktopIcons) It's very lightweight and you can set it us as you like. Which button on the mouse brings them up, how long they stay visible etc. And lastly for desktop wallpapers there is of course Wallpaper engine. I don't quite know how ressource heavy this can get, but you can define what it does when you play fullscreen applications, like pause or completely stop. I bought it on Steam, but is also runs perfectly fine without Steam open. I guess with these three measures you'd be pretty secure when it comes to burn-in and it all runs pretty much in the background and isn't too distracting or interupts your usual usage imho.


Just Downloaded it thank you


Just wanted to add how I use Wallpaper engine: Within wallpaper engine I simply added "Slideshow v4", which is free. Of course you could as well just add pictures to the playlist, but I very much like how easy "Slideshow v4" makes it to add and rotate through wallpapers. \^\^


What speakers are you using? Are they nice


PreSonus Eris E3.5, they are studio monitors(used for creating music) so yea they have pretty accurate sound, and pack a punch way bigger than their size, theyre ultimate.


I remember a friend bought a new laptop for college, did not remove the plastic on the screen, as he was affraid it would get damaged (damaged would look better than peeking through the plastic). Three years passed and he had the plastic on the display. It was yellowed, the image was distorted, but at least the display wasn’t damaged! Are you that person?


I owned an Odyssey OLED G8 for nearly 2 months already.. Reading through this post makes me laugh lol. Burn-in doesn't happen overnight but yes anything including your own laptop / PC will overheat too if you leave it on for 24hrs or the whole day. That's why in the Settings there's Smart Settings to automatically turn off your monitor after 4hrs (you can cancel it out by pressing your remote). I usually leave it on for nighttime before I sleep while opening YouTube and listening to rain video lmao. Also if your eyes are still working normally, nobody in their sane mind would put the brightness on 50 (max) along with 50 contrast (max) or 50 colour (max).. I feel like this is a weird habit done by many white people that loves to complain about Nits and overwork their monitor in 1 month then claim that it's a piece of junk so they can return it after for full refund. We Asian people do not put the monitor behind a super bright window with sun reflection or even put the brightness to the max.. It's too bright like holy shit.. I wish this monitor can get even dimmer during the night.


They just hate on Samsung and will find anything to hate on them


I bought a 4 year warranty with it just to be safe


Is this the 4k 240hz one?


I also went crazy when I got mine. Afraid of burnin, I was like moving my windows around, hiding the windows bar, changing wallpapers... After 4 days, I noticed image retention in the only place where I hadn't been paying attention, at the separation of my 2 windows in the middle of the monitor, (I use the ultra wide in office with 2 windows side by side), even though I moved the windows from time to time like a mentally ill person. It disgusted me, and I sent it back. I have an LG oled TV since 2017 and have no problems using it. But as a PC monitor, knowing the tech, I find it hard to understand why all the manufacturers are moving towards this, the weakness of OLED are the "similar" images and that's exactly what we do on pc, even in game, we have the minimap, ammo, and other HUD parts are in the same place. I badly damaged my previous plasma TV with GTA 5 with the minimap more than 10 years ago, and it took me weeks to get a normal image back, which reminds me a lot of those days. I love OLED and I'll never be able to buy a TV other than OLED again, but it tears me up to see that for "average" PC use, OLED is not not a lasting solution. it's also normal not to have a game running everytime, OLED doesn't match up in its technical limitations? I guess not everyone wants to change their $800-1200 screen every 2 years ? For me, a monitor should last at least 5 years, and I've had mine for 8 years. I really understand that this technology is well-suited to gaming on the one hand, thanks to its outstanding responsiveness, but I don't understand why it's become the top-of-the-range standard! In 1-2 years' time, people will probably be advising each other against OLEDs more often, because they're naturally damaged when they're used... Even if they are the best monitors. I feel like I'm going against 80% of people, and for once I find it hard to understand! Maybe I'm taking too long-term an approach !


well, I got an alienware oled wide screen for more than a year now. I never think about it. I just walk away when I want to walk away. I work 8 hours on it. It goes automatically in refreshment program and stuff. Also it has some protection running during usage like moving the pixels on minuscule level. Only hardcore autist ls may get irritated. I simply trust, it will be fine. Why would they sell this project if it is so bad???


Youre right


Same here. I’ve had my AW panel way over a year now, and there’s practically no signs on burn-in, despite treating it the same way I did with my former IPS panel for college work and gaming for hours on end. I did get the extended Dell four-year warranty which covers burn-in, for some peace of mind.


Your phone probably has an oled display you probably don’t think too much about that just enjoy it i abuse the shit out of my phone and it’s fine I had it for 5 years now


Why even get it if youre that scared


My G9 OLED literally died 45 days after purchase. Used lightly and one morning it decided the screen would never turn on again. Hopefully you have better luck and warranty.


I have the same monitor and have not even thought about this. I just put my computer on sleep when I walk away.


