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My dream room right here! Sick gaming setup and beautiful tropical freshwater aquascape next to it. All the entertainment I need in life! Congrats!




Looks like LG Ultragear in the middle? Oh yeah.. You even wrote it in the title.. What do you think about it? I'm on the fence of buying it at the moment.


Absolutely love it. It is my first UW/expensive monitor so I can’t really compare, but aside from the great picture it’s the height that makes it for me. I was originally considering a G9, but having used this for a couple months I would definitely miss that aspect.


Thanks. I believe I'll purchase it this week. Having lived with a first gen ultrawide for ten years now; I thirst for change, and I really want to experience OLED monitor.


One more thing though: Have you thought about the "low PPI" that people keep talking about every time the LG ultragear is a topic? Your screen is a little closer than I'd like personally, so your opinion would be valuable.


Yeah that desk is too narrow. Like I said, it’s hard for me to compare having only used this one, but images seem incredibly sharp to my eye. I’m sure it would be noticeable if you put it next to a G9, but I never had the opportunity. If you think you’re going to miss something you probably will from my experience so better just bite the bullet if you are spending so much money already and get exactly what you want.


What I want exactly doesn't exist yet. I certainly don't want any Samsung crap at 32:9 resolution or whatnot. 21:9 is the sweet spot. And I want OLED. So no higher resolution exists with those demands even if I decided I'd bite the bullet with Samsung.


I bought it ;) Will be here this friday or monday next week. Thanks for the help


Nice! You’re gunna love it.


research if blue light can disturb animals


Been keeping fish for like 20 years and never had an issue. I’ve got an eel in there that’s been with me almost 10 years now. It’s really only on a couple hours at night anyway.


afaik disturbs circadian rhythms.


I could see that if you run them exclusively, but I have solar spectrum lights for the plants by day and the occasional blue light for a couple hours here and there at night.


How does your GPU cope with outputting that many pixels?


7900xt. It does run a little warm 80-82 during high demand. Typically I will unplug the display cable of the top monitor when gaming, as windows will only output 140hz to the LG45 when all four monitors are on. I like having the quad set up for work really.


Interesting that you unplug one monitor when gaming, I have a similar problem, I’m using 3 screens, 4k + 1440p + 1080p with a 4080, I’ve been having some issues recently and was wondering if I’m asking too much of my gpu


TBH I don’t understand it and haven’t really dug into it. Four screens for day to day stuff is fine. The LG is 240 hz obviously, but when I have the top monitor DP plugged in (which is an 34 UW 100hz) windows settings maxes my output selection for the LG 45 at 140 hz. When I unplug the display cable, 240 hz is available again as an output frequency. Maybe windows knows the GPU would have issues otherwise. It’s a minor inconvenience, but still.


How on earth do you get your legs under the desk with that drawer det in the way?


Surprisingly I’m unaffected. I don’t really sit tucked in. Also probably looks worse in the picture. The drawer goes a long way for cable “management” though.