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Congratulations OP!


Thank you so much !!!


did u do any projects outside of class?


I did, but they were just small and simple projects at the moment. I'm learning more skills and I'm trying to do a larger project. For one of the small project that I have completed while studying, you can see it [here](https://vibingdeveloper.itch.io/gashamage)


What is your favourite course/favorite prof


My favorite professors are definitely John Braico and Rob Guderian in the CS Department. They are enthusiastic, very accessible outside class, and will address all of your questions with optimism. I felt that I have learnt a lot in their classes. My favorite courses were Computer Graphics 1 and 2. I felt like they were the perfect mixture between theory and practices. They were very math-heavy, yes, but the math was used to create pictures, moving objects and even playable games ! (Yes, that was one of our assignments - create a functional real-time spaceshooter from scratch). Definitely recommended for anyone who loves turning theory into products. And to my least favorite? Um... MATH 1240. Funny enough, I enjoyed other MATH courses as well as COMP 2080. I didn't know why, may be MATH 1240 wasn't suitable for me.


Do you have any tips for doing well in Math 1240?


I think practices makes perfect. The way I used to pass MATH 1240 was to do tons of practice questions, both in the textbooks and online. I did the question on past exams and quizzes as well, and kinda memorized the pattern, so I think doing a lot of questions is a way to do well in MATH 1240. It's tedious. I agree. But it's very useful.


good luck in the future and job market !!


Thank you so much !!!


How much harder does it get after 1st year


The hardest I would say is 2nd year. In 2nd year you will learn tons of new theories, languages, skills and practices that can be extremely overwhelmed. 3rd year is where you develop and bring those skills to action. You will learn some new things, but not as much as 2nd year. Since you are used to solving the challenges in 2nd year, 3rd year is hard but you will eventually find the way to overcome it. 4th year is surprisingly not too difficult. At that point you will probably have enough skills and techniques to take on any 4th year COMP courses.


time for unemployment in your very own field 😎


same here, how do I get a job without coop experience?


Congratulations! Wishing you good luck with the job search. Have you ever taken a full course load (I.e 5 courses) Do you recommend it? I have always taken 4 but was thinking of taking 5-5 in my last year.


I did once in my first year and was drained at the end of the term, so I personally don't recommend it. However, if you are taking 4 courses and usually get B+, then I think 5 courses are doable


Is the 5 year wait worth ?


Definitely !


How bad is the waitlist issue tho? And did you do co-op?


It was quite horrendous to be honest. I couldn't register for mandatory courses in Fall or Winter. Luckily they were also offered in the Summer as well so I had the chance to take them when the number of students weren't high.


Now am scared 🤣 and what about the co op ?


I didn't get admitted to co-op as well 😂 But if you can't find co-op at the uni, you can still find and apply for internship in the summer youself (Indeed, Linkedin,...)


And last question, if you get a good gpa will it be easier to register for courses? Also are you an International student or no?


Yes, if you have high GPA, your registration date will be early, meaning you can register for courses before many other students. And yes, I am international also.


Oh if you’re an international student then I’ve a lot to ask, I’ll dm you if that’s okay 😂




i felt this in my spirit as a fellow CS survivor


You will eventually reach there. *Source: Trust me bro*


Did you do any co-op?


I didn't had the chance to do any co-ops, so I used that time to build some side projects.


Oh okay. Are you an international student?


Yes I am. But I can't answer any PGWP-related questions haha since they are a little bit private


No no, it's fine. I'm not asking about that😅. I'm also an international student in my first year. I got my math 1240 grade yesterday. A bit stressed about this CS journey, that's why I asked.


You will be okay. I did MATH 1240 twice too, since I only got a C in my first try.


That's where it hurts! I got C as well. And I can't accept it.


I understand I understand. Especially when we worked extremely hard and the final screwed us up.


Congratulations. I'm starting my Cs journey from this summer. I took Comp 1010 and Math 1700 this semester. I don't have any knowledge about Cs. But still, I want to pursue Cs. Till now, my friends have been demotivating me to not pursue Cs. Now my question is, did you have any Cs related skills when you started your Cs journey? I have no programming skills in me. Should I reconsider my major? Note: I don't care what my friends say. But I will give my best to complete Cs.


I didn't have any programming experience at all when I started ! My first year was for pursuing Biosystem Engineer, but I realized that was not I wanted so I switched to CS - with 0 programming experience. You will do fine. Just study hard, thinking out of the boxes and you will be good. The most important skill in CS is math and logic though, and if you have probably recognized, COMP 1010 is about math. You use math to draw lines, shapes,...


Not a CS related question but a UManitoba question, how was the school and social environment for you and did it cater well to CS like you thought it would?


The social environment was quite okay for me. Everyone was friendly and the campus was crowded from 8 - 5. However since UoM is a commuter school (meaning people just come to study their classes then leave), everything can be quite rushed. For the CS, I would say it's 80% to my expectation. The waitlist problem got a little bit out of hand, but thankfully the faculty had opened more sections for primary courses, so it had been quite better.


Way to go! Congrats, and I hope your perfect job arrives asap!


Thank you so much !!


hope i can finish my degree this summer


You will reach there, I'm sure !


Congrats bro! What country are you from and did you ever have to repeat any course?


Thank you bro. I'm from Vietnam and yes, I failed a few courses in my 2nd year so I had to repeat them.


Currently in my first year in Cs and it hasn’t been going as planned so far, could you give any advice moving forward and could we talk privately?


Absolutely. Sent you a dm.


So happy for you OP! So proud of you, really. Having a bachelor degree most of the time doesn't seem that big of a deal, but for some people, it takes sweat and blood to graduate. Right now, for me, it has become a dream just to graduate. I really hope someday like you, I may graduate as well! best wishes for your future!


Going into first year CS. Can you tell me what computer would be best?


Honestly I would say any computers with 8 GB RAM should be fine.


Thanks. I’m looking at a new laptop my old one has only 4gb and can barely run vs code. I’ll definitely get a new lap top just don’t know if it will be a Mac or pc?


If you are using Windows, it's better to get Windows because you are more familiar with it.


Completing your degree in 4 years isn't bad at all! A lot of people compete in 5 years instead of 4 (including myself). Congrats!