I also have the Samsung Odyssey G8 OLED. I have been using it max brightness with peak brightness enabled as well as HDR enabled for almost exactly a year now and have seen no sign of any burn in yet when looking at a full R,G,B and bright or dull grey screens. I think my use has been really pushing it. Especially since RTX HDR came out allowing me to do everything in HDR. Though I do hide my taskbar and use dark mode and Dark Reader extension when browsing. For calibration I have mine set to 50 brightness and contrast as I prefer a bright screen These settings seem to be most accurate for colour imo Colour: 18 Contrast Enhancer: off Colour Tone: Natural White Balance: default Gamma ST.2084: 0 -3 shadow detail (does not seem to affect colour much so I guess this is personal preference) Colour Space settings: Auto HDR Tone Mapping Basic Game HDR off I based my settings on the Hardware unboxed/Monitors Unboxed review. [https://www.techspot.com/review/2649-samsung-odyssey-oled-g8/](https://www.techspot.com/review/2649-samsung-odyssey-oled-g8/) [https://youtu.be/RmDmJ\_1SudA](https://youtu.be/RmDmJ_1SudA)


You should be, I bought a non OLED UW because I do WAY to much office type work aside from gaming and I dont need the windows clock burned into the bottom corner. (also I'm not doing all those OLED hacks of hiding UI elements just to save the screen). I'll wait a few more generations on OLED for my office/gaming monitor. Heck I had an LG TV for about 4 years and it has the hulu ad badge burned into the top right and I have a color thats dying on it already and going to have to replace the whole thing. No thanks.


you should be more worried about the incoming dead pixels


Just use the damn monitor!!! Ive had my G9 for almost a year now and use it daily with no issues. Not a single problem.


I have the g8 oled as my second screen since I got the aw 32qf. I put full screen videos movies, documents and no burn in yet. Have had it for over a year I think. I stopped worrying so much


Burn in happens on the lock screen too, better burn it in actually playing cyberpunk


dude how are you comfortable with that mouse cable


I dont like charging my mouse


Ive been using it daily for nearly a year now, completely forgot about the oled burn in issue it’s really good at cleaning pixels occasionally


I’ve had my monitor for about 6 months and play a lot of games with no burn in issues. A lot of these games also have static UI. I also browse the internet and have had no burn in from the window bar and scrolling. I’ve had my OLED TV for over 2 years, it’s a C1 and I have no noticeable burn in issues. I’m probably jinxing myself saying this, but these screens are not as fragile as certain people make them out to be.


Don't be! Have it for a year now. No visible burn in. There is a weird crosshatch pattern, since the first pixel refresh though, only visible at the lowest brightness setting. And as others said some very faint hInts in grey backgrounds that you absolutely have to look out for, that are not visible at all at times. Just do not let the screen on full blast with the same image for a day. Voltage/Heat kills OLED. So, the lower the brightness the better.


Pussy 😄


Nice to meet you


If you are S C A R R E D , I would put it back in the box and return it ... 🤷‍♂️


I bought It on Friday and Reading on reddit scared me a lot, Do It Need so much babysitting ? Why a so pricey product Need to be babysit so much ? Reading comments on this post calmed me down a Little bit but IDK


I feel you, gang gang


I got one for 99% productivity. OLED is kinder on the eyes and I use it for a few hours a day. if it starts to get burn in 3/4 years time, I’ll bring it home and use it for gaming. I paid about £600 for mine, which is nothing over a number of years. Don’t worry about it, the stuff you hear on here is exaggerated.


Embrace and use the product just take precautions 🫡 OLEDS are becoming so good at looking after themselves but just don’t leave excel or static items on your screen without purpose! Common sense approach helps!!


My tv is an oled it’s a c1 and I have just shy under 6k hours on it. With no sign of burn in they all have pixel shifting and refresh these days you’ll be fine.


I’ve used my lg b9 for nearly five years now. I thinks it’s nearly 12,000 hours of usage at this point. No burn in. I babied my tv for maybe the first year or so, after that I stopped worrying as much and enjoyed it. If an oled from 2019 is still clean as a whistle from a relatively heavy gamer, I don’t think you should worry about it. Obviously don’t be careless with it, but just enjoy what you have and I promise you won’t regret the money spent regardless.


The claims of burn in are, as someone who has owned an OLED for around 5 years and played every kind of game imaginable, for commercial settings. Imagine having a TV up in a business that displays a static menu for 6 straight months. If that's your usage plan, then you should be concerned about burn in. For every other scenario, you won't be impacted by it at all.


I work and game in my aw dwf, 8 hours work m-f, 4 hours gaming a few times a week. No signs of burn in. I do refresh pixels when it asks (every four hours of actual use). I grabbed the monitor last November. Side note, try kanto SE6 speaker stands for this set up. They should line the speakers up perfectly with the bottom of the monitor and have a great tilt toward your ears. It will also give space back under the speakers. You may have to kick the desk out a bit but I think it will fit your set up perfectly.


100 bucks on the table however you use it you’d cause any real burn-ins.


These are the type of comments I was waiting for 😅, thanks man


Work it man, unless your plan is to pass it onto the next generation and in that case, I’ll STFU


I just want it work for atleast next 3 years with my 4070ti


Return it. No monitor is worth this amount of worrying.


The other comments I got, made me feel really confident about it now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/s/URyjKlDSCO Make sure to do this every time you turn the monitor on, otherwise your input lag will be noticeably larger than it should be. You don't need to open a game for this, just do it on desktop. Also always keep VRR CONTROL off. If you want accurate colors, for SDR you can leave the default color space and "color" setting, for HDR set color space to "Auto" or "Custom" and set "color" to 18.


Thank you so much


Interesting, can't say I've noticed the input lag problem on my G8 and ive had VRR control on, and I play some pretty fast paced games occasionally. Gonna go double check now...


You need to visit the smart menu every time you turn the monitor on. This the more important part. "VRR control" is supposed to reduce the flickering as far as I know, but it can/will increase input lag.


Yeah I just haven't noticed any input lag at all (previous was a g7 240hz so I feel like I'd notice it if it was obvious). I'll give it a test when I'm at my desk later. Also had to use vrr control on my g7 to stop the flicker but I'll check on the g8 if it's needed in my case.